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Developing masterful management skills for international business

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Developing Masterful
Management Skills for
International Business

The Global Warrior SerieS
Series Editor: Thomas A. Cook
Developing Masterful Management Skills for International Business
Thomas A. Cook (2018)
Enterprise Risk Management in the Global Supply Chain
Thomas A. Cook (2017)
Excellence in Managing Worldwide Customer Relationships
Thomas A. Cook (2016)
Growing and Managing Foreign Purchasing
Thomas A. Cook (2016)
Managing Growth and Expansion into Global Markets:
Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution
Thomas A. Cook (2016)
Driving Risk and Spend Out of the Global Supply Chain
Thomas A. Cook (2015)
Mastering the Business of Global Trade: Negotiating Competitive
Advantage Contractual Best Practices, Incoterms®,
and Leveraging Supply Chain Options
Thomas A. Cook (2014)

Developing Masterful
Management Skills for
International Business

Thomas A. Cook

CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data
Names: Cook, Thomas A., 1953- author.

Title: Developing masterful management skills for international business / by
Thomas A. Cook.
Description: 1 Edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, [2018] | Series: The global
warrior series | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018004043 | ISBN 9781482226102 (hardback : alk. paper) |
ISBN 9781315118154 (e-book)
Subjects: LCSH: International business enterprises--Management.
Classification: LCC HD62.4 .C656 2018 | DDC 658/.049--dc23
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Taylor and Francis
Global Warrior Book Series
Book #3
Mastering Management Skill Sets for Business and International Commerce
Thomas A. Cook

To our combat soldiers and veterans who serve and served
to protect our way of life and as protectors of democracy and
freedom worldwide. “May peace always be with you”.

Foreword .............................................................................................xvii

Preface ..................................................................................................xix
Acknowledgments ...............................................................................xxi
Author ............................................................................................... xxiii
Chapter 1 Understanding and Executing Successful
Leadership and Management ............................................ 1
Defining Leadership and Management .....................................2
Innate or Learned?........................................................................5
Quality Leadership Skills ............................................................7
These Traits Can Be Both Represented or Argued as
Positives and Negatives ..............................................................10
They Are All Positive and Negative to an Extent ...................10
Where Do We Stand as Individuals in All These Traits? ......11
And How Do We Know Where We Really Stand? ................11
Chapter 2 Business Management Skill Sets ..................................... 13
Business Management 101.........................................................13
Finance .........................................................................................14
Communication ..........................................................................14
Be a Student Always...............................................................15
Be Articulate ...........................................................................16
Be Interesting..........................................................................16
Be Direct, No Nonsense ........................................................17
Utilize Storytelling ................................................................18
Create Feedback .....................................................................19
Be Timely ................................................................................19
Make Sure Your Points Are Understood by Keeping
It as Simple as Possible ...............................................................19
Do Not Waste People’s Time ............................................... 20
Learn to Speak to Groups, Publicly, and to Utilize
PowerPoint ............................................................................. 20
Create a “Communication Style” .........................................21


x • Contents
Project Management ..................................................................21
Problem Resolution ....................................................................24
Stop the Bleeding ...................................................................25
Assessment ..............................................................................25
Strategy ....................................................................................26
Action ......................................................................................26
Reassessment ..........................................................................27
Revision ...................................................................................27
Outreach................................................................................. 28
Mitigation .............................................................................. 28
Negotiation ................................................................................. 30
Time Management .....................................................................31
Delegating .............................................................................. 34
Time Management and Communicating................................35
People Skills .................................................................................36
Business Development ...............................................................37
Growth Strategies .......................................................................38
Raising the Bar of Sales Management .................................38
In Organic Sales ................................................................38
Creating a Viable Sales Strategy ..........................................39
Hiring Quality Business Development and Sales
Personnel .................................................................................41
Building a Sales Pipeline of Opportunity.......................... 43
Creating an Inventory of Prospects.................................... 44
Closing More Deals .............................................................. 46

