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15 ways to create remarkable content kho tai lieu tong hop

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The 7'rajflc Vault





1. Write guest posts
Guest posting on other websites exposes you to new readers on popular blogs, sends traffic
back to your site, and quickly builds your authority. (Check out the How to Guest Postfor
High-Traffic Websites PDF in the Traffic Vault.) Here's a great example:
The 7 Things I Did To Lose 220 Pounds Without Dieting: This article has a great narrative
and stays at the right level of detail. It smartly gives away the "what" without revealing the
"how." It also has a clear call to action (CTA) for readers to click back to his website .


Never Stop lmptovingl


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The 7 Things I Did To Lose 220 Pounds Without Dieting

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27 4





2.1nterview experts
One way to quickly create noteworthy content is to interview the experts in your space.
Here's an email I received from another website pitching me to do a Q&A:
I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a Q&A with [website]? You seem like
an excellent interviewee for our [category] piece.
You can see a recent sample of this interview here: [LINK]
These Q&As usually rank well in the search engines and could be some good exposure for
If you're interested, I would be more than happy to hear from you!

Note how the email is brief, respectful, and says exactly what's in it for me.
The master of persuasion: Interview with BJ Fogg: I did an aud io interview with my mentor
BJ Fogg and turned it into an opt-in offer. Notice how instead ofjust "putting it out there," I
took the time to give my readers a list of things they'll learn in the interview.
Ramit Sethi Exposed: How He Earns Millions Blogging: Here's a more advanced example
that combines tactics #1 and #2. Michael interviewed me, then published the interview as a
guest post on a huge website (ProBlogger). You can bet he got a ton of traffic from both
our sites!

http ://www.iwi ll teachyoutobl?rich.com/b log/case-study-how-juli a-weot.from- 8-t o-125-~r-hour/

Ramlt Sethi Exposed: How He Earns Mllllons Blogglng

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RamJt Se.t hl and I Will Teach You To 86 •R ich





3. Create case studies
Case Study: How Julia went from $8 to $125 per hour: If someone's ever gotten results from
working with you, get their permission and write a case study about them. Case studies are
great because t hey're both content AND proof that you can drive results .


Julia mil!M 5200 fOr her flrtt two-houf


~~wed~~ "I used thoexactsame~t- 1t'1

Psomeone's facelookal Ctill;'(.and pecple ant·~ cn!Wdoed

a1COrld aoll'la 'Oh. lhl! is so IVeat.. afld peeple tip really well. At
tlw!y palCI 11'16 S200 fot 1M two-hour and I ~


$300 '"tipS."

1M. it t.L.WTIS out IN bia money bIn ~nUOM.
't BOt someone on~ lose~ o1 ~of <tJ tt>o
martr.~Jna people putdna on conventJons near mt apattrn~~nt.
Thoen I started reac:hlna cut to them one by one. These 8U:I'S
ate 4lleady S()efl(f>na ~M&If not hundr6ds of thousands of
(fOI.Vs M tile-. so wN.t's anotiW!t toor ~d buclc:!l?
And With d rrry rwm mar~na.l used my Earn1K scnPt- tt's
II"IY litue Silver bullet."

4. Feature up & coming talent

Friday Entrepreneurs: In the early years ofiWT, I'd invite interesting entrepreneurs to write
guest posts on my blog (usually in the form of easy form interviews that took little time to
prepare). This is totally win-win: Every entrepreneur loves exposure, and was able to share
valuable content with my readers.

5. Encourage user-generated content
Money Diaries: Sometimes the most remarkable content doesn't even have to be written by
you! In my Money Diaries series, I encouraged readers to log their spending and then send
their d iaries to me (with their permission to share). All I did was simply pick the best and
publish it them. This ended up being some of my most popular content ever.


3 of


6. Analyze what others do well
The Ram it Sethi Formula: How to get a crap ton of email subscribers: Here's someone who
did an in-depth analysis of my website and business. This is smart for a number of reasons:
First, someone searching for my name might stumble upon his post. Second, it catches my
attention (via Google Alerts) and increases the chance that I might link to or reach out
to him .


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8fl ~ lloCtlc IA6d b)' R.ttl s.cr.. Thla UICtlc produced. etlfl tCC'I "'

4lm&lla kw hiS Qt. tN01 500 CCJI'IItiWtlt W .-.IN~ ~ty back Ink$.

