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INTERNSHIP REPORT Cuong minh import and export trading co ltd

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TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................i
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................................iii
LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS............................................................................iv
CO LTD........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. General introduction of Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co Ltd.....1
1.1.1. Formation and Development..............................................................................1
1.1.2. The main lines of business..................................................................................2
1.1.3. Business activities...............................................................................................3
1.1.4. Business partners................................................................................................3
1.1.5. Mission – Vision – Core values...........................................................................3
1.1.6. Organizational Structure....................................................................................4
1.2. Information about Export – Import Department...............................................5
PART II: INTERNSHIP TIME AT THE COMPANY..............................................6
2.1. The tasks assigned during the internship............................................................6
2.1.1. Requirements for internship...............................................................................6
2.1.2. The tasks assigned and experience gained during the internship.....................6
2.2. Difficulties encountered during the internship...................................................9
2.2.1. Encountered difficulties......................................................................................9
2.2.2. Work experience and learned lessons...............................................................10
PART III: ENGLISH USAGE IN THE COMPANY...............................................11
3.1. English usage in the company............................................................................11
3.1.1. English usage in the Export – Import Department..........................................11
3.1.2. English usage in other departments.................................................................12
3.2. Suggested solutions to improve English skills in the company........................13
3.2.1. Suggested solutions for Export – Import Department......................................13
3.2.2. Suggested solutions for other departments.......................................................13


PART IV: SUGGESTED THESIS TOPICS.............................................................15
4.1. Topic: How to improve the level of writing business correspondence in the
field of international trade........................................................................................15
4.2. Topic: A study on the methods of forming English collocations in order to
enhance English vocabulary......................................................................................15
4.3. Topic: A study on the ways to translate economic and trade terminology from
English to Vietnamese and from Vietnamese to English.........................................16


Vietnamese abbreviations

English abbreviations

TNHH – Trách nhiệm hữu hạn 1.


Co ltd – Company limited

No – Number
CEO – Chief Executive Officer
HCM City – Ho Chi Minh City
P/O – Purchase Order


Image 1.1

Logo of Cuong Minh Import and


Image 1.2

Export Trading Co Ltd
Some key products



Figure 1.1


Cuong Minh Export and Import





Trading Co Ltd’s organizational

Image 2.1
Image 3.1

Purchase Order form
Statistics of English usage in other
departments of the company




In the context of international integration, the economy of Vietnam has
developed in recent years. Until now, with a lot of effort in improving the economic –
social areas, Vietnam has been one of the most countries in South East Asian seeing a
potential future for economic growth. In addition, healthcare service is going to be on
the rise because of the great demand for taking care of health. Therefore, improving
medical equipment, machines, chemistry, … plays an integral role in modern society.
Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co ltd is a prestigious company which is
established under Decision No. 0104507210 by the Department of Planning and
Investment of Hanoi. In recent years, the company has been fulfilled its role in the
field of importing and exporting medical equipment. With the never – ending effort,
the company has contributed significantly in the process of boosting the country's
economy and enriching the country.
Within a month internship in Export – Import Department of Cuong Minh Import
and Export Trading Co ltd, I had received the support and dedicated guide from
managers and colleges in the company. Thanks to that experience, I had opportunities
to apply my knowledge gained from university into practice, and I also participated in
some activities of the company. In addition, I can research some specialist knowledge,
collect some basic information in order to complete this internship report.
The main content of this internship report includes these following parts:
Part 1: Overview of Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co ltd.
Part 2: Internship time at the company.
Part 3: English usage in the company.
Part 4: Suggested thesis topics.
Due to the lack of practice time and I consider myself have many limitations, this
report may have some mistakes. Therefore, I significantly expect to receive more
comments to make this report become better. I would like to express my sincere thanks
towards professors and teachers at English Faculty as well as all the managers,
employees in Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co ltd, especially Export –
Import Department who helped me to fulfill this internship report.
Hanoi, January 26, 2018

Chu Thuy Dung



General introduction of Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co

1.1.1. Formation and Development
Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co Ltd was founded under Decision No.
0104507210 by the Department of Planning and Investment of Hanoi. The company
started to operate on March 10th 2010 with the name: CUONG MINH IMPORT AND
EXPORT TRADING CO LTD. Until now, the company has had over 7 years working
in the field of import and export of machinery, medical equipment, chemical testers, ...
In addition, the company also provides rental equipment, testing machines used
in the medical field, provides repair services, maintenance and periodic maintenance
of equipment in order to meet the great demand of customers.

