HANOI, 2018
Scientific supervisors:
1. Assoc. Prof. PhD Pham Duc Hieu
2. Assoc. Prof. PhD Pham Thi Thu Thuy
Reviewer 1: Prof. PhD Phan Trung Kien NEU
Reviewer 2: PhD Ha Thi Ngoc Ha MOF
Reviewer 3: Prof. PhD Truong Thi Thuy AOF
The thesis is presented at the Thesis Council at Thuongmai University
At …, on……………….., 2018
The thesis is available at:
The National Library of Vietnam
The Library of ThuongMai University
1. Urgency of the thesis topic
Independent audit plays an important role in the market economy.
Independent audit, including financial statements audit, is firstly
considered as a tool to protect the stability of the economy through audit
opinions and professional recommendations for decisionmaking of
interested users. However, the bankruptcy of Enron Corporation, one of
the leading energy corporations in the US in 2001, resulting in the
downfall of Arthur Andersen, a worldclass prestigious audit firm in 2002,
raised the concerns about audit quality. A number of scandals about audit
quality of independent audit firms were disclosed after that, which leads to
the reduction in the confidence of investors in the role of independent audit
in confirming the reliability of financial information and thus the issue of
audit quality of financial statements becomes really urgent.
In addition to its role as an economic management tool, independent
audit is also a form of business service recognized by law. In order to
maintain and develop the market, to attract customers, in addition to
guarantee audit quality in terms of expertise, independent audit companies
also need to improve audit quality in terms of service quality, to meet
customer needs. Therefore, it is necessary to study audit quality from the
perspective of customers. According to data compiled from final reports of
the Ministry of Finance and Vietnam Association of Certified Public
Accountants (VACPA), revenue from FDI clients always accounts for the
highest proportion, reaching 4050% of the total revenue of the
independent audit industry. In terms of average revenue per customer,
revenue from FDI enterprises is always superior to other customers and
surpasses the industry average. It can be said that FDI enterprises are the
most potential customers of the independent audit industry in Vietnam.
FDI enterprises have not only made great contributions to the independent
audit industry, but also made important contributions to the economic
development of Vietnam over the past 30 years: contributing to increase
budget revenue, improving payment balance, being an important
supplementary source for economic development, modern economic
restructuring, upgrading of technical and technological level, developing
the market economy in Vietnam, integrating Vietnam's economy into the
world economy, jobs creating, training human resources, raising living
standards. From the significant contributions of FDI enterprises to the
independent audit industry as well as to the economic development of
Vietnam, it can be seen that the improvement of the quality of audit
services to meet the needs of customers (FDI enterprises) not only ensures
the maintenance and development of customers for the independent audit
industry but also creates favorable conditions for FDI enterprises operating
in Vietnam, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of the
national economy.
Therefore, the author chooses the thesis topic, namely “Research on
the influence of factors on the audit quality of financial statements of
FDI enterprises in Vietnam” to assess the audit quality of financial
statements of FDI enterprises in terms of expertise and in terms of service
quality, thereby enabling auditors and independent audit companies to
make appropriate decisions and adjustments to improve the audit quality of
financial statements on both these perspectives.
2. Literature review and research gaps
2.1 International researches
2.1.1. The researches on audit quality
Audit quality (AQ) is one of the most important topics in audit studies
(Kit, 2005). However, the evaluation of AQ is not easy. Because the
process of providing audit services is not observable by third parties
(Krishnan and Schauer, 2000), so in the empirical studies the researchers
selected two methods for measuring AQ, direct method and/or indirect
Direct measurement method is the method of evaluating AQ from the
audit process of the auditor. This method requires researchers to directly
join the audit team as independent auditors, or have direct access to the
auditor's working papers and audit documents, or be involved in peer
review of the audit process related to each specific audit contract (Carlin et
al., 2009).
Indirect method of measurement is the method of evaluating AQ
through influencing factors. DeAngelo (1981) in the study "Auditor Size
and Audit Quality " proposed that the size of an audit firm is a measure of
AQ, as larger firms will have better conditions to conduct the audit. After
DeAngelo's study, many empirical studies conducted a test of the
relationship between the size of the audit firm and AQ (Krishnan and
Schauer, 2000; Ajmi, 2009; Lawrence et al., 2011), as well as the indirect
measurement of AQ through influencing factors becomes more common.
Thus, the next part of the thesis will systematize factors influencing AQ by
indirect method.
