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1. New York – The “ Big Apple”
Our arrival in New York was spectacular. It’s skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty make a …
51……sight. New York has a …52……of over seven million and it is probably the world’s most famous
city. The inhabitants of the “Big Apple” come from many …53……countries. There are more
nationalities in New York…54……in any other places on the earth. It is also has…55……tourists than
any other city except London, especially in the summer. …56……come from all…57……the world and
have a wonderful time. There are so many …58……for them to get enthusiastic about – whether it’s some
of the …59……museums in the world or the …60……little streets of Greenwich Village.
51. a. sad
b. beautiful
c. horrible
d. cold
52. a. attraction
b. impression
c. population
d. people
53. a. same
b. young
c. old
d. different
54. a. than
b. rather
c. of
d. to
55. a. many
b. much
c. more
d. lots
56. a. Visit
b. Visitors

c. Workers
d. Goers
57. a. in
b. from
c. over
d. of
58. a. attraction
b. place
c. sights
d. area
59. a. good
b. better
c. best
d. nicer
60. a. to charm
b. charm
c. charmed
d. charming
2. Dear Jean,
I’m sorry I …51……to you lately, but I have been working hard. When I …52……your last letter.
I was acting in a play at school, and when I finished that I went on a holiday with some friends. I
intended……53…you a postcard, but I forgot to take your address with me. How are you getting ……
54…at college? You didn’t ……55…much about this in your letter. I hope you still like it and don’t work
all the time! I’m starting work in London after I ……56…school in July, and I want to see you then. Do
you still want to come and stay ……57…a few days? I know you are busy, but by the time your term ……
58…, I’ll have started my job. I’ve done so ……59…things lately! I’ve just learned to drive and my
parents sometimes lend me their car, so I often go out with friends. ……60…I’ll drive to Birmingham and
see you one day.
51. a. not write
b. haven’t written c. don’t write

d. didn’t write
52. a. received
b. have received
c. receive
d. to receive
53. a. sending
b. send
c. to send
d. sent
54. a. up
b. over
c. on
d. with
55. a. talk
b. tell
c. say
d. chat
56. a. leave
b. left
c. leaved
d. leaving
57. a. for
b. at
c. in
d. out
58. a. finished
b. finishing
c. to finish
d. finishes
59. a. much

b. many
c. a lot
d. lots of
60. a. May be
b. May being
c. Maybe
d. May I be
3. We don’t only choose clothes to make us look…51…., we also use them to tell the world …52….our
personality. The clothes we wear and our …53….as a whole give other people useful information about
what we think…54….we feel. If we feel cheerful, we usually wear …55….clothes and if we feel …
56….we sometimes put on dark clothes. But why do teenagers wear black so…57….? Is it because they
feel miserable all …58….? This is unlikely to be the case. It is probably just because it is …59….to wear
black, and young people they are real fans of …60…. .
51. a. attract
b. attractive
c. attractively
d. attraction
52. a. of
b. with
c. by
d. about
53. a. appear
b. appearance
c. appeared
d. appearing
54. a. which
b. what
c. how
d. when

55. a. colorful
56. a. depress
57. a. frequent
58. a. the time
59. a. fashion
60. a. fashion

b. colors
b. depressed
b. frequency
b. the day
b. fashionable
b. fashionable

c. colorfully
d. colorless
c. depressing
d. depression
c. frequently
d. frequenty
c. the week
d. the month
c. fashioner
d. fashioned
c. fashioner
d. fashioned
4. Blue jeans.
Levi Strauss, a young …51… from Germany, arrived in San Francisco in 1850. California was in
the middle of the Gold Rush, thousand of men were coming to California to dig for gold. And Levi Strauss

came to sell canvas to these …52… . Canvas is heavy fabric. So Levi Strauss thought the miners could
use the canvas for tents. One day Strauss heard a miner …53… that he couldn’t find clothes …54… for
the work he was doing. Strauss got an idea. He quickly took some of his canvas and made it …55… pants.
These are pants were …56… the miners needed. In on day Strauss sold all the pants he had made.Strauss
wanted to improve his pants. He wanted to make them event better. He bought a fabric that was softer than
canvas but just as strong. This fabric came from Nimes, a city in France, and was called serge de Nimes.
The miners liked this fabric. They called it “denime” (from de Nimes) and bought even more pants from
Strauss. However, denim had …57…. Because of this the denim pants did not look interesting and they
got dirty easily. To solve these problems, Strauss made the denim blue. Strauss continued to improve his
jeans. Today, the company he started is known around the world. and jeans are considered not just
practical but very fashionable as well.
51. a. immigrate
b. immigrant
c. immigrated
d. migrate
52. a. gold mines
b. gold mining
c. gold miners
d. mining gold
53. a. complain
b. tell
c. ask
d. talk
54. a. enough strong
b. strong enough
c. strength
d. strength enough
55. a. from
b. for
c. into

d. to
56. a. that
b. what
c. which
d. x
57. a. colourful
b. colourless
c. no colour
d. colour
58. The word “ to improve” means:
a. to make better
b. to find more
c. to take care
d. to look after
59. The phrase “ around the world” means:
a. outside the world
b. the world over c. near the world
d. worldwide
60. People like jeans because they are:
a. practical
b. fashionable
c. colourful
d. a and b
5. Lucky survivors
A couple from Miami, Bill and Simon Butler, …51…sixty-six days in a life-raft in the sea of
central America after their yacht sank. They survived in very good …52…
Twenty-one days after they left Panama in their yacht, they met some whales. “ They started to hit
the side of the boat”, said Bill, “and then …53… we heard water.”
Two minutes …54…, the yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft and watched the boat go
…55…the water. For twenty days they had …56… of food, biscuits, and bottle of water. They also had a

fishing-line and a machine to make salt water into drinking water, two things which …57… their lives.
They caught eight to ten fish a day and ate them raw. Then the line broke. “ So we had no more fish …
58…something very strange happened. Some sharks came to feed and the fish under the raft were afraid
and came to the surface. I caught them with my hands.”
About twenty ships …59…them, but no one saw them. After fifty days at sea their life-raft was
beginning to break up. Then suddenly it was all over. A fishing brat saw them and …60…them…60… .
Their two months at sea was over.
51. a. took up
b. went
c. spent
d. occupied
52. a. condition
b. way
c. manner
d. state

53. a. occasionally
54. a. later
55. a. in
56. a. containers
57. a. rescued
58. a. until
59. a. went round
60. a. took/ on

b. suddenly
b. after
b. down
b. tins

b. helped
b. when
b. moved near
b. pull/ on

c. quickly
d. clearly
c. soon
d. passing
c. under
d. below
c. boxes
d. packages
c. maintained
d. saved
c. as
d. that
c. traveled
d. passed
c. picked/ up
d. moved/ up
6. A trip to France
Paul had a very exciting summer holiday this year. His French pen-friend invited him to visit her family
in the south of France. Paul ....51...by plane from London to Paris. Marie, his French friend, ....52... him in
Paris and together they took a train from Paris to Marseilles. Marseilles is the ....53... where Marie’s
family lives. It is a very large port. A lot of people live in Marseilles and ....54...are many interesting shops
and cafes there. Paul started French at school two years ago and he spoke French all the time with Marie
and her family. ...55....it was very difficult for him but soon it became....56...easier. One day Marie and her
parents ....57... Paul for a picnic in the mountains. They climbed a big hill . From the top of the hill, they
had a wonderful ....58... In the ....59... they could see the sea. Paul was very sad when it was time to go

back to London and school. He is already looking ...60.... to next summer when Marie is going to spend
her holidays with his family in England.
51. a. got
b. moved
c. went
d. transferred
52. a. met
b. saw
c. took
d. greeted
53. a. country
b. town
c. capital
d. village
54. a. they
b. those
c. these
d. there
55. a. At first
b. At beginning
c. At starting
d. At first time
56. a. much
b. so
c. too
d. extremely
57. a. brought
b. took
c. carried
d. got

58. a. view
b. sight
c. scene
d. scenery
59. a. space
b. air
c. distance
d. way
60. a. through
b. forward
c. on
d. out
7. Learning a language
Speech is one of the most important …51…of communicating. It consists of far more than just
making noises. To talk and also to …52…by other people, we have to speak a language, that is, we have
to use combinations of …53…that everyone agrees stand for a particular object or idea. Communication
would be impossible if everyone made up their own language.
Learning a language properly is very …54… . The basic …55… of English is not very large, and
only about 2000 words are needed to speak it quite …56…. But the more words you know, the more ideas
you can …57…and the more precise you can be about their exact meaning.
Words are the …58… thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we …59…
the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and …60…whether we are
pleased of angry, for instance.
51. a. ways
b. reasons
c. rules
d. tests
52. a. be examined b. be talked
c. be understood
d. be spoken