Image 1.1. Logo of Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co Ltd

Some basic information of the company:

- Address: No. 63 Do Quang Street, Trung Hoa Precinct, Cau Giay District,


- Phone: 024.37264708
- Fax: 024.37264709
- Tax code: 0104507210
- Account: 0331 001 370 002
- Bank: An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Transaction
- Legal representative: Nguyen Truong Thanh
- Position: CEO
- Business: Wholesale of machinery, equipment and other parts
1.1.2. The main lines of business
- Trading in machines, equipment, chemicals used in the health sector.
- Export and import business, export – import consignment service.
- Trading and providing medical equipment repair and replacement services.
- Trading in scientific and technical equipment; environmental equipment.
- Trading electronic equipment, office equipment.
- Providing services of leasing and renting medical equipment.
- Repairing, maintaining equipment in the medical field.

Image 1.2. Some key products of the company.
1.1.3. Business activities
a. Domestic business activities


The company has supplied many kinds of machines, equipment, chemicals for
testing in medical field, along with some types of equipment used in laboratories, etc.
Currently, the company is the main supplier of many domestic medical facilities.
The company’s products are distributed in many provinces, especially in Hanoi and
HCM City.
b. International business activities
Beside the domestic business, the company also imports machines, equipment,
materials, chemicals from many countries such as Germany, Japan, USA, China. ,
Korea, Canada, France, United Kingdom and Belgium.
1.1.4. Business partners
- The Department of Health.
- Hospital system of all levels.
- Medical centers.
- Medical clinics.
- The system of companies trading medical equipment.
1.1.5. Mission – Vision – Core values
a. Mission
 To delight customers of products with superior quality and value.
 To inspire people to work passionately and harmoniously.
 To contribute to the growth of society as well as the growth of company’s
b. Vision
Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co Ltd strives to become the leading
company in importing and exporting medical equipment. Contributing to take
Vietnam's products to the world, boosting the entire development of our country.
As a prestigious company, the company has provided customers with
guaranteed quality products based on core competencies, ability of connecting,
building relationships with strategic partners and domestic and abroad providers.
c. Core values

 Perfection of products.
 Trust of all customers.

 Sustainable collaboration.
 Development of the entire company.
 Efficiency of the business.
 Contribution to society.
1.1.6. Organizational Structure
Board of Directors: 03 people
The tasks of this department are to operate and manage all business activities and
other activities of the company; To be responsible to the Administrative Council and
the other members for the implementation of the rights and duties assigned. In
addition, the Board of Directors also organizes the implementation of the decisions of
the members, manages the business plan and investment plans of the company.
Finance Accounting Department: 02 people
People working in Finance Accounting Department have to manage the financial
activities of the company and develop short-term and long-term financial plans.
Export – Import Department: 03 people
The main tasks of this department are to control and supervise implement plans
related to export and import activities. Meanwhile they have to seek new customers
and expand export markets according to the company strategy.
Technical Department: 06 people
Staff of Technical Department have to carry out and inspect the technical work,
besides they also repair and maintenance of machines and equipment in order to
ensure the progress, safety, quality as well as the economic efficiency of the whole


Board of Directors

Department of Finance

Export – Import

Technical Department

Figure 1.1. Cuong Minh Export and Import Trading Co Ltd’s organizational structure
In addition, there are more than 30 employees working in different areas with
different tasks in the company.
1.2. Information about Export – Import Department
Mission: Staff of Export- Import Department have to operate, manage and
supervise export and import activities. Meanwhile, this department have to take effort
to seek new potential customers and expand export markets according to the company
Personnel: 03 people
- Manager: Kieu Xuan Chien
 Have responsibility for controlling and managing all the projects and tasks of
staff in Export – Import Department.
 Update regulations related to medical equipment export and import to timely
complete the work.
 Prepare paperwork and document for import/export permits.
 Monitor the work of employees and deal with all unexpected problems arising
from import and export activities.
 Carry out the necessary work on international transport to bring the goods to

the warehouse.
 Carry out customs declaration.
 Receive the goods then bringing to the warehouse.
- Employee: Nguyen Thi Thu – Receive and process all the records, and the
documents requested by the Ministry of Health.
- Employee: Nguyen Thi Hien – Have responsibility for Logistics (working
with customs).


