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Question 1-5: Circle the correct option (A, B, C or D) for each of the following questions.
1. A lot of teachers have ______________ their lives to the development of education in Viet Nam.
A. sacrificed
B. shared
C. promoted
D. devoted
2. Being helpful is good, but don't allow others to ______________ advantage of your generosity.
A. get
B. use
C. make
D. take
3. We should never let misfortune and disabilities get in our ______________ to success.
A. road
B. route
C. path
D. way
4. These days people are ______________ with stories in the newspapers or on the Internet about
A. covered
B. given
C. full
D. overwhelmed
5. He is such a __________ writer. Many people respect and admire him.
A. distinguished B. distinguishing
C. distinctive
D. distinction
Question 6-10: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
6. Concerns about this backward pig-slaughter festival have been raised not only by international
animal rights groups ________.
A. and also the authorities

B. but also the authorities
C. and also by the authorities
D. but also by the authorities
7. Most people are highly devoted to the values of the community they come from. However, they
are becoming ________ to other cultures and beliefs.
A. more sympathetic than
B. more and more sympathetic
C. as sympathetic as
D. more and more sympathetic than
8. As Viet Nam is becoming part of the international community, it is important that its festivals
________ any inappropriate rituals.
A. do not include
B. not include
C. will not include
D. would not include
9. People who want to learn a new language like social media because they can be exposed ________
authentic language use online.
A. with
B. to
C. on
D. by
10. Microblogging can promote laziness and poor writing skills because students tend to post very
short messages and rely heavily ________ the Internet as their source of information.
A. on
B. to
C. under
D. over
Question 11-15: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
11. As she travelled to more places, she started to realise that her hometown seemed ________.
A. beautiful and beautiful

B. more and more beautiful
C. more beautiful than
D. most and most beautiful
12. Your review of the three short stories should not be less than 2,000 words, nor _______ more than
A. should it be
B. it should be
C. is it
D. it is
13. _______, the planet will be in danger.
A. Unless we take steps to preserve natural
B. Unless we took steps to preserve natural
C. If we take steps to preserve natural resources D. If we took steps to preserve natural
14. My local hockey team are an embarrassment to everyone. The season will finish in two weeks
and they ________ a single game!
A. haven't won
B. haven't been
C. hadn't won
D. aren't winning
15. By the time I got to the office, the meeting ________ without me. The boss was furious.
A. has already begun
B. had already begun
C. has already been
D. had already been beginning
Question 16-21: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
16. The burning of fossil fuels emits harmful gases, _________ people still use them for heating and

A. and
B. so
C. however
D. but
17. Nguyen Trai was one of the greatest ________ in Vietnamese history and literature.
A. figure
B. character
C. star
D. celebrity
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18. Ludwig van Beethoven was regarded as one of the most ________ musicians to even walk this great
A. talented
B. proficient
C. able
D. expert
19. ________ can cause problems such as transport congestion, lack of sufficient housing, over-rapid
growth and environmental degradation.
A. Urbanization
B. Modernization
C. Industrialization
D. Globalization
20. The term "________ sprawl" refers to the migration of a population from populated towns and
cities to low density residential development over more and more rural land.
A. urban

B. rural
C. suburban
D. mountainous
21. These days people are using corn to make bio-fuel, which may lead _________ food shortages.
A. for
B. up to
C. in
D. to
Question 22-24: Circle the correct option (A, B, C or D) for each of the following questions.
22. This disaster is a clear _________ of the need for tighter control.
A. confirmation
B. demonstration C. evidence
D. sign
23. Life has been transformed significantly by the ________ of the world wide web.
A. approach
B. discovery
C. advent
D. method
24. Through hard work and __________, he gradually worked his way up to the top.
A. consciousness B. perseverance
C. struggle
D. persecution
Question 25-26: Circle the correct option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following
James: One thing we could do is to convince everyone in the world to use less energy.
(25) _________________________________________________
A. I think you're right.
B. People are using renewable energy.
C. Don't worry.

