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A dictionary of economics (oxford quick reference)

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A Dictionary of


John Black read Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
at Oxford. He was Fellow and Tutor in Economics at
Merton College, Oxford, from 1957 to 1966, and
Professor of Economic Theory at the University of
Exeter from 1967 to 1996. He has been Assistant,
Associate or Production Editor of the Review of Economic
Studies between 1958 and 1971, of the Eco110111icjo11nwl
from 1971 to 1980, and of Economic Policy from 1985
to 1995. He has written TI1e Economics of Modern Britain,
Essential Mathematics for Economists (with J. F. Bradley),
and Housing Policy and Finance (with D. C. Stafford), and
has helped to edit books for the International
Economics Study Group and the Centre for Economic
Policy Research. He took early retirement in 1984 to
concentrate on editorial work, and is now an Emeritus
Professor of the University of Exeter, and Honorary

Departmental Fellow at the University of Wales,



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A Dictionary of



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The Greek Alphabet
2 Winners of the Nobel Prize for Economics


This dictionary aims to provide for the needs of students of economics at
A-level and in the 'mainstream' part of first degree courses, and oflay readers
of journals such as The Economist. To this end it includes several concepts in
mathematics and statistics which are widely used in standard economics
texts, and various terms connected with personal finances, including
insurance, pensions, and investment on the stock exchange. It is not intended
to cater for the full needs of economics researchers or postgraduate students,
or the wide range of specialist subjects within economics. It almost entirely
excludes 'great names' in economics, except insofar as they have 'laws' or
theorems named after them. An asterisk immediately before a word indicates

that it has a separate entry (disregarding the distinction between singular and
The author is indebted for general background ideas and concepts to
innumerable teachers. colleagues, pupils, and authors whose work he has
edited. He is indebted for comments, suggestions and encouragement to Jane
Black, Max Corden, Jonathan Levin, Molly Scott Cato, Peter Sinclair, and his
commissioning editor Angus Phillips. He is indebted for office facilities and
secretarial help to the Departments of Economics at the University of Exeter
and the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. None of these individuals or
institutions is responsible for any errors or omissions.



AAA rating See triple A rating.

ability to pay The principle thar any *tax should fall on those who can
afford to pay. Paying for *public goods or *income redistribution requires
taxes: raking account ofability to pay means that these should increase with
the income or assets of taxpayers, and as some minimum consumption is
needed for subsistence, taxes should be progressive rather than proportional.
Ability to pay is opposed to the *benefit principle, which suggests that only
those who benefit from any given public expenditure should be taxed to pay
for it. The main objections to the ability to pay criterion are that it is hard to
measure ability to pay reliably, and that taxing income reduces the incentive
to work. However, collection oftaxes from those who cannot afford to pay is
unpopular, expensive, and sometimes impossible. Given the scale oftaxes
necessary to run a modern society, use ofthe ability to pay criterion for

taxation seems inevitable.
absolute advantage The use ofless resources per unit ofoutput than other
producers. With only one type ofresource, such as hours ofwork, a producer
with lower inputs has an absolute advantage. In a world with many factors of
production absolute advantage is often hard to measure. In any case, absolute
advantage gives no advice on what to do with resources, which are best
employed where their *comparative advantage is greatest.
absolute value See modulus.
absorption The total ofexpenditure on real goods and services, for
consumption, investment, and by the government. Absorption is the use
ofoutput: it excludes exports and includes imports. This is contrasted with
*production, which includes exports and excludes imports. The absorption
approach to *devaluation looks at its effects on various forms ofexpenditure,
and points out that devaluation can only improve rhe balance ofpayments on
current account ifproduction increases relative to absorption.
abstinence Refraining from or at least postponing consumption which
could have been afforded. Where the funds not being spent arise from current
income, abstinence is thus the same as *saving: but the term also covers
refraining from running down past savings or spending windfall gains.
ACAS See Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.
accelerated depreciation The right to *write off capital goods for tax
purposes faster than the rate at which they would normally be depreciated.
This is intended to encourage *investment, as it enables a company to defer
its taxes when it invests. Under accelerated depreciation a firm's profits net of
*depreciation, and thus its tax liabilities, are lower than they would have been
under normal depreciation. Once the capital goods are written off, profits nee
ofdepreciation become higher than they would have been under normal
depreciation. and tax bills rise again.



accelerator A model relating *investment to changes in *output. The

accelerator model asserts that firms invest more when output is rising and
Jess when it is falling. This seems reasonable: a rise in *demand leads some
firms to produce more, and leads them and other firms to expect that demand
will rise further. The rise in output raises the ratio of output to *capacity, and
the expectation of further rises in demand makes firms believe it would be
profitable to have more capital equipment. Accelerator-type models do help
empirically to explain variations in both *fixed investment and *investment
in stocks and work in progress.

accelerator-multiplier model See multiplier-accelerator model.

acceptance Adding one's signature to a *bill of exchange, thereby accepting

*liability to pay the bill at *maturity if the original signatory fails to do so.
Acceptance of a bill of exchange by an institution of high financial standing.
such as a *merchant bank, makes the bill safer to hold and thus easier to sell.
The acceptor is taking a *risk. and makes a charge for this.
acceptance schedule, job See job acceptance schedule.

accepting house A financial firm that is willing to accept *bills of

exchange, that is. to guarantee that they will be paid on the due date. An
accepting house uses its financial reputation to earn a fee for acceptance, and
its specialized knowledge of financial markets to avoid taking too many risks

of accepting bills where it is actually going to have to honour its *guarantee.
The principal London accepting houses form the Accepting Houses
access, market See market access.