The 'Pe:: Boy' For'nU3
"""'Pnl Rynn· ~

The 'Ramit Seth1' Formula

lhi ' GIIy ~· P:oml.lltl

nw ·Dmle Jolly'


The IAttl!rmal'!' F~

(!) Write Blog Post

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®Interview Experts



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Case Study: 2 Bloggers Who Stepped Up Their Style: Here's a great example that shows how
analyzing others can get you traffic, even if they're in an entirely different field. This person
(who has an amazingly well-positioned style website) did a style analysis of two popular
online marketers, Derek Halpern and Pat Flynn. Derek then shared the link on h is Facebook


4 of


7. Review other products & services
Book Review on Performance Chasing and Market Timing: I used to write reviews on books
I found really interesting. For this review, I took it a step further and coordinated with the
publishers to send me a free copy (which I then gave away to my readers).
You can also monetize reviews by adding affiliate links (e.g. via Amazon Associates). Be sure
not to overdo this, though, or you'll fall into the trap of becoming another low-value affiliate
review site.

8. Do a teardown

The Saddest SaaS Pricing Pages of the Year: This is a great article that not only critiques
current industry practices, but also educates its readers and establishes the writer as an

overcoming the "Too Many Check Mark$" Ptoblem
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Derek Halpern's Site Reviews: One of my friends, Derek Halpern, got considerable traffic for
his own website by diagnosing other people's websites on video. This is an amazing way to
build traffic and credibility quickly: It's fast, it's easy (for Derek), and it's highly beneficial
for both the sites he reviews and their respective readers.


5 of


9. Start a challenge
Set challenges that move your audience towards a specific goal. The more results they get
from working with you, the more they'll trust what you have to say. This is a bit advanced,
so I recommend you do this only after you have AT LEAST 1,000 visitors/day. Here are some

Announcing The Save $1,000 In 30 Days Challenge: In late 2008, I did a 30 day challenge
called Save $1,ooo in 30 days. It got me the biggest boost ever up to that point in terms of
traffic and subscribers .

fblog/ announcing.tha-save-t 000-in-30-days-challenge/

Hope1\;lly i W111, too. That's~ l w.t ~~ ..,
the ~.and 11 c::hror*::l. my ~41ong With

Now what?

'thJs $1.VtS t.Omclr.ow, Saturday, N~ 1sa. e~ bed< to

mw:t _ ..... "

Ll....l;t- ,wt~.com iiVIfYdlyforthl


Nlllst of tips
T~tl l; 1\.Qc ,,,r!ll::t-..a:s for 1M! rut of tne1 'M!Cio
Tip 1112: rn )'OUr lhl:rr'nO~ tll1 down 3 degree

TiD 1113:

~ncll'w1a on aBly IQQ.IIy


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Tip 115: ()p~Jmia rfNfCC~ bill

np ·~ w.G ~ I)OO;CS to bocon'lll your cr.Y1111odi:C (li(KI
Til:! i17: Crcoll0 lol "Ng ~· dOitonc;G o wKj.,
T•P U ; IIT>'*""Cnt lila l'o lJI C.rte Method
Tip 819; 01 1 tilly ftC'N ~ ...-non 11:0~ 110fl1Gl.lmi Clll:l
TlP 1!10: t.....a tho f~; l't1Wards ftom)'OIJfc:rcdil. c;llTiD I ll: 1\r.:Wr Dol)' fLJtl n:o:AJ tJ


One challenge that's incredibly popular
on social media is the Green Juice Challenge. People participate
by posting up pictures of their green smoothies for accountability,
which snowballed into a huge social phenomenon.

(#greenjuicechallenge on Instagram)


6 of


10. Have a perspective
I went to this restaurant , Hu Kitchen, a Paleo restaurant. Inside, they had screens sharing
their perspective on food. For example, "Pull vegetables and fruits to the center of the
plate; p ush animal protein to the edges. We don't want to push animal protein off the plate
altogether, but we're making plants the main event again."
The principle we can use here is to HAVE A PERSPECTIVE. Ifyou find thatyourwayofthinking
contradicts common knowledge, talk about it! Here are some examples:
The psychology of cutting back on lattes: Whereas most personal finance bloggers and
experts t alk endlessly about frugality and saving money, I talked about sp ending more on
the t hings you love. If a rich life to you means buying lattes, then do it.

