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Practice test 14

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Practice test 14
I/Odd the one out.
1.A.close B.bothC.dozen D.so
2.A.climb B.limp C.limb D.dim
3.A.daughterB.laughter C.taught D.caught
4.A.thus B.thick C.think D.thin
5.A.brought B.ought C.thought D.though
II/Choose the best answer.
1.What would you like to eat?- I don’t mind…….. – whatever you’ve got.
A.something B.anything C.nothing D.all
2.There’s no need to change your clothes. You can go out……..you are.
A.like B.the same as C.no matter how D.as
3.The weather is terrible at the moment, isn’t it? I hope it will………soon.
A.clear away B.clear up C.clear down D.clear off
4.You might not remember the name of the hotel, so please write it down………you forget it.
A.if B.otherwise C.in case D.unless
5.Recently, there have been a lot of American TV series………..on British television.
A.to show B.shown C.showing D.have been shown
6……..high schools are for students with special interest, e.g, music, dance, language.
A.Special B.Specialized C.Specialisting D.Specific
7. “ I didn’t expect Ann’s husband to be here at the opera with her”.
- “I’m surprised, too. Ann………insisted that he come with her”.
A.would have B.must have C.should have D.can have
8.It……..a long time before any landing on Mars can be attempted.
A.takes B.has taken C.will be D.would be
9.Has it ever occurred……..you that the twins are quite different………..each other.
A.to/from B.for/away C.in/from D.to/ against
10.The doctor let him go to the party………he was well enough to leave the hospital.
A.until B.just C.as soon as D. since
III/Give the correct verb from and tense.
1.Don’t try to phone me. By the time you (read) this letter, I (leave).

2.If you (have) a peep hole in your door, you would have seen who(stand) outside and kept the
door shut.
3.(Build), the cottage was beautifully decorated with paintings and pots of flowers.
4.Once you (learn) the basic rules, you (find) it easy to play the game.
5.Jenny and I (go) to the cinema tomorrow night to see Strangers on a Plane. Why you (not
come) with us, Ann?
6.Only after entering the store, Arthur(realize) that there was danger.
IV/Find out the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.
1.Would you mind if I borrow your scissors?
2.The new motorbike took him a few hundred dollars.
3.I do not know where could he have gone so early in the morning.
4.John has offered carrying Jane’s suitcase for her.
5.Not as many children read books as a recreational activity than they used to.
6. “Some of you have to study youself lessons more carefully for the test”, said Jane.
7.Suzy had better to change her study habits if she hopes to enter a good university.
8.Binh together with his classmates have learnt how to use the Internet.
9.Cuba is one of the largest sugar-growing area in the world.
10.We are supposed to read all of the chapter seven and answer the questions for tomorrow’s
V/Fill in each blank with one suitable word. THE FASTEST TRAVELER
Manned space-craft travel at speeds of almost five mifes a second, but space-craft are slow
compared(1)……….the fastest traveler in the (2)……..-light. Scientists calculate that light travels
186,000 miles in a second.!
Swift (3)……..it is, light takes time to cross interstellar space. Light from Sirius, a neighboring
star, travels for nine years to (4)………..us.
Because of the time light (5)……..to travel the distance of space, it is possible to “see” an event
long (6)………..it has happened. In A.D.1054, Chinese astronomers recorded the (7)………..of an
object that (8)………….up the night sky. They were seeing an exploding star. Yet scientists today
calculate that the star (9)………more than four thousand years ago. (10)……….the Chinese
observers, we too may “see” happenings vast distance away and long before our own time.

VI/Complete the passage with the words given in the box.
A.shape B.front C.figures D.suggest E.into F.room G.rear H.however I.make J.in
When drawing human(1)……, children often make the head too large for the rest of the body. A
recent study offers some insights(2)…….this commom phenomenon in children’s illustration. As
part of the study, researchers asked children between four and seven years old to (3)……..several
drawings of men. When they drew (4)…….views of male figures, the size of the heads was
noticeably enlarged.(5)……., When the children drew (6)………..views of men, the size of the
heads was not so exaggerated. Researchers (7)……..that children draw bigger heads when they
know they must leave (8)………….for facial details. Therefore, the odd head size (9)
………….children’s illustrations is a (10)…….of planning and not an indication of poor sense of
VII/Arrange the following sentences to make a conversation between two students.
A.You’re right.
B.You need some help. Why don’t you go to a doctor?
C.I know. But work and school make me so stressed out. Maybe I’ll be able to quit after I
D.Okey, I get your point. It’s just so hard. You don’t really understand because you never
E.I am sorry but I worry about you.
F.You mean a psychiatrist.
G.We seem to be having this conversation over and over again.
H.Look, I know how you feel about my smoking.You don’t have to tell me every day.
I.Let’s be honest. There’s always going to be a reason not to. After you graduate, it’s going to
be hard to find a job, then there will be the stress from starting a job , then……..
J.No, I don’t. I mean a general practitioner. Maybe you can get some pills. Well, I don’t know,
something to help you with the withdrawal. Because that’s what it is.
VIII/Rerwrite the following.
1.just when I arrived at the station, the train was starting to move.-->Hardly………..
2. “Let’s go for a walk. We’ve been working all day”.-->John suggested………………..
3.His latest play has been a great success. It was well reviewed by the criticsHis latest

4.She went to the zoo last year and that is where she saw a real tiger for the first time.
-->Before she…………………….

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