accommodatory monetary policy A policy of allowing the supply of
money to expand in line with the demand for it. If the *demand for money
rises because of sustainable real growth in the economy, accommodatory
monetary policy is desirable, and failure to expand the *money supply
obstructs real growth. If. however, the cause of rising demand for money is a
temporary, unsustainable surge in real activity. *inflation in prices and wages,
or both, accommodatory monetary policy allows these excesses to continue
too long. When obvious *excess demand or high inflation eventually forces a
shift to a more restrictive monetary policy, this will have to be severe and may
cause a serious *slump. Real world authorities find it very hard to assess
exactly how accommodatory their monetary policies should be.
account(s) A statement about activities over some period. Accountability is
the obligation to produce such a statement: the directors of companies are
accountable to their shareholders, and in the UK ministers are accountable
to Parliament for the activities of their departments. Accounts take various
1. A statement of the relations between two parties: a *bank account
records the deposits, borrowing, and withdrawals of a customer. Firms keep
accounts of the goods and services provided to customers: goods provided on
account are supplied on credit, and an account rendered is a demand for
payment for goods and services supplied.
2. A systematic summary in money terms of the activities of a business over
some period. usually a year. The two main statements in such accounts are the



accumulation, capital

*profit-and-loss account and the *balance-sheet. A profit-and-Joss accoum
shows receipts and payments, and the profit or Joss made during an
accounting period. A balance-sheet lists the *assets and *liabilities of a firm
on specified dates, at the start and end of an accounting period. Accountants
are producers and *auditors of accounts: they are often required to be
professionally qualified, where the accounts have to be credible to creditors .
law courts, and the tax authorities. Firms' accounts have to be certified as
accurate by professional auditors, but even so have sometimes been discovered
to be highly misleading.
3. National income and expenditure accounts are surveys of the economic
activities of a nation. They include analysis of the production of goods and
services, the distribution of incomes, and the expenditures of investors,
consumers, and the government. In the parts of national income accounts
relating to transactions with the rest of the world, the *current account
records sales and purchases of goods and services, property incomes and
transfers, and the *capital account records sales and purchases of assets.
including both real *foreign direct investment, inwards and outwards. and
financial transactions, sales and purchases of securities abroad, and the
making and repayment of international loans.
account, appropriation See appropriation account.
account, bank See bank account.
account, capital See capital account.
account, checking See checking account.
account, current See current account.

account. current (with bank) See current (bank) account.
account. deposit See deposit account.
accounting, cost See cost accounting.
accounting, creative See creative accounting.
accounting, inflation See inflation accounting.
accounting, management See management accounting.
accounting period The period of time. normally a year, to which a set of
company accounts refers.
account, merchandise See merchandise account.
account, profit-and-loss See profit-and-loss account.
accounts, consolidated See consolidated accounts.
accounts payable The pare of a firm's *liabilities. as shown in its *balance­
sheet. consisting of bills received from suppliers on which payment is due but
has not yet actually been made.
accounts receivable The part of a firm's * assets, as shown in its *balance­
sheet, consisting of bills sent to customers on which payment is due but has
not yet actually been received.
account, unit of See unit of account.
accumulation, capital See capital accumulation.

acid rain


acid rain Rainfall of abnormally high acidity. It results from atmospheric
pollution by emissions of sulphur dioxide (S0 2 ). nitrogen oxides (NOJ, and
chloride (Cl). mainly as the result of combustion of coal and oil. Wet
deposition occurs at considerable distances downwind of the sources of
pollution. so that the problem is international. Acid rain causes problems for

human health. damage to buildings through corrosior., and environmental
damage, including for example killing fish in Scandinavian lakes and causing
die-back in German forests. In all cases the actual scale of damage is uncertain.
The sources of acid rain can be reduced by methods including flue gas
desulphurization for power-plants, and switching to low sulphur coal.
acquisition (company) *Company expansion through the purchase of
other businesses. If these are unincorporated, terms are agreed with the
owners. If the other business is a company, its *shares are bought. Where
some, but not all, of the shares of another company are bought, special rules
govern the treatment of existing shareholders who do not wish to sell their
ACT See Advance Corporation Tax.
action, anti-dumping See anti-dumping action.
action, industrial See industrial action.
actuarially fair odds See fair odds.
actuary An expert who uses statistical records to predict the future. An
actuary uses records of the occurrence of uncertain events, such as death at
given ages. or fire. theft. and accidents to cars, to predict how frequently
similar events are likely to occur in the future. These predictions take account
of observed trends in health or crime, as well as past facts. Actuarial expertise
enables *insurance companies to write policies with an expectation of making
profits, but not with complete reliability.
adaptive expectations The model of *expectations formation in which
expectations adjust gradually towards observed values of the variable
concerned. At any given time people hold expectations about the future
values of economic variables, such as the rate of *inflation. Under adaptive
expectations, if the level observed in the current period equals what was
expected, the expectation does not alter. If actual and expected values differ,
the expectation for next period is formed using a *weighted average of this
period's expectation and this period's actual, for example '/, of the old

expectation and 1 / , of the actual. Under a constant actual. adaptive
expectations rapidly come to be almost correct. If the actual oscillates around
a stable *mean. under adaptive expectations the expectation will be randomly
too high or too low. In either of these cases, while adaptive expectations will
not be exactly right, they tend to be so little out that people may well feel
satisfied with them. Under an actual with a *trend. however, adaptive
expectations lag behind, and are seriously wrong in the same direction in
successive periods. This leads people to look for some better way of forming
adequacy, capital See capital adequacy.
adjustable peg A system where countries stabilize their *exchange rates
around *par values they retain the right to change. Under this system a



