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bài tập áp dụng U1-U16

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Part I- Phonetics
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. eliminate B. elephant C. endanger D. erosion
2. A. worked B. stopped C. watched D. visited
3. A. peasant B. please C. reason D. ease
4. A. waited B. mended C. invited D. faced
5. A. traveled B. stared C. landed D. fastened
6. A. occupation B. college C. comfortable D. knowledge
7. A. determined B. researched C. obtained D. harbored
8. A. mingling B. simplicity C. variety D. difficulty
9. A. insect B. apes C. seal D. whales
10. A. forest B. resort C. reason D. visit
11. A. summary B. multiply C. subtract D. instruction
12. A. brushed B. punched C. pumped D. stimulated
13. A. mankind B. cancer C. alcohol D. survival
14. A. humans B. dreams C. concerts D. songs
15. A. communicat B. mistakes C. complains D. develops
16. A. manages B. laughs C. photographs D. makes
17. A. eight B. weight C. height D. freight
18. A. contribute B. tiny C. disaster D. investigate
19. A. nature B. native C. natural D. nation
20. A. compete B. decide C. announce D. necessary
21. A. different B. world C. disaster D. practiced
22. A. of B. off C. profile D. prefer
23. A. defeat B. dead C. leader D. pleasing
24. A. involved B. offered C. outnumbered D. helped
25. A. dishes B. oranges C. experiences D. chores
26. A. romantic B. private C. marriage D. attract
27. A. fills B. adds C. stirs D. lets
28. A. clapped B. noted C. deleted D. confided
29. A. furious B. butter C. culture D. multiple

30. A. welfare B. effort C. longevity D. secure
II. Choose the word which has different stress from the others.
1. A. technical B. introduce C. villager D. family
2. A. technology B. important C. popularity D. impossible
3 A. borrow B. agree C. await D. prepare
4 A. decide B. educate C. supply D. provide
5 A. ocean B. divide C. modem D. water
6 A. pacific B. satellite C. century D. animal
7 A. organism B. investigate C. diversity D. technology
8 A. entrapment B. gestation C. population D. intelligent
9 A. shortage B. complete C. release D. increase
10 A. destroy B. planet C. farmer D. forest
11 A. destruction B. movement C. important D. appearance
12 A. national B. establish C. tropical D. interest
13 A. refusal B. acceptance C. suitable D. minority
14 A. express B. classical C. occasion D. emotion
15 A. popular B. different C. integral D. expression
16 A. solemn B. express C. succeed D. event
17 A. cartoon B. fiction C. fascinate D. horror
18 A. voyage B. suppose C. tragic D. iceberg
19 A. champion B. passionate C. equipment D. tournament
20 A. international B. information C. elimination D. competition
21 A. retire B. compete C. announce D. happy
22 A. promote B. defeat C. hero D. postpone
23 A. involve B. honor C. final D. nation
24 A. historic B. national C. unusual D. cathedral
25 A. population B. information C. iternation D. Gellary
1. Columbus………………..(discover) America more than 400 years ago.

2. It……….............(rain) very hard now.
3. The sun ……….……..(warm) the air and ……………….....(give) us light.
4. They……………..…..(come) here a month ago.
5. Look! A man ………..………..(run) after the train.
6. We ………………….(go) to the mountains last Sunday.
7. They ……………….(come) here in a month.
8. Albert Einstein ……………….(die) on 18, 1955.
9. I ………………….(have) lunch with Dong yesterday.
10. They ……………..…….(not/ come) to see me since last month..
11. She ……………….(go) to school everyday.
12. Bad students never ……………….(work) hard.
13. It often ……………..…….(rain) in the summer. It …………….……….(rain) now.
14. The teacher………………..(point) at the board when I……………(come) to class this morning.
15. Mother …(cook) some food in the kitchen at the moment. She always …(cook) in the morning.
16. I……(meet) him on the the street yesterday. He said he……………(just/be) back from Canada..
17. Where ………. ………..(you/go) now? – I ……………….(go) to the theater.
18. He ……………….(not do) morning exercises regularly.
19. How long………………………………………….(he/work) here?
20. Nam ……………………...(buy) several records last week.
21. When I get back in 10 years, I’m sure, everything here……………………………(change).
22. They …………………………..(finish) their dinner half an hour before we came to see them.
23. Water ……………………….(boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.
24. The factory ……….……………….(begin) operation next year.
25. He ………………..….. (meet) the dentist next week.
26. They ……………………………..(usually/not go) to school by motorbike.
27. He …………………………… (swim) overthere for two hours now.
28. I ……………………....(get) a special present on my last birthday.
29. She ……………………….……..(tour) around Europe this time next month.
30. They ………………….……..(not see) Mr. Thanh last night.