2.1. The tasks assigned during the internship
2.1.1. Requirements for internship
For the Export - Import Department of the company, trainees are not required to
have high professional knowledge, but trainees must meet the following requirements:
- English level: Intermediate.
- Have ability to work with numbers.
- Have a keen interest in export and import activities. To be patient, enthusiastic
and willing to work hard.
- Do not be afraid to learn and explore the information, documents related to the
- Have responsibility for the work assigned.
In addition, during the internship, trainees must fully listen to the guidance of the
manager, employees in order to avoid adversely affecting the progress of the company.
2.1.2. The tasks assigned and experience gained during the internship
During the internship period (from 2/1/2018 to 26/01/2018) at Export – Import
Department of the company, I was instructed and trained to perform these following

To learn and look for some general information about the types of documents,
paperwork which are needed for the job.
Assigned tasks:
- Draft sale contracts (follow the available form).
- Translate some documents from English into Vietnamese.
All the contracts, documents related to transaction must be returned to the
manager after being completed to check the mistakes and accuracy.
Work experience:
I myself have learned experiences in contract drafting, how to estimate pricing
methods such as CIF, FOB, … in the way that can provide favorable conditions to the
company. In addition, I have opportunities to improve English skills when


participating in the translation of highly specialized materials and I can learn more
vocabulary in economic, import and export activities.
Complete some documents of Export – Import Department.
Assigned tasks:
- Fill the information about pricing into the order form submitted by Customer
- Check the time of delivery, payment conditions, payment time ... and then
entering the data in the notice board for accounting.
- To continue to translate Vietnamese - English and English -Vietnamese
Work experience:
In addition to constantly improve English knowledge and skills in the field of
translation of important documents such as sales contracts, I can gain work experience
related to transactions in international trade, learn how to achieve the highest job

performance, ensure the accuracy in drafting important contracts and avoid affecting
business activities of the company.
Participate in tasks related to the coordination between departments in the
Assigned tasks:
- After Board of Directors approved P/O and send the order to suppliers, I have
to check and complete data of quantity of the goods in order to draft import contracts
(follow provided form).
- Send the notification form to the accountant in order to prepare works related
to the payment of the order.
- Continue to translate Vietnamese-English, English-Vietnamese documents.
Due to the requirements of linking departments, it is necessary to ensure the
accuracy and safety of the figures. Therefore, all data and documents related to
transaction must be reviewed, checked and agreed by the manager before sending to
other department.


Image 2.1. Purchase Order form


Work experience:
I can gain more experience in organizing the work to complete and meet the
deadlines, improve teamwork and communication skills. In addition, I have
understood how to coordinate between groups, departments in an organization, how to
deal with problems flexibility.

Carry out some market research activities about shipping companies,
transportation services.
: Assigned tasks
- Check information about companies providing transportation and insurance
- Draft the list of suitable shipping suppliers to submit to Board of Directors.
- Translate documents.
The trainees only do the draft list. And due to the fact that Viettel is currently the
main shipping provider of the company, this draft must be considered through the
market research and it would be used for long-term plans. Therefore, this list is not an
official document.
Work experience:
I have experience in market research, collecting necessary data and information,
learning from competitors. In addition, I have gradually improved English with
specialized vocabulary and understood the international trade in the field of export and
import activities.
2.2. Difficulties encountered during the internship
2.2.1. Encountered difficulties
 Because of the short time for internship (about 4 weeks), I cannot gain much
knowledge and experience in export and import activities of the companies.
 There were quite a lot of different works to do, and because of the workload,
for the first 2 weeks, it was very difficult for me to adapt to the work. When I try to fill
the figures into price list, there were some errors. Thus, I had to perform this task
slowly and it was a time - consuming task.


 Manager of Export – Import Department is not the direct supervisor of

trainees. As a result, when asking for the agreement of manager, we often encountered
many contradictions which need to be adjusted.
 The documents that need to be translated include a lot of specialized
vocabulary and phrases. For the first week, it took a lot of time to complete the
translation. I had to look up vocabulary and consult many employees.
2.2.2. Work experience and learned lessons
During the period of internship, I had a lot of opportunities to improve my
knowledge and my skills. Thanks to the dedicated support from managers and other
employees at Export – Import Department, I have motivated to complete the work and
learn these following experience:
- Understand how to deal with problems flexibility.
- Improve teamwork and communication skills.
- Attain more knowledge in the field of export and import activities.
- Know how to write a contract and how to estimate pricing methods.
- Boost English skills and vocabulary thanks to translation.
Although there were a lot of difficulties and problems, I can still adopt to the job.
Here are the lessons I have learned from this time of internship:
- Be responsible for the job and try to meet the deadlines with your best ability.
- Put emphasis on the instruction of manager and supervisor to have the best
- Be a hard worker and willing to encounter difficulties.
- Honesty is a necessary virtue in the job.
- Be a sociable person is the key to communicate with others.