adjustment programme

country undertakes to intervene in the foreign exchange market to keep its
currency within some margin, for example 1 per cent, of some given exchange
rate parity, the 'peg'. The country retains the right to adjust the parity,
however, that is to move the peg. This was more or less the case under
the * Bretton Woods system in the 1950s and 1960s. This system provides
opportunities for *speculators at times when it appears that the peg is going
to have to move, but it has not yet clone so.
adjustment costs The costs of making changes in the economic *variables
one controls. Any economic agent, whether an individual, a firm. or a
government, has a *utility function which determines what the optimal

levels of the variables they control would be, if they were free to make a fresh
start in setting them. When actual levels differ from these optimal levels,
adjustment costs must be considered. If adjustment costs are lump-sum, or
increase proportionally or less than in proportion to the changes made in any
one period, it will pay to make at once any change that is worth making at all.
If adjustment costs increase more than proportionally to the size of the
change. however, it pays to adjust only gradually. There are in fact cases
where adjustment costs more if done rapidly than if done gradually. In
adjusting its labour force, for example, a firm may find that small increases
present no recruitment problem, and small decreases can be accommodated
by not replacing *natural wastage due to retirements and other voluntary
departures. whereas rapid recruitment poses serious selection and training
problems, and rapid decline involves *redundancies, which are expensive
and damaging to morale.
adjustment, cyclical See cyclical adjustment.
adjustment, partial See partial adjustment.

adjustment, price and quantity The relative timing of price and quantity
adjustments. In any market, if supply or demand conditions change, both
price and quantity may need to adjust eventually. The timing of price and
quantity changes, however, can vary. In some markets, a *market-maker sets
the price: for example, in normal retail shops the seller sets a price, and in the
short run any change in demand results in changes in the quantity sold. If this
leads to an accumulation of *stocks in excess of their normal level. this may
in time lead to price cuts. If the market-maker's stocks become inconveniently
low. the price may be raised. In other markets, in the short run the quantity is
fixed: this happens, for example, in fish markets, where price adjusts to clear
the market. If the resulting price is low, this discourages supply as producers
make losses; if the market-clearing price is high, the prospect of profits draws
in additional supplies.

adjustment programme A package of policy measures designed to cure

*balance-of-payments problems. Adoption of a satisfactory adj ustment
programme is frequently made a condition of assistance from the
*International Monetary Fund (IMF). Curing balance-of-payments problems
requires decreasing *absorption relative to production. This can be
approached via reducing absorption, by cutting government spending and/or
increasing taxes. It can also be approached via increasing production by using
resources more efficiently; this often involves increased use of the market
mechanism and * devaluation of overvalued currencies.

adjustment, seasonal


adjustment, seasonal Sec seasonal adjustment.

adjustment to factor cost See factor cost.

administered price A price set by some form of administrative process,

rather than adjusting to clear a market. The levels of and changes in
administered prices often require the consent of the government or of some
official regulatory body. Administered prices may be maxima, as in the case
of *rent controls, or minima, as with *minimum wage laws and some
agricultural policies.
administration The situation ofa *company in financial difficulties whose
affairs are put into the hands of an administrator by court order. The object of
administration is to enable the company to survive as a going concern, or if

that proves impossible, to get a better price for its assets than immediate
*liquidation would produce.

ad valorem tax A tax proportional to the price of the object being taxed.
This is contrasted with a *specific tax, at a rate per unit of quantity,
independent of the price. Ad valorem taxes are often preferred to specific
taxes because specific taxes are considered unfair as they fall proportionally
more heavily on poorer consumers who choose cheaper and lower quality
goods. Ad valorem taxes are also preferred because their real value is not
eroded by *inflation.
Advance Corporation Tax (ACT) The system by which UK companies
deduct *basic rate income tax at source when distributing *dividends to their
shareholders. With a basic tax rate of l OOt per cent. companies must pay the
Inland Revenue £t/(1 - t) for every £ 1 distributed to shareholders. These
payments are treated as a payment on account of the company's own
*corporation tax.
advances Bank loans to their customers. These may be *unsecured loans,
but are often secured by the bank holding stocks and shares or *life insurance
policies owned by the borrower.
advantage, absolute See absolute advantage.

advantage, comparative See comparative advantage.

adverse selection The tendency for any *contract offered to all comers
to be most attractive to those most likely to benefit from it. For example, if
an insurer offers *health insurance without any medical examination, the
expectation is that people with poor health prospects are likely to accept it,
while people with better health prospects, who can get better terms from a
more selective insurer, will reject the unconditional contract. In trying to be
non-selective, adverse selection causes the worst risks to select themselves.

adverse supply shock A sudden reduction in the supply of an input
necessary for an economy. This could result from natural disasters such as
floods or earthquakes; from human, animal. or plant diseases; or from maj or
political upheavals such as war or revolution. To oil importers, the sudden
price increases imposed by the *Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) in the 1 970s appeared as adverse supply shocks. Such
a shock reduces the *real income an economy can produce even at full
employment of its available resources.



agglomeration economies

advertising Activity designed to sell products. It seeks to attract the

attention of potential customers, inform them of the existence and attributes
of a product, and persuade them to start or continue to buy it. It works via
the media, that is, newspapers or television; by shop displays, posters, or
mailshots; or through the actual design of products themselves and their
packaging. While there is a logical distinction between informative and
persuasive advertising, psychologically these are extremely difficult to
distinguish. Political, charitable and religious bodies, and the government
advertise, as well as commercial organizations.

