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1.1. Reason for choosing the topic
In order to keep up with the continuous development of the world,
Vietnam is stepping up industrialization, modernization and integration with the
international community, especially when Viet Nam is officially a member of the
WTO. And Viet Nam is negotiating to become a member of the TPP TransPacific Economic Agreement. The party and the state determine that the decisive
factor is the human resources. The human resources must be developed in both
quantity and quality on the basis of advanced intellectual level. In response to
the demand, the education and training of our country has also gradually
changed from the goals of education and training to the renewal of content,
methods and forms of teaching and learning organization. To contribute
effectively to the preparation of resources for the country. Besides, in order to
broaden the eyes and exchange with other countries in the world, the first thing
to pay attention to is the language level.Which language to communicate in
today's most popular languages is English. From the economic relations, in the
scientific documents, documents ... now mostly in English. Therefore, the
current school system is aimed at solving practical problems and English is the
most important.
Although we are introducing English into the primary school system later
than other subjects, especially in mountainous areas in general and Ngoc Lac in
Thanh Hoa province in particular, it is the key. Opening the treasure of human
knowledge, the common language that ties the world together. So students future human resources, must be proficient in this language with listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills. However, one undeniable fact when
learning a foreign language in general and English in particular is that students
can hear well but say not well. The purpose of learning a foreign language is to
communicate but most students have the mentality of "afraid to speak", shy,
afraid you laugh when speaking wrongly, do not confidently communicate in
English for various reasons such as: No English communication environment,
no speaking at home or no friends to practice communication... This explains in
part why after completion of the elementary program the number of students can
communicate in English at the basic level. The scale is very modest or absent.

Currently, the new elementary English language program is developed from
the point of view of communication as the main objective of the formation and
development of communication skills: Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing
is the ultimate goal of the teaching process. Teaching, teaching and learning
English in elementary schools aims to provide students with the ability to use
English as a basic and relatively advanced communicative tool in the form of
Listening-Speaking - Reading - Writing, towards the formation of the ability to
use English easily, effectively in normal communication.
Besides, the students of My Tan 2 primary school are nearly 100% of
Muong ethnic children, they are still shy and not brave enough to communicate
with those around them, especially new students in class 3. Familiar with

English, speaking skills are limited. I am always anxious to find ways to help
students use English to communicate effectively. However, at present there is no
document that discusses this issue, colleagues and schools have no experience to
overcome. Therefore, in order to solve this urgent problem, with my humble
teaching practice experience and study some references, I boldly put forth ,
"Some measures to help students in grade 3 of My Tan 2 Primary school
develop English speaking skill." I hope with this work is useful for my friends,
colleagues who can refer, apply partly to their work in order to remedy the
situation "learn" not accompanied "act" for the English subject of high school
students in general and Elementary school students in particular.
1.2. Research purposes
- Through this topic, I want to contribute a small part to helping them develop
their speaking skill, for their bravery and self-confidence to reduce, and then
there will be no more short students. Dilemmas and communication are not good
in the classroom, in the classroom as well as in the whole school, the future will
be the schools in the district.

- Improve the quality of teaching and learning English for students grade 3 of
My Tan 2 Primary school, especially speaking.
- Examine your own experiences on how to organize, how to teach, and how
to improve your students' English speaking skill.
1.3. Research subjects
- Some measures to help students in grade 3 of My Tan 2 Primary School
develop English speaking skill.
- Grade 3A, 3B My Tan 2 Primary School, school year 2016-2017.
1.4. Research Methods
- Method construction study theoretical basis; Method actual survey, collecting
information; PP statistics and data processing.
2.1. Theoretical foundation of the experienced initiative
We already know that the Education Law 2005 (Article 5) stipulates that
"educational methods must promote learners' self-efficacy, self-awareness,
initiative and creative thinking, , The ability to practice, the passion of learning
and the will to rise up. "The goal of general education is to" help students
develop holistic, ethical, intellectual, physical and aesthetic. Basic ability,
personal capacity development, dynamism and creativity, socialist personality
formation, character building and civic responsibility, preparing students to
continue to study or go into labor, participate in the construction and defense of
the country" [1].

In part 2.1. from “ educational methods …the country ” is used by reference number 3.