53. a. sounds
b. languages
c. systems
d. talks
54. a. important
b. expensive
c. simple
d. easy
55. a. word
b. vocabulary
c. grammar
d. structure
56. a. good
b. fluent
c. well
d. perfect
57. a. grow
b. need
c. pass
d. express
58. a. most
b. main
c. certain
d. full
59. a. send
b. talk
c. say
d. pass

60. a. asks

b. understands

c. knows
d. show
8. Homework
Many people now …51…that teachers give pupils too …52…homework. They said that it is
unnecessary for children to work …53…home in their free time. Moreover, they argue that most teachers
do not properly plan the homework tasks they give to pupils. The result is that pupils have to repeat which
they have …54…done at school.
Recently in Greece many parents complained …55…the difficult homework which teachers gave
to their children. The parents say that most of the homework was …56…of time and they want to stop it.
Spain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework recently. In Denmark, West Germany and
several other …57…in Europe, teachers can’t set homework at weekends.
Most people agree that homework is unfair. A pupil who can do his homework in a …58…and
comfortable room is in a much better position than a pupil who does his homework in a small, noisy room
with the television…59… . Some parents help their children …60…their homework.
It is important, however, that teachers talk to parents about homework. Parents are often better at
teaching their own children.
51. a. think
b. talk
c. speak
d. tell
52. a. many
b. a lot
c. much
d. lots
53. a. in
b. for

c. on
d. at
54. a. ever
b. never
c. already
d. lately
55. a. of
b. about
c. with
d. over
56. a. a need
b. a must
c. a waste
d. a form
57. a. houses
b. towns
c. cities
d. countries
58. a. quiet
b. quietly
c. quite
d. quietly
59. a. at
b. on
c. in
d. to
60. a. to
b. of
c. with
d. about

9. Birth of the computer
Most people think of computers are very modern inventions, products of our new technological age. But
actually, the idea for a computer …51…worked out over two centuries ago by a man …52…Charles
Babbage was born …53…1791 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up plans for
several calculating machines …54… he called “engines”. But despite the fact that he …55…building
some of these, he never finished any of them. Over the years people have argued…56…his machines
would ever work. Recently, however, the science Museum in London has finished building …57…engine
based on of Babbage’s designs. …58…has taken 6 years to complete and more …59…four thousand
parts have been specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at special
exhibition in the science Museum…60…remind people of Babbage’s work.
51. a. has
b. was
c. had
d. is
52. a. known
b. recognized
c. written
d. called
53. a. on
b. in
c. by
d. for
54, a. whose
b. who
c. these
d. which
55. a. wanted
b. made
c. started

d. missed
56. a. until
b. whether
c. while
d. through
57. a. some
b. the
c. an
d. that
58. a. One
b. He
c. They
d. It
59. a. than
b. therefore
c. when
d. then
60. a. to
b. as
c. for
d. so
10. The important of computers
Many of the things we do, depend on receiving information from other people. Catching a train,
making a phone call or going to the cinema all involve information …51… is stored, processed and

communicated. In the past, this information used to …52…kept on paper in …53…form of, for example,
books, newspapers and timetables. Now more and more information is put on computers.
Computers play a …54…in our everyday lives. Consider the use …55…computers in both shops
and offices. Big shops, especially chain stores with branches all …56…the country, have to deal with very

large amounts of information. They have to make sure …57…are enough good on the shelves for
customers to buy. They need to be able to re-order before stocks …58… out, to decide which things are
selling well and …59…on. All these processes are performed quickly and efficiently …60…computers.
51. a. which
b. that
c. who
d. both a and b
52. a. being
b. be
c. been
d. have been
53. a. this
b. that
c. the
d. a
54. a. part
b. role
c. field
d. both a and b
55. a. in
b. of
c. with
d. one
56. a. upon
b. on
c. over
d. in
57. a. there
b. they
c. which

d. where
58. a. go
b. run
c. get
d. work
59. a. so
b. such
c. go
d. get
60. a. with
b. on
c. by
d. through
11. An (26)…………. number of people are now going on holiday to Egypt. Last year, for example, about
one and a half million tourists (27)…………… Egypt. The population of Egypt is about fifty million and
the capital is El Qahira (Cairo), a busy city of just under nine million people. (28)………… the climate is
hot and dry and most of the country is desert, the average (29)………. from October to March is not too
high. The most famous sights are the pyramids at Giza. However, it is also pleasant to visit Alexandria,
Port Said and several other places and do as much (30)………. as possible in the time available. A trip to
Luxor is an unforgettable experience, and there are frequent flights there from Cairo.
26. A. increased
B. amusingly
C. increasing
D. increasingly
27. A. have visited
B. visit
C. visiting
D. visited
28. A. Although
B. Because of

C. Because
D. And
29. A. measure
B. temperature
C. climate
D. weather
30. A. seeing
B. looking
C. viewing
D. sightseeing
12. Between the months of November and May wind blows from the west in most parts of Indonesia. It
comes from the ocean and carries rain. Clouds build up around the mountains and every afternoon rain
falls. The rain is always heavy, and rivers now become dangerous. When it rains the whole day, they
suddenly overflow and cause great damage to the land.
Most farmers are glad when the wet season begins. There is water for their fields and they can
again start growing rice. But people in town are not so glad for the streets soon get muddy and dirty. They
frefer the dry seasons when they can sit outside and enjoy the cool evenings
36. What comes from the ocean?
A. a river
B. a wind
C. a rain
D. a cloud
37. What causes the rain?
A. clouds building up around the mountains B. The afternoon C. The mountains D. The ocean
38. What damages the land?
A. The wet season B. The overflow of the rivers
C. The dry season
D. The sudden rain
39. Why can farmers start growing rice again?
A. Because the land has been damaged.

B. Because the rivers overflow.
C. Because there is water fer their fields.
D. Because the dry season has begun.
40. Why are people in town not so happy in the wet season?
A. Because the streets are full of mud
B. Because the evening are cool.
C. Because they are muddy and dirty.
D. Because they can sit outside.

13. A girl (33) _________ disappeared (34) ________ she was eight (35) ________ old has been found
( 36) ________ Cambodia, according to (37) ________ father. Eighteen years after she disappeared, a
woman was (38) _________ in a village in the Ratanakkiri Province trying to steal food. The woman who
was found looks (39) ________ other members of the family.
She can’t speak (40) ________ language that has been identified and is very frightened, but her
family hope that she will adjust and settle down.
33. A. which
B. who
C. she
D. by whom
34. A. when
B. while
C. during
D. in
35. A. years
B. year
C. age
D. ages
36. A. at
B. in

C. on
D. under
37. A. his
B. her
C. hers
D. their
38. A. find
B. found
C. founded
D. finds
39. A. as
B. as if
C. like
D. alike
40. A. any
B. no
C. the
D. none
14. Although some groups of people have always lived outdoor in tents, camping as we know it today
only began to be (1) _________ about 50 years ago. The increase in the use of cars and improvement in
camping equipment have (2) __________ more people to travel longer (3) __________ into the
countryside and to stay there in greater comfort.
Many campers like to be (4) __________ themselves in quiet areas, so they (5)__________ their
tent and food, and walk or cycle into the forests or the mountains. Others, preferring to be near people,
drive to a public or privately-owned campsite (6) __________ has up-to-date facilities, (7)__________ hot
showers and swimming pools.
Whether campers are (8) ________ in the mountains or on a busy site, they should remember to
(9)________ the area clean and tidy. In the forests, they must put out any fires and keep food hidden to
avoid attracting (10) _________ animals.
1. A. fame

B. popular
C. favorite
D. current
2. A. asked
B. let
C. made
D. allowed
3. A. parts
B. directions
C. voyages
D. distances
4. A. on
B. by
C. at
D. of
5. A. take
B. make
C. pick
D. do
6. A. where
B. who
C. which
D. when
7. A. such
B. like
C. as
D. just
8. A. lonely
B. single
C. separate

D. alone
9. A. remain
B. stay
C. keep
D. let
10. A. wild
B. natural
C. loose
D. free
15. Jeans are very popular with young people all (31) ________ the world. Some people say that jeans are
the “uniform” of youth. But haven’t always been popular. The story of jeans started almost two hundred
years ago. People in Genoa, Italy, made pants. The cloth (32) _______ in Genoa was called “jeanos”. The
pants were called “jeans”. In 1850, a salesman in California began selling pants made of canvas. His name
was Levi Strauss. (33) ________ they were so strong, “Levi’s pants” became (34) _______ with gold
miners, farmers and cowboys. Six years later, Levis began making his pants with blue cotton cloth called
denim. Soon after, factory workers in the United States and Europe began (35) ______ jeans. Young
people usually didn’t wear them.
31. A. in
B. on
C. over
D. above
32. A. make
B. makes
C. making
D. made
33. A. Although
B. But
C. Because
D. So
34. A. famous

B. popular
C. good
D. wonderful
35. A. wear
B. wearing
C. wore
D. worn

16. I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months.
Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different
places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the
center of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been
abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.
36. Tim is in Australia. He went …………….. Australia six months ago.
A. to
B. in
C. at
D. into
37. Tim is in Australia. How long ……………. there?
A. is he
B. has he been
C. has he
D. was
38. Tim has been in Australia for six months. His brother hasn’t seen him …………. January.
A. for
B. since
C. from
D. by
39. He has just gone to Alice Springs. He has never…………there before.