3.1. English usage in the company
The economy of our country in the past few years has strongly integrated into

global one, which is the main reason why nowadays enterprises have looked for high
quality human resources that have not only specialized affairs but also excellent
foreign languages and soft skills. We all know that English has fast become the most
widely used language in the world of trade and commerce over the past decade or two.
As a result, having an excellent knowledge of English for business has become vital
for success in any employee’s career. In other words, English is a necessary factor that
can give people an edge and create competitive advantages. It symbolizes the key
offering companies the opportunities to expand their business scales and gain more
investors as well as business partners.
Cuong Minh Import and Export Trading Co Ltd has taken the amount of constant
effort to develop the company’s business as well as prestige and brand. English
therefore is used widely in the whole company. For some employees who do not have
English, Board of Directors would have plans to support them to take part in English
courses in order to enhance the company’s performance in 2018
3.1.1. English usage in the Export – Import Department
Export – Import Department is an important department of the company, working
as the representative of the company.
Due to the business characteristics, this department has to negotiate with
international partners. Therefore, English is a must – have requirement when you want
to work in this department
According to statistics, All the staff in Export - Import department have good
level of English in two skills (reading, writing). 70% of them can speak fluently in
English. 65% of them are perfect in all skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing).
The reason why staff of Export – Import Department cannot excel at English
listening and speaking skills is that there are so many limitations for them to improve
English. The lack of environment to practice English perfectly exemplifies this
situation. Manager of Export – Import Department is the only one who has


responsibility for negotiating with international partners. For others, their main tasks
are performed in the office, thus, they do not have chances to communicate with
foreigners and improve their skills.
3.1.2. English usage in other departments
Board of Directors: All the members of Board of Directors are good at English.
They have to communicate with international partners regularly. They are important
people of the company, have responsibility to manage, operate and control activities in
the company. Therefore, they must have enough ability and excellent English skills.
Other departments: In general, the staff in other departments do not have the
good level in English. Because their works are not related to English and most of them
have not had English certification (TOEIC, IELTS). After asking about 30 staff of the
company, I collected these statistics:

English usage in other departments of the company




Staff who cannot use English
English proficiency at
intermediate level
English proficiency at basic level

Image 3.1. Statistics of English usage in other departments of the company
Looking at the pie chart, it is immediately obvious that English usage in other
departments of the company is not popular. There are 56% of staff cannot use English

and there are only 14% can use English at intermediate level.


After being asked, most people expressed their desire to work in a more active,
outward-oriented environment. As a result, they can gain more opportunities to
improve their English skills. Board of Directors currently have had some plans to
support their staff in this situation.
3.2. Suggested solutions to improve English skills in the company
3.2.1. Suggested solutions for Export – Import Department
Due to the fact that the staff of Export- Import Department use English regularly,
it is very necessary to support them improve English at all level, all skills (listening,
speaking, reading, writing)
- Apart from having an impressive command of spoken English today’s
competitive corporate culture demands an equally impressive command of written
English as well. It is mainly because almost all forms of business communication such
as emails, presentations, sales and marketing and even corporate legal documentation
are now carried out in English. Therefore, writing is the most important factor for staff
of Export – Import Department. They have to write emails, letters and send to
country’s international partners. How to improve business writing skills is a vexing
issue for many businesses. Employees' ability to write clearly and convert complex
information into summarized, well-written business documents offers a huge
competitive advantage. There are many ways to help employees enhance writing
skills, such as the Board of Directors should train employees and mentor them or they
can hire a business writing expert to train them.
- Create an environment for them to practice English on a regular basis.
- Organize events, parties with the participation of international partners to help
the staff have chances to understand their partners and improve their English