Price ........................................................................................ 46
Customer Service ...................................................................47
Specific Sales Strategy .......................................................... 48
Concluding Remarks ............................................................ 48
Operations ...................................................................................49
Strategic Planning as an Operational Responsibility ............52
Strategic Planning Considerations ......................................52
Mantra ................................................................................52
Goals and Deliverables .....................................................53
Measurable ..............................................................................53
Attainable ................................................................................53

Contents • xi
Relevant .................................................................................. 54
Time Frame............................................................................ 54
Collaboration ......................................................................... 54
Chapter 3 Financial Considerations ................................................. 57
Financial Controls ......................................................................57
Controlling Spend through Procurement Management.......61
Senior Management’s Role in Procurement .......................61
Overview ............................................................................61
Vendor Management ............................................................ 66
The RFP Tool in Managing the Purchasing Function ......67
Risk Management in Procurement .................................... 68
Summary .....................................................................................70
Chapter 4 Going Global—The Business Case to Go Global:

Foreign Purchasing and Export Sales ............................. 71
The “Case” to Go Global ............................................................72
Export Sales ............................................................................73
Choice of INCO Terms.....................................................75
Utilization of Freight Forwarders ...................................76
Landed Costs .....................................................................77
Competitive Pressures ......................................................77
Trade Compliance Issues .................................................77
Use of Distributors and Agents .......................................78
Global Expansion ..............................................................78
Global Sourcing......................................................................79
Foreign Asset Expansion ......................................................79
Developing the Skill Sets of Global Business ..........................79
Understanding Foreign Cultures........................................ 80
Understanding Import and Export Operations,
Regulations, and Procedures ............................................... 80
Global Supply Chain..............................................................81
International Legal, Accounting, and Finance Issues ......82
International Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service ..... 82
Technology on a Global Scale ..............................................85

xii • Contents
International Purchasing ..................................................... 86
Benefits to Americans and the World ................................ 88
Foreign Purchasing ................................................................... 88
Sourcing Globally: Senior Managements Guide to
“Twelve Key Best Practices” ................................................ 88
Trade Compliance and Regulatory Responsibilities..............92
Buying Internationally: Import Supply Chain ..................93

Duties and Fees .................................................................94
Harmonized Tariff Classification ...................................94
Country of Origin Marking ............................................95
Trade Compliance with Customs .................................. 96
Reasonable Care Standard .............................................. 96
Customhouse Brokers ................................................... 100
Internal Supervision and Control .................................103
Supply Chain Security ....................................................104
Invoice Requirements .....................................................106
Bonds ................................................................................107
Record Retention .............................................................108
Selling Internationally: The Export Supply Chain ..........109
Government Agencies Responsible for Exports .........109
International Traffic in Arms Regulations ..................110
Export Administration Regulations.............................110
Commerce Control List..................................................111
Electronic Export Information .....................................112
U.S. Principal Party in Interest .....................................112
Schedule B Number/Harmonized Tariff Number......113
Valuation ..........................................................................113
Recordkeeping Requirements .......................................114
Denied Party Screening .................................................114
Embargoed Country Screening ....................................114
Consularization and Legalization ................................115
Solid Wood Packing Material Certificates ..................115
Preshipment Inspections................................................116
Free Trade Affirmations .................................................116
Getting Paid .....................................................................116
Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism Benefits .....117
Background ...............................................................................118