A. went
B. being
C. been
D. was
40. He will soon visit Darwin. He will visit Darwin……………
A. quickly
B. for a short time C. shortly
D. in a hurry
17. We are all slowly destroying the earth. The seas and the rivers are too dirty ( 31) _____There is so
much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in (32) _____ the world’s cities. In one well-known city,
for example, poisonous gases from cars (33) _____ the air so much that traffic policemen have (34) _____
oxygen masks. We have cut down so many trees that (35) _____ now vast areas of wasteland all over the
world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough to eat.
31. A. to swim
B. swimming
C. swimming in
D. to swim in
32. A. many of
B. many
C. few of
D. few
33. A. polluting
B. pollute
C. polluted
D. pollution
34. A. worn
B. wear
C. to wear
D. been wearing
35. A. there are

B. they are
C. there is
D. it is
18. My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last
year, we traveling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a
bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a
letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to
use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster.
36. Jane never dreamed…………….. a letter.
A. to receive
B. to receiving
C. of receive
D. that she would receive
37. She received a letter from a girl of her own age. The girl is ………….she is.
A. the same age with
B. the same age
C. as old
D. the same age as
38. She never thought…………..it again.
A. for
B. to
C. at
D. about
39. The girls write ……………… regularly now.
A. to one another
B. the one to the other
C. each to other
D. to other
40. Jane wrote her name and address on a …………… of paper.
A. lump

B. bar
C. tube
D. sheet
19. These days it is impossible to open a newspaper (1) ____ reading about the damage we are doing to
the environment. The earth is being threatened (2) _____ the future looks bad. (3) _____ can each of us
do? We cannot clean (4) _____ our polluted rivers and seas overnight. Nor can we stop the (5) _____ of
plants and animals. But we can stop adding to the problem while scientists look for answers. But we can
stop adding to the problem (6).................scentists look for answer. It may not be easy to change your
lifestyle (7) .................but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of driving you do, or use as
little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save (8)...........,which also (9) ...........household bills. We must
all make a personal decision to work for the future of our planet if we want to ensure a betterworld.
1. A. with
B. without
C. and
D. but

2. A. and
B. however
C. so
D. moreover
3. A. Where
B. When
C. Why
D. What
4. A. up
B. to
C. on
D. in
5. A. appear

B. appearance
C. disappear
D. disappearance
6. A.when
B. during
C. while
D. within
7. A. complete
B. completeness
C. completely
D. to complete
8. A. water
B. decreases
C. money
D. health
9. A.adds
D. supplies
10. A. from
B. for
C. to
D. in
20. SONGKRAN is the Thai traditional New Year. It starts on April 13 every year and last 3 days. Another
name for Songkran is the ''Water Festival'' because people believe that water can wash away bad luck. On
Songkran day, family members gather and pour scented water onto the hands of their parents and
grandparents to show their respect for the elders. In return, the elders wish the youngers good luck and
36. What is this passage about ?
A. Thai traditional days

B. Thai family traditions
C. Thai traditional New Year
D. Thai water festival
37. What kind of activities is NOT mentioned ?
A. family gathering
B. pouring water on hands of family elders
C. eating traditional food
D. giving wishes of luck and health
38. Thai traditional New Year is called the ''water Festival'' because water is beleived to ........
A. bring about bad luck B. prevent bad luck C. show respect
D. bring about good luck
39. ''the elders'' in line 5 refer to........
A. parents
B. family members
C. grandparents
D. parents and grandparents
40. The word ''wealth'' in line 5 is closest in meaning to.......
A. wishes
B. riches
C. health
D. chances
21. Television is the most popular form of entertainment in the American household. People of all ages
use this medium to entertain themselves for an average of four hours a day. Thus, television has had a
tremendous influence on its viewers, especially children. Scientists now say that children can be adversely
affected by constantly watching television. This is due to the fact that they participate less in physical
activities, spend less time reading and studying, and see a world of violence that can affect their own
feelings of security.
31: Who can be adversely affected by constantly watching television?
A. Children.
B. The young.

C. The viewers.
D. The old.
32: How many hours a day do they spend watching television?
A. 4 (hours).
B. Less 4 (hours). C. Under 4 (hours). D. Over 4 (hours).
33: What does the word “viewers” mean? - Viewers are persons ...
A. who work at a TV station.
B. who sell TV sets.
C. who watch TV.
D. Both A and B.
34: Isn’t television the most popular form of entertainment in the American household?
A. Yes, it is.
B. Yes, it was.
C. Yes, it isn’t.
D. No, it wasn’t.
35: Has television had a tremendous influence on its viewers, especially children?
A. Yes, it have.
B. Yes, it has had. C. Yes, it had.
D. Yes, it has.
22. (36) ... an earthquake happens, people can die from lack of food, water, and medical supplies. The
amount of destruction (37) ... by an earthquake depends on where it happens, what time it happens, and
how strong it is. It also depends on types of buildings, soil conditions and population. Of the 6,000
earthquakes in the world each year, only about 15 cause great damage and many deaths.

If seismologists could (38) ... earthquakes, we could save about 20,000 human lives each year. Man can
control (39)... things about nature, (40)... we cannot control earthquakes.
36: A. After
B. Before
C. Until

D. During
37: A. was caused
B. is causing C. is caused D. caused
38: A. is predicted
B. predict
C. predicting D. was predicted
39: A. some
B. more
C. much
D. many
40: A. so
B. but
C. and
D. too
23. Esperanto is the most widely used international language. L. L. Zamenhof, a Polish physician, devised
Esperanto. He (31)............. a book about the language, Lingvo Internacia in1887 under the pen name Dr.
Esperanto. The word esperanto means one who hopes in that (32).......... .
Esperanto has a simple, uniform structure. For example, the accent of a word always falls on the
next-to-last syllable. Adjectives end in a, adverbs end in e, and nouns end in o. But when a noun is used as
an object, an n is (33).......... at the end of the word. Plurals end in j. The basic (34).......... of Esperanto
consists mainly of root words common to the Indo-European languages. The following (35).......... is
written in Esperanto: La astronauto, per speciala instrumento, fotografas la lunon. The translation: The
astronaut, with a special instrument, photographs the moon.
A. made known
B. published C. made
D. bought
A. language
B. means

C. medium
D. day
A. add
B. adding C. adds
D. added
A. pronunciation
B. grammar C. vocabulary
D. comprehension
A. word
B. sentence C. phrase
D. paragraph
24. The English language is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is used as either a primary or
secondary language in many countries.
During the 1500's, fewer than 2 million people spoke English. All of them lived in what is now the
United Kingdom. Through the centuries, as the result of various historical events, English spread
throughout the world. Today, about 400 million people speak English as their native language. Most of
them live in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United
Another 100 million people, chiefly living in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and in many African
countries, speak English in addition to their own language. An additional 200 million people probably
know at least some English.
Today, English is the international language of science and technology. In addition, the English
language is used throughout the world in business and diplomacy.
English is the most widely spoken language in the world because it is ............... .
A.spoken in the United Kingdom and the United States
B.spoken as a first, a second and a foreign language in many countries

C.the language of science and technology
D.spoken by 400 million people
English is spoken as a first language in ................ .
B.South Africa
English was first used by people who lived in what is now .............. .
A.Great Britain
B.the United States
C.Australia D.New Zealand
In India, people use English as their ................ .
A.first language
B.native language
C.second language D.mother tongue
................. is the management of relations between nations.
25. People have recycled materials throughout history. Metal tools and weapons have been melted,
reformed and reused since they .......26 in use thousands of years......27. The iron, steel, and paper

industries have almost always ......28 recycled materials.