D. That's very kind of you, but actually…
Patrick: Do you think that the government should force people to use less energy?
(26) _________________________________________________
A. What do you think about that?
B. You're wrong about that.
C. When will people use less energy?
D. That would be a great idea.
Question 27-31: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
27. The head teacher had requested that all the exercises ________ before he dismissed the class.
A. were completed
B. complete
C. be completed
D. completed
28. The house was quiet when we got home last night. Everyone ________ to bed.
A. went
B. had gone
C. was going
D. would go
29. People should neither throw rubbish in the park ________ the trees in the park.
A. nor cut down
B. nor should cut down C. or cut down
D. or should cut
30. ________ eco-friendly reading space is likely to create ________ favourable impression on ________
library users, and bring ________ significant educational benefits.
A. A/ a/ the/ the
B. An/ a/ Ø/ Ø
C. The/ the/ Ø/ Ø
D. The/ the/ the/ the

31. Air conditioning can help us to enjoy our lives better; ________, we should use solar energy to avoid
depleting energy sources.
A. but
B. however
C. although
D. yet
Question 32-36: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
32. While I _____________ the trumpet late last night, a neighbor came to complain.
A. practise
B. practised
C. were practising
D. was practising
33. I've heard there's _____________ new sports shop in town. Let’s see what they have.
A. Ø
B. the
C. an
D. a
34. They haven't _____________ yet, but they should be here soon.
A. arrive
B. arriving
C. been arriving
D. arrived
35. The local authorities are discussing _________ measures to eliminate air pollution in the area.
A. on
B. about
C. upon
D. Ø
36. When they let us go in, we _________ outside the exam room for over half an hour.
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A. have stood
B. are standing
C. have been standing D. had been standing
Question 1-15: Circle the correct option (A, B, C or D) for each of the following questions.
1.It is recommended that people _____________ regular exercise.

B.to take



2.In the past, families were bigger because people ______________ more children.
A.were having



D.have had

3.The police have advised people that their doors ______________ locked at all times.
A.be kept


C.to be kept

D.being kept

4.When I _______________ reading The Quiet American, I wanted to read other novels by Graham Greene.
A.was finishing

B.used to finish



5.______________ water is considered _________ vital source of life, but _________ water of Colox City is so
polluted that people could die if they only drank __________ drop of it.




6. More than ten students have failed the exams, which ___________ the class teacher.
A.had surprised

B.have surprising

C.is surprising


7.How much do you charge ___________ a bunch of red roses?




8.Before the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, many Germans ___________ that the German army ___________.
A.had not believed/was defeated

B.did not believe/had been defeated

C.were not believing/have been defeated

D.have not believed/had been defeated

9.He ___________ about his noisy neighbours five times today.
A.has been complaining

B.has complained

C.would complain

D.used to complain

10.As the plane was climbing __________________ into the sky, the ground was getting ______ away.
A.higher/far and far

B.higher/a little further

C.higher and higher/further and further

D.highest and highest/furthest and

11.I am exhausted. I ___________ around the whole afternoon trying to clean the house before the
guests arrive.

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A.have been running

B.have run

C.be running


12.I ___________ Mary since this morning. Do you have any idea where she is?
A.have been phoned

B.am phoning

C.have phoned

D.have been phoning

13.He is not __________ and finds it difficult to pay for daily necessities.



D.best paid

14.There have been ___________ efforts to reduce the impact of global warming on the planet.
A.world wide




15.When I lived in London, I often visited ___________ British Museum and _____ Tower Bridge.




Question 16-20. Read the text and complete the sentences with the best answers by circling A,
B, C or D.
Lee Kuan Yew - the founding father of modern Singapore
Lee Kuan Yew was appointed as the first prime minister of Singapore in 1959 when the nation
became a self-governing state. At that time, Singapore per capita income was only about USD400.
When Lee stepped down in 1990, the gure was USD11,000 and in 2014 it went up to over 56,000,
even higher than that of its former colonizer, Great Britain. In his memoirs published in 2000, he
wrote ‛They laughed at us, but I was confident that we would have the last laugh.’
Born into a middle-class Chinese family in Singapore, Lee was in fluenced by the language and
institutions of the British rulers. He was destined to go to the UK to study law, but the Second World
War broke out and he had to go to the local Raffles College where he learnt some economics. It was
not until 1946 when he talked his way to Cambridge and graduated three years later with a starred
first. It was during this time that he nurtured ambitions beyond starting a legal career back home.
As a prime minister, he has always been described as an efficient and inventive person. He was one of
the greatest statesmen who proved to the whole world that human ingenuity, not natural resources,
is the essential element of prosperity. Lee is also believed to be very forward-looking. When
Singapore gained independence in 1965, he decided to keep English as the main language to increase
economic benefits. Although many of his policies are still considered controversial, they helped
Singapore to overcome many obstacles and become one of the most admired international business
and financial centres around the world.
16.Lee Kuan Yew was Singapore’s prime minister for ________________.
A.31 years

