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Controlling Program Flow

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Chapter 5
Controlling Program Flow
In This Chapter

Making decisions
you can

Deciding what
to do

Looping without going in a circle

Using the

Using the
onsider the following simple program:
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
public class Program
// This is where the program starts
static void Main(string[] args)

// prompt user to enter a name
Console.WriteLine(“Enter your name, please:”);
// now read the name entered
string sName = Console.ReadLine();
// greet the user with the entered name
Console.WriteLine(“Hello, “ + sName);
// wait for user to acknowledge the results
Console.WriteLine(“Press Enter to terminate...”);
Besides introducing you to a few fundamentals of C# programming, this pro-
gram is almost worthless. It simply spits back out whatever you typed in. You
can imagine more complicated example programs that take in input, perform
some type of calculations, generate some type of output (otherwise, why do
the calculations?), and then exit at the bottom. However, even a program
such as that can be of only limited use.
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One of the key elements of any computer processor is its ability to make deci-
sions. When I say “make decisions,” I mean the processor sends the flow of
execution down one path of instructions if a condition is true or down
another path if the condition is not true. Any programming language must
offer this fundamental capability to control the flow of execution.
The three basic types of flow control are the
statement, the loop, and the
jump. I describe one of the looping controls, the
, in Chapter 6.

Controlling Program Flow
The basis of all C# decision-making capability is the
statement (the basis
of all my decisions is the
), as follows:
if (bool-expression)
// control passes here if the expression is true
// control passes to this statement whether the expression is true or not
A pair of parentheses immediately following the keyword
contains some
conditional expression of type
. (See Chapter 4 for a discussion of
expressions.) Immediately following the expression is a block of code set off
by a pair of braces. If the expression is true, the program executes the code
within the braces. If the expression is not true, the program skips the code in
the braces.
statement is easier to understand with a concrete example:
// make sure that a is not negative:
// if a is less than 0 . . .
if (a < 0)

// . . .then assign 0 to a
a = 0;
This segment of code makes sure that the variable
is nonnegative — greater
than or equal to 0. The
statement says, “If
is less than 0, assign 0 to
The braces are not required. C# treats
if(bool-expression) statement;
as if it had been written
if(bool-expression) {statement;}
. The general
consensus (and my preference) is to always use braces for better clarity. In
other words, don’t ask — just do it.
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Introducing the if statement
Consider a small program that calculates interest. The user enters the princi-
pal and the interest rate, and the program spits out the resulting value for
each year. (This is not a sophisticated program.) The simplistic calculation
appears as follows in C#:
// calculate the value of the principal plus interest
decimal mInterestPaid;

mInterestPaid = mPrincipal * (mInterest / 100);
// now calculate the total
decimal mTotal = mPrincipal + mInterestPaid;
The first equation multiplies the principal
times the interest
to get the interest to be paid,
. (You divide by 100
because interest is usually input in percent.) The interest to be paid is then
added back into the principal, resulting in a new principal, which is stored in
the variable
The program must anticipate almost anything when dealing with human input.
For example, you don’t want to accept a negative principal or interest (even if
you do end up paying negative interest). The following
program includes checks to make sure that neither of these things happen:
// CalculateInterest
// calculate the interest amount
// paid on a given principal. If either
// the principal or the interest rate is
// negative, then generate an error message.
using System;
namespace CalculateInterest
public class Program

public static void Main(string[] args)
// prompt user to enter source principal
Console.Write(“Enter principal:”);
string sPrincipal = Console.ReadLine();
decimal mPrincipal = Convert.ToDecimal(sPrincipal);
// make sure that the principal is not negative
if (mPrincipal < 0)
Console.WriteLine(“Principal cannot be negative”);
mPrincipal = 0;
// enter the interest rate
Console.Write(“Enter interest:”);
string sInterest = Console.ReadLine();
decimal mInterest = Convert.ToDecimal(sInterest);
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// make sure that the interest is not negative either
if (mInterest < 0)
Console.WriteLine(“Interest cannot be negative”);
mInterest = 0;
// calculate the value of the principal
// plus interest
decimal mInterestPaid;
mInterestPaid = mPrincipal * (mInterest / 100);
// now calculate the total

decimal mTotal = mPrincipal + mInterestPaid;
// output the result
Console.WriteLine(); // skip a line
Console.WriteLine(“Principal = “ + mPrincipal);
Console.WriteLine(“Interest = “ + mInterest + “%”);
Console.WriteLine(“Interest paid = “ + mInterestPaid);
Console.WriteLine(“Total = “ + mTotal);
// wait for user to acknowledge the results
Console.WriteLine(“Press Enter to terminate...”);
program begins by prompting the user for his
name using
to write a
to the console.
Tell the user exactly what you want. If possible, specify the format you want
as well. Users don’t respond well to uninformative prompts like
The example program uses the
command to read in whatever
the user types, until he presses Enter, in the form of a