2.1.2. Factors affecting the audit quality
Through synthesis, it is possible to systematize the factors that affect
AQ into the following groups:
Groups of factors relating to auditors: Auditor qualifications and
proficiency, Industry Expertise, Experience, Professional Due Care,
Auditor’s independence
Group of factors related to audit firms: Audit firm size, Control
processes, Audit Tenure, Nonaudit service, Responsiveness to client
Groups of factors relating to auditees: Risk level in the business of
auditee, The internal control system of auditee
Other factors relating to the context: Competition in the audit
market, The system of accounting and auditing standards, and the system
of accounting and auditing laws.
2.2. Local researches
Factors affecting AQ, which are studied as well as mentioned in
studies in Vietnam, can be systematized into the following groups:
Groups of factors relating to auditors: Methodology and
professional skepticism of the auditors, Competence and Industry
Expertise, Auditor’s independence, Auditor’s Tenure, Compliance with
audit standards and professional ethics
Group of factors related to audit firms: Audit firm size,
professional degree of audit firms, The cost of the audit, Internal Quality
Control, Ownership of the Audit Firm, Scope of the audit service.
Other factors: Audit fees, legal system, External Quality Control,
Audit quality personnel training, Competition in the audit market,
Characteristics of the audit clients
2.3. Research gaps
From literature review, it can be seen that compared with studies on
AQ in the world and in the region, studies on AQ in Vietnam are still
rather modest with very few figures. Moreover, among the studies on AQ,
there is not much research on AQ of FDI enterprises. In addition, most AQ
studies refer only to one aspect (either from the service providers the
audit firms or from the service users – the auditees). There are very few
studies focusing on both aspects.
3. Research objectives
The research was carried out towards the following objectives:
Systemizing and supplementing theory about AQ and factors
affecting AQ of financial statements from professional perspective as well
as from the perspective of service quality;
Determining the factors and quantifying the influence of factors on
the AQ of financial statements of FDI enterprises in Vietnam on these two
Providing recommendations to improve the AQ of financial
statements of FDI enterprises conducted by independent audit firms in
Vietnam in terms of professional quality as well as in terms of service
1.4. Research questions
The thesis will answer the following questions:
Question 1: Audit quality of financial statements and factors affecting
AQ of financial statements in terms of professional quality and service
Question 2: What are influencing factors and their impacts on the AQ
of financial statements of FDI enterprises from the perspective of auditors
and audit clients?
Question 3: What are the recommendations to improve the AQ of
financial statements of FDI enterprises in Vietnam?
5. Research object and scope
5.1. Research objects
AQ and the influence of factors on the AQ of financial statements of
FDI enterprises.
5.2. Research scope
Scope of space: The thesis is conducted at independent audit firms in
Vietnam and FDI enterprises, including 100% foreign invested enterprises
and joint ventures operating in the nonfinancial sector in Vietnam.
Scope of time: The thesis collects data on FDI enterprises and
independent audit activities in Vietnam from 2011 to 2016
6. Research methodology
The research method used in this thesis is qualitative research
method combined with quantitative research method.
7. Contribution of the thesis
7.1. Theoretical contributions
Firstly, based on previous studies on AQ, the thesis systematizes,
synthesizes and classifies factors affecting AQ from different perspectives,
supplementing and developing the theory of AQ.
Second, the thesis points out the role of economic theories as the
basis for audit and AQ researches.
7.2. Practical contributions
Firstly, the results of empirical research show that, from a
professional perspective, there are 9/11 influencing factors that have
statistical significance to AQ with 33 criteria. From the perspective of
service quality, there are 5/6 influencing factors that have statistical
significance to audit services quality with 21 criteria.
Secondly, the results of the study also show that there is a difference
in the views of the auditors and audit clients on AQ provided by Big 4 and
NonBig 4 audit firms.
Thirdly, from the results of the empirical study, the thesis provides
recommendations to audit firms to improve AQ in terms of professional
quality and to improve the services quality to meet customer needs.
8. Thesis structure
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis consists of 5
Chapter 1: Fundemental theory on the audit quality of financial
statements and the factors affecting the audit quality of financial
Chapter 2: Characteristics of foreign direct investment enterprises
and independent audit in Vietnam
Chapter 3: Research design and research methods
Chapter 4: Research results and discussions
Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations from research results
1.1. Fundamental theories
1.1.1. Agency Theory
1.1.2. Stakeholder theory
1.1.3. Stewardship theory
1.1.4. Institutional theory
1.2. Financial statements audit and audit quality of financial
1.2.1. Financial statements audit
1.2.2. Audit quality of financial statements Audit quality of financial statements in professional aspect
From the traditional viewpoint of many researchers on AQ, AQ of
financial statements is the ability to discover and report major
misstatements in audited financial statements.