The general education program issued in conjunction with the Decision No.
16/2006 / QĐ-BGDĐT dated May 05, 2006 of the Minister of Education and

Training also stated: "It must promote positive, self-consciousness. Students
'initiative and creativity are in line with the characteristics of the subject, the
characteristics of the students, the conditions of each class, the pupils' selflearning method, the ability to cooperate and practice their skills. Apply
knowledge to reality, affect emotions, bring joy, excitement and responsibility
for learning for students’’ [2].
According to the project "Teaching and learning of foreign languages in
the national education system 2008- 2020 period" to implement the new
program mandatory foreign language training at the School, completed primary
education level 1 qualifications according to the Association of foreign language
testing organizations in Europe issued (abbreviated as Foreign Language
Framework) as 'can understand and use familiar everyday structures; the basic
terms to meet specific communication needs. Can introduce yourself and others;
can respond with information about yourself, such as where to live, relatives /
friends etc ... [3]. Can communicate simply if the dialogue speak slowly and
clearly and is willing to cooperate to help.
2.2. The real situation before applying the experienced initiative
2.2.1. Advantages:
- The leaders and the Education Department always pay attention, instruct,
direct and help promptly in the teaching of foreign languages of the school.
- The school always creates favorable conditions for teaching and learning
foreign languages such as: funding for teaching aids, attendance classes to draw
experience, motivate and promptly encourage teachers and students participate
in competitions: English on-line Olympics ...
- The majority of parents are interested in, helping and coordinating well with
their teachers in teaching and learning English.
- Teachers are enthusiastic, close, eager to learn, professional and always try in
- Students have the eager to learn, learn, explore new subjects.
2.2.2. Disadvantages:
- The school does not have classrooms dedicated to English subjects, audiovisual equipment is limited.

- Most families have difficult economic circumstances, parents have to go to
work far away, no conditions to care about the child's education.
- Some parents do not grasp the importance of English, so there is a negative
attitude to their children's English learning.
- The majority of students are Muong ethnic minority language ability is
limited, shy timid psychology, not brave in front of the crowd leading to
communication skills, especially speaking skills are not good.
In part 2.1. from “ It must be … for students ”is used by reference number 2; from “ Teaching
and learning …friends etc…” is used by reference number 3.


- The majority of students are not aware of the importance of English, so they
have not paid much attention to studying, studying and dealing with homeless
people, especially "afraid to speak". Prolongation will result in the completion of
elementary school students do not communicate basic.
- Some teachers have not prepared the visual acuity is lively, attractive,
teaching organization form is not rich ... so not excited to learn English for
Besides, if you only study in class and do not practice communication, you will
not be able to produce the required language skills. On the other hand, not all
parents know to teach, test, help, guide their children to study at home. This is
also a very difficult problem in supporting learning English for students at home.
- There is no English language environment for students to experience and
practice listening and speaking skills, so students do not have the habit of using
the knowledge they have learned in practice, so when using the language is not
flexible, not natural. Lead to not confident. Since then they "hesitate" to use
second language. As a result, many students get bored, even afraid to learn
English even afraid to learn English. So teachers need to pay attention to this

psychology of students.
- Many extracurricular activities, or English speaking contests, have not yet
been organized to create excitement and opportunities for students to apply
knowledge into practice.
- The amount of English is too small (2 periods per week). There is not much
time for students to deepen their knowledge, skills and practice in class.
- Crowded classroom makes teachers unable to cover all students. Some
disadvantaged families do not qualify for textbooks or homework assignments,
so home study and review is limited.
2.2.3. Survey results
Survey results students’ speaking skill in grade 3 of My Tan 2 primary
school at the beginning of the school year 2016-2017 as follows:






* Data analysis
From the survey results, the English language skills of the students were very
limited. Only 61.1% of the students completed the survey, while the remaining
38.9% asked and answered only 1, 2 or 3 sentences not even sentences. So if
there are no positive, timely effects to change the situation then the student will
not be able to communicate in English at A1 at the completion of primary
school. So I studied the practice, consulted friends, colleagues, books, the

internet ... to find out some of the measures below to overcome some of the
limitations of English speaking skill of students in grade 3 at My Tan 2 primary
school .
2.3. Innovations or solutions used to solve the problem
Measure 1: Organize extra-curricular activities [4]

