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The partitioning decision

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Chapter 3: The Partitioning Decision
Designing the hardware for an embedded system is more than just selecting the
right processor and gluing it to a few peripherals. Deciding how to partition the
design into the functionality that is represented by the hardware and the software
is a key part of creating an embedded system. This decision is not just an
academic exercise nor is it self-evident. You don’t just pick a processor, design the
hardware, and then throw it over the wall to the software team. (Actually, many
R&D labs still select a processor, design the hardware, and throw it over the wall,
but the purpose of this chapter is to show you a better way.) The partitioning
choice has significant impact on project cost, development time, and risk.
This chapter will explore the following:

 The hardware/software duality that makes the partitioning decision
 How the separation of hardware and software design imposes
development costs
 How silicon compilation is making the partitioning decision more flexible
but more risk-laden
 How future trends might radically alter your view of the partitioning

Hardware/Software Duality
Partitioning is possible and necessary because of the duality between hardware
and software. For example, prior to the introduction of the 80486 by Intel, the
hottest processor around was the 80386.
The 386 is an integer-only processor. To speed up your spreadsheet calculations,
you purchased an 80387 numeric FPU processor. Systems without the FPU would
detect that floating-point calculations were required and then simulate the
presence of the FPU by branching to subroutines that performed the FPU functions,
albeit much more slowly. The 387 performed floating-point calculations directly in

hardware, rather than going through the much slower process of solving them in
software alone. This difference often made the calculations 10 times faster.
This is an example of the partitioning problem. The 387 is more expensive than
the 386. A cost-sensitive design won’t include it because fast floating-point
calculations are probably not a necessary requirement of a cost- conscious user.
However, the absence of the 387 does not prevent the user from doing floating-
point calculations; it just means the calculations won’t be completed as rapidly as
they could be if a FPU was available, either as a separate processor or as part of
the processor itself (486).
For a second example, consider that any serious “gamer” (PC games player) worth
his salt has the hottest, baddest video accelerator chip in his PC. Without the chip,
software is responsible for the scene rendering. With the video accelerator, much
of the rendering responsibilities are moved to the hardware. Without the
accelerator, PC games don’t have the same impact. They are slow and don’t
execute smoothly, but they do execute. A faster CPU makes a big difference, as
you would expect, but the big payback comes with the latest graphics accelerator
chip. This is another example of a partitioning decision, this time based upon the
need to accelerate image processing in real time.

Recall Figure 1.3 of Chapter 1
. It describes a laser printer as an algorithm. The
algorithm is to take a digital data stream, a modulated laser beam, paper, and
carbon-black ink (soot) as inputs and then output characters and graphics on a
printed page. The algorithm’s description didn’t specify which parts were based on
specialized hardware and which were under control of the software.
Consider one aspect of this process. The data stream coming in must be
transformed into a stream of commands to the laser system as it writes its beam
on the surface of the photosensitive drum that transfers ink to paper. The beam
must be able to be turned on and off (modulated) and be steered to create the
1,200 dots per inch (dpi) on the page. Clearly, this can be accomplished in the

software or in the hardware via a specialized ASIC.
The complexity of the partitioning problem space is staggering. To fully describe
the problem space, you would need dimensions for multiple architectures, target
technologies, design tools, and more. Today, many systems are so complex that
computer-aided partitioning tools are desperately needed. However, Charles H.
Small describes the partitioning decision process like this: “In practice, the analysis
of trade-offs for partitioning a system is most often an informal process done with
pencil and paper or spreadsheets.”[1]
Ideally, the partitioning decision shouldn’t be made until you understand all the
alternative ways to solve the problem. The longer you can delay making the
decision, the more likely you’ll know which parts of the algorithm need to be in
hardware and which can be performed adequately in software. Adding hardware
means more speed but at a greater cost. (It isn’t even that black and white,
because adding more software functionality means more software to develop,
more software in the system (bigger ROMs), and potentially a rippling effect back
through the entire processor selection process.) Adding hardware also means that
the design process becomes riskier because redesigning a hardware element is
considerably more serious than finding a software defect and rebuilding the code
The fundamental problem, however, is that usually you can’t debug your system
until the hardware is available to work with. Moreover, if you delay the decision too
long, the software team is left idle waiting for the hardware team to complete the