Contents • xiii
Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism
Approach and Guiding Principles......................................... 120
External Factors ....................................................................... 122
Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism for
Exporters................................................................................... 122
Additional Consideration: Drawback, Free Trade
Agreements, Foreign Trade Zones, and Bonded
Warehouses............................................................................... 123
Chapter 5 Mastering Business Development ................................. 125
Developing an International Business Strategy ...................125
Understanding the Cultures of the World ........................... 126
Business Culture ..................................................................127
Considering Cultural Factors.............................................127
Twelve Steps to Building a Successful International
Business Model.....................................................................132
E-Commerce in Global Trade................................................ 134
Creating an E-Commerce Website Globally.........................148
Step 1—Select a Domain Name .........................................148
Using Country-Level Domain Codes...........................148
Internationalizing Your Domain Name ......................148
Step 2—Register with Search Engines ..............................149
Step 3—Choose a Web Host...............................................149
Step 4—Website Content: Localize and
Internationalize ....................................................................150
Step 5—Execute Orders ......................................................151
Policy-Advice ...................................................................152
Chapter 6 Decision Management ................................................... 155

Better Decision Making: Qualitative versus
Quantitative ......................................................................... 155
Understand the Decision ....................................................161
Mine .......................................................................................161
Build a Team .........................................................................163
Establish Preliminary Findings .........................................163
Build a Metrics and Quantitative Model ..........................164

xiv • Contents
Evaluate Qualitative Criteria ..............................................164
Complete the Analysis ........................................................164
Make the Decision and Implement ...................................165
Follow-Up and Tweak .........................................................165
Emotional Intelligence ........................................................165
Chapter 7 Delivering Successful Negotiations .............................. 171
Defining What We Want to Accomplish in Negotiation
and Developing a Strategic Plan .............................................172
Goal Setting ..........................................................................172
Assessment ............................................................................173
Mining ...................................................................................173
Planning ................................................................................173
Action ....................................................................................174
Tweaking ...............................................................................174
Negotiating Globally ................................................................174
The Essence of Compromise ...................................................175
Trust Is the Critical Asset ........................................................176
Chapter 8 Building the Sustainable Business Model..................... 189
Overview of the Sustainable Business Model .......................189

The Ten Steps of Sustainable Business .................................. 190
Integrative Management..........................................................191
Developing and Managing Team Initiatives.........................194
Team Building ......................................................................194
Collaboration ...................................................................194
Camaraderie ....................................................................194
Effective Delegation ........................................................195
Mentoring Effectiveness .................................................195
Crossing Company Silos ................................................196
Better Results ...................................................................196
Choosing Team Members ...................................................196
Managing the Team.............................................................197
Commercial Example...............................................................197
Cyber Security Issues in Global Trade ..................................199
Avoiding Costly Mistakes ...................................................199

Contents • xv
Overview of Cyber Security .............................................. 200
Cyber Security Impacts ...................................................... 200
Application Security ...................................................... 200
Information Security ..................................................... 200
Network Security ............................................................201
Disaster Recovery and Continuity Planning ............. 202
Operational Security...................................................... 202
Technology Bullying ...................................................... 202
End-User Education and Training .............................. 202
Cyber Security Cases .......................................................... 203
Best Practices in “Mitigating” Potential Security
Issues ...................................................................................203

Assessment ...................................................................... 204
Professional Support ...................................................... 204
Mindset ... Cyber Security Is a Very Real Threat!...... 204
Establish Cyber Security Initiative .............................. 204
Train and Educate Staff ................................................. 205
Personnel Issues in Cyber Security .................................. 205
Additional International Cyber Concerns ...................... 205
Appendix ............................................................................................ 207
Index .................................................................................................... 323

I have read all of Tom’s books and am continually impressed by the depth
and intensity of his experience, along with his ability to articulate an array
of subject matter on global trade and business.
This book is an important asset to the Global Warrior Series and runs
deep from general management and leadership skill sets to negotiating
effectiveness in international commerce.
This book complements the other seven books of the series and is an
important read for executives, students, and business entities to learn the
expansive subject matter involved in general and global business, as well as
managing your expansion and development into the international arena.
I was taken back in the first chapter to some very deep discussion Tom
created on management and leadership styles that brought me back to
my over 60 years of experience in running companies and operating in
numerous countries around the world.
I found the book easy to read, though comprehensive and interesting
material on every page. It is a must read for all business executives looking
to expand their horizons and do the very best they are capable of.