31. ………………………………….(Mr. Brown/listen) to music when the light went out?
32. How often……………………………..….(he/take) a bus to school?
33. He…(take) a taxi to the airport when suddenly he realised that he…(leave) his passport at home.
Luckily, he…(turn) back to get it just in time for his flight.
34. Manh ……………………(play) soccer at this time tomorrow.
35. …………………………………(Minh/finish) his work by the time we get home?
36. They often ……………………(visit) their parents on Saturday.
37. She ……………………….(study) in this class for eight months up to now.
38. He ……………………(not be) at home now.
39. Hanh …….………………(not read) book at the moment.
40. Our teacher usually ……..………………(give) us many exercises.
41. He often ……………………(catch) a train to work.
42. The cat ……………………(chase) the mouse for hours before he was able to catch it.
43. They ……………………………(plant) trees overthere at the moment.
44. My old friend, Manh ……………………(write) to me twice a month.
45. What she says ……………………(be) true.
46. Mrs. Green always ……………(take) a bus to work. But now he………………(drive) to work.
47. Look! The ball ……………………(fall) down.
48. He usually ……………………(water) the trees in the morning.
49. She ……………………(not listen) to the radio now.
50. The sun …………(rise) in the East and …………. (set) in the West.
51. He ……………………(play) table tennis at the moment if he didn’t have to work.
52. The man sitting next to me on the plane was vey nervous. He…………………(never/fly) before
53. Look! The plane…………………….(fly) toward the airport. It………………………..(land).
54. What ………….you ………………..(listen) on the radio now?
55. Listen! Someone ……………………(cry).
56. Kien and Tuyen ……………………(be) good friends since they started high school.
57. She ……………..………(go) to work by bus tomorrow.
58. ……………………………(you/see) the doctor next week?
59. This time tomorrow Mai and Nam ……………………(go) to the movie theater.

60. When you…………………………..(take) your exams, we’ll go on a holiday.
Change the following sentences into Indirect Reported Speech or vice-versa
1. The doctor told him that he worked too hard.

2. “I’m sorry I broke the glass”, said Peter.

Peter apologised.…………………………
3. She asked John how he liked her new dress.

4. “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?”, he asked.

He suggested……………
5. “Keep away from this area”,said the security guard when we approached the fence.

The security guard told……
6. Isabel: “You can’t borrow my pen, Robert!”.

7. She asked John to repeat what he had said.

8. “I don’t want to be criticized by non-professionals”, said the film star.

The film star objected…..
9. “If I were you, I’d look for another job”, said one of my friends.

One of my friends…………

10. She wanted to know if he had studied French.

She asked him, “…………
11. “Bring your umbrella in case it rains”, he said to me.

He told……....
12. “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”, I said to my brother.

13. “You should take science appreciation courses at school”, she said.

14. “If I were you, I would take more exercise”, said his doctor.

His doctor…....……………
15. “Don’t forget to phone me when you get to London”, said my mom.

My mom…....……
16. “You should have waited for us, Bill”, said the coach.

The coach…....……………………
17. “I don’t want to be criticized by non-professionals”, said the film star.

The film star objected…
18. “It’s true that I broke your old vase”, she said in tears.

She admitted....……………………
19. “Don’t move or I’ll shoot”, said the bank robber to the clerk.

The bank robber threatened.…
20. “Don’t forget to phone the police”, she told him.

She reminded...……………………………
21. “Don’t swim out too far, boys”, said the coach.

The coach…....…………………
22. “It’s you that have parted my family”, she said angrily to him.

23. “How long has it been since you left this city, Bob?”, asked Mary.

Mary wanted to know….…
24. “Shall we walk round for a change this evening?”, she said.

She suggested..……………
25. “I don’t think John will come”, said Bill.

Bill doubted....………………………
26. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Barry?”, said George.

George suggested……
27. “Why didn’t I get a computer before?”, thought the officer manager.

The officer manager wondered……………………
28. “Jack, why don’t we help Old Tom?”, said Jackie.

Jackie suggested..……………………
29. “Would you like to come to my house for a chat tonight?”, he said.

30. She asked me what I had been doing at three the previous afternoon

31. “I wasn’t there at that time”, he said.

He denied…....……………….
32. The policeman charged him with stealing that bicycle.

33. “Where has he been?”, she doesn’t know that.

She doesn’t......…………………………
34. “Can I have a new bicycle?”, said Anna to her mother.

Anna asked......…………………
35. “Let’s go for a walk in the park”, said Andrew.

36. He said, “I wish I knew the answer”.

He said that......………………
37. “Please don’t drive so fast”, Ann begged her boyfrien

Ann pleaded.....……………………
38. “I don’t think John will come”, said Bill.

Bill doubted.....………………
39. “John, please don’t tell anyone my new address”, said Mary.

Mary asked.....…………………
40. “Where is the station car-park?”, Mrs. Smith asked.

Mrs. wanted...……
41. His English is not good, and he got a bad mark in his test last week

42. “I don’t love you any more”, said Eric to his girlfriend.

Eric told….....……………
43. “I must see the manager”, she cried.

She insisted.....……………………………………
44. “You stole my best cassette, Amanda”, said William

45. “How old is your little boy?”, said the nurse to Mrs. Bingley.

The nurse….....………….
46. “Do you want to insure your luggage or not?”, said the travel agent.

The travel.......………
47. “You are cheating me”, said Carol to June.

48. “Where is the nearest tube?”, she asked.

She enquired....……
49. “It wasn’t me who took your car”, said Bob.