Tip You don’t literally need to have the hardware to begin testing. The software
team always has a number of options available to do some early-stage
testing. If the team is working in C or C++, it could compile and execute
code to run on the team’s PCs or workstations. Interactions with the actual
hardware — such as reading and writing to memory-mapped I/O registers
— could be simulated by writing stub code. Stub code is a simple function

that replaces a direct call to non- existent hardware with a function call that
returns an acceptable value so that the controlling software can continue to
This method also works well with the evaluation boards that the semiconductor
manufacturer might supply. Having the actual chip means that the code can be
compiled for the target microprocessor and run in the target microprocessor’s
environment. In both cases, some incremental amount of code must be written to
take the place of the non-existent hardware. Generally, this subcode (also called
throw- away code) is based on some published hardware specification, so the
danger of human error exists as well. If the degree of realism must be high, a
large quantity of this throw-away code is written to accurately exercise the
software, thus driving up the cost of the project. If the team can afford to wait for
the actual hardware, the stub code can be cursory and skeletal at best.

Hardware Trends
In some ways, the partitioning decision was simpler in the past because hardware
implementations of all but the simplest algorithms were too costly to consider.
Modern IC technology is changing that fact rapidly.
Not too long ago, companies such as Silicon Graphics and Floating Point Systems
made extremely expensive and complex hardware boxes that would plug into your
DEC VAX or Data General Nova, and perform the hardware graphics and floating-
point support that is now taken for granted in every desktop computer. Today, you
can put entire systems on a single IC large enough, quantities of which can cost
only a few dollars.
For example, AMD now produces a complete PC on a single chip, the SC520. The
SC520 is designed around a 486 microprocessor “core” with all the peripheral
devices that you might find in your desktop PC. Many of today’s amazingly small
and powerful communication and computing devices — such as PDAs, cell phones,
digital cameras, MPEG players and so on — owe their existence to ASIC technology
and systems-on-silicon.

Figure 3.1
shows how board-level designs are migrated to both a group of ASIC
devices and discrete microprocessors or to complete systems on a single chip. This
figure also shows a rough estimate of the number of equivalent hardware “gates”
that are possible to design into the ASIC with the IC design geometries that are
shown. Today, 0.18 micron geometries represent the mainstream IC fabrication
capabilities. Soon, that number will be 0.13 micron geometries, and 0.08 micron
technology is currently under development. Each “shrink” in circuit dimensions
represents greater circuit density, roughly going as the inverse square of the
geometry ratio. Thus, going from 0.35 micron to 0.18 micron represented a four-
fold increase in the total gate capacity of the chip design. Shrinking geometries
mean greater speed because transistors are ever more closely packed, and smaller
devices can switch their states faster than larger devices. (My apologizies to the
electrical engineers who are cringing while they read this, but without a complete
discussion of capacitance, this is as good as it gets.)

Figure 3.1: Evolution of SoS.
Board-level designs are migrating to processors plus ASICs and to
complete systems on a single silicon die.
Along with the shrinking geometries is the increasing size of the wafers on which
the ASIC dies are placed. Because much of the cost of fabricating an IC can be
attributed to processing a wafer, the larger the wafer, the more dies can be cut
from the wafer and the lower the cost per die. Thus, the technology is rapidly
building on itself. Advances in IC fabrication technology enable designers to create
devices that run at even greater speeds with greater design complexity, thus
providing even more opportunities for the design and deployment of SoS.
Much of the technology leap can be traced back to the work of Carver Mead and
Lynn Conway[2] on silicon compilation detailed in their book entitled Introduction
to VLSI Design. Prior to their efforts, IC design was a laborious process. ICs were

