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Tài liệu lets talk DVD

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Let's talk
She is looking at their famly photo
Sara is sad
Max looks at sara
He sits down netx to her
Max understands
Sara really misses their parents
We can call mom and dad
And spend some tume with tight now
Wait max what is today
I forget what is today
Today is dad s birthday
That s riright
We aren”t together on dad birthday
So we cant celebrate with him
I have an idea
Go and change your clothes
What why
Were going to a party
Go change
Max the table is full of food
Were celebrating dads birthday
Let s celebrating dads birthday
We can have a party with them on the internet
Oh mom and dad
Can see us through our webcam

Hi mom
Happy birthday dad

Renee are you ready
Almost I will go change my clothes
So what are you and your wife doing tonight
My family is having a big family dinner
Really how big
Almosat 150 people
Wow that is big
Yes some of my relatives
From other countries are coming
Does your family get together every year
Our family gets together every two to three year
Do you know all your relatives
Not really
Some of us wear name tags at dinner
The older family members don’t have to
Why not
Everyone knows them already
I seed
So you mean just your grandparents
And all of my aunts and uncles
Oh I see
How many aunts and uncles do you have

I have 20 aunts and uncles

My dad has four brothers and six sisters
The other 10 are their wives and husbands
Does renee kmow all of them
No honey you look so nice
Thank I want to look nice
Good luck renee
You need to remember a lot of names
Thanks max
Oh simon im nervous(3:08)
Don’t worry honey maybe thí can help
I made it for you
What that
A family tree
This will help you remember everyone
Renee how was the family dinner last night
It was ok
Did you remember everyone name (3:35)
Almost. L already know
Simon’s grandparents.
And l got the uncles’
Names but…
But what?
I called an aunt
By the wrong name

And she got mad
Oh, no
But I talked to Simon’s 98-year-old grandma, and then I felt better.
Because she forgot that aunt’s name, too!

What are you doing here?
Well, hello to you, too
Sorry, Rich
I’m just surprised to see you again so soon
How are you doing, little brother?
I didn’t get to talk to you much last night
Rich, I’m not your “little” brother
I’m an adult
I know you are an adult
But you’ll always be my younger brother
I know
But remember, I am married
I have a wife. I have aKid?
You don’t have have a child
I know!
I wasn’t going to say that
What were you going to say, Simon?
I have aJob?
What is your job?
I do many things.

I know.
But do you have a real job?
Rich! I enjoy doing many different jobs.
But what is your dream, Simon?
I am living my dream.
I love living in Small Town.
I have great friends and a great wife.
And a great brother.

You don’t live here.
I know.
But I want ú to live in the same place again.
You do?
Let’s talk about our family business.
You want to talk about our family business?
Yes. Dad hopes you will join our business again.
He wants the family to be together.
WE can be together without working together.
All of us working together í important to Dad
Ok. I’ll think about it.
Thanks, Simon.
I will be nice to see you more.
I miss my little brother
Yes, yes I miss you too
I thought so
How are my nieces
I couldn’t believe it when I să them at them at the dinner

They are so big now
They are growing up
It’s exciting so see them change
How old is Becca now now?
She’s eight years old.
She can play the piano
And tina is playing the guitar
And I am paying a lot ò money for their lessons
I miss my nieces
What about your nephew

I don’t have a nephew
You will soon
Eunice and I will have a baby boy in march
Really that’s great
I can’t wait to meet little simon
What are naming your son simon
Yes. Just lie his uncle
Thanks rich
I don’t know what to say
Say you’ll join our family business
I’m just kidding
Hi sara! Is max here
Ok I can wait

Hey sara I have some new pets
Oh really
Yes I really like them
That’s great
Year my pets are fun
I can play with them all day
Why aren’t you playing with them now
They’re sleeping
Max and I are going to the pet store
That’s nice
I want a cage for my pets
Ok great
Hey come to the store with us
Uh no thanks. I’m really busy

Oh ok
So tell me more about your pets
They’re small and quiet
And they don’t eat very much
That’s good
They aren’t a lot of trouble
Right my kittens are great
I love kittens
Can you see them
Those aren’t baby cats. Those are rats