50. “If you don’t take it easy, you’ll have another heart attack”, he said.

He advised....
51. “When it stops snowing, we must start digging ourselves out”, he said.

He said…….....…
52. “You’d better not go out with Peter any more, Elizabeth”, said John.

53. “Less noise”, the teacher told the boys.

The teacher......………………
54. “You caused the accident”, said the other driver.

The other driver….………………
55. Helen wanted to know the name of Shirley’s hairdresser’s.

Helen said, “Shirley, where do……
56. Paul said he was going to China the following year

57. The porter told us that the train had left five minutes before.

“I’m sorry but..……………
58. “I never used bad language”, she said.

She denied…...
59. She asked John to repeat what he had said.

60. “Must you go so soon?”, I said

Part III-Passive voice
I. Change into passive or active :
1. People speak English here. .................................................................................................
2. They don't sell stamps in bookshops.......................................................................................
3. Nguyen Du wrote Kieu’s story. ..............................................................................................
4. The teacher is going to tell a story...........................................................................................
5. Someone was cleaning the classroom when I came…. ............................................................
6. This factory is producing more and more pollution. ...............................................................
7. Were the letters sent by Tom? ...............................................................................................
8. Noone has signed the cheque. ................................................................................................
9. Nobody believes his story. ......................................................................................................
10. Do they teach English in your school? ..................................................................................
11. This store was opened by Mr John in 1990. ..........................................................................
12. The lessons are beinG written by the students. .....................................................................
13. Someone broke into my room and took away some pictures. ...............................................
14. She will send him a gift on his birthday. ..............................................................................
15. They gave me that bicycle last week. ...................................................................................
16. We know that English is an international language. .............................................................
17. People believed that the earth stood still. .............................................................................
18. They declared that he has died a natural death. ...................................................................
19. It is believed that 13 is an unhappy number. .........................................................................
20. The owner of the house was said to have gone abroad. ........................................................
21. It is said that she works 16 hours a day. ................................................................................
22. They think that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall. ............................................
23. A nurse bandaged his arm.  He had ………………………………………………………..

Part IV- Conditional sentences
I/ Give the correct forms of the verbs :
1. If it costs too much , I ( buy ) a small one .
2. If you ( drive ) more carefully, you wouldn’t have so many accidents .
3. What ( happen ) if there ( not be ) gravity ?
4. If I ( make ) that mistake again , my teacher ( get ) angry with me .
5. If I spoke English well, my job ( be ) a lot easier .
6. He ( meet ) his old friend if he ( go ) to London yesterday .
7. Would you mind if you suddenly ( win ) haft a million pounds ?
8. I ( lend ) them some money if they ask me .
9. If we ( know ) who he was , we ( invite ) him to speak at our meeting .
10.If they had invited us , naturally we ( go ) to the party .
11.If I ( be ) you, I ( tell ) her the truth.
12.I was busy. If I ( have ) free time, I ( go ) to the cinema with you.
13.What we ( do ) if they ( not come) tomorrow ?
14.If I (have) enough time now, I ( write ) to my parents.
15.It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she ( be ) here, she ( know ) what to do.
16.If I ( not eat) breakfast tomorrow morning. I ( get) hungry during class.
17.He might have understood you if you ( speak ) more slowly.
18.If the weather (be) nice today, we ( go) to the zoo.
19.If you meet him, remember ( not tell ) him what I ( just say ) to you.
20.Why didn’t you attend the meeting ?
_ Oh. I (not know) indeed. If I (know) I (come) there.
II/ Write conditional sentences :
1. Keep quiet or you’ll wake the baby up.
2. Because you don’t leave immediately, I call a guard.
3. I don’t her number, so I don’t ring her up.
4. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train. ( Unless ..)
5. Be careful or you’ll cut yourself with that knife.

6. As she is often absent from class, she can’t keep pace with her classmates.
7. I couldn’t write to Alice because I didn’t know her address.
8. It’s very cold, so we can’t go swimming.
9. We got lost because we didn’t have a map .
10.You drink too much coffee; that’s why you can’t sleep.
11.The farmers didn’t have enough rain , so they could not grow rice .
12.His friends were late, so they missed the train .
13.Today isn’t Sunday , so the pupils can’t go swimming .
14.We don’t have a big house . We can’t invite friends to stay .
15.Unless he phones immediately , he won’t get any information .
16.Without the sun, man would live in darkness.
17.Smoking makes him so weak.
18.Why don’t you stop smoking?
19.The church bells keeps me from sleeping.
20.This chair is too heavy for him to move.
21.The boy is so young that he can’t go to school by himself.
22.Jane is too short , she can’t apply for the job.
23.The heavy rain prevented everybody from going out.
24.Mary will go with us unless she has to do her homework.
25.Without your help, I wouldn’t have found the way out.
26.But for Tom’s help we would have been in serious trouble.
27.There will be a shortage of water unless it rains.
28.Rooney didn’t catch the ball and didn’t win the game. ( Had Rooney ……………… )
I/ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets :
1. She wishes her father ( be ) here now to help her .
2. I wish you ( not give ) them my phone number yesterday.
3. I wish they ( visit ) us when they were in town .

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