- Purpose: To create a natural English speaking environment, students have
the opportunity to experience knowledge in practice.
- Content and method: Organize extra fun, healthy and useful activities such
as English club, English quiz, English singing contest, drama, storytelling,
ringing Gold, English-speaking festival.... Extracurricular activities must ensure
that the opportunity for students to use the knowledge they have learned in
communicating in specific situations and content must revolve around themes
attached. With reality around their lives. Since then they have more motivation
and interest to learn English effectively.
Measure 2: Organize learning activities, play with excitement to create
interesting learning [4]
- Purpose: Create interesting learning experiences for students, evoke passion
in English.
- Contents and methods: Preparing the visual lively, attractive, flexible
application of various forms of teaching organization. The student should use a
lot of English and practice correct pronunciation, phonetics and intonation in
class. Organize activities for the first 15 minutes in English once a week ...
Organize diverse, regular games.
* The game should use regularly:
Game 1: The flower bloom [5]
- Purpose: Forging the listening and speaking skills are structured into some
simple sentence patterns learned.
- Preparation: An ornamental bonsai with colored paper flowers in which
questions are written in English. For example: What is your name? ...
- How to play: Let the children play in the classroom, in turn to pick up
flowers. Which flower pickers, then read the question of flowers for the class to
hear and answer questions in front of the class. Those who answer correctly are
rewarded and given a reward.
- The end of the game: Bring back the correct and fast answers. Teachers
comment on the mistakes students make.

Game 2: Small talk (whisper) [5]
- Purpose: Forging the listening and pronunciation skills of words or
- Preparation: Some words or sentences according to the content of the lesson.
In part 2.3. Measure 1 and Measure 2 are used by reference number 4; Game 1 and Game 2
are used by reference number 5.


- How to play: Have them play in groups of 4 or 5 or in sequence. The teacher
will whisper directly a word or phrase to the first friend of group, the first one
will talk from the teacher heard in the second ear. Continue to the last of the
group will say the word or sentence up if the correct 5 points are wrong to say
no point.
- The end of the game: The end of the game is the team that wins many points.
* Note: Each turn on which no team on the board is drawn a stroke.
Game 3: Lucky number [5]
- Purpose: Create exciting atmosphere, high concentration in class.
- Preparation: Teachers have prepared some questions and answers that follow
the lesson.
- How to play: The teacher consists of 15 squares and records any 15 natural
numbers, which correspond to those 12 questions that students must answer, 3
sentences are 3 numbers which are number lucky. Each lucky number is each of
10 and does not need to answer the question. The teacher divides the class into
two teams and named, each team appoints a team leader to check whether the
first team member is in the group and discuss the decision to choose the leader.
There is a question, the teacher reads the question and the group must discuss
the answer, the correct answer is 10 points; If the wrong team is entitled to
answer. Select the lucky number box does not answer the question is still 10

points. Second time to another team select the cell and do the same for the first
time.... until all the numbers on the board have been chosen then the game ends.
- The end of the game: If the team scores multiple points the most that team
will be won.
* Note: Can be changed to increase competition, create exciting atmosphere
by setting the points, in 15 cells, 12 cells have 5 points, 2 cells have 10 cells and
a special box is 20 points . The question can be changed according to the content
and time allowed.
Game 4: Slap the board [6]
- Purpose:
+ Practice reading and reinforcing listening comprehension and word
recognition skills.
+ Practise students’ fast reflex .
- Preparation: Vocabulary learned, pastels.
- How to play: The teacher introduces the name of the game and draws a
number of different figures on the board: circles, triangles, squares, rectangles,
diamonds, and loops. Then record some new words to learn in the above picture.
Play in the team, the teacher divided the class into two teams and named each
team, each team nominates each team should play with the other team. The two
of you stand in front of the table at a certain distance and listen to the teacher
read the words and quickly hit the teacher's hand as read on the board, anyone
beat fast and right will bring back his team 1 point. Continuing with another
pair, the end is the number of words the teacher has written on the board.
In this page Game 3 is used by reference number 5; Game 4 is used by reference number 6.


- The end of the game: If the team scores multiple points then the team wins,
the winner will be given a clap.

* Note: This game can also nominate a good friend to read any words on the
board for two of you to hear and read the words read. Students can play in pairs
or groups.
Game 5: Hangman (Hangman) [5]
- Purpose: Create a fun and enthusiastic learning environment that helps
students review and test their vocabulary.
- Preparation: Words to play.






- How to play :
General implementation steps:
The teacher suggests the number of letters of the word to be guessed by the
number of dashes on the board.
Ask the students to guess by word in the word.
If the student guesses wrong, the teacher tiles a brick (in the order in the figure)
Students guess wrong 8 times then lose, teachers answer from.
Just like the general implementation steps as above, this game has no

competition between the two teams. So, in the process of implementing most of
the teachers there is a little modification to increase the appeal of the game. For
example, the teacher can divide the class into two teams and the teacher prepares
two different vocabularies for the two teams, the team that has more answers
then the team will win.
In this page Game 5 is used by reference number 5; Example is used by reference number 7.


