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Khóa học PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương


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I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that diffe from the rest in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions
Câu 1:
A. specific
B. musical
C. athlete
D. ordinary
Câu 2:
A. purchase
B. project
C. protect
D. produce
Câu 3:
A. rhinoceros
B. concentrate
C. comfortable
D. literature
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose bo and underlined
part is pronounced differently from others.
Câu 1:
A. mUddy
B. pUnctual
C. stUdious

D. cUlture
Câu 2:
A. determINE
B. examINE
C. valentINE
D. heroINE
III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer each of the
following questions.
Câu 1: Two of the books which Tom lost on the bus __________ to the main desk at h room.
A. return
B. was returned
C. returned
D. were returned
Câu 2: You’d better resign before they find out about what you __________
A. had done
B. were done
C. have done
D. were doing
Câu 3: Although one of his ships succeeded in sailing all the way back to Spain through the Caof Good
Hope, Magellan never completed the first circumnavigation of the world, a __________.
A. most of his crew didn’t too
B. neither most of his crew did
C. most of his crew didn’t also
D. neither did most of his crew
Câu 4: In the first __________ year of the English Literature programme, the core subjects were
Tdevelopment of the novel and Contemporary poetry
A. academic
B. compulsory
C. study
D. optional

Câu 5: The families were told to evacuate their houses immediately __________.
A. at the time when the water began to go up
B. when the water began to rise
C. when up was going the water
D. in the time when the water raised.
Câu 6: “What kinds of music do you like, Mary?” – “__________”
A. You really guess so
B. Well, I guess I’m really into jazz.
C. Hmm, no, I don’t really like Westerns.
D. Concert
Câu 7: Could you fill it up, please? - “__________”
A. Where? Of course not
B. Not at all. I’ll fill the oil for you
C. Sure. Shall I check the oil as well?”
D. Certainly. My job is to fill in the application.
Câu 8: It is a very __________ day. The weather is so nice and cool.
A. pleasing
B. pleased
C. pleasant
D. pleasurable
Câu 9: The people of Western Canada have been considering __________ themselves from the rest of
the provinces.
A. separating
B. separated
C. to separate
D. separate
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Khóa học PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương


Câu 10: She passed the university entrance exam __________ made her parents proud.
A. what
B. when
C. who
D. which
Câu 11: Because of his poor health, it took him a long time to __________ his bad cold.
A. throw over
B. throw off
C. throw away
D. throw down
Câu 12: The hut __________ is said to be haunted.
A. at the foot of the hill
B. in the foot of the hill
C. by the foot of the hill
D. with the foot of the hill
Câu 13: Mrs.Brown had her bicycle __________ yesterday
A. repairing
B. repair
C. repaired
D. be repaired
Câu 14: They might have told us the way __________ we hadn’t left in such a hurry way.
A. or
B. unless
C. when
D. if

Câu 15: He is a clever mimic __________ most of the lecturers in his college
A. who can take in
B. who can take off
C. which can take over D. which can take up
Câu 16: The pay was not brilliant but I could __________ and there were many aspects of the job that I
A. earn high salary
B. do a living
C. get high salary
D. make a living
Câu 17: Many natural resources __________ by the end of the century
A. had disappeared
B. have disappeared
C. disappeared
D. will have disappeared
Câu 18: Having been selected to represent the Association of American Engineers at the International
Convention, __________ .
A. the members applauded him
B. a speech had to be given by him
C. he gave a short acceptance speech
D. the members congratulated him
Câu 19: I’m not surprised she changed her mind __________ the last moment
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. for
Câu 20: The players were cheered by their __________ as they came out of the pitch.
A. public
B. supporters
C. viewers

D. audience
Câu 21: It was __________ that we decided to stay indoors
A. such a hot day
B. so a hot day
C. so a day hot
D. such a day hot
Câu 22: The university’s programs __________ those of Harvard
A. are second only to
B. come second after
C. are in second place from
D. are first except for
Câu 23: “__________ ” – “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Hope to see you again soon.”'
A. That’s a great dinner. Thanks a lot. You’ll have to come to our place sometime.
B. My uncle is coming soon. Would you like to come to our dinner?
C. I highly appreciate for the houses you’ve rebuilt for our village.
D. I don’t mind going to the party sometimes but when I know everybody there then I enjoy it.
Câu 24: __________ Freud and Max were motivated primarily by compassionate concern for suffering
humanity is elaborated upon in Fromm’s biology.
A. What both
B. Both
C. That both
D. Both are
Câu 25: There was __________ very interesting piece of news on……..radio this morning about the
earthquake in __________ Italy.
A. a/the/the
B. an/the/X
C. an/X/X
D. a/the/X
Câu 26: Humans (A) have done (B) great advances (C) in technology at the expense (D) of the

A. have done
B. at the expense
C. advances
D. humans
Câu 27: There was (A) a gradual raise (B) in the number of (C) literate males and females in the
Lowlands (D).
A. in the Lowlands
B. in the Lowlands
C. raise
D. the number of
Câu 28: For the first time in the history of the country, the person who recommended (A) by the
president to replace (B) a retired justice (C) on the Supreme Court is (D) a woman.
A. is
B. a retired justice
C. to replace
D. who recommended
Câu 29: It is interested (A) to compare the early stylized (B) art forms of ancient (C)civilizations with
(D) the modern abstract forms of art.
A. ancient
B. interested
C. early stylized
D. with
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Khóa học PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương