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) A UK quango
providing facilities for conciliation, arbitration, and mediation in *industrial

AFDC See Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

AFL-CIO See American Federation of Labor and Congress of lndustrial


after-sales service The provision after goods have been sold of services

which make them more useful to cus·tomers. This can include advice on and
training in the use of the product; routine maintenance, servicing, and
repairs in the event of breakdown; provision of materials and spare parts ;
replacement under *warranty in the event of failure of the goods supplied;
and updating if the product is developed further. Customers' expectations
of cheap and efficient after-sales service are of great importance in making
products competitive, and lack of customer confidence in the quality and
price of after-sales services may make products unsaleable. Sec also

after-tax income The income remaining to an individual or a company
after *direct taxes have been paid. It takes no account ofliability to *indirect
taxes when the income is spent.
age-earnings profile A graph showing the mean earnings of workers at

various ages. Such profiles can be drawn up for all workers, or for specified
groups of workers, for example manual, female, or professional workers.
agency, bond-rating See bond-rating agency.

agency, credit-rating See credit-rating agency.

agency, debt-collection See debt-collection agency.

agency, export-credit See export-credit agency.
agency, regulatory See regulatory agency,
agent See principal-agent problem.

agglomeration economies The *external economies available to

individuals or firms in large concentrations of population and economic
activity. These arise because larger markets allow wider choice and a greater
range of specialist services. Agglomeration economies are believed to explain
the tendency of conurbations to contain an increasing share of the population
of many countries. Beyond some point further agglomeration gives rise to
diseconomies due to congestion and pollution.

aggregate demand


aggregate demand The total of intended or * ex ante attempts to spend
on final goods and services produced in a country. In a * closed economy
aggregate demand is the sum of consumption, investment, and government
spending on goods and services. In an * open economy it is this plus export
demand and minus imports. A rise in aggregate demand is a necessary
condition for an increase in real output. It is not a sufficient condition ,
however, unless an economy has spare * capacity to produce the goods and
services demanded. If the goods demanded are available only as i mports , these
rise; if the extra goods are not available at all, inflationary pressure is created.
aggregate demand schedule A diagram showing for each level of

* national income the total level of aggregate demand in an economy that

would result from it. * Internal balance in the economy requires that
aggregate demand is equal to national output.

45 ° Line

demand curve

FIGURE 1 : Aggregate


Demand Schedule

The horizontal axis shows real GDP; the vertical axis shows aggregate real
domestic expenditure. AC shows consumption for each level of GDP. EFG shows
total domestic spending for each level of GDP. In a closed economy this is
Consumption + Gross Investment + Government Spending on real goo ds and
services; in an open economy it is these plus Exports minus Imports. OFH is a
'forty-five degree line', showing where real GDP produces domestic spending
equal to itself. The line is so-called because its slope is 45" , provided the
same scale is used on both axes. Equilibrium GDP is at Yr, where EFG cuts the
45· line.

aggregate supply The total amount of real goods and services that the

enterprises in an economy are willing to provide at any , '"en ratio of prices
to wages. This can be increased by rising * productivity cL . � to increases in
the volume of productive equipment or improvements in the quality of the
Jabour force. Whether actual output equals aggregate supply depends on two
conditions. First, there must be sufficient aggregate demand to match the




supply: if there is not. output is demand-constrained. Second, there must be
a sufficient supply of labour to satisfy firms' demand for it: if *real wages are
low, aggregate supply by firms may require more employment than the labour
supply forthcoming at these wages, in which case output is constrained by
labour shortages . In an economy where firms are not perfectly competitive,
the concept of aggregate supply is dubiously applicable. See also demand­
determined output.
aggregation The relation between the behaviour of totals and that of their
components. Suppose, for example, that for each ofN individuals i = 1, 2, . . . .
N. i's consumption, C, , is given by C, = a, + b , Yd ,• where Y., , is i's *disposable
income. Can these *consumption functions be aggregated to give a function
of the form C = a + bYd , where C and Yd are national aggregates? If all the b, were
equal, it would not matter if the a; differed, as they could simply be added . If
the b, vary, however, a precise aggregate relation can only be derived from the
individual consumption functions ifwe know how marginal changes in

income will be distributed among the N individuals. If this is not known, any
aggregate consumption function will only hold approximately. Similar
problems arise with most economic aggregates.
AGM See annual general meeting.
agreement, commodity See commodity agreement.
agreement, free-trade See free-trade agreement.
Agricultural Adjustment Act The US act of 1 933 providing for price
support for agricultural products to maintain farm incomes. This formed part
of the * New Deal. The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) was created to
carry out this policy.
agricultural protection The use of *tariffs and trade controls on
agricultural products to raise their prices in a country and thus to increase
its farmers' incomes. This may be desired to slow down the tendency for the
share of agriculture in total income and employment to decrease. It may also
aim at increasing self-sufficiency in foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials
in the interests of national security. Agriculture is protected in most
industrial countries, particularly the European Union (EU) and Japan.
Agricultural protection in advanced countries hinders economic growth
in *less developed countries (LDCs), most of which are net exporters of
agricultural products.
aid Economic assistance from one country to another, the recipient
typically being a *less developed country (LDC). Aid is usually intended
either to provide humanitarian relief in emergencies, to promote economic
development. or to finance military expenditure. Aid may take the form of
outright gifts of money, which may be tied to purchases from the donor, or
untied and available for expenditure anywhere. It may take the form of *soft
loans, on terms easier than those available to the borrower in world capital
markets. Aid may also be given in kind, including food, plant and equipment,
military supplies, or technical assistance. Bilateral aid is given directly by
a donor to a recipient country; multilateral aid is channelled through an

international organization, without direct contact between donors and
particular recipients. How much actual good is done by aid varies widely
from case to case, and is often the subject of considerable controversy.

aid, grant in


aid, grant in See grant in aid.

aid, tied See tied aid.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) A US federal welfare

programme, originally set up in 1 936, enabling states to use federal grants to
provide financial support for poor children. AFDC now accounts for a major
part of the overall cost of the US social security programme.
aid, untied See untied aid.
allocation, resource See efficient resource allocation.
allocative efficiency See efficiency.
allowance, family See family allowance.
allowances, capital See capital allowances.

allowance, tax See tax allowance.