Recently, researchers have turned their focus to study the assessment
of AQ by comparing the audit work against the audit standards, or AQ is
considered through compliance with professional standards and
professional ethics. Audit quality of financial statements in services quality aspect
From services quality perspective, the AQ is assessed by the level of
satisfaction of the users on the financial statement (Angus Duff, 2004).
Discussion and the research viewpoint on AQ of the thesis
According to the author of the thesis, the AQ will be studied and
measured not only through the level of compliance with professional
standards and professional ethics but also by the level of audit clients
satisfaction of the audit service quality.
1.3. Factors affecting audit quality of financial statements
1.3.1. Factors affecting audit quality of financial statements in terms of
professional quality
Factors affecting audit quality of financial are presented in the
following frameworks: The framework of professional organizations
Framework for Audit Quality of FRC (2008)
Framework for Audit Quality of IAASB (2013) The framework of academic researchers
Framework for Audit Quality of Francis (2011)
Framework for Audit Quality of Knechel et al. (2013)
1.3.2. Factors affecting the audit quality of financial statements in terms
of service quality
The factors influencing AQ in terms of service quality are essentially
the same as those in the SERVQUAL model of Parasuraman et al. (1988)
and the factor “Nonaudit service” developed by several researchers from
the original SERVQUAL model of Parasuraman et al. (1988).
Discussion and the research viewpoint on factors influencing AQ of
the thesis
In term of professional quality, AQ of financial statements will be
studied by examining the level of compliance with auditing standards
through inputs, outputs, and context based on the integration of
frameworks for AQ of professional organizations (FRC, 2008, IAASB,
2013) and the recommendations of academic researchers on AQ such as
Francis (2011), Knechel et al. (2013).
In terms of service quality, AQ of financial statements will be
measured through factors that affect service quality based on SERVQUAL
model of Parasuraman et al. (1988). And the thesis adds the factor “Non
audit service”, which was confirmed by many researchers about its impact
on the audit services quality.
Summary of Chapter 1
In this chapter, the thesis has systematized, supplemented, and
contributed to the improvement of basic theoretical issues about AQ and
factors influencing AQ. The thesis has presented and analyzed the content
of fundamental theories as the basis for AQ and the factors influencing AQ
researches, including: Agency theory, Stakeholder theory, Stewardship
theory and Institutional theory. The thesis has also analyzed and
synthesized different views on AQ from two perspectives: professional
quality and service quality, thus introducing the viewpoint of thesis on the
AQ of financial statement.
2.1. Foreign direct investment activities in Vietnam
2.2. Foreign direct investment enterprises in Vietnam
2.2.1. Overview of foreign direct investment enterprises in Vietnam
2.2.2. Accounting system of foreign direct investment enterprises in
Vietnam The accounting documents
For companies with 100% foreign capital, most of them built their
own accounting documents and self printed sales invoices because most of
them are affiliated companies thus depending on the holding company.
For joint ventures, depending on the characteristics of the business
sector, FDI enterprises may use the accounting documents system
according to regulation or other common accounting documents system. The chart of accounts
Companies with 100% foreign capital usually use additional accounts
in addition to the chart of accounts regulated by the enterprise accounting
system or using the system of accounts of the holding company.
For joint ventures, which mainly operate in the domestic market, the
business sector does not have its own characteristics, it usually uses the
chart of accounts according to the regulations of the Ministry of Finance.
For joint ventures, which attach importance to developing in the world
market, they usually add accounts to reflect the arising economic activities
which are not regulated by the Vietnamese chart of accounts.
The use of these additional accounts is subject to approval by the
Ministry of Finance as well as the tax authorities The system of accounting books
FDI enterprises must comply with the general provisions on
accounting books, which are prescribed in the Vietnamese enterprise
accounting regimes for opening, recording, correcting errors, preserving
accounting books, and handling violations. The system of financial reports
Financial statements of FDI enterprises must be prepared on the basis
of data of accounting books recorded from valid accounting documents.
In addition to the financial statements prepared in Vietnam, FDI
enterprises also have to prepare financial reports for consolidation of
financial statements at holding companies. These financial statements are
prepared in accordance with the IFRS as well as the accounting standards
of the country where the holding company is located. However, these
financial statements can not be used for financial statements audit in
Vietnam. Accordingly, the financial statements which are prepared in
accordance with the IFRS
and in accordance with accounting standards of the nation where holding
company locates, outside the scope of the study. In other words, the
characteristics of these financial statements do not affect the AQ of
financial statements of FDI enterprises.