Alternatively, the teacher can divide the class into 4 teams, for the teams to
choose from and to make quizzes (team 1 quiz team 2, team 2 quad team 3, quad
team quad team quad, quad quad team quad)
Having students fill in the game is also a way to increase student activeness
while reducing the work load for teachers in the classroom.
Divide the class into 2 or 3 teams and name each team at the foot of the hangar
that the teacher draws on the board. The teacher sets the topic and asks students
to find a five-letter word, then each one has a brother on the board to write the
word out and read aloud to the class.
Continuing the second time, each team would choose a volunteer on the
board to find the required number of letters from the teacher.
-The end of the game: Give the applause to the winning team.
- Purpose:
+ Practice reading and reinforcing listening comprehension and word
recognition skills.
+ Practise students’ fast reflex .
- Preparation: Vocabulary learned, pastels.
- How to play: The teacher introduces the name of the game and draws a
number of different figures on the board: circles, triangles, squares, rectangles,
diamonds, and loops. Then record some new words to learn in the above picture.

Play in the team, the teacher divided the class into two teams and named each
team, each team nominates each team should play with the other team. The two
of you stand in front of the table at a certain distance and listen to the teacher
read the words and quickly hit the teacher's hand as read on the board, anyone
beat fast and right will bring back his team 1 point. Continuing with another
pair, the end is the number of words the teacher has written on the board.
- The end of the game: If the team scores multiple points then the team wins,
the winner will be given a clap.
* Note: This game can also nominate a good friend to read any words on the
board for two of you to hear and read the words read. Students can play in pairs
Game 6: Bees look for words [5]
- Purpose: To consolidate knowledge, memorize words, and apply skills to use
sentence patterns.
- Preparation: Two flowers of five flowers, one color per flower, on the petals
write the numbers as follows, the back with magnet attached.








In this page Game 6 is used by reference number 5.


+ 10 bees on the body with the following letters, the back with magnets








+ Pastel

- How to play: Choose 2 teams, each team 5 children. Teachers split the board
into two, each with a flower and five bees in the same order, and introduced the
name of the game. She has two flowers, numbers are on the petals, and the bees
carry on her the corresponding letters, and her task is to lead the bees to the
appropriate number.
Two teams are placed in two vertical lines, when you hear the "start"
command, you turn each bee to the appropriate number. First you finish second
and turn to finish. In the end, the team is fast and the team wins.
-The end of the game: Praise and give a cheering crown to the winning team.
* Note: It is possible to replace numbers in the petals with English words and
vice versa. In addition, there may also be an unsuitable word on each flower to
see if the bees find their way home.
Game 7: Power Transmission [5]
- Purpose: Help them test their vocabulary and change the atmosphere in their
- Preparation: Vocabulary, sentences
- How to play: The class sitting on the spot, the teacher sets the rules of the
game and calls starting from a young brother to stand up to speak a verb in
English, and quickly to any other friend to " At this point, B must say a verb, if it
is correct then only fast to any C to transmit the next. Just do it if you do not say
it, you have to hop around the classroom.
- The end of the game: Praise and give a cheery applause for you right and
* Note: Teachers must distinguish and analyze words from the right students
(you can say nouns, verbs or adjectives, etc.) to good and average grades. No
need to distinguish from the type. This game is not fussy but still creates a fun
atmosphere, exciting and exciting during school hours for children.
Game 8: Bingo [6]
- Purpose: To consolidate, deepen knowledge and attract students to study.
In this page Game 7 is used by reference number 5; Game 8 is used by reference number 6.


- Preparation: Words to play.
- How to play: Play the checkered flag. The teacher on the panel of 16 squares,
consisting of 4 vertical boxes and 4 horizontal boxes and the teacher filled in
that 16 numbers any of the 16 questions there are 16 corresponding questions
are given according to the content of the lesson, divided make 2 teams and
assign team A to X, Team B to O. First, each team sends a team leader to pick
the umlaut, the teacher will mark the team's badge in the box, and read the
assigned question in each box for the other team to answer. In the end, the team
that picked the umbrella that placed the 3 symbols of their team in straight line,
vertical or diagonal, shouted Bingo.
-The end of the game: Give the applause to the winning team.
Measure 3: Raise awareness for parents, students about the importance
of English.
- Purpose: To help students and parents recognize the importance of English.
Content and Implementation: Propagate and make realistic requests so students
and parents are aware of the importance of English. Ask the supervisor to
coordinate with the grassroots level and related organizations to organize
exchanges, English-speaking holidays, English clubs .... From there students and
parents will be active in learning English.
Measure 4: Guide students to study at home [8]
- Purpose: Practice speaking at home.
- Contents and Procedures: Instruct students to practice speaking at home by
speaking to their family members who know English as simple as structuring
conversational roles. If no-one knows English in the family, they can use
mirrors, teddy bears or animals, favorite toys to talk in English like two
shoulders. Watching movies, news or listening to songs in English is also a good

