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Coursework b section

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Section B – High-level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritization
(40% of the marks)
Remember, a high-level requirement should be a functional requirement that can
be delivered to the user as part of an incremental approach using a timebox (or a
number of timeboxes).
Review the ‘high-level requirements’ list given at the end of Appendix A.
High-level requirement

High-level requirements (HLR) is the generalized requirements of the
system on what it does to support the business. In another word, HLR is the
sketch of the system.
Functional requirement

Functional requirement (FR) is the requirement for the functionality of the
system, FR specifies what system can do and its services (e.g: login, search,
Nonfunctional requirement

The nonfunctional requirement is the requirement to specify what system
should be and its constraint (e.g flexibility, usability…).
B1.1 Identify any of the requirements that you feel are not appropriate high-level
requirements, giving your reasons for this.
Inappropriate high-level requirements for
Ben Brode (CFO)
We also need the following:
 The site should be easy to use and quick to load
 We probably need to arrange for this site to actually “be” on the
 We need to register the web URL Walk2Live.co.uk
Reason: The site should be easy to use and quick to load

The system should replace the current system at our franchise centers
Reason: This requirement has nothing to do with system services or its
function and so it has nothing

Laine Conway (Marketing)
We must ensure that people who use the website can register with their email address and log in so we can have their details to send them marketing
Reason: HLR is the requirement for ‘what system can do’ not ‘ how the
system does it’, the information that used to register an account should be
determined at later step.
John Oldman (Consultant)
For the most part, we can use the system I have already written. You just
need to write the code to connect the database to the frontend – I’ve already
created the database in MS Access.
Reason: Using the already written that has nothing to do with the new
system function or services. besides using the system has already failed to
deliver any of customer requirement is not a good idea
Paige McMan (Franchise owner)
Could I ship online orders in my area and get the money for those sales?
Reason: Getting money from shipping and/ or saying is not what system can

B1.2 Rewrite, and add to, the list to end up with a total of 10-12 high-level
requirements that you feel are required for building the system. Briefly justify the
need for each of your high-level requirements against the information you have
gathered from the case study.
1. Account system for a client (Log in, register)
The account system is important for tracking customer

2. New ‘healthy lifestyle’ style website design
The website should resemble the type product its selling and have a critical
part to the success for the business of the company
3. Payment system
Buying is a critical part for any company want to sell anything.
4. Search and browse product (not require a login)
Important for any company want to sales more than 10 products online
5. Sales management system
Enable to gather product sales online and at centers, and can compare those
gathered data. Sales management system is important for the business of the
entire company because it allows them to understand their customer.
6. A rating system with comment
The direct judgment of the client is important in providing both customer and
company the clear view of the product
7. Ship and gather product management system
Important for shipping department in order to ‘eliminate the need for
customers to visit brick-and-mortar stores’ and allow shipment department
8. Order marketing material
Providing marketing and material for each center is needed
9. Product (Supply) order
Allow centers to order product to their local stores

10.Charities management system (track and communicate) for centers
Ensure the charities event stay in control.
11.Build-in bookkeeping service
Enable Walk2Live company manages the company financial and financial
process easier.
12.Fruit and vegetable fresh – level management system
Ensure the quality and quantity of the product stay in control

13.Client management system (track client, booking classes online, pay
membership fee)
Managing client
14.Client community system
Create a community for W2L
15.Staff management
For tracking staff, staff teaching class and paying staff

B2 Use the MoSCoW rules to prioritize the requirements in your updated ‘high level
requirements list’.

B2.1 Produce an updated ‘ high-level requirements list’ clearly showing the
prioritization you have given to each of your requirements.

Account system for the client (Log in, register)
New ‘healthy lifestyle’ style website design
Payment system
Search and browse product (not require login)
Sales management system
A rating system with comment
Ship and gather product management system
Order marketing material for centers
Product (Supply) order for centers
Charities management system (track and communicate) for
Build-in bookkeeping service
Fruit and vegetable fresh – level management system
Client management system (track client, booking classes
online, pay membership fee)

Client community system
Staff management (track staff, staff –teaching class, pay

MoSCow priority

B2.2 Explain how you set about prioritizing the requirements and justify your
reasons for the decisions that you made
Must have
All ‘must have’ requirement is critical for the system success. Without any
of it, the system will fail
1. Account system for a client (Log in, register)
Critical important for Alive to track client and building the client
management system

2. Payment system
Critical important for the Walk2live business
3. Sales management system
Like any business company, being able to managing sale stats is a must have
4. Ship and gather product management system
Must be included in Alive, to allow Shipping department to ship it dirrectly
to the client and allow the company to ‘selling their health food and
supplements range online to the general public’.
5. Order marketing material
The ablity to orders maketing material is a must have requiremnet because
the marketing material is being sent from the head offices
6. Product (Supply) order
Must be included inside the system in order to allow centers to order the
product for their local shop.
7. Charities management system (track and communicate) for centers
Many centers of Walk2Live need to liaise with charities to host
walkathons, so being able to track and/ or communicate with charities is a
must have requirement for Alive

8. Client management system (track client, booking classes online, pay
membership fee)
Must be included to enable the Alive system to fulfill its purpose, enable
each centers of Walk2Live to “maintain a list of members, with the groups,
classes and programmes that these members are assigned to, according to age
and fitness level”
9. Staff management (track staff, staff –teaching class, pay staff)\
Like Client management Must be included to enable the Alive system to
fulfill its purpose

All won’t requirement is not neccesary and don’t need to include in the first
release of Alive system.
1. Client community system
Online community system design only for Walk2live’s client seem
uneccessary due to there are already many social website that allow company
to create their own page and spread their influent more effectively
All ‘should’ requirement, like ‘must’ requirement, it is important but the
Alive can live without it
1. New ‘healthy lifestyle’ style website design
The appearance of the website is important, how ever the Alive system is not
just for selling product only, it also about managing employee, distribute
marketing material and product to centers, managing staff ….
Even with common design the website of Alive can still sell its product
2. Search and browse product (not require a login)
Find a product is fast and saving time for customer, but without it, the
customer can still find the product they want
3. A rating system with comment

Rating system with comment is great but without a rating system with
comment. The system still work fine

1. Build-in Bookkeeping service
Bookeeping services is nice to have, it saving time and make managing the
center and company finnancial problem but it can be removed if system
development’s timesclases are at risk.
2. Fruit and vegetable fresh – level management system

Like build-in bookkeeping service, Fruit and vegetable fresh – level
management system is ‘nice to have’ but it don’t hold any important position
inside the system and can be removed if project timesclases is short.

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