2.3. Independent audit activities in Vietnam
2.3.1. The formation and development of independent audit in Vietnam
2.3.2. Legal environment for independent audit in Vietnam
2.3.3. Quality control of independent audit activities in Vietnam Regulations on quality control of independent audit activities
Legal documents on quality control of independent audit activities
VSQC1: Quality control of enterprises conducting audit, financial
statements inspection, assurance services and other related services.
VSA 220: Quality control standards for financial statements audit Quality control activities of financial statements audit of
independent audit firms in Vietnam in the past time
Summary of Chapter 2
Chapter 2 gives an overview of the main aspects of foreign direct
investment in Vietnam, the overview of FDI enterprises in Vietnam as well
as the accounting system of these companies.
In addition, Chapter 2 focuses on independent audit in Vietnam,
including the history of independent audit, the legal environment for
independent audit in Vietnam, and the quality control of independent audit
in Vietnam over time. Through this, the thesis has discovered the research
gap in AQ on the practical aspects. These findings further reinforce the
need to approach AQ in both professional and service quality to meet the
requirements of professional standards, the specialized management of the
audit firm, but also satisfy the requirements of customers, in the context of
the increasingly competitive audit market in Vietnam.
3.1. Research design
3.1.1. Research process
The whole research process of the thesis is as follows:
3.1.2. Research models Model of audit quality of financial statements in terms of
professional qualifications Model of audit quality of financial statements in terms of service
3.2. Data collection and procedures in qualitative research
3.2.1. Data collection
3.2.2. Implementation process
Conducting semistructured interviews with experts through two
drafts of factors and attributes of factors affecting AQ of financial
statements from the professional perspective and from the perspective of
service quality. Then, performing indepth interviews with experts through
openended questions to gather expert opinions.
3.3. Data collection and data processing in quantitative research
3.3.1. Data collection
3.3.2. Quantitative data processing Data coding Descriptive statistics Measuring the reliability of the scale (Cronbach's alpha) Explore factors analysis (EFA) Regression analysis
Summary of Chapter 3
In this chapter, the author presents the research design of the thesis,
including two phases: qualitative research and quantitative research;
research process consists of 5 steps from identifying research problem to
research results analysis. The thesis has proposed two research models:
the AQ model in term of professional quality and the AQ model in terms
of service quality.
In addition, the author also presents methods of collecting and
processing qualitative data, methods of collecting and processing
quantitative data, such as sample selection, questionnaire design, data
coding and methods of data processing.
4.1. Results of qualitative research
4.1.1. Expert Interview Results Semistructured interview results
Semistructured interview results are as follows:
From the perspective of professional quality, there are 13 factors
affecting AQ of financial statements of FDI enterprises, including: (1)
Professional attitude of the auditors, (2) Auditor qualifications and
proficiency, (3) Industry Expertise, (4) Experience, (5) Audit time, (6)
Auditor’s independence, (7) Audit process, (8) Internal Quality Control,
(9) Audit reports, (10) Audited financial statements, (11) Audit Market,
(12) Law system, (13) Characteristics of the FDI enterprises
From the perspective of service quality, there are 6 factors that affect
AQ of financial statements of FDI enterprises, including: (1) Tangibles,
(2) Reliability, (3) Responsiveness, (4) Assurance, (5) Empathy, (6) Non
audit service Results of indepth interviews
Results of indepth interviews: Authors and experts agreed to
supplement and adjust 14 variables.
4.1.2. Survey results on audit quality control
From the results obtained on the establishment and implementation
of quality control policies at ABC Auditing Co., Ltd and XYZ Consulting
and Auditing Co., Ltd, we can see that the internal quality control of these
companies remains the following issues:
Although audit companies have established quality control
procedures but have not implemented them adequately, the
implementation of the audit has been sketchy with the inspection of the
authorities. Compliance with the Vietnamese auditing standards system is
generally incomplete and justified to the extent necessary.