All-Share Index, Financial Times See Financial Times Actuaries All-Share


alpha stocks The most actively traded securities in the *Stock Exchange
Automated Quotations System (SEAQ). About 1 00 securities came into this
category when it was in official use by the London Stock Exchange. These were ,_
shares of companies with high turnover and high *market capitalization.
Alpha stocks had numerous *market-makers, and immediate publication of
transactions in them was required. They were contrasted with beta, gamma,
and delta stocks which were those of smaller companies. and less intensively

amalgamation See merger.

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial
Organizations (AFL-CIO) The main US labour federation. The cumbersome

name results from the amalgamation in 1 9 5 5 of two associations, the AFL
representing mainly craft unions, and the CIO representing mainly industrial
unions. The AFL-CIO operates mainly at the political level: wage and other
industrial bargaining is carried on by its member unions. It is the US
equivalent of the UK's *Trades Union Congress (TUC).
American Loan Economic assistance by the United States to aid Britain's
recovery after the Second World War. Under the terms of the Washington
Agreement in 1 945, the USA wrote off $25 billion of Lend-Lease aid to the
Commonwealth, and provided the UK with a long-term loan of $3 3/. billion.
amortization The building up over a period of a fund to replace a
productive asset at the end of its useful life, or to repay a loan. In the case of
a loan, the amount required for amortization depends on the interest rate
which can be earned on the accumulated fund. In the case of replacement of
physical assets, the amount needed depends not only on the interest rate, but
also on the expected lifetime of the asset and on the rate of inflation, wh ich
affects the expected cost of relacement.

amplitude of oscillation The difference between the maximum and
minimum points of a regular oscillation. lff(t) fluctuates over time with a
maximum of a and a minimum of b, its amplitude is (a - b).




analysis of variance A statistical technique based on decomposing the
overall *variance of some characteristic of a population into parts correlated
with other characteristics, and *residual variation. In particular, analysis of
variance is used to test whether sections of a population appear to differ
significantly in some property. For example, if y, is the personal income
of individual i, analysis of variance can be used to test whether there are
significant regional differences in mean income. The overall variance of the
population is analysed into the part due to differences within regions, and the
part due to differences between regional means. The larger the proportion of
total variance due to differences between group means, the higher the
probability that the groups are really different: whereas the higher the
proportion of overall variance due to within-group variance, the more likely it
is that apparent differences between group means arise from sampling error.
anchor, nominal See nominal anchor.

animal spirits The term used by John Maynard *Keynes to convey the idea

that major investment projects are usually undertaken not on the basis of
careful calculation of the profits they are expected to make, but on the

strength of 'hunches' of *entrepreneurs that, beneath the uncertainties that
would make a rational and cautious person delay a decision, there is an
opportunity to be grasped by whoever has the courage to try.
announcement effect The effect of an announcement of a change in

policy, even before it is actually put into effect. For example, a promise by the
government to reduce taxes next year may lead to an immediate increase
in consumer spending, or an immediate rise in interest rates. Policy
announcements can produce such effects only if the policy-maker has some

annual general meeting (AG M) A meeting of the voting *shareholders
of a company, or the members of an association, at which the officers report
on the last year's activities, and accounts are submitted for approval. AGMs
normally elect the chief officers and directors of companies, and the chief
officers and committee members of associations. In the UK, company AGMs
appoint the company's *auditors. Companies are required by law to hold
AGMs, and associations are u sually required to do so by their constitutions.

annual report and accounts An annual report on a company's or other
organization's activities during the last *financial year, and *accounts
covering this period. The annual report is normally presented by the
chairman at the annual general meeting of shareholders or members, and
the accounts are presented by the treasurer. These form a major source of
information on companies and other organizations. Copies of the annual
report and accounts are usually sent to shareholders and members, either
in full or in summary form.
annuity A contract by which a financial institution such as an *insurance

company agrees to provide a regular income for life. The name annuity

arises from annual payments, but the payments can in fact be of any agreed
frequency. The recipient will be a named person: it is also possible to contract
for full or reduced payments for life to a surviving spouse or other
dependents. The payments may be fixed in money terms, or *index-linked.

ante, ex


Annuities enable the recipients to spend their capital as well as their income
without the danger of running out of funds before they die.
ante, ex See ex ante.

anti-dumping action The procedure by which complaints of *dumping
are investigated and the case for the imposition of anti-dumping duties is
assessed. Anti-dumping actions are processed by importing countries. A tariff
commission or similar body investigates whether dumping has occurred,
and whether it is causing injury to the domestic industry. Given the lack of
any agreed definition of dumping, and the probable lack of impartiality in
national tribunals judging cases between domestic complainants and foreign
suppliers, the threat of anti-dumping actions has an all-round protectionist
effect. There is a strong case for establishing an agreed international body to
adjudicate all anti-dumping actions.

anti-dumping duty A tariff imposed to protect domestic producers of a
good against competition from *dumping of imports. Such duties are
imposed only after the investigation of complaints by domestic producers.
As it is difficult to define dumping, and there is no internationally agreed
procedure for deciding when it has occurred, the threat of anti-dumping

duties is a general obstacle to the expansion of international trade.
anti-monopoly policy See monopoly policy.

