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English 10 unit 9 writing

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Correct some mistake

Fossil fuel and non-renewable resources are also very
important to our life. They are coal, oil, natural gases which
produce energy. Using
Use much fossil fuel and many nonrenewable fuels and many non-renewable resources makes
make air
we do to
pollution and we will run out of them. What should
we should
save them?
We should reduce the use of fossil
fosil fuel for energy. And we
also research and replace fossil fuel with other renewable fuels
such as water, sun, etc. We should raise awareness on the
problems of
in the public and in education.


Lesson 6: WRITING

Activity 1: Look at the picture
 What do you see in the picture?

 A person is turning off the tap
while brushing teeth.
 What does the text in the picture


 It means you should save water
and use water appropriately. 
 Do you turn off the tap while you
are brushing your teeth?
 Yes, I do.

Activity 2: Quickly read the text and match the headings (a-d) with the

paragraphs (1-4).

• 1. Fresh, clean water is very important to life because no one can live long without it. Yet it is
one of the limited and most endangered natural resources on our planet. Water keeps the
Earth green, and we can transform flowing water to electricity or energy. Our modern world has
consumed a lot of water and electricity. So, what do you think will happen if water runs out?
The following advice can help to reduce your water and electricity consumption at home.
 d. Introducing the environmental problem
• 2. When you leave a room or your home, unpluging electronic devices like television, radio,
computer is an easy way to save electricity because these devices still consume energy even
though they are off.
 c. Your actions to reduce electricity consumption
• 3. When you use water, you also consume energy. Turning the tap off until you need water to
rinse your hands or brush your teeth, and washing full loads of laundry instead of smaller ones
can help to reduce electricity and water consumption as well.
 b. Your actions to reduce water consumption
• 4. The above advice is very simple and not new. However, if you follow at least one of the tips,
you can be proud of taking part in the preservation o f water, one of the very important and
limited natural resources on the Earth.

 a. Your participation in environmental preservation

Activity 3: Match the following sentences with the paragraps (1-4) in 2
• 1. Fresh, clean water is very important to life because no one can live long without it. Yet it is one
of the limited and most endangered natural resources on our planet. Water keeps the Earth
green, and we can transform flowing water to electricity or energy. Our modern world has
consumed a lot of water and electricity. So, what do you think will happen if water runs out? The
following advice can help to reduce your water and electricity consumption at home.
 b. Water is one of the limited natural resources. It can run out.
• 2. When you leave a room or your home, unpluging electronic devices like television, radio,
computer is an easy way to save electricity because these devices still consume energy even
though they are off.
 d. Unplug the electronic devices when you leave a room or your home.
• 3. When you use water, you also consume energy. Turning the tap off until you need water to
rinse your hands or brush your teeth, and washing full loads of laundry instead of smaller ones
can help to reduce electricity and water consumption as well.
 a. Turn the tap off until you need water to rinse your hands or brush your teeth, and wash full
loads of laundry instead of smaller ones.
• 4. The above advice is very simple and not new. However, if you follow at least one of the tips,
you can be proud of taking part in the preservation of water, one of the very important and limited
natural resources on the Earth.
 c. You can be proud of your participation in the preservation of water.

Activity 4: Write

 P1: Introduce the type of pollution
 Fossil fuel and non-renewable resources are
also very important to our life. They are coal,

oil, natural gases which produce energy. Using
much fossil fuel and many non-renewable
fuels and many non-renewable resources
make air pollution and we will run out of
them. What should we do to save them?
 P2: give some practical advice
 We should reduce the use of fossil fuel for
energy. And we also research and replace
fossil fuel with other renewable fuels such as
water, sun, etc. we should raise awareness of
the problems in the public and in education.
 P3: conclude.
 Fossil fuels are so rare that they need to be

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