Baby rats are kittens too
I don’t care
Get those rats out of my house
Betty í in the post office
She is playing with a dog
When she hears someone, she takes the dog to the back
Hugh comes in and looks for betty
She comes back out
Hugh takes a brush out of his bag
He wants betty to buy it
She looks at it but she doesn’t want to buy it
Hugh hears something.
He asks betty about it
Oh. What đi you hear?
I heard a noise in the back
Is someone back there?
No. there’s no one in the back of the post office

Oh, ok
Well, forget about the brush
I have something even better for you, betty
What is it?
It’s “Perfect Pet”!
A pet?
It’s a leash
Do you want a pet?
Well uhMaybe you want one, but you don’t want to care for one.

People say that all the time
So this is the perfect pet
I only see a leash
You can take Perfect Pet for a walk
But you don’t have to feed it or give it a bath
You want me to buy a leash with an invisible dog?
It doesn’t bark or bite!
It’s the perfect pet!
Actually I already have a perfect pet
You bought one of these already
No. I have a dog
Her name is Teddy
Teddy, come here!
Hi Teddy. Were you making noise in the back of the post office earlier?
I shouldn’t have Teddy at work
But we’re practicing for the Small Town Dog Show!
Can Teddy do some tricks?
Of course!
Would you lie to see one?

OK.watch this!
Great job,teddy!
Youjust need one more thing.
What’s that?
A costume!
You ‘re right!

It’s perfect! I’II buy it.
You will
I mean,that’s great!
Hi, betty
Oh !your dog is so cute!
Yeah. I like his costume.
Why is he wearing it ?
She is wearing it, because she was in small town’s
dog show!
Did she win a prize?
Teddy won two prizes!
She won”best trick”and”best costume”!
That’s great!
Can we see some tricks?
Hey ,sara, wouldn’t it be fun to have a dog like
Well ,I think a cat would be a better pet.
Dogs are haeder to tae care of.
But cats are lazy.
They just lie around all day.
Doys are better .
No, hey ‘re not!
Will your parents let you get a pet?
That’s a good question.

I don’t know
What do you thin is the best pet, Renee?

I’ve always wanted a really big dog
What does Simon think?
Simon likes small animals better
Maybe we’ll get some fish
My new pets are small
Do you want to see them, renee?
I’m leaving!
Ben, I told you not to bring those rats in here
Well, I’d like to see your new pets
Thank you
Renee is working in The Diner
She is very busy and tired
Max is not there
Renee calls him on the phone
He doesn’t answer
Some customers leave
Renee looks at their dirty plates and cups
She takes them into the kitchen
Ben comes in and sits down
Renee comes back
She walks over to ben
Hey, Renee
Look at these keys
What are they for?
My motorcycle!
You have a motorcycle?

I do now!
It’s outside
Where is Max?
I can give him a ride!
Where is Max?
Good question
I don’t know
I can give you a ride
Come outside
No,, Ben. I’m busy
Can I get you something?
Coffee, please
This is Ben
Oh, hi, Max
Yes, I do…
See you soon
Where is Max?
He’s at the hospital
Oh, no
What’s wrong?
He’s not hurt
He’s having car trouble
Can you fix it?
I don’t know
But I can give him a ride on my motorcycle!

What sign í this

Ben, that’s easy
It’s a stop sign!
And what do you do when you see a stop sign
You stop your car
Good job!
Now what is this road sign?
That’s not a road sign
You’re right!
Very funny, Ben
Sara, what is your answer
It’s a traffic light
How many lights are on a traffic light?
Ben! This is too easy!
How many lights, Sara?
And they are red, yellow, and green
Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means slow
Good job, Sara
I have no more questions
Ben, why didn’t you pick me up from work?
Oh, no! I forgot
I’m sorry
Ben is helping me we are reviewing road signs for my written test
Hey, Max, what does this sign mean?
That’s a “Do Not Enter” sign

I should make you a sign
What kind of sign?
A “Don’t Forget to Pick Max Up” sign
Let’s practice with more road signs
No thanks