The psychology of cutting
back on lattes


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$(T>4I) . , _ lol<(t Ill\~

f'rulalill)l zealotsdon'L understat'oCi this al'ld i1CC\JSIIII"8 of

~ ~t p.ople ""'t ~their ~1'1$0$ lind !hot.
gasp. IS It REAU.Y Lha1 ~to cut t>ackont.llili st.rtf1
~ Mll r.ghL In ee~ral. pea~ ea:n'\ rnanaa111 their

~ And~ lt lUxtf~l'...,...,M!!I

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Why 'Follow Your Passion' Is Bizarre Advice: Cal Newport's philosophy goes against a piece
of advice that people in their 20's and 30's hear everywhere- "follow you r passion." Instead,
he advocates having passion follow you.


7 of


11. Give people a "Magic Bullet"
If you fi nd that one piece of your advice resonates extremely well with people, turn it into a
"magic bullet"- a uniquely branded technique or solution that solves a common pain point.
Here are some examples:
Tim Ferriss' Slow Carb Diet: What makes Tim's diet remarkable is the inclusion of a "cheat
day," and the success his readers have with losing weight.


h ttp:./twww.fourhourwoc1c:week.com/b log/2007/G4/06/how-to-lose-10-lbs-of-f,u-i n-30-d~ys-without-doing-any-e-xercise/



IWT Briefcase Technique: Th is negotiation
tech nique helps my readers with jobs or consulting
businesses earn more money.
Dave Aprey's Bulletproof Coffee: "Bulletproof" coffee
is an unusual solution to your morning meal. It keeps
you full u ntil afternoon, requires little setup, and
helps you lose weight.
Derek Halpern's Feature Box: Derek's featu re box
helps websites collect more email subscribers.

(top image source)
(right image source)


8 of


12. Share remarkable stories
If you have a truly remarkable story that's relevant to your business, share it! Here are some
How Do You KNOW When You've H it Bottom: James Altucher shares a highly vulnerable story
about life and failure.
Mas ala Body: This article shares a quick story that most busy women can empathize with.
Like Nagina, they don't have enough time to stay healthy.

http:ltwww.muala:body.com/1/post/2013/ lOiw~come-to·masala-body. html


Welcome to Masala Body
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moro - . : y -
Welcome to Masala Body!




Welt~ to MiKala Sbdy. llost <10 pounos ,g a busy worklf11!


motller -and I now 1\aive so mucl'l


I dllCUillefltl!'d al Ofn'lil ri!(j~ ullng out otdefs ilnd spK~flc ~ cl'tlnge~ I mad@ that Wl!!l!
key to Mlping me lose! -&nt-


~up balow for
rcctpas end l1ps to
lost! WDighl and gmn
morn llnCI'gy nnd

9 of


13. Present information in a new or interesting way
Gaping Void: Hugh MacLeod uses a combination of hand drawn ca rtoons and text to teach
about business culture .


AliT fOlt OFflt!S




The Internet is ready for a
new cultural shift. Discuss.
rErroneous 8ellef": !he very first cartoon I ever
published online. bof llf~times ago lli<.J 1. One of the early inventors of
blogglng.. my old friend Oto fedolm tnat thlng that blogglng was forst
designed iOf. Slogging needs our help, ne tells us.

rhe mlss1on of[...]

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14. Do something fun
Simple Pickup: A group of college friends who recorded funny, good-natured videos of
themselves approaching women. Their YouTube channel quickly went viral, and they went on
to create a premium course.





15. Get people results
Teach your audience what they want to learn so they can get a specific result. This can range
from simple how-to's to entire definitive guides or walkthroughs. The more results you can

get your readers, the more they'll trust you and stick with you. Here are some examples:
Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes: How-to articles like this
one are great for getting your readers quick results.
Ectomorph Aesthetics (Long Article): This is a great piece targeted at skinny guys
(ectomorphs) on how to look more attractive to women. It provides clear illustrations and
even cites relevant studies .

http:Jibonytobeastly.com/ectomorph-Ciesthetlcs-fu i i -Cirticl ~/





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