Spencer Ross
National Institute for World Trade


Business is now a global phenomenon, moving at the speed of light. And
every day international onset is growing, becoming deeper, more comprehensive, and a necessary strategy, not only for survival, but for prosperity.
For business models to compete, for managers to develop, and real-time
sustainability realized, the corporate executive in the second and third
decade(s) of the new millennium must master a whole set of skill sets, led
by leadership, communication style, technology, management prowess,
and product and service differentiation.
This book lays the critical foundation and blueprint for students, executives, and corporations to utilize as a strategy and tactical approach to
business model success.
Each chapter of the book, not only offers comprehensive information
flow on each central topic, but prepares the reader to understand the significance of the topic in making the company a competitive force to be
reckoned with.
Some of the key topics: leadership, management, communicating, negotiating, problem resolution, time management, financial considerations,
decision making, and business development … are all covered in detail,
simply put forth, but with striking definition.
The author with over 35 years of international trade experience and 19
business books to his credit has reached another level of prowess in the
design and execution of this books’ content, making it one of the most
all-inclusive texts on the skill sets of what it takes to effectively compete in
the global economy.
All the subject matter contained in this book will have benefit to both
domestic and international business models.

Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the
talking about the other.

Bill Gates


This book acknowledges Kelly Raia, VP of Blue Tiger International, and
also acknowledges the Department of Commerce in Washington, DC.


Thomas A. Cook is a managing director of
Blue Tiger International (bluetigerintl.com),
a premier international business and management consulting/training company on
leadership, general management, supply
chain, freight operations, port and terminal
services, risk management, trade compliance, purchasing/sourcing, global trade,
e-commerce, logistics, and business
development/sales. Blue Tiger International
owns the National Institute of World Trade
(niwt.org), a nonprofit 30+ year corporate training school on global trade
and supply chain management.
Tom was former CEO of American River International in NY and Apex

Global Logistics Supply Chain Operation in LA.
He has over 30  years’ experience in assisting companies all over the
world manage their business models, supply chain risk and spend, sales
and business development, purchasing, business decision making, vendor/
contract management, and import/export operations.
Tom’s practice includes business mentoring in sales, leadership, project, presentation skills, risk management, supply chain, purchasing/
sourcing management, and international and management capabilities
He is a member of the NY District Export Council, sits on the board of
numerous corporations, and is considered a leader in the business verticals he works in … Institute for Supply Management (ISM), Council
of Suppl Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), District Export
Council (DEC) … to name a few of the organizations he works with.
He has now authored over 19 books on business management, global trade,
and business development … in 2016 was in the middle of an 8 book series,
titled … The Global Warrior … Advancing on the Necessary Skill Sets to
Compete Effectively in Global Trade. Tom is also a veteran advisor, developer, and instructor of the AMA … American Management Association

xxiv • Author
in NYC, the largest corporate training association in the world. His
latest book … Enterprise Risk Management in the Global Supply Chain
is receiving great praise and accolades from the professional community.
Tom is also the director of the National Institute of World Trade (niwt.
org), a 30-year-old educational and training organization, based here on
Long Island.
Tom is a frequent lecturer and keynote speaker several times a year at
various management, leadership, transportation, supply chain, insurance,
and business development venues here and abroad.
Tom also is a lecturer/teacher and course developer at Stony Brook

University in Long Island, Baruch College, and the Fashion Institute of
Technology in NYC.
He graduated from Maritime College where he holds both a BS and
MS/MBA in international transportation management. He additionally
received his commission in the U.S. Navy where he served from 1971–1984,
honorably discharged.
Tom also founded and chairs … Soldier On … soldieronathome.org …,
a nonprofit organization engaged in helping wounded combat veterans,
wounded combat dogs, and supporting specially trained dogs to assist soldiers with Post Trauma Stress Syndrome (PTSD). Tom can be reached at
or 516-359-623.
