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Name: .............................................................
Class: 11A...
Written test 1
Time allowed: 45 minutes
Mark Teacher s remark’
question 1: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
1.A. children B. kitchen C. champion D. characteristic
2.A. started B. married C. awarded D. celebrated
3.A. village B. get C. dangerous D. passenger
4.A. knife B. know C. sneaky D. anniversary
5.A. anniversary B. attitude C. affect D. clap
question 2: Choose the word or phrase that would best complete each of the following
sentences. (3pts)
6. I am very delighted .............. the letter from you.
A. to receive B. receive C. receiving D. to receiving
7. He made me ........... it over again.
A. to do B. do C. does D. doing
8. Have you ever ............ a fire?
A. see B. saw C. seeing D. seen
9. I was going home when I ............. an accident.
A. see B. was seeing C. saw D. seen
10. When I was a boy, I often went to school .......... foot.
A. on B. by C. at D. with
11. ................ would you like to organise your birthday party, during the day or in the afternoon?
A. Where B. When C. What time D. While
12. How ............ have you known him?
A. far B. much C. often D. long
13. Do you have any idols .......... you really love and imitate in many ways?
A. which B. who C. what D. why
14. Yesterday I went to a party alone. I didn’t know any people there except for the host. I felt

very ...............
A. embarrass B. embarrassing C. embarrassingly D. embarrassed
15. The 25
wedding anniversary is called the ................. anniversary.
A. silver B. golden C. special D. diamond
16. I met Jane in our first year at high school. It was the start of a lifelong ..............
A. friend B. friendly C. friendship D. friends
17. A good friend should not be ...........
A. quick- witted B. warm-hearted C. selfish D. open-minded
18. I hope ............. to university next year.
A. to go B. go C. going D. went
19. The nurse suggested ................ two aspirins.
A. to take B. taking C. to be taken D. being taken
20. He doesn’t allow us ............ personal phone calls.
A. to make B. making C. makes D. made
question 3: Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
I was about eight or nine years old at that time, and my mother took me to the theatre. It was
a special show for children, with songs, clowns and magic. After the first part of the show, the
presenter came out and said: “Any child who's got a birthday today, come up onto the stage and
you’re going to be the magician’s assistants”. My mum gave me a push and said: “Go on, you go”.
And as I really wanted to be on stage, I rushed up, with some other children. When I was up there,
the magician asked my name, and then said: “So it’s your birthday today then?”And I automatically
said: “No, it’s on July 23
.” As soon as I said it, the whole theatre burst into laughter. My face went
bright red, and some of the children called out: “He’s a cheat. It’s not his birthday today.” At that
moment I wanted the Earth to open up and swallowed me. The magician said it didn’t matter, I
could stay on the stage, but I felt awful in the whole time. As I came down from the stage, all the
children looked at me and laughed.

1. How old was the writer at that time?
2. Is it his birthday that day?
3. What did the other people in the theatre do when they knew that he was a cheat?
4. Did he stay on the stage or come down from it at once?
5. When did the presenter ask some children to come up onto the stage?
question 4: Each of the sentences below has a mistake. Find and correct it. (2pts)
1. Hi, Ann! Next Sunday was my birthday. Can you come to my party?
2. Oh thank you very much. What time will it starts?
3. Don’t forget tell Jim. I hope he will come.
4. Where do you go last summer?
5. I feel happily to have such a good friend like you.
question 5: Reorder the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences. (2pts)
1. known / my / best / friend / long / a / time / have / I / .
2. I / arived / at / the/ had / station / left / when / train / the / .
3. her / helps / husband / clean / her / house / the / to / .
4. hope / to / university / year / to / I / next / go / .
5. children / Mary's / school / after / everyday / used to / being / are / picked up / .