I know the road signs
All of them?
I hope so!
But some traffic riles still confuse me
Like what
Like is it Ok to turn right at a red light?
In our state you can turn after you stop
But some states have different rules
Do you have any other tips?
Keep your hands on the steering wheel
Keep your eyes on the road
You have to be careful at all times
Can I sing?
Are you guys Ok?
Yes. My sister is getting her license
I just can’t believe it
I can’t either!
Oh, Simon, it’s you
Well hi to you too Max
I’m sorry

Hello Simon
Are you ok max
I’m fine
I’m just a little nervous
Im waiting for sara
She is taking her road test today
And I really want to know if she passed

Do you think she passed
I hope so
She passed the written test
But the road test will be harder for her
Sara is getting her drivers license
How exciting
Sara might get her license
She has to pass the test first
I remember when I took my road test
I had to take it twice
Really why
I failed the first time because
I didn’t stop at a stop sign
But you passed the second time
I was happy about that
Hi everyone
Uh oh
What wrong

How was your test
It was hard
I had time remembering
All the traffic laws
Im sorry sara
Do you need to take the test again
No because
I passed
You passed


Let's talk DVD 10
/>She is looking at their famly photo
Sara is sad
Max looks at sara
He sits down netx to her
Max understands
Sara really misses their parents
We can call mom and dad
And spend some tume with tight now
Wait max what is today
I forget what is today
Today is dad s birthday
That s riright

We aren”t together on dad birthday
So we cant celebrate with him
I have an idea
Go and change your clothes
What why
Were going to a party
Go change
Max the table is full of food
Were celebrating dads birthday
Let s celebrating dads birthday
We can have a party with them on the internet
Oh mom and dad

Can see us through our webcam
Hi mom
Happy birthday dad

Renee are you ready
Almost I will go change my clothes
So what are you and your wife doing tonight
My family is having a big family dinner
Really how big
Almosat 150 people
Wow that is big
Yes some of my relatives

From other countries are coming
Does your family get together every year
Our family gets together every two to three year
Do you know all your relatives
Not really
Some of us wear name tags at dinner
The older family members don’t have to
Why not
Everyone knows them already
I seed
So you mean just your grandparents
And all of my aunts and uncles
Oh I see
How many aunts and uncles do you have

I have 20 aunts and uncles
My dad has four brothers and six sisters
The other 10 are their wives and husbands
Does renee kmow all of them
No honey you look so nice
Thank I want to look nice
Good luck renee
You need to remember a lot of names

Thanks max
Oh simon im nervous(3:08)
Don’t worry honey maybe thí can help
I made it for you
What that
A family tree
This will help you remember everyone
Renee how was the family dinner last night
It was ok
Did you remember everyone name (3:35)
/>Almost. L already know
Simon’s grandparents.
And l got the uncles’
Names but…
But what?
I called an aunt
By the wrong name
And she got mad
Oh, no
But I talked to Simon’s 98-year-old grandma, and then I felt better.

Because she forgot that aunt’s name, too!
What are you doing here?
Well, hello to you, too
Sorry, Rich

I’m just surprised to see you again so soon
How are you doing, little brother?
I didn’t get to talk to you much last night
Rich, I’m not your “little” brother
I’m an adult
I know you are an adult
But you’ll always be my younger brother
I know
But remember, I am married
I have a wife. I have aKid?
You don’t have have a child
I know!
I wasn’t going to say that
What were you going to say, Simon?
I have aJob?
What is your job?
I do many things.
I know.
But do you have a real job?
Rich! I enjoy doing many different jobs.
But what is your dream, Simon?
I am living my dream.

I love living in Small Town.
I have great friends and a great wife.
And a great brother.
You don’t live here.
I know.