. Because the
program is looking for the principal in the form of a
, the input
must be converted using the
command. The
result is stored in
, and
commands are all exam-
ples of function calls. A function call delegates some work to another part of
the program, called a function. I describe function calls in detail in Chapter 7;
however, these function calls are straightforward. You should be able to get
at least the gist of the meaning using my extraordinarily insightful explana-
tory narrative. If that doesn’t work, ignore my narrative. If that still doesn’t
work, skim through the beginning of Chapter 7.
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The next line checks

. If it’s negative, the program outputs a
nasty-gram, indicating that the user has fouled up. The program does the
same thing for the interest rate. That done, the program performs the sim-
plistic interest calculation outlined earlier and spits out the result using a
series of
The program generates the following output with a legitimate principal and a
usurious interest rate that is legal in most states:
Enter principal:1234
Enter interest:21
Principal = 1234
Interest = 21%
Interest paid = 259.14
Total = 1493.14
Press Enter to terminate...
Executing the program with illegal input generates the following output:
Enter principal:1234
Enter interest:-12.5
Interest cannot be negative
Principal = 1234
Interest = 0%
Interest paid = 0
Total = 1234
Press Enter to terminate...
Indent the lines within an
clause to enhance readability. C# ignores such
indentation, but it helps us humans. Most programming editors support auto-
indenting, whereby the editor automatically indents as soon as you enter the

command. To set auto-indenting in Visual Studio, choose Tools➪Options.
Then expand the Text Editor node. From there, expand C#. Finally, click Tabs.
On this page, enable Smart Indenting and set the number of spaces per
indent to your preference. I use two spaces per indent for this book. Set the
Tab Size to the same value.
Examining the else statement
Some functions must check for mutually exclusive conditions. For example,
the following code segment stores the maximum of two numbers,
, in
the variable
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// store the maximum of a and b into the variable max
int max;
// if a is greater than b . . .
if (a > b)
// . . .save off a as the maximum
max = a;
// if a is less than or equal to b . . .
if (a <= b)

// . . .save off b as the maximum
max = b;
The second
statement is needless processing because the two conditions
are mutually exclusive. If
is greater than
can’t possibly be less than or
equal to
. C# defines an
clause for just this case. The
defines a block of code that’s executed if the
block is not.
The code segment to calculate the maximum now appears as follows:
// store the maximum of a and b into the variable max
int max;
// if a is greater than b . . .
if (a > b)
// . . .save off a as the maximum; otherwise . . .

max = a;
// . . .save off b as the maximum
max = b;
is greater than
, the first block is executed; otherwise, the second block
is executed. In the end,
contains the greater of
Avoiding even the else
Sequences of
clauses can get confusing. Some programmers, myself
included, like to avoid them when doing so doesn’t cause even more confu-
sion. You could write the maximum calculation like this:
// store the maximum of a and b into the variable max
int max;
// start by assuming that a is greater than b
max = a;

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// if it is not . . .
if (b > a)
// ...then you can change your mind
max = b;
Some programmers avoid this style like the plague, and I can sympathize.
That doesn’t mean I’m going to change; it just means I sympathize. You see
both this style and the “else style” in common use.
Embedded if statements
program warns the user of illegal input; however,
continuing with the interest calculation, even if one of the values is illogical,
doesn’t seem quite right. It causes no real harm here because the interest cal-
culation takes little or no time and the user can ignore the results, but some
calculations aren’t nearly so quick. In addition, why ask the user for an inter-
est rate after she has already entered an invalid value for the principal? The
user knows that the results of the calculation will be invalid no matter what
she enters next.
The program should only ask the user for an interest rate if the principal is
reasonable and only perform the interest calculation if both values are valid.
To accomplish this, you need two
statements, one within the other.
statement found within the body of another

statement is called an
embedded or nested statement.
The following program,
, uses
statements to avoid stupid questions if a problem with the
input is detected:
// CalculateInterestWithEmbeddedTest
// calculate the interest amount
// paid on a given principal. If either
// the principal or the interest rate is
// negative, then generate an error message
// and don’t proceed with the calculation.
using System;
namespace CalculateInterestWithEmbeddedTest
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// define a maximum interest rate
int nMaximumInterest = 50;
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// prompt user to enter source principal
Console.Write(“Enter principal:”);

string sPrincipal = Console.ReadLine();
decimal mPrincipal = Convert.ToDecimal(sPrincipal);
// if the principal is negative . . .
if (mPrincipal < 0)
// . . .generate an error message . . .
Console.WriteLine(“Principal cannot be negative”);
// . . .otherwise, enter the interest rate
Console.Write(“Enter interest:”);
string sInterest = Console.ReadLine();
decimal mInterest = Convert.ToDecimal(sInterest);
// if the interest is negative or too large . . .
if (mInterest < 0 || mInterest > nMaximumInterest)
// . . .generate an error message as well
Console.WriteLine(“Interest cannot be negative “ +
“or greater than “ + nMaximumInterest);
mInterest = 0;
// both the principal and the interest appear to be
// legal; calculate the value of the principal
// plus interest
decimal mInterestPaid;
mInterestPaid = mPrincipal * (mInterest / 100);
// now calculate the total