Recycling saves ...... 29 by reducing the need to process new material. The amount of energy saved
in .......30 one aluminum can equal to the energy in the gasoline that would fill half of that same......31. To
make an aluminum can from recycled metal takes only five percent of the total energy needed to produce
the same aluminum can ......32 unrecycled materials. Recycled paper and paperboard require 75
percent ......33 energy to produce than new products. Significant energy savings result in the recycling of
steel and glass, as well.
Recycling also ..34 pollution because recycling a product creates less pollution .....35 producing a
new one. For every to of newspaper recycled, 7 fewer kilograms of air pollutants are pumped into the
26. A. come
B. came
C. has come
D. coming
27. A. now
B. time
C. ago
D. then
28. A. used
B. use
C. using
D. to use
29. A. energy
B. time
C. money
D. water
30. A. recycled
B. to recycle

C. recycling
D. recycle
31. A. bottle
B. can
C. box
D. case
32. A. with
B. by
C. in
D. from
33. A. less
B. more
C. fewer
D. little
34. A. creates
B. reduces
C. increases
D. causes
35. A. such
B. like
C. as
D. than
26. An (26)....... number of people are now going on holiday to Egypt. Last year, for example, about one
and a half million tourists (27).......... Egypt. The population of Egypt is about fifty million and the capital
is El Qahira (Caro). A busy city of just under nine milion people. (28)...... the climate is hot and dry and
most of the country is desert, the average (29) ........... from October to March is not to high. The most
famous sights are the pyramids at Giza. However., it is also pleasant to visit Alexandria, Port Said and
several other places and do as much (30) ....... as possible in the time available. A trip to Luxor is an
unforgettable experience, and there are frequent flights there from Cairo.

A. increasing
B. increasingly
C. increased
D. amusingly
A. visiting
B. visited
C. have visited
D. visit
A. Because
B. And
C. Although
D. Because of
A. climate
B. weather
C. measure
D. temperature
A. viewing
B. sightseeing
C. seeing
D. looking
27. Between the months of November and May a wind blows from the west in most parts of Indonesia. It
comes from the ocean and carries rain. Clouds build up around the mountains, and every afternoon rain
falls. The rain is always heavy, and rivers now become dangerous. When it rains the whole day, they may
suddendly overflow and cause great damage to the land.
Most farmers are glad when the wet season begins. There is water for their fields and they can again
start growing rice. But people in town are not so glad for the streets soon get muddy and dirty. They prefer

the dry seasons when they can sit outside and enjoy the cool evenings.
What comes from the ocean?
A. a rain
B. a cloud
C. a river
D. a wind
What causes the rain?
A. The mountains
B. The ocean
C. Clouds building up around the mountains D. The afternoon.
What damages the land?
A. The dry season B. The sudden rain C. The wet season D. The overflow of the rivers
Why can farmers start growing rice again?
A. Because there is water for their fields.
B. Because the dry season has begun
C. Because the land has been damaged
D. Because the rivers overflow
Why are people in town not so happy in the wet season?

A. Because they are muddy and dirty.
B. Because they can sit outside.
C. Because the streets are full of mud
D. Because the evenings are cool.
28. In many countries nowadays, electricity, gas and water are….(6)…… . Companies which produce

household goods realize that consumers want …..(7)…….that both work effectively and save money.
In North America, for example, household lighting accounts…...(8)…… 10% to 15% of the
electric bill, ……..(9)………this amount can be reduced by replacing an ordinary 100-watt light bulb with
an energy-saving one. Consumers can save about US $ 7 to US $ 21 per bulb doing so.
In Europe, when you buy electrical goods…..(10)…..as refrigerators, freezers and washing
machines, there is a labeling scheme telling you how …..(11)……efficient each model is, so you can
compare…..(12)…..appliances and then choose which one to buy. The final result is that these ……(13)
…….will save money as well as conserve the earth's resources.
6 . A. necessary
B. necessarily
C. necessities
D. necessitate
7. A. produce
B. production
C. productive
D. products
8. A. in
B. for
C. at
D. from
9. A. so
B. and
C. but
D. although
10 A so
B. therefore
C. such
D. if
11.A. energetic
B. energies

C. energy
D. energetically
12 A . differ
B. different
C. differently
D. difference
13. A innovate
C. innovator
D. innovations
29. It is estimated that about 200 million people who use the Internet computer network around the world.
The Internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work. The Internet allows businesses to
communicate with customers and workers in any part of the world for the cost of a local telephone call.
E.mail allows users to send documents, pictures and other data from one part of the world to another in at
least 5 minutes. People can use the Internet to do shopping. This save a lot of time. It is possible to use the
Internet for education – students may connect with their teachers from home to send or receive e.mail or
talk their problems through ’on-line’ rather than attend a class.
1. The Internet allows people …………………………………………………………...
a. to stay at home and rest
b. not to work
c. to travel to work
d. to work at home
2. To a business, the Internet is ……………………to communicate with customers.
a. a cheap way
b. a very expensive way
c. an inconvenient way
d. a difficult way
3. E.mail can be used to send …………………………………………………………...
a. documents
b. information

c. data
d. all are correct
4. It takes …………….. to do the shopping on the Internet.
a. a lot of time
b. a little time
c. less time
d. more time
5. To use the Internet for education is ………………………………………………….
a. impossible
b. possible
c. inconvenient
d. difficult
30. Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s
energy(13)………… are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However ,we also should
use them…………..(14) and try to find out alternative sources of power. According ……….(15) Professor
Marvin Burnham of the new England Institute of Technology, we have to start ………..(16)coal , oil ,gas
before it is too late .and nuclear power is the only alternative.
However , many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous . What would
happen if there was a serious nuclear accident ? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the
future generations.
The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.
13: A. things
B. electricity
C. resources
D. power
14: A. economical
B. economically
C. economic
D. economicaly

15: A.to
B. for
C. of
D. on
16: A. conserve
B. to conserve
C. conserved
D. conserving
31. To do well at school, college or university you usually need to do well in exams. “All students hate
exams” may be a generalization, but it is fairly true one. Certainly, all of the students I’ve known disliked
doing exams, None of them thought that the exam system was fair; to do well in a exam you simply had to
be able to predict the questions which would be asked, This was the case as regards tow students in my
class at college. Botyh of them were exceptionally bright, but in the final year “exam” neither of them got
an a grade. In fact, they both got Cs. The exam had tested us on questions which had come up the previous
year. They had both assumed that the same questions wouldn’t come up again, and hadn’t prepared for
1) Students need to do well in exams __________.
a. In order to do well at school.
b. Because they need to do well at school.
c. So that to do well at school.
d. Therefore they have to do well at school.
2) The stastement “ All students hate exams” is _________.
a. extremely true
b. completely true
c. quite true
d. very true
3) Which of the following sentences is not true?
a. All of the students the writer has known thought that the exam system was unfair.

b. To do well in an exam you simly had the ability to predict the questions which would be asked.
c. None of the students the writer has known disliked doing exams.
d. “ All students hate exams” is fairly true generalization.
4) Why did the two students in the writer’s class get C grades in the final exam?
a. Because the exam was very difficult.
b. Because they didn’t prepare for the questions that had come up the previous year.
c. Because they were dull students.
d. Because the questions weren’t in their lesson.
5) The writer’s main purpose of writing the passage is to _________________________.
a. describe the importance of exams.
b. discuss how exams effect on the students.
c. explain the equality in examinations.
d. criticize the exam system.
32. Every year people in many countries learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are
teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by
hearing the language in film, on television, in the office or among their friends. Most people must work
hard to learn English.
Why do these all people learn English? It is not difficult to answer this question.
Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. Many adults learn English
because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because some of
their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they want to
read newspapers or magazines in English.
1. According to the writer. English is learn by _____________.
a. young children
b. adults
c. teenagers
d. all are correct
2. Most people learn English by ____________.
a. themselves
b. hearing the language on television

c. working hard on the lesson
d. speaking English to their friends
3. Where do many boys and girls learn English?
a. at home
b. in the office
c. in evening class
d. at school
4. Teenagers learn English because ___________.
a. It’s useful for their higher studies
b. it’s one of their subjects.
c. They want to master it.
d. a and c are correct.
5. Why do many adults learn English?
a. Because they want to see movies in English.
b. Because they need it for their job.