anti-pollution measures Policies to reduce or eliminate *pollution. These

include taxes; quantitative restriction or prohibition of activities causing
pollution: *zoning regulations to locate polluting activities where they will
do the least harm: and support for research into the effects of pollution and
the discovery of methods of production with fewer harmful *by-products.
Education of industrial firms and the general public can both increase
voluntary avoidance of pollution, and generate political support for
compulsory methods of reducing it, either by taxation or controls. *Incentives
to avoid pollution can also be given by imposing legal liabilities on polluters
either to compensate particular victims. or to pay for the general costs of
cleaning-up operations.
antitrust The US term for policies designed to restrict monopoly and

promote competition. The Antitrust Division of the US Department of Justice
and the *Federal Trade Commission are the main agencies for antitrust policy.
The name comes from the US use of the term 'trusts' to describe large firms
formed by amalgamation. US antitrust measures frequently work by making
practices such as *price discrimination illegal. The very name embodies an
anti-monopoly position. This can be contrasted with UK terminology, where
a body such as the *Monopolies and Mergers Commission (MMC) is given
discretion ro judge whether any particular monopoly or merger is harmful.
appreciation, capital See capital appreciation.
appreciation, currency A rise in the price of a country's currency in terms
of foreign currency. This makes foreign goods cheaper relative to home­
produced goods, which tends to increase imports, and it makes home­
produced goods dearer abroad. which tends to decrease exports. Currency

appreciation is thus generally bad for a country's *balance of trade. Lower
import prices, however, tend to reduce *inflation.




appreciation, stock See stock appreciation.

apprenticeship A system by which firms take on workers, typically young

ones, for an initial period of employment during which they are supposed to
spend part of their time training. *Training for apprentices may be provided
by formal instructional courses, either within the firm or at outside
institutions, by learning on the job working under the supervision of
experienced workers, or in both ways. At the end of their training, apprentices
receive some type of formal vocational qualification. Apprentices are
frequently paid less than fully qualified workers, and are not guaranteed a job
at the end of their training.
appropriation account An account showing what has been done with the
total funds available to a company or other organization. This shows the
division of total funds between tax payments, real investment. making
external loans or purchasing securities. retention of cash balances. and
distribution to shareholders.
appropriation bill A US federal legislative bill authorizing expenditure.
This has to be approved by both houses of Congress.
a priori From first principles. The assumptions of an a priori argument are

axioms, that have to be assumed, and cannot be derived from empirical
evidence. While it is generally unwise in economics to base policy
prescriptions on purely a priori arguments, all economic arguments
necessarily contain some a priori elements.
arbitrage Buying a good or asset in one market where price is low. and
simultaneously selling in another market where price is higher. This does not
involve taking any *risks. Arbitrage tends to prevent the price of the same
good or asset in different markets from moving further apart than a margin
equal to transactions costs. Interest arbitrage is borrowing in a market with
lower interest rates and simultaneously lending in a market with higher ones.
arbitrage, no See no arbitrage.
arbitrageur A person or company who undertakes a set of transactions
involving buying in one market and selling in another, where the prices are
known simultaneously. Thus, although a profit can be made if the prices are
different, an arbitrageur takes very little *risk. The term arbitrageur is also
used to describe those who buy and sell companies or parts of companies at
pre-arranged prices, again taking very little risk. An arbitrageur is contrasted
with a *speculator. who buys and sells in markets where the prices are not
known simultaneously, so that between purchase and sale the speculator is
massively at risk.
arbitration A system for settling disputes by submitting them to the
judgement of a mediator acceptable to both parties. An arbitrator may be an
independent individual, or a committee. often containing nominees of both
parties with an independent person in the chair. Arbitration is often used in
commercial and labour disputes, as it is usually quicker and cheaper than
legal or *industrial action. It may be binding, where both parties are obliged
by law or by contract to accept the results. Even when it is not binding, the
parties may well accept the result rather than face the delays, costs, and risk
involved in resort to legal or industrial action.

arbitration, pendulum


arbitration, pendulum See pendulum arbitration.
arc elasticity The ratio of the proportional change in one variable to the
proportional change in another, as actually measured between two points
over a discrete range. Arc elasticity is distinguished from *point elasticity,
which is the limit taken by arc elasticity as the two points move closer
together. Point elasticity cannot be directly observed, but must be found
by statistical inference from actual observations, whereas arc elasticity is
measured directly.
area, free-trade See free-trade area.
argument An independent variable determining the value ofa *function.
The argument ofa function ofone variable, for example y = f(x), is the variable
x; the value ofx determines the value or values ofy. In a function off more than
one variable, for example y = f(x" x 2 ) , x, and x 2 are the arguments of( ). Iffor
example y = x 2 + z2 , the values of both x and z are needed to determine the
value ofy.
arithmetic mean The sum ofa set ofN numbers, x,, x 2 , • • • , Xs , divided by
N, denoted by (I,x,)/N. This can be calculated for any set offinite numbers,
whether positive, zero, or negative. The arithmetic mean, or *unweigh ted
average, is what is normally meant by the use of'average' without further
arithmetic progression A *series ofnumbers, where the rule for getting
from each one to the next is to add a constant. Thus ifx, = a, x 2 = a + b,
X 3 = a + 2b, . . . , Xs = a + (N - 1 )b.
Arrangement, Multi-Fibre See Multi-Fibre Arrangement.
Arrow's impossibility theorem The theorem that in a multi-person