Câu 30: The latest medical report (A) indicated that the patient’s temperature was near normal(B) and
their (C) lungs were partially (D) cleared.
A. partially
B. near normal
C. their
D. latest medical report
IV. Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Câu 1: In the early days of baseball, the game was played by young men of means and social position.
A. with ambition
B. with money
C. with skill
D. with equipment
Câu 2: Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps, it has taken brilliant thinkers
to recognize their potential
A. misunderstandings
B. accidents
C. misfortunes
D. incidentals
Câu 3: The yearly growth of the gross national product is often used as an indicator of a nation's
A. annual
B. Irrefutable
C. Tentative
D. routine
V. Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Loneliness is a curious thing. Most of us can remember feeling most lonely when we were not in fact
alone at all, but when we were surrounded by people. Everyone has experienced, at some time, that utter

sense of isolation that comes over you when you are at a party, in a room full of happy laughing people,
or in an audience at a theatre or a lecture. It suddenly seems to you as if everybody knows everybody else,
everybody is sure of himself, everybody knows what is going on; everybody, that is, except you. This
feeling of loneliness which can overcome you when are in a crowd is very difficult to get rid of. People
living alone - divorced, widowed or single people - are advised to tackle their loneliness by joining a club
or society, by going out and meeting people. Does this really help? And what do you do if you are already
surrounded by people? There are no easy solutions. Your first day at work, or at a new school or
university, is a typical situation in which you are likely to feel lonely. You feel lonely because you feel
left out of things. You feel that everybody else is full of confidence and knows what to do, but you are
adrift and helpless. The fact of the matter is that, in order to survive, we all put on a show of selfconfidence to hide our uncertainties and doubts. So it is wrong to assume that you are alone. In a big city
it is particularly easy to get the feeling that everybody except you is leading a full, rich, busy life.
Everybody is going somewhere, and you tend to assume that they are going somewhere nice and
interesting, where they can find life and fulfilment. You are also going somewhere, and there is no reason
at all to believe that your destination is any less, or, for that matter, any more exciting than the next man's.
The trouble is that you may not be able to hide the fact that you are lonely, and the miserable look on your
face might well put people off. After all, if you are at a party you are not likely to try to strike up a
conversation with a person who has a gloomy expression on his face and his lips turned down at the
comers. So trying to look reasonably cheerful is a good starting point in combating loneliness, even if you
are choking inside. The next thing to avoid is finding yourself in a group where in fact you are a stranger,
that is, in the sort of group where all the other people already know each other. There is a natural
tendency for people to stick together, to form 'cliques'. You will do yourself no good by trying to establish
yourself in a group which has so far managed to do very well without you. Groups generally resent
intrusion, not because they dislike you personally, but because they have already had to work quite hard
to turn the group into the functioning unit. To include you means having to go over a lot of ground again,
so that you can learn their language, as it was, and get involved in their conversation at their level. Of
course if you can offer something the group needs, such as expert information, you can get in quickly. In
fact the surest way of getting to know others is to have an interest in common with them. There is no
guarantee that you will then like each other, but at least part of your life will be taken up with sharing
experiences with others. It is much better than always feeling alone. If all this seems to be a rather
pessimistic view of life, you have to accept the fact that we are all alone when it comes down to it. When

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Khóa học PRO S.A.T Tiếng Anh – Cô Vũ Mai Phương


the most loving couple in the world kiss and say goodnight, as soon as the husband falls asleep, the wife
realizes that she is alone, that her partner is as far away as if he were on another planet. But it is no cause
for despair: there is always tomorrow.
Câu 1: People who have formed a group tend to
A. refuse to talk with newcomers
B. be rude to newcomers.
C. be interested in newcomers.
D. ignore newcomers.
Câu 2: You can feel isolated at a party because
A. Everyone else feels at home.
B. You think that everyone else is arrogant.
C. Nobody smiles at you.
D. You think that other people are laughing at you.
Câu 3: In a city it is easy to believe that other people
A. have a better job than you do
B. have more money than you do
C. lead a more interesting life than you do
D. are too busy to talk to you
Câu 4: Other people are unlikely to want to talk to you if
A. you interrupt their conversation.
B. you tell them that you are feeling lonely.

C. you talk too much
D. you look miserable.
Câu 5: When we start a new job, we try to hide our sense of loneliness by trying to
A. do our job very well.
B. be as friendly as possible with other people.
C. appear sure of ourselves
D. look cheerful.
Câu 6: The reason that people who have formed a group resent intrusion is that they
A. have already got enough people
B. do not like miserable-looking people.
C. would have to make an effort to include you
D. think that you have nothing interesting to say.
Câu 7: According to the writer, if you have an interest in common with other people you are likely to
A. become friends with them
B. get to know them well.
C. get over your loneliness.
D. spend most of your time with them.
Câu 8: The word “fulfilment” in the passage is closest meaning to
A. improvement
B. contentedness
C. ambition
D. expectation
Câu 9: The usual advice for overcoming loneliness is to
A. join a club
B. avoid crowds
C. try to forget everything
D. get married
Câu 10: In order to join an established group you would need to be able to
A. speak very carefully and clearly.
B. get someone to introduce you.

C. become an expert.
D. understand what they were talking about
VI. Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Câu 1: After Senator Smith announced that he planned to run for president, the telephone at campaign
headquarters rang continuously.
A. endlessly
B. ceasingly
C. incisively
D. constantly
Câu 2: Perhaps more than anything else, it was onerous taxes that led to 'the Peasants' Revolt in
A. burdensome
B. heavy
C. easy
D. light

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