c. Because they are forced to learn.
d. Because it’s not difficult to learn.
33. More than two hundreds years ago, the term “ environmental pollution” was quite strange to people.
They lived healthy, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. Nowadays, the situation is quite differrent.
People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the environment. Actually it is
man that is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of wastes. Everybody knows that motorbikes and
cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by
bicycle. Manufactures know that wastes from factories make water and soil polluted, but they do not want
to spend a lot of their money on treating the wastes safely. Scattering rubbish is bad for our health, but no
one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about pollution?
1. More than two hundred years ago _____________.
a. the environment was polluted as much as it is today. b. people knew nothing about environmental

c. air was polluted badly
d. people was faced with pollution.
2. In former days, people ____________.
a. led a healthy life
b. lived in the polluted environment
c. were worried about pollution
d. drank contaminated water
3. Nowadays, many people are concerned about ___________.
a. the destruction of the poisonous air.
b. the polluted water
c. the wastes from the factories.
d. the pollution of the environment.
4. Everybody knows that cars emit dangerous gases ______________.
a. so they do not travel by car
b. so they prefer travelling by bicycle
c. but they still prefer traveling by car
d. and they enjoy traveling on foot.
5. Factory owners _____________.
a. know nothing about pollution
b. have no awareness of pollution
c. treat wastes from their factories safely d. do not want to spend money on treating the wastes safely
6. It’s harmful for our health _______________.
a. if rubbish is pleaded over our sea
b. If we don’t scatter our rubbish
c. if we spend time on gathering rubbish
d. if rubbish is buried
34. It is estimated that about 200 million people who use the Internet computer network around the world.
The Internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work. The Internet allows businesses to
communicate with customers and workers in many part of the world for the cost of a local telephone call.
E.mail allows users to send documents, pictures and other data from one part of the world to another in at

least 5 minutes. People can use the Internet to do shopping. This saves a lot of time. It is possible to use
the Internet for education – students may connect with their teachers from home to send or receive e.mail
or talk their problems through “ on line” rather than attend a class.
1. The Internet allows people ______________.
a. to stay at home and rest
b. not to work c. to travel to work
d. to work at home
2. To a business, the Internet is ____________ to communicate with customers.
a. a cheap way
b. a very expensive way c. an inconvenient way
d. a difficult way
3. E. mail can be use to send ________________.
a. documents
b. information
c. data
d. all are correct
4. It takes _______________ to do the shopping on the Internet.
a. a lot of time
b. a little time
c. less time
d. more time
5. To use the Internet for education is ________________.
a. impossible
b. possible
c. inconvenient
d. difficult
35. One of the main sources for the spreading of news and events throughout the world is the newspaper.
The purpose of newspapers is to inform the public of political, social economic and entertainment
happenings, among other things .Generally, there are three types of newspapers: daily newspapers, weekly
newspapers, and special-interest newspapers. Daily newspapers publish at least one edition every

weekday. Most dailies also have a weekend edition. Daily newspapers often have sections for news,
sports, arts and entertainment, business and classified advertising. Weekly newspapers print once a week
and cover news of interest to readers in a smaller area than that of a daily paper. They focus on local
happenings rather than national or international events. Special-interest newspapers may publish daily,
weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. They generally disseminate news of interest to a particular group
of readers or feature news about a specific topic.
Thanks to the development of the Internet, we can now get access to electronic newspapers. To some
extent, e-newspapers are cheap, up-to-date, and convenient for most readers in the world.
1. The purpose of newspapers is to inform the public of…
A. political and social happenings
B. economic and entertainment happenings
C. other different events
D. all A, B and C
2. Three types of newspapers are…
A. daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and special-interest newspapers.
B. weekly newspapers, monthly newspapers , yearly newspapers .
C. daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and monthly newspapers.
D. weekly newspapers, monthly newspapers and special-interest newspapers.
3. Most daily newspapers publish…
A. only one edition every weekday .
B. one edition every weekend .
C. at least once every weekday and once at weekend. D. one different edition for one different section
4. Weekly newspapers usually focus on…
A. local happenings
B. national happenings
C. international happenings
D. local and international happenings .
5. Social-interest newspapers cover news of interest to…

A. special people
B. particular group of readers
C. feature news about a specific topic
D. both B and C
6. We can easily get access to electronic newspapers because they are…
A. modern, up-to-date but expensive
B. cheap, up-to-date and convenient worldwide
C. quick, cheap and convenient
D. modern, quick and up-to-date
36. Christmas .
Two popular traditions at Christmas are : decorating the home and singing the Christmas carols. The
home is the center of the Christmas celebration. Inside, an evergreen tree is usually placed in the corner of
the Living room. Children and their parents wrap string of colorful lights around the tree, they hang
ornaments on the branches . A star or angle often crowns the top. Careful- wrapped gifts are placed
beneath. Outside, families often string lights around the windows and wind light around trees and shrubs
in the front yard. As the families decorate their homes, they often put on Christmas record. Almost every
family has at least one favorite album or compact disc. School children of all ages perform Christmas
concerts for their parents and communities. On Christmas’ Eve, family members gather around Christmas
tree to sing traditional songs Such as Jingle bells and Silent night and then give presents to each other.
1- What are the popular traditions at Christmas?
a) Decorating the home.
b) Singing Christmas carols.
c) Eating Christmas pudding.
d) a and b are correct.
2Where is the evergreen put ?
In the middle of the living room.
c) In the middle of the bedroom.

In the corner of the living room.
d) In the corner of the bedroom.
3How do they decorate the Christmas tree?
a) They wrap string of colorful lights around the tree. c) They crown a star on the top.
b) They hang ornaments on branches
d) a, b and c are correct.
4What do the family members often do on Christmas’ Eve ?

a) They gather around Christmas tree.
b) They sing traditional songs.
c) They gather around the tree, sing traditional song and get presents
d) They give presents to each other.
5What do they do as they decorate their home ?
a) They sing traditional songs.
c) They eat Christmas pudding.
b) They put on Christmas record.
d) a , b and c are correct.
37. I often hear or read about “natural disaster”- the eruption of Mount St Helen, a volcano the state of
Washington: Hurricane Andrew in Florida; the floods in the American Midwest; terrible earthquakes all
over the world; huge fires; and so on. But I’ll never forget my first personal experience with the
strangeness of nature – “the London Killer Fog” of 1952. It began on Thursday, December 4th when a
high –pressure system (warm air) cover southern England. With the freezing-cold air below, heavy fog
formed. Pollution from factories, cars, and coal stoves mixed with the fog. The humidity was terribly high,
there was no breeze at all. Traffic (cars, trains, and boats) stopped. People couldn’t see, and some walked
onto the railroad tracks or into the river. It was hard to breathe, and many people got sick. Finally on
Tuesday, December 9th , the wind came and the fog went away. But after that, even more people got sick,
many of them died.
1. Which natural disaster isn’t mentioned in the text?
A. a volcanic eruption

B. a flood
C. a hurricane
D. a tornado
2. What is his unforgettable person experience?
A. the London killer
B. the heavy fog in London
C. the strangeness of nature
D. a high-pressure system
3. What didn’t happen during the time of the “London Killer Fog”?
A. pollution
C. heavy rain
D. heavy fog
4. The traffic stopped because of ……….
A. The rain
B. the windy weather
C. the humid weather
D. the heavy fog
38. Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in most of Britain. Celebrations start properly on
December 24, Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of preparation beforehand. The
Christmas tree and all the presents, food, drink and decorations have been bought. Christmas cards have
already been sent to friends and relations. About a week before Christmas, people usually put up their
decorations and decorate the Christmas tree with lights, various colored decorations and an angel on the
top. Family presents are usually put under the tree.
Christmas Day is the biggest day of the holiday. On the Christmas morning (often very early), children
open the presents that are in their socks. Some families go to church. The traditional Christmas dinner
consists of roast turkey with potatoes and various other vegetables. Before the dinner, people usually pull
crackers-small rolls of paper that have gifts, jokes, and party hats inside.
1. People usually decorate the Christmas tree ……………………
A. on December 24

B. on December 25
C. several weeks before Christmas
D. about a week before Christmas
2. The most important day of the holiday is ……………………
A. the day before Christmas
B. the day after Christmas Day
C. Christmas Eve
D. Christmas Day
3. Children open the presents…………………………
A. on the Christmas morning
B. on the Christmas afternoon
C. on Christmas Eve
D. on December 24
4. Which of the following is the traditional Christmas dinner?
A. Roast turkey and potatoes and bread
B. Roast potatoes, tomatoes with turkey and various vegetables
C. Roast turkey with tomatoes and various other vegetables

D. Roast turkey with potatoes and vegetables
39. Pollution is the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to
use. For example:
* Air pollution is where there are gases in the air that is harmful, these gases come from object or
buildings like harmful smoke from factories, vehicles, automobiles. (cars, trucks, planes, boats) and many
* Light pollution is unwanted light, such as the light of cities, street lights, and others makes it hard to see
the stars.
* Noise pollution is unwanted noise, such as the sound of cars in a city, loud boats/ship, airplanes, and
* Water pollution is where there are things in the water that are harmful such as crude oil spilled from a

shipwrecked tanker, smoke, poison, air pollution, and a lot other things that are not human/plant/animal
1. Air pollution comes from harmful………………from factories, vehicles, etc.
A. trees
B. parks
C. smoke
D. liquid
2. All of the following things cause light pollution except……………
A. traffic light
B. light of cities
C. street lights
D. light of the moon
3. Noise pollution is ……………sound of cars, trains, planes, etc.
A. unwanted
B. small
C. interesting
D. useful
4. Which of the following sentences is Not true?
A. Air pollution comes from harmful gases.
B. Light of the stars causes light pollution
C. Sound from a loud ship cause pollution
D. Water pollution can come from the land.
40. In biology and ecology the environment is all of the natural materials and living things on the Earth.
This is also called the natural environment. Some people call themselves environmentalists. These people
think that harmony with the environment is important. They think we must protect the environment. The
important things in the environment that we value are called natural resources. For example fish, sunlight,
and forests. These are renewable natural resources because they grow naturally when we use them. Nonrenewable natural resources are important things in the environment that do not come back naturally. For
example coal and natural gas.
1. What does the world “environmentalists” in line 3 mean?
A. living things