economy, there is not necessarily any situation which is an equilibrium under
majority voting. This can occur, for example. ifthere are three individuals, 1 ,
2, and 3, with cyclical preferences among three situations. A . B, and C . If 1
ranks the situations A, B, C, 2 ranks them B, C, A, and 3 ranks them C, A, B, in
majority votes with non-strategic voting A is preferred to B, B is preferred to C,
and C is preferred to A. Note, however, that the theorem does not say that
such a paradoxical position is inevitable, or even likely, only that it could
A-share An *ordinary share in a company which, while it receives the same
dividends as other ordinary shares, does not give its holder any voting rights.
A-shares are issued to enable the group controlling a company to raise capital
from outside without parting with *control. Because A-shareholders are
excluded from control, these shares generally trade at a lower price than
voting ordinary shares in the same company.
assembly line A device moving a good being produced, for example a car.
past a sequence ofworkers or machines. As it passes each work-station, a
particular task is performed. Tasks may include adding components, working
on components already in place, or checking the work ofearlier stages.
Assembly-line production allows *economies ofscale, by keeping down the
time needed to move workers or machines from one task to another. Under
this system no task can be done until the one before is finished, so that
breakdowns ofmachines, non-arrival ofinputs. or the absence of any worker



Assisted Area

may hold up the entire process. Responsibility for the quality of the end­
product is very widely spread, which may make it difficult to locate the cause
of defects or to motivate workers to prevent them.
assessment, tax See tax assessment.

asset motive The incentive to hold money as a *store of value. If prices are
expected to be stable, money is a poor store of value as it earns little or no
interest. When * inflation is expected. money does even worse as a store of
value. If prices fall, however, money is an attractive asset, and if there is
thought to be any chance of falling prices, this can prompt a desire to hol d
money as an asset.
asset prices The prices of assets. including land and buildings, productive
equipment, and *securities . As assets can be sold again, their present pri ces
are strongly influenced by *expectations about their future prices, and by the
interest rate at which future values are discounted . As stocks of assets are very
large compared to any one period's new asset creation. asset prices are
anchored much less firmly than goods prices to costs of production. It is
common for asset prices to vary widely over quite short time periods; see for
example the large differences between the maximum and minimum prices of
individual shares reported within any one year.
assets Possessions of value, both real and financial. Real assets include land ,
buildings , or machinery owned. Financial assets include cash and securiti es,
and credit extended to customers . The assets side of a company's *balance­
sheet includes both real and financial assets. Asset management is managing
for others, for a fee, their portfolios of real or financial assets. * Asset-s tripping
is selling off the assets of companies. Assets is also used in a metaphorical and
usually favourable sense to describe things that cannot actually be owned , as
in the phrase 'a company's best assets are the skill and loyalty of its
employees '.
assets, current See current assets.

assets, intangible See intangible assets.
assets, liquid See liquid assets.
assets, portfolio of See portfolio of assets.
assets, tangible See tangible assets .

asset-stripping A pejorative description of the process of dividing up the

assets of a company in cases where the total value of the parts when separated
is greater than their value when combined. Examples could include selling off
unused or under-utilized land or buildings, or selling off activities where
heavy investment carries tax allowances which the company cannot use to
other companies whose large present profits make the tax allowances valuable
to them. A more favourable description of asset-stripping activities is
corporate restructuring. Advocates of corporate restructuring argue that
so-called asset-stripping is only profitable because the assets were being
inefficiently used, or simply neglected, in the first place.
asset, wasting See wasting asset.

Assisted Area A UK region made eligible for special government assistance

to encourage investment because of persistently above-average

association, housing


*unemployment. Development Areas are eligible fo r more help than
Intermediate Areas. Grants for these areas are also available from the
European Union (EU) through the European Regional Development Fund

(ERDF). Although special help for Assisted Areas has been available under
various schemes since the 1 930s, regional differences in unemployment have
been very persistent.
association, housing See housing association.
association, trade See trade association.
assurance See insurance.
assurance, equity-linked See equity-linked assurance.
asymmetric information A situation where economic agents do not all

have the same *information. This is ofcourse the actual situation in any real
economy. No economic agent has access to full information; each has some
information that others do not. Information is available to some agents and
not to others for various reasons. Some information is private, concerning the
state ofthe agent's own mind; for example, the maximum amount I would be
willing to bid in an auction. Other information is objectively measurable, for
example the level ofa firm's stocks, but only the firm and not its rivals can
measure it. Even ifprivate information is passed to others, ifthey cannot
check it independently they may not believe it. Equally, for any agent there
will be many things which others know but they do not. Every agent thus has
to decide what *strategies to follow, knowing that others know things that
they do not, and that they cannot be sure how far their own information is
shared by other people.
asymptote A value which a given function approaches arbitrarily closely
as its *argument changes, but does not actually reach while the argument is
finite. For example, ifthe total cost ofan output x is given by TC = a + bx, where
a and b are constants, *average cost is given by AC = TCfx = (a/x) + b. AC can thus
be bought within any given distance above b, however small, by taking a
sufficiently large x. but AC exceeds b (denoted AC > b) for any finite x. Average
cost asymptotes to b.
atomistic competition A situation where the participants on both sides

ofa market are so numerous that the assumptions of *perfect competition
are actually realistic. This can only occur when *economies ofscale are non­
existent, or all available economies ofscale are achieved at a level of output
negligibly small relative to the size ofthe market.
auction A sale where the price is fixed by an auctioneer who invites bids,