decimal mTotal = mPrincipal + mInterestPaid;
// output the result
Console.WriteLine(); // skip a line
Console.WriteLine(“Principal = “ + mPrincipal);
Console.WriteLine(“Interest = “ + mInterest + “%”);
Console.WriteLine(“Interest paid = “ + mInterestPaid);
Console.WriteLine(“Total = “ + mTotal);
// wait for user to acknowledge the results
Console.WriteLine(“Press Enter to terminate...”);
The program first reads the principal from the user. If the principal is nega-
tive, the program outputs an error message and quits. If the principal is not
negative, control passes to the
clause, where the program continues
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The interest-rate test has been improved in this sample. Here, the program
requires an interest rate that’s nonnegative (a mathematical law) and less than
some maximum (a judiciary law — we can only wish that credit cards had an
interest rate limit). This

statement uses the following compound test:
if (mInterest < 0 || mInterest > nMaximumInterest)
This statement is true if
is less than 0 or
is greater
. Notice that I declare
at the top
of the program rather than hard code it as a constant here.
Define important constants at the top of your program.
Encoding constants in variables at the top of your program serves the follow-
ing purposes:
ߜ It gives each constant an explanatory name.
much more descriptive than 50.
ߜ It makes the constant easy to find in the event that you need to
change it.
ߜ It makes the constant easier to change. Notice that the same
appears in the error message. Changing
to 60, for example, changes not only the test
but also the error message.
Chapter 6 has more to say about using constants.
Entering a correct principal but a negative interest rate generates the follow-

ing output:
Enter principal:1234
Enter interest:-12.5
Interest cannot be negative or greater than 50.
Press Enter to terminate...
Only by entering both a legal principal and a legal interest rate does the pro-
gram generate the desired calculation, as follows:
Enter principal:1234
Enter interest:12.5
Principal = 1234
Interest = 12.5%
Interest paid = 154.250
Total = 1388.250
Press Enter to terminate...
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Looping Commands
statement enables a program to take a different path through the code
being executed depending on the results of a
expression. This statement
allows drastically more interesting programs than a program without decision-
making capability. Adding the ability to execute a set of instructions in an iter-
ative manner adds another quantum jump in capability.
Consider the
program from the section “Introducing the

if statement,” earlier in this chapter. Performing this simple interest calcula-
tion with a calculator or by hand with a piece of paper would be much easier
than writing and executing a program.
What if you could calculate the amount of principal for each of several suc-
ceeding years? That would be a lot more useful. A simple macro in a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet would still be easier, but at least you’re getting closer.
What you need is a way for the computer to execute the same short
sequence of instructions multiple times. This is known as a loop.
Introducing the while loop
The C# keyword
introduces the most basic form of execution loop, as
// . . .repeatedly executed as long as the expression is true
When the
loop is first encountered, the
expression is evaluated.
If the expression is true, the code within the block is executed. When the
block of code reaches the closed brace, control returns to the top, and the
whole process starts over again. (It’s kind of the way I feel when I’m walking
the dog. He and I loop around and around the yard until he . . . well, until
we’re finished.) Control passes beyond the closed brace the first time the
expression is evaluated and turns out to be false.
If the condition is not true the first time the

loop is encountered, the
set of commands within the braces is never executed.
Programmers often get sloppy in their speech. (Programmers are sloppy
most of the time.) A programmer may say that a loop is executed until some
condition is false. To me, that implies that control passes outside the loop no
matter where the program happens to be executing as soon as the condition
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becomes false. This is definitely not the case. The program does not check
whether the condition is still true until control specifically passes back to the
top of the loop.
You can use the
loop to create the
gram, a looping version of the
, as follows, calculates a table of principals
showing accumulated annual payments:
// CalculateInterestTable - calculate the interest
// paid on a given principle over a period
// of years
using System;
namespace CalculateInterestTable

using System;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// prompt user to enter source principal
Console.Write(“Enter principal:”);
string sPrincipal = Console.ReadLine();
decimal mPrincipal = Convert.ToDecimal(sPrincipal);
// if the principal is negative . . .
if (mPrincipal < 0)
// . . .generate an error message . . .
Console.WriteLine(“Principal cannot be negative”);
// . . .otherwise, enter the interest rate
Console.Write(“Enter interest:”);
string sInterest = Console.ReadLine();
decimal mInterest = Convert.ToDecimal(sInterest);
// if the interest is negative . . .
if (mInterest < 0)
// . . .generate an error message as well
Console.WriteLine(“Interest cannot be negative”);
mInterest = 0;

// both the principal and the interest appear to be
// legal; finally, input the number of years
Console.Write(“Enter number of years:”);
string sDuration = Console.ReadLine();
int nDuration = Convert.ToInt32(sDuration);
// verify the input
Console.WriteLine(); // skip a line
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