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FULL NAME:......................................
CLASS: 11/ ...............
I). Choose the best answers:
1). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). band B). hand C). sand D). bank
2). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). chicken B). chop C). machine D). church
3). Their professional relationship developed into a lasting ___________.
A). friendship B). friend C). friendliness D). friendly
4). She glanced __________ the letter and gave it to me.
A). at B). towards C). on D). for
5). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). gate B). gentle C). generation D). dangerous
6). We always celebrate our wedding _________ with dinner in an expensive restaurant every year.
A). cake B). anniversary C). ring D). party
7). She was having dinner __________ the lights went out.
A). when B). since C). after D). while
8). Which word has the different stress from the others?
A). relationship B). activity C). occasion D). memorable
9). Which word has the different stress from the others?
A). constancy B). unselfish C). loyalty D). generous
10). There must be a perfect ____________ between true friends.
A). sympathy B). interest C). similarity D). love
11). I don't like that boy because there is a ___________ look on his face.
A).careful B).generous C). sneaky D). happy
12). She didn't want to make a __________ about the lost money.
A). foot B). fuss C). fur D). food
13). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?

A). hold B). happy C). hour D). husband
14). Children often receive presents from their parents at Christmas.
A). cards B). gifts C). candies D). candles
II). Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers:
Last Monday morning, Mrs Brown was in her bedroom getting ready to go to work when
suddenly she saw a mouse, so she screamed and jumped up on a chair because she was frightened.
Then she had a good idea. She jumped up and ran downstairs to get her cat, Tiger.
At first she couldn't find him anywhere, but finally she found him under the kitchen table.
Quickly, she grabbed him under her arm and ran back upstairs. Mrs Brown hurried into the bedroom
and put Tiger on the floor. Then she got up on the chair again. Unfortunately, Tiger was scared too, so
he leapt onto her shoulder. What a coward!
15). The word him in the passage refers to ___________.
A). Mrs Brown's son B). the mouse C). the cat D). a tiger
16). What is true about Mrs Brown?
A). She kept a tiger as a pet.
B). As soon as she found that cat, she made it run upstairs quickly.
C). The cat was lying under a table when she grabbed it.
D). Her bedroom was on the ground floor.
17). This is a funny story about ____________.
A). a coward B). an intelligent mouse C). a fierce tiger D). an angry cat
18). What happened to Mrs Brown last Monday morning?
A). A mouse jumped up on her chair. B). She was bitten by a mouse.
C). She couldn't find her cat. D). A mouse made her frightened.
19). What is true about the cat?
A). Its name was contrary to its action. B). It was as frightening as a tiger.
C). It was very brave. D). All of the above.
III). Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers:
To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always
(20) ___________ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs (21) ___________ you. Your
best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown up with.

There are all sorts of things that can (22) ___________ about this special relationship. It may be
the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing (23) __________. Most of us have met someone
that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. However, it really (24)
__________ years to get to know someone well enough to consider your best friend.
20). A). give B). share C). have D). get
21). A). on B). behind C). with D). down
22). A). cause B). result C). bring D). provide
23). A). experiences B). personalities C). savings D). possessions
24). A). reaches B). spends C). costs D). takes
IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (simple past, past progressive or past
25). She (study)_________________________ English before she (come) ____________________ to
26). Mr John (go) _________________________ to Los Angeles in 1992.
27). When I (arrive) _________________ at his house, he (still sleep) _______________________.
V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form( infinitive or gerund, active or passive ):
28). I expected (admit) ______________________________ to the school, but I wasn't.
29). Don't let your brother (see) _______________________________ the present.
30). We avoid (pollute) ____________________________________ our environment.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
FULL NAME:......................................
CLASS: 11/ ...............
I). Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers:
Last Monday morning, Mrs Brown was in her bedroom getting ready to go to work when
suddenly she saw a mouse, so she screamed and jumped up on a chair because she was frightened.