B. people who protect the environment
C. people who destroy the environment
D. people who pollute the environment
2. One example of renewable natural resource is………………..
A. sunlight B. coal
C. oil
D. natural gas
3. One example of renewable natural resource is………………..
A. fish
B. tree
C. water
D. coal
4. All of the following things are renewable natural resource except…………………….
A. Air
B. gas
C. silver
D. animal
5. What does the word “them” in line 7 refer to?
A. materials
B. environmentalists
C. renewable natural resources D. non-renewable natural resources
41. Environmental (1)……………is one of the most serious problems (2)……………mankind today. Air,
water and soil are necessary to the survival of all (3)………………things. Badly polluted air can (4)
………………illness and even death. Polluted water (5)…………… many kinds of wild animals and
other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land (6) ……………growing food.
1.A. pollute
B. polluted
C. pollution
D. polluting
2.A. face

B. faces
C. to face
D. facing
3.A. lived
B. living
C. live
D. lives
4.A. cause
B. give
C. make
D. catch

5.A. kills
B. kill
C. are killing
D. doesn’t kill
6.A. of
B. to
C. from
D. for
42. I keep a vocabulary notebook. It’s organized ( 1) ____________. Whenever I hear or read a new word,
I write it (2) ______________. Then (3) _________________ I have time, I look it up in my dictionary.
Then I put down some key (4) _____________ about the word- you know, (5) _____________ it’s a noun
or a verb, and some (6) ________________ of how it’s used. I (7) ______ the notebook and study the
words as often as I can. I really (8) ____________ that the only way to learn new words- (9)
___________in your own language- is by (10) __________them.
1. a. alphabet
b. alphabetical
c. alphabetic

d. alphabetically
2. a. in
b. on
c. down
d. beside
3. a. when
b. if
c. while
d. unless
4. a. examples
b. information
c. meaning
d. usage
5. a. what
b. where
c. whether
d. when
6. a. meanings
b. things
c. examples
d. words
7. a. go after
b. go through
c. go on
d. go up
8. a. believe
b. mean
c. guess
d. learn
9. a. whether

b. ever
c. even
d. though
10. a. forgetting
b. memorizing
c. improving
d. learning
43. Are there intelligent (1) _____________ on the other planets in our solar system? Maybe there are. In
our (2) _________ galaxy there are millions of stars. Some must have planets with (3) __________ like
those on the earth. (4) ________ in space there could be other thinking beings. They would probably look
(5) ___________ different that we might not (6) _____________ them as people. However, (7)
___________ their planet is older than our planet, they may know more than (8) ______. They may have
more progress ( 9) _______ some aspects. They may be traveling in space and be (10 ) __________
human beings.
1. a. things
b. humans
c. beings
d. animals
2. a. own
b. distant
c. nearby
d. faraway
3. a. air
b. conditions
c. climate
d. gemstones
4. a. nowhere
b. Anywhere
c. Somewhere
d. Where

5. a. much
b. many
c. such
d. so
6. a. recognise
b. look
c. approve
d. consider
7. a. when
b. if
c. in case
d. unless
8. a. our
b. us
c. we do
d. we are
9. a. on
b. for
c .with
d. in
10. a. examining
b. looking
c. discovering
d. in
44. Every year many people in the world learn English. Some of them are young children. (1)…………are
teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, and some learn in evening classes. A few learn English
by (2)………….or just by (3) …………. to the language on television or among their friends. Most
people must work hard to learn English. (4) ………. do all these people want to learn English? It is
difficult to answer that question.
Young children learn English at school to study better at their subject. Many adults learn English

because (5) …………. useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their (6) …………
studies, because some of their books are written (7) …………….English at their college or university.
Other people learn English because they want to read English newspaper or magazine for (8) ……….and
1. A. The other
B. Others
C. Another
D. Each other
2. A. them
B. their
C. themselves
D. theirs
3. A. listening
B. speaking
C. talking
D. hearing
4. A. What
B. How
C. Why
D. Where

5. A. they are
B. it is
C. there is
D. of being
6. A. taller
B. higher
C. better
D. fuller

7. A. in
B. at
C. by
D. with
8. A. equipment
B. example
C. transportation
D. information
45. The Internet has (1).................and become part of our life .It’s very fast and convenient way to get
information. People use the Internet (2)...............many purposes: education, communication,
(3).....................and commerce. The Internet helps people communicate (4)..................friends and relatives
by (5)..............of email or chatting.
However, the Internet has limitations. It is time-(6)..............and costly. It is also dangerous because of
virus and bad programs. (7)................the other hand, the Internet (8).................sometimes have to suffer
various risks such as spam or electronic junk mail and personal information leaking. So, while enjoying
surfing, be alert!
C-development D-developing
3.A-entertainment B-entertaining C-entertained
5.A- mean

C- meant
46. I believe that it is (1)............to wear uniforms when students are at school. Firstly ,
(2)..................encourage the children to take pride in being students of the school they are going to
(3)................they are wearing uniforms with labels bearing their school’s name .
Secondly, wearing uniforms helps students feel (4)..........in many ways .They all start (5)............the same
place no matter they are rich or poor. They are really friends to one another (6)................one school roof.
Last but not least, it is (7)............ to wear uniforms .It doesn’t take you time to think of what to wear every
In conclusion ,all students ,from
1.A-importance B-unimportance C-important
D-unimportant primary to high schools should
(8)...... uniforms

C-to wear

47. When Malaysia became (1).............., Malay language was chosen as the National Language. The
reason (2).................this choice is that it is the language of the Malays who are the natives of Malaysia.
The (3).............of Malaysia takes pride in promoting this language among all the races in Malaysia. The
Chinese, The Indians and other non-Malay communities have accepted the decision of the government. It
is the (4)..................language (5)................the country.

In Malaysia, the national language is (6)..................the Bahasa Malaysia .It is the language of
(7).................in schools. Since the introduction of Malay in schools, it has become the most
(8)...................used language in Malaysia.
1.A-independence B-independ

C-to call

C-instructive D-instructively
C-to imagine

D-to spend
48. Television is an important (1)...........of the 20 century. It has been so (2)........... that now we can’t
(3)..............what life would be like if there were no television. Television is a major mean (4)
………………… communication . It brings pictures and sound from around the world into millions of
home. TV (5)........... can see and learn about people , places and things in faraway lands . TV widens our
(6)..................by introducing us to new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations. In
addition to the news. TV provides us with a variety of programs that can satisfy every taste. Most people
now like (7)....................their evenings watching TV. It is more (8)....................for them to sit at home
watching TV than to go out for amusement elsewhere.
49. At 6.30 in the morning, the bus (1) …….Ba and his family from their home. After picking (2)
…….everyone, the bus continued North on the Highway Number 1. It crossed the Dragon Bridge and
stopped at the gas station to get some more fuel. Then, it left the highway and turned onto a small road
westward. This road ran (3) ……. green paddy fields, (4) ……. the people on the bus could see a lot of
cows and buffaloes. The road ended before a big store beside a pond. Instead of (5) ……….left towards a
small airport, the bus went on the opposite direction. It didn’t stay on that road for very long, but turned
left onto a road (6) … ….… went across a small bamboo forest. Finally, the bus dropped everyone at the
(7) ……. lot ten meters from a big old banyan tree. It would park there and waited (8) ……….people to
come back in the evening
1. A. collect
B. collect
C. collecting
D. to collect
2. A. at

B. in
C. on
D. up
3. A. between
B. to
C. for
D. besides
4. A. so
B. and
C. but
D. because
5. A. to turn
B. turned
C. turning
D. turn
6. A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. which
7. A. park
B. parking
C. parked
D. to park
8. A. in
B. at
C. for
D. to
50. Air pollution is a ( 23 ) _______ of ill health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws
limiting the amount of smoke which factories can ( 24 ) ________. Although there isn’t enough ( 25 )
_______ on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have ( 26 ) _______ that air pollution cause

lung diseases. The gases from the exhausts of cars have also ( 27) ________ air pollution in most cities.
The lead in petrol produces a ( 28 ) _______ gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high
buildings. Children who ( 29 ) _______ in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can not
think as ( 30 ) _______ as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands.
23. A. reason
B. cause
C. effect
D. effort

24. A. reduce
B. send
C. produce
D. give
25. A. information B. news
C. data
D. figures
26. A. said
B. told
C. proclaimed
D. proved
27. A. increased
B. decreased
C. minimized
D. sent
28. A. poison
B. poisonous
C. poisoned
D. poisoning
29. A. stay