way to practice listening, speaking English.
Teachers routinely test speaking in many forms at the beginning of the
lesson, for example, for children to play games or for the children to play, to
build a conversation in the same way as the current lesson, with real situations.
Help them remember longer, communicate better.
Measure 5: Divide the group into groups according to the village and
the place where they live.
- Purpose: Students help each other to learn, have a practice speaking partner.
- Content and Procedure: Arrange neighborhood students into home study
groups. The best student nominee to lead the team is to help students learn at
home, practice speaking English, checking each other. At the same time,
learning and playing create a comfortable psychology to help students become
more confident in their speaking skills.
Measure 6: Coordinate with organizations and mass organizations [8]
- Purpose: Facilitate effective teaching and learning.
In this page Measure 4 and Measure 6 are used by reference number 8.


- Content and procedure: Inviting mass organizations and parents to
facilitate the purchase of the necessary textbooks and learning resources for
students. It is suggested that the school step by step mobilize funds to invest in
audio-visual equipment for teaching and learning foreign languages with high
2.4. The effectiveness of experience initiatives for educational activities, with
self, colleagues and the school
- The quality of teaching and learning English is positive.
- The lessons become more vibrant and lively.
- Many students are brave, confident speaking English and communicating

with friends and teachers very naturally.
- Improved language skills, especially speaking skill.
- Slow learners can ask and answer simple questions about personal
- Students are more excited, more interested in English.
- The learning movement in English in grade 3 and in the whole school
increased markedly.
* The survey results of students’ English speaking skill in grade 3 of My
Tan 2 primary school in the middle of second semester of 2016-2017 are as






After the research and implementation, with efforts to find a way to
overcome the restrictions in English speaking of students grade 3 at the
beginning of the year I have obtained the above results. Looking at this survey
we can see that there have been significant changes in numbers at different
levels. The number of students who reported speaking skills increased compared
to the beginning of the year, and in particular, the number of students who did
not pass the test was significantly reduced. Quality has also changed positively.
They are more confident, more confident, and have a clear word from there.
Many students have the will to overcome difficulties, study hard, love English.
* Conclusion
The measures I have introduced above have helped to improve somewhat
the "speaking" situation of English students of Primary school in general and
students at grade 3 of My tan 2 Primary school in particular, they have

advanced department in the subject area, especially in speaking. Students are
more confident, more receptive, able to ask and respond quickly to flexible use
of the sentence patterns in the unit.
However, there are still some students who have not met because this work
needs a long and continuous process so I will try to make every effort so that
after this school year there are no students in grade 3 of My Tan 2 Primary
School do not know how to ask and respond to personal information.
With this experience, colleagues can select and refer to the teaching process,
thereby promoting the teaching and learning movement in English as a whole, at
school as well as in the district.
* Request
To achieve the objectives of teaching and learning foreign languages
project I propose:
- The leaders, the mass organizations, the regional development organizations
pay attention and create more favorable conditions for the teaching and learning
English of the primary schools in general and My Tan 2 primay school in
particular. .
- Increase teaching time - study English up to 4 periods / week.
- Especially organized more extracurricular activities such as "English
speaking festival", exchange English club ..., it acts as a motivating force
promoting English learning and learning movement of district students home.
- Organize for English language teachers to visit, learn from experience,
improve their language skills in places where they have an English speaking
environment or where the English language teaching and learning movement is
- The school supports the purchase of some necessary teaching aids for
English. Interested, create conditions to encourage and motivate teachers and
students in activities related to English.
- Parents are interested in creating favorable conditions for teachers and
students to have sufficient means, utensils, textbooks ... for teaching and

learning English to achieve high results.
I hope to receive the sincere feedback of my friends, colleagues, mass
organizations, individuals in this experience idea to give me more experience to
help students learn and speak English better.
Finally, I sincerely thank you!
My Tan, March 15th 2017
I swear to write this initiative experience
by myself, do not copy the content of other

Bui Thi Thuy