B.55 years

C.41 years

D.61 years

17. The word destined is closest in meaning to ________________.




18. He did not go to Cambridge to study law until 1946 because ________________.
A.he had already been in fluenced by the British system
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B.he had to study economics at Raffles College
C.Britain was at war
D.he did not want to pursue a legal career
19.The word forward-looking is closest in meaning to ________________.




20. According to the writer, Lee Kuan Yew’s policies ________________.
A.were never subject to disagreement

B.promoted people’s solidarity

C.transformed Singapore into a prosperous city

D.related to business and finance

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. feature
B. invade
C. express
D. unique
2. A. belief
B. culture
C. custom
D. value
3. A. traditional
B. identity
C. integration
D. variety
4. A. establish
B. enable
C. critical
D. successful
5. A. community
B. ethnicity
C. celebration

D. environment
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. culture
B. custom
C. success
D. number
2. A. celebration
B. enable
C. establish
D. invade
3. A. protect
B. community
C. custom
D. becoming
4. A. enabled
B. featured
C. valued
D. invaded
5. A. define
B. integrate
C. celebrate
D. express
III. Listening to a talk about the advantages of green and choose the correct answer A, B, C or
1.What is the most important drawback of green living?


C.Limitation of options.

D.Environmental impacts.

2.Which of the following does the writer NOT think is a reason for green living to be time-consuming?
A.Most people are not professional farmers.
B.Organic food takes longer to produce.
C.Green products are costly so it takes time to pay off the investment.
D.People have low budgets for producing their own food.
3.How long does it take for an organic cabbage to grow?
A.One month.

B.Two months.

C.Three months.

D.Four months.

4.What are the three limitations in options mentioned in the talk?
A.Colours, materials, and fabrics
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B.Colours, price range, and resources
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C.Materials, markets, and fabrics

D.Markets, manufacturers, and price range

5.Why does the lecturer think that people should still adopt green lifestyles despite the
A.Because there is no other choice.
B.Because there are considerable financial benefits.
C.Because people’s health and the environment will benefit.
D.Because the drawbacks are not considerable.
IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Why is text messaging so popular, especially with young people? There are two main reasons. One
is cost, as many teenagers have to use pay-as-you-go mobile tariffs (1) ____ of contracts, and so it is
cheaper to send a text message than (2) ____ a voice call. So texters get better value of (3) ____. But there
is a second, less practical reason for its popularity. A generation is growing up happy to communicate (4)
____ by text, and this new form of instant communication is even more relaxed and informal than either
email or phone calls. Text messaging has created a completely new language, (5) ____ of abbreviations and
unusual spellings.
1. A. instead
B. rather
C. other
D. afraid
2. A. do
B. make
C. take
D. form
3. A. cash
B. income
C. money
D. earnings
4. A. almost
B. mostly

C. completely
D. rarely
5. A. filled
B. packed
C. full
D. fraught
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
1. Mobile phones are a form of mass media. The Internet is also a form of mass media.
A. Neither mobile phones nor the Internet is a form of mass media.
B. Either mobile phones or the Internet is a form of mass media.
C. Not only mobile phones but also the Internet is a form of mass media.
D. The internet is a form of media, but the mobile phones are not.
3. Jason has a Facebook account. Ted has a Twitter account.
A. Jason has a Facebook account, and Ted has a Twitter account.
B. Jason has a Facebook account, so Ted has a Twitter account.
C. Jason has a Facebook account, for Ted has a Twitter account.
D. Jason has a Facebook account, but Ted has a Twitter account.
4. Parents are concerned about the mass media. Children are excited about mass media.
A. While parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it.
B. Because parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it.
C. Unless parents are concerned about the mass media, children are excited about it.
D. Parents are concerned about the mass media, so children are excited about it.
VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
5. He only feels happy whenever he does not have much work to do.
A. The more he works, the happier he feels.
B. The less he works, the happier he feels.
C. His work makes him feel happy.
D. He feels happier and happier with his work.