designed at the gate level, and building complex circuits required huge design
Silicon compilation changed all that. In a manner similar to the process used today
for software development, a hardware design is created as source code, using C-
like languages, such as VHDL or Verilog. These source files are then compiled, just
as a C or C++ program might be compiled. However, the output is not object code,
rather, it’s a description language for how to build the IC, using the processes and
design libraries of a particular IC vendor, or “silicon foundry.” Thus, just as a C
compiler parses your source code down to the appropriate tokens and then
replaces the tokens with the correct assembly language blocks, the silicon compiler
creates a description of the circuit block and interconnects between those blocks so
that a foundry can fabricate the masks and actually build the chip. All modern
microprocessors are fabricated using Verilog or VHDL.
“Coding” Hardware
The simple example in Figure 3.2
illustrates how closely hardware description
languages relate to traditional programming languages. A logical AND function is
represented in three forms. In the first, familiar to most software engineers, you
declare that A and B are Boolean input variables, and C is the resultant Boolean
output variable, whose value is determined by the function C = AND (A,B).
Because A, B, and C are Boolean, they represent a single digital value on a wire or
printed circuit trace.

Figure 3.2: Another view of hardware/software duality.

The basic AND function is shown implemented as (2) a C construct, (3) a
discrete hardware implementation using standard ICs, and (4) a hardware
description language representation in Verilog.

The hardware designer recognizes the function C = A AND B as a logical equation
that can be implemented using a standard AND gate — such as the 7408 — which
contains four, two-input AND gates in a single 14-pin package. Circuits such as the
7408 have formed the "glue logic" in millions of digital systems over the past 25

The Verilog representation of the same logical function is the last construct and is
less familiar to most. A and B are signals on wires, and C represents the "register"
that stores the result, A AND B. All three systems implement the same logical
function, and C is always true if A and B are both true. However, the hardware
implementations will be significantly faster, even in this simple-minded example.
In the case of the C solution, A and B are perhaps local variables stored on the
stack frame (local stack) of the function that is implementing the AND equation.
Assuming a RISC processor with one operation per clock cycle and a cached stack
frame, the processor must transfer both variables into separate registers (two
instructions), perform the AND operation (one cycle), and then return the value in
the appropriate register (more cycles). In the hardware implementation, the speed
of the operation depends on either the propagation delay through the AND gate or,
at worst, the arrival of the next clock signal.

Merging Hardware and Software Design
Because the hardware and the software design processes seem to be merging in
their technology, you might wonder whether the traditional embedded design
process is still the best approach. If the hardware design process and the software
design process are basically identical, why separate the teams from each other?
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Throw it over the wall,” to describe how the
hardware design is turned over to the firmware and application software
developers. By the time the software developers start finding “anomalies,” the
hardware designers have moved onto a new project.
Recently, several commercial products have come to market that attempt to

address this new reality in the design process. “Hardware/software co-verification”
is the term given to the process of more tightly integrating the hardware and
software design processes. In hardware/software co-verification, the hardware,
represented by Verilog or VHDL code, becomes a virtual hardware platform for the
software. For example: Suppose the hardware specification given to the software
team represents one of the hardware elements as a memory-mapped register
block consisting of 64 consecutive 32-bit wide registers. (Registers can consist of
various fields of width from 1 bit to 32 bits. Registers can be read-only, write- only,
or read/write.)
In the absence of real hardware, the software developers write stub code functions
to represent the virtual behavior of the hardware that isn’t there yet. The software
team usually spends a minimal amount of time and energy creating this
throwaway code. Extensive software-to-hardware interface testing doesn’t begin
until real hardware is available, which is a lost opportunity. The later you are in a
project when a defect is discovered, whether it is a hardware defect or a software
defect, the more expensive it is to fix as illustrated in Figure 3.3

Figure 3.3: Where design time is spent.

The percentage of project time spent in each phase of the embedded
design life cycle. The curve shows the cost associated with fixing a defect
at each stage of the process.
Slightly over half the time is spent in the implementation and debug
(hardware/software integration) phase of the project. Thus, you can save a lot in
terms of the project’s development costs if you expose the hardware under
development to the controlling software and the software under development to
the underlying hardware as early as possible. Ideally, you could remove the “over
the wall” issues and have a design process that continually exercises the hardware
and software against each other from creation to release.

Figure 3.4
shows how the earlier introduction of hardware/software integration
shortens the design cycle time. Much of the software development time is spent
integrating with the hardware after the hardware is available.

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