and awards the article being auctioned to the highest bidder. In an English
auction the highest bid is publicly announced at each stage, and other parties
are given a chance to make higher bids. In a sealed-bid auction the bids are
not publicly announced: each bid is submitted sealed, and a time limit is set
at which the auctioneer opens the bids and awards the article to the highest
bidder, without further bids being invited. In a Dutch auction the auctioneer
announces a decreasing series ofprices, and the article is awarded to the first
bidder. In any ofthese types of auction there may or may not be a reserve
price, which is the lowest bid the seller will accept; this may or may not be




published. The auctioneer normally charges the seller and possibly also the
buyer a fee calculated as a percentage of the realized price.
audit The process of checking *accounts. Auditors check whether the
accounts of a company, private trader, or association are complete and
consistent. whether they agree with other records of purchases, sales,
and inventories, and whether they comply with legal requirements and
professional standards. *Companies are legally required to have their

accounts externally audited, and many other bodies are required to do so by
their own constitutions. Many companies and other organizations employ
internal auditors, to check the accuracy and completeness of their internal
bookkeeping. The audit provides a safeguard against both fraud and
incompetence in accounting.
audit, efficiency See efficiency audit.
auditor A person or accountancy firm employed to check the *accounts of
a company. private trader, or association. Auditors check whether accounts
are complete and consistent, and whether they are in agreement with other
records of purchases. sales, and inventories. They may certify that accounts
present a 'true and fair view' of a company's finances, or they can 'qualify'
them, that is, add adverse comments. The auditors of UK companies are
elected by the *annual general meetings of the companies · shareholders. and
are required to be professionally qualified accountants. Other bodies such as
charities are required to have their accounts audited, but their auditors need
not be professionally qualified, and are often unpaid. Many companies and
other organizations also employ internal auditors. to check on the accuracy
and completeness of the firms' internal bookkeeping. as a safeguard against
both fraud and confusion in accounting.
autarky An economy with no external trade. The term is also applied to the
policy aim of reducing a country's dependence on foreign trade, for example
by *tariffs and *quotas. even if foreign trade cannot be entirely eliminated.
authorized capital The nominal value of the *shares a company is
empowered to issue. Companies often extend their authorized capital in
advance of actual issue of new shares. This allows the timing of capital issues
to be fixed in the light of the firm's need for new capital and the state of the
capital market and allows *share options to be exercised.
autocorrelation A measure of the relation between the value of any item in
a time series and those coming before or after it. First-order autocorrelation
refers to the relation of each item to those immediately before or after.

Suppose that the data are x,. x,.,, x,.,. etc.. where t represents time. If the series
is stationary. replace each x, by its deviation from the average value of the
series ; if the series is trended. replace each x, by the deviation from its trend
value. Denote these deviations z,. z,." z,.2 , etc. The value of z,z,. 1 is found for
each t. If the *expected value of this product is zero. there is no first-order
autocorrelation; the successive observations are independent. If the expected
value of z,z,. 1 is not zero. the series has positive or negative first-order
autocorrelation. The existence of second-order or higher-order autocorrelation
is measured by taking the expected values ofz,z,. 2 • z,z,.3 , etc. Positive
autocorrelation means that deviations from *equilibrium tend to persist
from period to period; negative autocorrelation means that deviations from

automatic stabilizers


equilibrium tend to be reversed. Many economic time series. such as
*unemployment or the inflation rate, show positive autocorrelation.
automatic stabilizers See built-in stabilizers.

automation Production by machinery, usually computer-controlled,

without the need for immediate human intervention. This is particularly
useful where extreme accuracy is required, or in processing dangerous
materials, where it may be difficult and expensive to protect human
operatives. While the operation of automated plants uses very little labour,
designing, producing, and setting up the equipment usually requires very
large amounts of *skilled work. Human operatives may also be used as an
additional safeguard to monitor the working of automated equipment. For

any given level of output automation usually means fewer but better jobs .

autonomous consumption That part of *consumption which does
not depend on current income. If aggregate consumption, C, is given by
C = a + bY., , where Y., is *disposable income. a can be regarded as autonomous
consumption. a > O because even those with no income need to consume to
live, and can finance expenditure by running down assets or borrowing. The
level of a is influenced by total assets held. expectations of future income or
acquisitions of assets through legacies. and social conventions about
minimum acceptable standards of living.

autonomous investment That part of * investment which is not explained
by changes in the level of output. This includes investment in public services,
which are determined by government policy, investment to exploit new
technical knowledge or geographical discoveries, and considerable amounts
of replacement of existing capital as it wears out. In fact most investment is
autonomous in this sense.

average A statistical summary measure of size. The average of a set of
numbers may be weighted or unweighted. The unweighted average or
arithmetic mean of a set of N numbers x,. x,, . . . x� is their sum divided by N,
written (I.,x,)/N. In an unweighted average an equal weight is given to each
number; this is often appropriate if the data concern individuals. A weighted
average gives a 'weight' to each observation, denoted w,; it is then the sum of
the products of observations and their weights, (x,w,), divided by the sum of
the weights, written (I.,x,w,)/(I.,w, ). A weighted average is appropriate in
considering, for example, the average income of people in Latin America.
Brazil has far more inhabitants than Uruguay, and if the x, were average
income for each country, natural weights w, would be the populations of
the various countries.

average cost Total cost of production divided by quantity produced.
Average fixed cost necessarily decreases with output. Average variable cost
may decrease with output up to the point where limits to *capacity become a
constraint, after which it tends to rise. If average variable cost rises faster than
average fixed cost falls, this produces a *U-shaped average cost curve. Where
a firm has multiple products, as most actual firms do. the whole concept of
average cost depends on the ability to attribute particular costs to particular
products, which is often a matter of judgement.
average cost curve, U-shaped See U-shaped average cost curve.