6. I learn a lot but I cannot remember anything.
A. I learn more and more and remember more and more.
B. The less I learn, the more I remember.
C. The more I learn, the less I remember.
D. I remember not only what I have learnt.
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7. By the time we finished our work, Peter had already gone home.
A. Peter did not go home until we finished our work.
B. As soon as we finished our work, we would go home with Peter.
C. We finished our work before Peter went home.
D. Peter had gone home before we finished our work.
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
8. The public health infrastructure of this country is poorly prepared for the emerging disease problems of a
rapidly changing world.
A. widespread
B. appearing
C. serious
D. minor
9. Congestion charging is a unique experiment that other UK cities are watching with interest; no other
policies receive such public notice.
A. normal
B. formal
C. original
D. compulsory
10. It was the advent of television which really transformed sportsmen.

A. coming
B. going
C. increase
D. falling
11. She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.
A. ambitious
B. creative
C. idealistic
D. practical
12. It is crucial that urban people not look down on rural areas.
A. evil
B. optional
C. unnecessary
D. vital
13. Polish artist Pawel Kuzinsky creates satirical paintings filled with thought-provoking messages about
the world.
A. inspirational
B. provocative
C . stimulating
D. universal
14. Journalists can make mistakes, so don't believe everything you read in the press.
A. publications
B. news bulletins
C. reference books
D. newspapers and magazines
15. Face-to-face socializing is not as preferred as virtual socializing among the youth.
A. Direct
B. Facial
C. Available
D. Instant

16. A smiling Princess Anne was attired in an aqua-blue hat and matching jacket, with white top.
A. caught
B. grabbed
C. revealed
D. shown
VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.

17. John: "Do you think that people should protect their cultural identities in the age of globalization?”
Jane: “____”
A. Of course not, you bet!
B. Well, that's very surprising.
C. There is no doubt about it.
D. Yes, it's an absorb idea.
18. What do you think about Steve Jobs?
A. That's right!
B. I doubt it. It is not true.
C. Well, he is talented.
D. I agree with you about him.
19. Do you know anything about Mrs. Jackson?
A. Yes, that's the way it is. B. Oh, I know how you feel. C. No, nothing.
D. Excuse me.
20. Mark: “____”
Jenny: "I think there are various reasons."
A. Do you mind if I think about reasons for urbanization?
B. I'd like to invite you to think about reasons for urbanization.
C. What do you think about reasons for urbanization?
D. Would you mind thinking about the reasons for urbanization?
21. Jenny: "I think higher living standard is one of the reasons that many people want to be a city dweller."
Mark: “____”
A. I couldn't agree more.

B. It's nice of you to say so.
C. That's quite all right.
D. Why not?
22. Anna: "In my opinion, some people should stay in rural areas as well as work on agriculture."
Mark: “____”
A. I'm not afraid I don't agree.
B. I'm not sure about that.
C. I'm so sorry, but I agree.
D. Not at all, thanks.
23. A: I think people nowadays prefer instant messaging and social networking to emails.
B: ____
A. I don't like emails.
B. That's true!
C. I'd prefer text messaging. D. That's OK!
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IX. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
24. Last month, while my friend was traveling round England by the car, he crashed the car into a tree.
25. It is argued that high costs of living and rising transport difficulties being two of the most serious

brought about by overpopulation in cities.
26. Because of severe asthma attacks, the doctor suggested his patient to stop smoking.
27. The temperature increases significantly, what makes the ice melt faster.
28. Although the first printed books appeared long before in China, the term “mass media" we use today
was coined with the creation of printed media.
29. Over fifty thousand English words have been deriving from the Greek language.
30. Many signed languages, including American Sign Language, have born within the last few centuries.

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