B. live
C. come
D. work
30. A. quick
B. slow
C. quickly
D. slowly
51. Mr. Brown and some (23) __________________ conservationists are on a very dirty beach now.
Today they are ready to make the beach a clean and beautiful place again. After listening to Mr. Browns
instructions, they are divided (24) ____________ three groups. Group I needs to walk along the shore.
Group 2 should check the sand, (25) _________ group 3 has to check among the rocks. Garbage must be
put into plastic bags, and the bags will be (26) __________ by Mr. Jones. He will take the bags to the
garbage (27) _________. Each member will be given a map to find the right place. They won’t eat the
picnic lunch (28) __________ by Mrs. Smith until the whole area is clean. (29) _________ are eager to
work hard so as to refresh this (30) ________ area.
23. A. voluntary
B. volunteers
C. volunteering
D. volunteer
24. A. in
B. to
C. into
D. onto
25. A. or
B. and
C. because
D. though
26. A. selected
B. chosen
C. collected

D. elected
27. A. dump
B. yard
C. area
D. place
28. A. happened
B. provided
C. achieved
D. shown
29. A. Them all
B. They all
C. All them
D. All they
30. A. spoiling
B. spoil
C. spoiled
D. spoils
52. A great number of people from many countries have joined in trips to space up to now. A trip to space
is very _( 1 )_. Do you want to join in a trip in the future?
If you decide to take a trip, you will have to get ready a few months before the _( 2 )¬¬_. You must be in
excellent physical condition .You should run a lot, swim everyday, and do aerobics and push-ups. You
must get a letter from the doctor that shows you are in perfect _( 3 )_ .
Once you get on the trip, you will be in a(n) _( 4 )_ world. You will see pictures of the Earth. You may
also find your country and other interesting places. You will be able to see the oceans, the big rivers, the
tall mountains. You will be able to see them many times because you will _( 5 )_ the Earth 16 times a day!
You will also be able to see stars that you couldn’t see _( 6 )¬_ the Earth.
When you are in orbit, you will be able to get out of your seat and walk in the cabin. You will be able to
walk on the walls or on the ceiling like in a circus. You will not _( 7 )_ anything! You will feel totally free
and enjoy the wonderful feeling you have never had before. If you _( 8 )_ on board now, you would
experience those marvelous things.

1. A. marvelous
B. harmful
C. dangerous
D. terrible
2. A. walk
B. course
C. voyage
D. flight
3. A. knowledge
B. health
C. intelligence
D. wisdom
4. A. ancient
B. imaginary
C. different
D. mysterious
5. A. fly
B. orbit
C. travel
D. go
6. A. by
B. in
C. around
D. from
7. A. eat
B. see
C. weigh
D. know
8. A. were
B. sit

C. are
D. come
53. I went to Australia on a student program last year and I like to (26)_______you about it. I was very
(27)_______when I knew I was going to Australia because I had never been there before. I didn’t think
about the problems of speaking English (28)_______I met my host family. At first I couldn’t communicate
with them because my English was so bad. All the five years I had been learning English wasn’t much
used at all (29)_______we didn’t have real practice at school. Even though my grammar was good, my

pronunciation wasn’t. My problem is (30)_______ ‘l’ and ‘r’. For example, Australian people often asked
“What do you eat in Vietnam?” I wanted to tell them that we eat rice, but they didn’t understand when I
said “We eat lice”…
26. A. say
B. tell
C. talk
D. speak
27. A. exciting
B. excites
C. excited D. excite
28. A. after
B. until
C. when
D. while
29. A. although
B. even
C. because D. so
30. A. pronouncing B. speaking C. reading D. telling
54. Tet is a national and .................... (1) festival in Vietnam . It is occasion for every Vietnamese to be
reunited to think .................(2) their past activities and hope for good luck in the new year.
Before Tet all houses .................. (3) white washed and ...................... (4) with colorful lights . Everybody

is looking ......................... ( 5 ) to a better life. In the new year’s eve, children are smartly
dressed . ......................... (6) are hoping to receive money put in small red envelopes as they are wishing
longevity to ................... (7) grandparents and parents. Wrong doings should ...................... (8) avoided on
these days .
1. A. traditional
B. modern
C. compulsory
D. convenient.
2. A. about
B. with
C. after
D. for
3. A. was
B. were
C. are
D. is
4. A. decorate
B. decorating
C. to decorate
D. decorated
5. A. for
B. forward
C. after
D. at
6. A. them
B. who
C. these
D. they
7. A. his
B. her

C. my
D. their
8. A. take
B. not
C. we
D. be
55. I first met Maryam at a farewell party (1)_____ by Lan two years ago. Her charming face caught my
attention. We exchanged greetings and became friends. Since then we have kept (2)_____ touch and
shared our common interests. Maryam is two years older (3)_____ I am. She is in grade 12 in a senior
high school. She works her hardest and always comes top in her class. She especially loves (4)_____
I am proud (5)_____ have a pen pal (6)_____ her. I hope our friendship will last forever. I always
remember her parting words, "This moment has become unforgettable for me. I will be thinking about
you. Mai." And this morning I got a letter (7)_____ her. She said that she would come to Viet Nam next
summer vacation. I am looking forward to (8)_____ her again. I am thinking of a plan for what we are
going to do during her visit.
1. A hold
B held
C holding
D was held
2. A with
B at
C on
D in
3. A than
B as
C like
D as well as
4. A natural
B nature

C naturally
D naturalize
5. A of
B with
C to
D in
6. A as
B alike
C liking
D like
7. A from
B with
C to
D by
8. A see
B seeing
C seen
D saw
56. Clothes can tell a lot (1)………a person. Some people like very colorful clothes because they want
everyone (2)…………at them and they want to be the center of things. (3)………. People like to wear
nice clothes, but their clothes are not (4)…………..or fancy. They do not like people (5)…………..
Clothes today are very different (6)………… the clothes of the 1800s.
One difference is the way they look. For example, in the 1800s, all women (7)………… dress. The
dresses all had long skirts. But today, women do not always wear dresses with skirts. Sometimes they
wear short skirts. Sometimes they wear pants. Another difference between 1800 and today is the (8)……..
In the 1800s, clothes (9)………… natural kinds of cloth. They were from cotton, wool, silk on linen. But

today, there are (10)………. Kinds of man made cloth. A lot of clothes are now made from nylon, rayon or

1. A. about
B. at
C. with
D. on
2. A. look
B. to look
C. looked
D. looking
3. A. each other
B. another
C. others
D. other
4. A. color
B. colorfully
C. colorful
D. colored
5. A. to look at them
B. to looking at them
C. looking at them D. looked at them
6. A. at
B. to
C. from
D. in
7. A. wear
B. worn
C. wore
D. wearing
8. A. cloth
B. clothing
C. clothe

D. clothes
9. A. were made only by B. were made only of
C. were made only in D. were made only from
10. A. many
B. much
C. any
D. a little
57. Britain is now a highly industrialized country and there are only 238,000 farms in the UK. More and
more farmers leave the land because they can not earn enough money to survive. Only large farms are
economic and because of this most British farm are big. They usually grow cereals in the east of England
and raise sheep and cowsin the north of England and Scotland. The small family farms often have to earn
more money by offering bed and breakfast accommodation to tourists.
Farming methods in Britain have also changed. Fields used to be quite small, divided by hedges
which were sometimes a thousand years old and full of wild flowers and birds. Many hedges were pulled
up to allow farmers to use modern machinery. Now most fields in England are large by European
1. British farmers give up working on their farms because________ .
A. they are tired of the farm work
B. they can’t earn their own living by farming
C. they want to continue to live
D. they are forced to leave the land
2. Most British farms are big because_________ .
A. there are plenty of abandoned land B. farming is now industrialized
C. small farms are uneconomic
D. most British farmers are rich
3.The small family farms often offer bed and breakfast accommodation to tourists ______.
A. to show their friendship
B. because they want to have more tourists to their farms
C. in order to improve their earnings
D. so that the tourists will return in their farm the next time

4. Fields on British farms were __________ .
A. separated from each other by hedges B. full of wild flowers and birds
C. a thousand years old
D. all are correct
5. Which of the following sentences is not true?
A. Industries are developed in Britain
B. Breeding farms are usually in the north of England
C. Many hedges are pulled down for farmers to expand their farms
D. Most fields in England are now larger than they used to be
58. My village is about 50 kilometers (1.________ the city center. It is very beautiful and
(2.________________. place where people (3.________________ flowers and vegetables only. It’s very
famous for its pretty roses and picturesque (4.________. . The air is quite (5._______; however, the smell
of the roses make people (6.________________. Cool. In spring, my villages looks lie a carpet with
plenty of (7.________ . Tourists come to visit it so often. Nowadays, with electricity, it doesn’t take the
(8.________________ much time to water the roses. And even at night, people can (9._______. Along the
path and enjoy the fresh smell (10.________ the flowers.
A. on
B. for
C. from
D. since
A. peace
B. peaceful
C. peacefully
D. quite
A. grow
B. buy
C. grew