Audit companies have not conducted a reevaluation of customers in
a certain period of time or when there are major changes in the customer
4.2. Results of quantitative research
4.2.1. The results of research on quality of audit in terms of professional
qualifications Sample description statistics Results of reliability of the scale
The model retains 14 factors which ensure good quality with 50
items. Results of exploratory factor analysis
Through the evaluation of the scale and EFA analysis, the thesis
identifies 11 scales representing the factors influencing AQ with 42 items Results of regression analysis
Standardized regression equations are as follows:
CLKT = 0.263 CSKN + 0.217 QTKS + 0.376 TDNN + 0.227 DLKT +
0.203 HTPL + 0.208 TDCM + 0.104 TGKT + 0.102 DDDN + 0.093
The level of impact of the variables from high to low are:
TDNN (0.376) > CSKN (0.263) > DLKT (0.227) > QTKS (0.217) >
TDCM (0.208) > HTPL (0.203) > TGKT (0.104) > DDDN (0.102) >
TTKT (0.093) Independent Sample TTest
The results show that there is a statistically significant difference
between the Big 4 and NonBig 4 audit companies on the factors of: the
audit process and the control procedures, auditor qualifications and
proficiency. On the other hand, the test results showed no statistically
significant difference between the Big 4 and NonBig 4 audit companies
on the factors of: audit quality, experience and industry expertise,
professional attitude, auditor’s independence, law system, audit time,
characteristics of FDI enterprises, and audit market.
4.2.2. Results of quality audit study in terms of quality of service Descriptive statistics Results of reliability of the scale
The model retains 7 factors which ensure good quality with 26 items. Results of exploratory factor analysis
Through the evaluation of the scale and EFA analysis, the thesis
identified 6 dimensions representing the factors affecting the audit services
quality and a scale representing the audit services quality with 24 items. Results of regression analysis
Standardized regression equations are as follows:
CLDV = 0.478 NLPV + 0.242 PTHH + 0.546 DUKH + 0.240 PKT +
0.356 TCKH
The level of impact of the variables from high to low are: DUKH
(0.546) > NLPV (0.478) > TCKH (0.356) > PTHH (0.242) > PKT
In addition, to test the hypothesis whether or not the difference in
audit services quality provided by Big 4 and NonBig 4 audit companies is
assessed by FDI clients, the thesis adds the CTKT variable and performs
regression with dummy variables. The results show that the value of
control variable CTKT is statistically significant (Sig <5%), indicating that
FDI clients believe that service quality is better when provided by Big4
audit firms.
Summary of Chapter 4
In this chapter, the thesis presents results of verification of research
models on audit quality of FDI financial statements. The results show that
the influence of factors on audit quality of financial statements of FDI
enterprises in terms of professional quality and service quality. At the
same time, the results of the study also add a remarkable finding, that is, if
there is no difference in the AQ between the Big 4 and NonBig 4
companies in term of professional quality, in the opposite direction,
according to the customer's assessment of the service quality, there is a
statistically significant difference in the audit services quality between Big
4 and NonBig 4 audit firms.
5.1. Conclusions
5.1.1. Conclusion on audit quality
AQ is a complex and multidimensional concept. Based on different
perspectives as well as different approaches, AQ will also be defined
differently. Within the research scope of the thesis, AQ is reviewed and
evaluated under two perspectives: the perspective of the auditors and the
perspective of the audit clients.
5.1.2. Conclusions on the factors and their impacts on the audit quality
of financial statements of foreign direct investment enterprises in
Firstly, in terms of professional quality, the qualitative research
shows that 13 factors affect AQ in three groups: Input factors (8 factors);
Output factors (2 factors); Context factors (3 factors). The results of
quantitative research indicate the statistical significance of 9 factors on the
audit quality of financial statements of FDI enterprises, including 6 factors
of input and 3 of context.
Secondly, in terms of service quality, the qualitative research
identifies 6 factors affecting audit services quality. Quantitative research
results show the statistically significant impact of 5 factors on audit
services quality.
5.2. Recommendations from research results
Based on the results of qualitative and quantitative research, the
thesis provides recommendations to independent audit companies and
policy makers on solutions for improving the audit quality of financial
statements in two respects.
5.2.1. Recommendations on solutions to improve the audit quality in
terms of professional quality Recommendations on input factors
For the factor of Professional attitude
First, ensuring that the auditors maintain a due care attitude
throughout the work process.
Secondly, ensuring that the auditors who are performing the audit
always have a good professional skepticism.
Thirdly, ensuring that the auditors are highly focused and adhere to
professional standards, laws and regulations.
For the factor Experience and Industry Expertise
This factor is guaranteed when:
The members of the audit group are knowledgeable about the
business sector of FDI enterprises.
The auditors have experience in conducting audit engagements in
FDI enterprises.
Auditors should be able to identify and assess risks associated with
FDI enterprises.
The auditors should have experience for at least 3 years. In addition,
audit team leader and audit firm manager should have at least two years
experience in the audit of financial statements (Carcello et al., 1992; Behn
et al., 1997, Kym Boon et al., 2008)