Then she had a good idea. She jumped up and ran downstairs to get her cat, Tiger.
At first she couldn't find him anywhere, but finally she found him under the kitchen table.
Quickly, she grabbed him under her arm and ran back upstairs. Mrs Brown hurried into the bedroom
and put Tiger on the floor. Then she got up on the chair again. Unfortunately, Tiger was scared too, so
he leapt onto her shoulder. What a coward!
1). What is true about the cat?
A). Its name was contrary to its action. B). It was very brave.
C). It was as frightening as a tiger. D). All of the above.
2). What happened to Mrs Brown last Monday morning?
A). A mouse jumped up on her chair. B). She was bitten by a mouse.
C). A mouse made her frightened. D). She couldn't find her cat.
3). This is a funny story about ____________.
A). an angry cat B). an intelligent mouse C). a fierce tiger D). a coward
4). What is true about Mrs Brown?
A). Her bedroom was on the ground floor.
B). The cat was lying under a table when she grabbed it.
C). As soon as she found that cat, she made it run upstairs quickly.
D). She kept a tiger as a pet.
5). The word him in the passage refers to ___________.
A). the mouse B). a tiger C). the cat D). Mrs Brown's son
II). Choose the best answers:
6). Children often receive presents from their parents at Christmas.
A). candles B). gifts C). cards D). candies
7). Which word has the different stress from the others?
A). memorable B). activity C). occasion D). relationship
8). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). hand B). band C). bank D). sand
9). Their professional relationship developed into a lasting ___________.
A). friend B). friendly C). friendliness D). friendship
10). I don't like that boy because there is a ___________ look on his face.

A).careful B).generous C). sneaky D). happy
11). Which word has the different stress from the others?
A). unselfish B). constancy C). generous D). loyalty
12). There must be a perfect ____________ between true friends.
A). sympathy B). love C). interest D). similarity
13). She was having dinner __________ the lights went out.
A). after B). while C). since D). when
14). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). machine B). chop C). church D). chicken
15). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). generation B). gentle C). gate D). dangerous
16). She didn't want to make a __________ about the lost money.
A). fur B). fuss C). food D). foot
17). She glanced __________ the letter and gave it to me.
A). on B). at C). towards D). for
18). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). hold B). hour C). husband D). happy
19). We always celebrate our wedding ______ with dinner in an expensive restaurant every year.
A). ring B). party C). anniversary D). cake
III). Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers:
To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always
(20) ___________ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs (21) ___________ you. Your
best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown up with.
There are all sorts of things that can (22 ) ___________ about this special relationship. It may be
the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing (23) __________. Most of us have met someone
that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. However, it really (24)
__________ years to get to know someone well enough to consider your best friend.
20). A). get B). have C). give D). share
21). A). with B). on C). down D). behind
22). A). result B). cause C). provide D). bring

23). A). personalities B). possessions C). experiences D). savings
24). A). spends B). takes C). reaches D). costs
IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (simple past, past progressive or past
25). When they (get) __________________ to the station, the train (leave) ___________________.
26). Ann (go) ___________________ to a party at Sally's flat last night.
27). When Carol (call) __________________ last night, I (watch) _________________________ my
favorite show on TV.
V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form( infinitive or gerund, active or passive ):
28). I expected (invite) _____________________________ to Nam's birthday party, but I wasn't.
29). My brother let me (use) _________________________ his car for three hours.
30). I enjoy (listen) __________________________ to pop music.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
FULL NAME:......................................
CLASS: 11/ ...............
I). Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers:
To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always
(1) ___________ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs (2) ___________ you. Your
best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown up with.
There are all sorts of things that can (3) ___________ about this special relationship. It may be the
result of enjoying the same activities and sharing (4) __________. Most of us have met someone that
we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. However, it really (5)
_________ years to get to know someone well enough to consider your best friend.
1). A). have B). give C). get D). share
2). A). on B). with C). down D). behind

3). A). result B). cause C). provide D). bring
4). A). personalities B). experiences C). possessions D). savings
5). A). takes B). spends C). reaches D). costs
II). Choose the best answers:
6). She didn't want to make a __________ about the lost money.
A). fuss B). fur C). foot D). food
7). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). sand B). hand C). bank D). band
8). Their professional relationship developed into a lasting ___________.
A). friendly B). friendliness C). friend D). friendship
9). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). hold B). hour C). husband D). happy
10). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). generation B). dangerous C). gate D). gentle
11). I don't like that boy because there is a ___________ look on his face.
A).careful B).generous C). sneaky D). happy
12). She was having dinner __________ the lights went out.
A). since B). when C). after D). while
13). Which word has the different stress from the others?
A). constancy B). loyalty C). unselfish D). generous
14). Which word has the different stress from the others?
A). activity B). occasion C). memorable D). relationship
15). We always celebrate our wedding ________ with dinner in an expensive restaurant every year.
A). cake B). party C). anniversary D). ring
16). There must be a perfect ____________ between true friends.
A). love B). similarity C). interest D). sympathy
17). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A). machine B). chop C). church D). chicken
18). She glanced __________ the letter and gave it to me.
A). towards B).at C). on D). for

19). Children often receive presents from their parents at Christmas.
A). gifts B). candies C). candles D). cards

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