D. bought
A. scenery
B. sneces
C. sceens
D. scenes
A. cool
B. fresh
C. clear
D. clean

A. felt
B. to feel
C. feel
D. feeling
A. colors
B. colorful
C. spots
D. styles
A. villages
B. towns
C. villagers
D. city- dwellers
A. waked

B. walked
C. walked
D. walking
A. on
B. of
C. in
D. at
59. When our class teacher suggested an excursion (1)________ the last June holidays, we chose the
Botanic Garden, the place we all wanted (2)_______ All the boys and girls of the class assembled in our
school one day and started our bus journey at 9;00 AM. As soon as we arrived t the garden, our teacher
took us to an open grass patch and told us about the program for the day. The Botanic Garden has a variety
of flowers and trees, each and everyone is (3)_____ the air was very cool and clean, so we (4)_____ Very
refreshed. It was so pleasing to see the well cut grass, hedges and flowering plants all around.
Our teacher (5)_______us about the history of the botanic Garden. We spent some time (6)____ jokes and
telling stories. After that we had lunch .The some of us played games while others went out to collect
seeds of flowers. Our teacher (7)_____ a few photographs of us in the garden(8)_______ About 4;00 PM,
we returned home.
A. on
B. at
C. during
D. to
A. visit
B. to visit
C. visiting
D. visited
A. label

B. labeling
C. labeled
D. to label
A. feel
B. fall
C. fell
D. felt
A. told
B. said
C. asked
D. advised
A. crack
B. cracking
C. to crack
D. cracked
A. carries
B. laid
C. had
D. took
A. at
B. On
C. In
D. Among
60. Last Sunday, Nam went (1)____________excursion (2)________..Oxford. He got (3) ______ early
and took a bus, so he arrived on time. (4)________ the morning, he visited the National Gallery, Big Ben

and the Hyde Park. In the afternoon, he bought a dictionary and a small disc (5)________The word
“Oxford University”. He met some English students (6)________ the bookshop. He was happy
(7)________ practice speaking English (8)_________many foreigners. Although he felt tired, he all had a
nice day.
A. to
B. on
C. at
D. in
A. for
B. at
C. to
D. in
A. at
B. in
C. up
D. to
A. For
B. In
C. On
D. At
A. in
B. among
C. by
D. with

A. to
B. on
C. at
D. in
A. to
B. in
C. on
D. by
A. with
B. on
C. in
D. to
61. English is a very useful language. If we (1)________ English, we can go to any countries we like. We
will not find it hard to make people understand (2)_________ we want to say. English also help us to learn
all kinds of(3)__________ hundreds of books are (4)________in English everyday in (5)__________
countries. English has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge (6)__________ all corners of the world.
Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better (7)__________ and (8)_________ among the
countries of the world.
1. A. to know
B. know
C. knew
D. known
2. A. what
B. where
C. when
D. how
3. A. subjects
B. things

C. ideas
D. plans
4. A. write
B. wrote
C. written
D. writing
5. A. much
B. lot of
C. many
D. a lots of
6. A. in
B. with
C. at
D. to

7. A. to understand
8. A. friend

B. understanding C. understand
D. understood
B. friendly
C. friendliness
D. friendship
Some people learn a second language (1)_____. Other people have trouble learning a new language
. How can you have (2)_____learn a new language , such as English ? There are several ways to make
learning English a little (3)_____and more interesting .
The first step is to feel positive about learning English . If you believe that you can learn, you will
learn .(4)____patient. You do not to have to understand(5)____all at once . It `s natural to make mistakes

when you learn something new . We can learn from our mistakes .
The second step is to practice your English. For example , write in a journal, or diary ,every day.
You will get used to (6)_____in English , and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English .
After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving .(7)_____,you much speak English every
day. You can practice with your classmates (8)_____class.
The third step is to keep a record of your language learning . You can write this in your journal .
After (9)_____class , think about what you did . Did you answer a question(10)_____? Did you
understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult , but you tried to understand
it .
It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements .
1. A. ease
B. easy
C. easily
D. all a, b, c.
2. A. itself
B. yourself
C. himself
D. herself
3. A. ease
B. easy
C. easily
D. easier
4. A. Be
B. Being
C. To be
D. Been
5. A. anything
B. nothing
C. everything
D. something

6. A. write
B. writing
C. to write
D. written
7. A. In addition
B. Addition
C. Additional
D. By addition
8. A. of side
B. outside
C. beside
D. by side
9. A. some
B. each
C. all
D. few
10. A. correct
B. correction
C. correctly
D. corrective
63. There are at least 2,000 different languages in the world. Of all these languages, English is the most
(1)……………….used. It is used by business people, airline pilots and sea captains all over the world. It
is also the first language (2)…………………sports and science. So it is very (3)………….to learn
Chinese is also an important language because it has the (4)……………numbers of speakers. There are
not only one billion people living in China today, but also many Chinese people (5)………………outside
China. Chinese is widely (6)……………..in many parts of Asia and Africa. Russian is spoken in both
Europe and Asia. French is widely (7)………………in Europe and in parts of Canada, Africa and Asia.
From more than 2,000 languages, the United Nations has (8)……………six of them for business. They
are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

1. A. wide
B. widely
C. widen
D. widening
2. A. in
B. at
C. of
D. to
3. A. unimportance
B. unimportant
C. importance
D. important
4. A. great
B. greater
C. greaten
D. greatest
5. A. live
B. lived
C. to live
D. living
6. A. speak
B. spoke
C. spoken
D. speaking
7. A. understood
B. understanding C. to understand
D. understand
8. A. choose
B. chosen
C. chose

D. choosing
64. My Television
My television is an important (1) _____of furniture to me. I can’t get (2) ____ the house very often,
but my TV brings the whole (3) ______to me. From the evening news and the “all-news” channels. I learn

about events in the (4) ______world: politics, the environment, recent changes in technology and
medicine, and (5) ______on. I like game shows and travel programs, (6) ______. And I love comedies: I
think it `s important to be (7) _____to laugh. I can even watch shows (8) _____other languages and “go
shopping” by TV. With the major national networks (CBS. NBC, ABC), the abdication and cable
channels, and the extra sports and movie channels, I have a (9) ______of fifty different . Programs (10)
___the same time! Maybe I’ll get a satellite dish. Then I’ll have even
more choices.
1. A. bit
B. piece
C. slice
D. pair
2. A. out
B. in
C. out of
D. in to
3. A. world
B. places
C. towns
D. cities
4. A. side
B. inside
C. outside
D. by side
5. A. such

B. this
C. that
D. so
6. A. too
B. so
C. either
D. neither
7. A. ability
B. enable
C. able
D. inability
8. A. of
B. in
C. at
D. wish
9. A. choose
B. chose
C. choice
D. choosing
10. A. in
B. at
C. on
D. of
65. No writer in American literature is (1) _________or more loved than Samuel Longhorn Clements. (2)
_________ in Missouri in 1835, he grew (3) _________ on the bank of the Mississippi river and later
adopted the (4) _________ Mark Twain. The (5) _________ environment inspired the two novels (6)
made him famous.: "Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" ":Life on the Mississippi", told of his
adventures on the river (7) _________ of that period.
Mark Twain's life as a writer started during the Civil War. At that time he (8) _________ as a newspaper
man in Nevada and California. (9) _________ short story "The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras

County" was an immediate (10) _________ and his new career began.
A. more fame
B. famous
C. more famous
D. fame
A. was born
B. born
C. is born
D. be born
A. up
B. of
C. to
D. with
A. pen name
B. surname
C. name
D. real name
A. village
B. city
C. river
D. town
A. where
B. who
C. whose

D. which
A. ships
B. trains
C. boats
D. planes
A. works
B. worked
C. is working
D .was working
A. one's
B. their
C. his
D. our
A. success
B. successful
C. succeed
D. succeeding
66. Everyday on radio, on TV, and in the newspaper, we hear, see or read about many problems in the
world, for example, pollution problems.
Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes,
trains and poisonous gases emitted from factories. Also, waste is dumped any where, even in the city
where many people are living. The second pollution problem is sea pollution. Many people earn their
living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people. But the sea has become so
polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying. This pollution is not only killing the
fish, but is also affecting those people who eat fish.
Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more difficult

everyday. We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live.
1. We hear, see and read about problems in the world _________
A. once a week
B. every day
C. every week
D. every year
2. What causes the air pollution ?
A. fumes from vehicles.
B. poisonous gases from factories.