But I want ú to live in the same place again.
You do?
Let’s talk about our family business.
You want to talk about our family business?
Yes. Dad hopes you will join our business again.
He wants the family to be together.
WE can be together without working together.
All of us working together í important to Dad
Ok. I’ll think about it.
Thanks, Simon.
I will be nice to see you more.
I miss my little brother
Yes, yes I miss you too
I thought so
How are my nieces
I couldn’t believe it when I să them at them at the dinner
They are so big now
They are growing up
It’s exciting so see them change
How old is Becca now now?
She’s eight years old.
She can play the piano
And tina is playing the guitar

And I am paying a lot ò money for their lessons

I miss my nieces
What about your nephew
I don’t have a nephew
You will soon
Eunice and I will have a baby boy in march
Really that’s great
I can’t wait to meet little simon
What are naming your son simon
Yes. Just lie his uncle
Thanks rich
I don’t know what to say
Say you’ll join our family business
I’m just kidding
Hi sara! Is max here
Ok I can wait
Hey sara I have some new pets
Oh really
Yes I really like them
That’s great
Year my pets are fun
I can play with them all day
Why aren’t you playing with them now
They’re sleeping
Max and I are going to the pet store
That’s nice
I want a cage for my pets

Ok great
Hey come to the store with us
Uh no thanks. I’m really busy
Oh ok
So tell me more about your pets
They’re small and quiet
And they don’t eat very much
That’s good
They aren’t a lot of trouble
Right my kittens are great
I love kittens
Can you see them
Those aren’t baby cats. Those are rats
Baby rats are kittens too
I don’t care
Get those rats out of my house
Betty í in the post office
She is playing with a dog
When she hears someone, she takes the dog to the back
Hugh comes in and looks for betty
She comes back out
Hugh takes a brush out of his bag
He wants betty to buy it
She looks at it but she doesn’t want to buy it
Hugh hears something.

He asks betty about it
Oh. What đi you hear?

I heard a noise in the back
Is someone back there?
No. there’s no one in the back of the post office
Oh, ok
Well, forget about the brush
I have something even better for you, betty
What is it?
It’s “Perfect Pet”!
A pet?
It’s a leash
Do you want a pet?
Well uhMaybe you want one, but you don’t want to care for one.
People say that all the time
So this is the perfect pet
I only see a leash
You can take Perfect Pet for a walk
But you don’t have to feed it or give it a bath
You want me to buy a leash with an invisible dog?
It doesn’t bark or bite!
It’s the perfect pet!
Actually I already have a perfect pet
You bought one of these already
No. I have a dog
Her name is Teddy

Teddy, come here!
Hi Teddy. Were you making noise in the back of the post office earlier?
I shouldn’t have Teddy at work
But we’re practicing for the Small Town Dog Show!
Can Teddy do some tricks?

Of course!
Would you lie to see one?
OK.watch this!
Great job,teddy!
Youjust need one more thing.
What’s that?
A costume!
You ‘re right!
It’s perfect! I’II buy it.
You will
I mean,that’s great!
Hi, betty
Oh !your dog is so cute!
Yeah. I like his costume.
Why is he wearing it ?
She is wearing it, because she was in small town’s
dog show!
Did she win a prize?
Teddy won two prizes!
She won”best trick”and”best costume”!
That’s great!

Can we see some tricks?
Hey ,sara, wouldn’t it be fun to have a dog like
Well ,I think a cat would be a better pet.
Dogs are haeder to tae care of.
But cats are lazy.
They just lie around all day.
Doys are better .

No, hey ‘re not!
Will your parents let you get a pet?
That’s a good question.
I don’t know
What do you thin is the best pet, Renee?
I’ve always wanted a really big dog
What does Simon think?
Simon likes small animals better
Maybe we’ll get some fish
My new pets are small
Do you want to see them, renee?
I’m leaving!
Ben, I told you not to bring those rats in here
Well, I’d like to see your new pets
Thank you
Renee is working in The Diner

She is very busy and tired
Max is not there
Renee calls him on the phone
He doesn’t answer
Some customers leave
Renee looks at their dirty plates and cups
She takes them into the kitchen
Ben comes in and sits down
Renee comes back
She walks over to ben
Hey, Renee
Look at these keys

What are they for?
My motorcycle!
You have a motorcycle?
I do now!
It’s outside
Where is Max?
I can give him a ride!
Where is Max?
Good question
I don’t know
I can give you a ride
Come outside
No,, Ben. I’m busy

Can I get you something?
Coffee, please
This is Ben
Oh, hi, Max
Yes, I do…
See you soon
Where is Max?
He’s at the hospital
Oh, no
What’s wrong?
He’s not hurt
He’s having car trouble
Can you fix it?
I don’t know

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