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practice test 9

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Pratice test 9
I/ Choose the best answer.
1.I received this letter…….Friday afternoon.
A.in B.on C.from D.within
2.I think you know how to do it! You made that mistake just………purpose.
A.for B.in C.on D.by
3.It is high time you………a holiday.
A.did B.made C.spent D.took
4.Many people watch TV to……….time.
A.past B.spend C.kill D.waste
5.Give me your telephone number……….I need your help.
A.in case B.so that C.unless D.whether
6.Do you………..my turning the TV on?
A.mind B.want C.object D.disapprove
7.The letter arrived……….post.
A.by B.withC.through D.from
8.Her mother wouldn’t…………her ride a bicycle.
A.allow B.permit C.let D.accept
9.I wish you………stop correcting every word I say.
A.should B.will C.would D.may
10.They have heard…………their parents.
A.of B.from C.about D.for
II/Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1.Don’t turn off the light. I (read) a book now.
2.When I (meet) her two months ago, she (tell) me that she (just/return) from London.
3.When he (come) yesterday, the house (redecorate)
4.In my life, I (live) in many places but I (think) the city lifestyle is best.
5.These shirts need (iron)
6.I only (use) this bike once since the day I (have) it (mend).
III/Give the correct word form.
1.I’d love to come to your wedding but (fortunate) I am very busy.

2.It is hard for him to (food) his big family.
3.There are several (different) between the North and the South of Brtitain.
4.We spent (sleep) nights studying for the exams.
5.Living in this slum is very (health).
6.I am sorry for my (patient), but I hate being kept waiting.
7.After her (ill), she worried that she was (weigh)
8.He is very good at English. He can speak it with (easy) and fluncy.
9.Has he gone on Business or for (please)?
IV/Find out mistakes and correct them.
1.How a beautiful day!
2.He has become used to be alone.
3.We celebrate our Independent Day on September the second.
4.The students did the exams so good.
5.Will you show the new comer how using the computer?
6.The train to Gia Lam and Hanoi are at gate 5 now.
7.We have to take this patient to the hospital immediately.
8.We don’t know why is the teacher absent.
9.he is famous of his selfishnes.
10.Their way of telling stories is so bored.
V/Rewrite these sentences.
1.John didn’t attend the lecture because he got up very late.-->If……………..
2.We spend an hour doing the washing every day.-->It………….
3.Who is the owner of these shoes?-->Whose………………..
4.There is no one we like more than our master.-->Our master………………
5.You will have a cough if you continue to smoke.-->Unless…………….
6.He got up too late to catch the first bus to school.-->He didn’t……………..
7.Originally, tennis was an indoor game.-->Tennis used………………
8.They heard her sing a beautiful song.-->She……………
9.Her father used to take her to the zoo on Sunday.-->She…………….
10.Who made this mistake?-->By…………………

VI/Odd the one out.
1.harm wash call talk
2.chooses houses rises horses
3.food mood shoot poor
4.kind site kit bite
5.window flow tow now
6.student stupid study studio
7.few flew blew chew
8.hard yard card carry
9.easy meat learn eat
10.page game go gift
VII/Fill in each space with one suitable word.
Nowadays there is plenty of good amusement available for the young children, and of course,
seeing plenty of books in use about the house will also encourage the to (1)…….. Of course, books
are no(2)………..the one source of stories and information. There is also a huge range of vedios,
which can reinforce and extend the pleasure a child finds in a (3)……….and are equally valuable in
helping to (4)……….vocabulary and concentration. Television gets a bad press as far as children are
concerned, mainly (5)………..too many spend much time (6)……programmes not intend for their age
Too many television programs are not (7)…………for children. They’d better watch the programs
designed (8)…………young children. Just as adults enjoy reading a book after seeing it serialized on
(9)………., so children will pounce on books (10)………feature their favorite television characters and
vedios can add a new dimension to a story known fron a book.
VIII/The following sentences make up two separate stories. Sort them into the two stories in
the correct order.
1.He, therefore, had not been able to tell her whether she had passed or not.
2.She immediately applied to take the test again, but still hasn’t had a reply.
3.His mother did not believe this, so she tried to prove otherwise.
4.However, she never discovered if she had passed it.
5.This was that, according to his teacher, it was impossible to count up to one million.

6.Six months ago, my aunt took her driving test for the fifth time.
7.She finished the task five years later after using two and a half thousand sheets of paper.
8.An American schoolboy ran home one day and told his mother an amazing fact.
9.This was because her examiner was taken to hospital after he had driven through a red light and
crashed into another car.
10.She sat down at her typewriter and started typing out the numbers from 1 to 1.000.000.

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