3.2.2. Suggested solutions for other departments
Many staff of other departments cannot use English to communicate. Because of
their business characteristics, they have no environment to use foreign languages,
especially English. However, nowadays, English plays an important role in business
and other areas. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to have staff who are excellent
and good at English, which would create competitive advantages for the company. If


they cannot use English at intermediate level, they still need to understand and use
English at basic level.
Here are some suggested solutions that can be applied to improve English skills
for employees
- For people who cannot use English, managers should give them financial
support to take part in English courses for beginners.
- Create fun English club to learn English. An English club can offer them a lot
of opportunities to practice English with interesting activities.
- Managers should motivate their employees to read business newspaper,
magazines in English language.
- Identify high-potential employees by assessing English proficiency and soft
- Give career advancement for people who can show the improvement in
English skills.
In general, Board of Directors should have plans to improve the whole
company’s English level. The most important thing is that directors should create an
environment and favorable conditions for them to practice English. By this way, the
company’s performance would be advanced.


4.1. Topic: How to improve the level of writing business correspondence in
the field of international trade.
Rationale for research:
Writing business correspondence is one of the most necessary and important
tasks for businesses in international trade. Companies can gain more prospects and
opportunities to develop their businesses thanks to an excellent writing skill.
Moreover, it also offers favorable conditions for companies to expand the market as
well as seek more international partners and investors. However, as perceived by
myself, I understand that nowadays a lot of people find it difficult to write a letter or
an email properly and accurately to customers. Especially, for new graduates, this
problem becomes more and more important because they have to facing a lot of
complicated issues when dealing with foreign partners in the integration period.
Recognizing the urgency of the problem, I would like to learn more about this, to find
the best solutions and help businesses handle with this situation
4.2. Topic: A study on the methods of forming English collocations in order
to enhance English vocabulary.
Rationale for research:
One of the most-overlooked aspects of language learning is collocation.
Collocation is the pattern of co-occurrence of words. In other words, it's which words
tend to appear together.
It's extremely important to know what words pair with each other and know how
to use collocations. In the past, not many people knew about the idea of collocation.
Teachers and textbooks didn’t usually provide information about it. Words were
almost always presented by themselves. In recent years, language teachers have started
to pay more attention to collocation, but we will still find a lot of books and courses
that don't address it at all.
I’ve considered that understanding clearly about collocation is very important in

English communication and listening comprehension. Therefore, I extremely hope to


find out the best methods for student to form English collocations and learn them
easily, which would properly improve our English skills.
4.3. Topic: A study on the ways to translate economic and trade terminology
from English to Vietnamese and from Vietnamese to English
Rationale for research:
Translation is a challenging activity requiring a set of abilities and posing few
difficulties that appear during the translation process. The exigencies required by the
efficient business communication have increased in the past few decades because of
rising international trade, increased migration, globalization, and the expansion of the
mass media and technology. All these led us to approach the topic of translation which
is actually a job that requires a lot of knowledge and skills. Economic is a field of
knowledge in accelerated scientific and technological development. There are many
difficulties in translating terminology because this translation process need to be
carefully understood and analyzed about original language and the use of the other
foreign terms. Thus, I would like to research more about this topic in order to find out
the best solutions for people to translate economic terminology.


In the process of competing this internship report, I have received the great deal
of help, advice, guidance and encouragement from many teachers of English Faculty
and all the employees of Cuong Minh Export and Import Trading Co Ltd. It is the
great pleasure I have got.

During one month of internship as an assistant staff at Cuong Minh Export and
Import Trading Co Ltd, I had the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained at
university into reality and learn more about the business environment, which offers me
valuable experiences that help me to identify the best way for my future career.
First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor in
Export – Import Department of the company, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu for her constant
support, various materials, precious advice and valuable comments during my time of
internship. This would not have been possible without her support.
Besides, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the teachers in English
Faculty of Thuong Mai University for their useful lessons, teaching, guidance and
experience sharing with the kind heart and their whole – hearted instruction. Thank
you for giving me enthusiasm, sympathies and motivation to finalize this report.
Finally, it is an honor for me to extend my regards to all those who kindly gave
their advice for me and supported me to overcome difficulties. If there are not these
helps, I could not complete my internship report successfully.


I would like to express my sincere thanks to the following researches for providing me
a lot of useful information sources, which help me to complete this study:
1. Documents from all offices of Cuong Minh Export and Import Trading Co Ltd
2. Export – Import Department of Cuong Minh Export and Import Trading Co Ltd
3. website: www.cuongminh.com
4. website: www.thongtincongty.com

