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- You know
Do you often have free
- I am a teacher so I am always busy working.
- I don’t have much time to enjoy myself.
- In my free time, I often listen to country
What do you do in your music.
free time?
- I feel comfortable when I listen to it.
- I can relax my mind after hard working
- On the weekend, I often stay home and take
What do you do on the care of my family

- In the evening, my family go out and have
dinner together
- On the weekend, my family get together to
What do your family
cook and enjoy food.
members do in their free
- My husband and I also play game with my
little daughter or take her to play center
- People in my hometown watch TV in their
What leisure activities do
free time.
people in your hometown
- Some of them get together eating, singing
usually do?
and dancing.
- There are a lot of festivals and holidays in
What are some national
my city such as Lunar new year, King Hung
holidays and festivals in
festival, independence day and May day etc.
your hometown/ city?
- I have a few free days on those holidays
- You know I am a teacher so I’m busy
What do you often do on however I travel with my family on national
national holiday?
- I enjoy my time with my family.
- That activities depends on the kind of

What usually happens at - But there are some common activities like
a festival?
food displaying, game show, music show,
enjoying traditional foods, traditional sports
and so on.
- I like Flower festival in Dalat. There are
many beautiful flowers so that I can take
What is your favorite
- And I can enjoy disdes made from flower in
Da Lat city


Do you like having a
party on holiday?


What are some typical
food that people eat?


What TV programs do
people often watch on
national holidays?


What do you feel on your
day off?


What time do you often
get up/ go to bed?


What do you do to stay


How much exercise do
you do every day?


What do you often do
after dinner?


Can you describe your
diet (daily meals)?

- Yes I do.
- I like having a party on holiday
- Because I can get together with my family
and my friends and it is really fun.
- There are some typical foods such as hot pot,
forg egg ware, Tet cake and rice chicken soup.
- I like rice chicken soup best.
- In national holidays, my city people enjoys
music about Uncle Ho, war documentary
films and programs about soldiers.
- They help us review the hictory of nation.
- I feel fun and relaxed
- I am not busy with my teaching and I can
have time for my family and play game with
my little daughter
- I often get up at 6 o’clock on weekdays and
prepare to go work.
- And at weekends, I get up a bit later, around
7 o’clock.
(I often go to bed late around 11 o’clock pm
I am busy to prepare lesson plans and grades
test papers)
- To stay healthy I have to do exercise every
- I eat many vegetables, get enough sleep and
play sports to keep healthy.
- Well, you know, I’m a teacher
- so I am busy teaching
- I don’t have so much free time. I do healthy

exercise for about 16 minutes a day
- After dinner I often watch TV with my
family and play game with my little daughter
- After my daughter goes to bed I prepare my
lessons and grades test papers
- In the morning, I often eat rice noudle or
noudle soup and drink water
- In the afternoon and evening, I often eat rice,
fish and vegetable soup or rice, egg and soup.
Some time, I eat only vegetable soup


What is your favorite


Do you think fast food is


How often do you eat


How much time do you
often spend on having
lunch/ dinner?


What’s your job?


Where do you work?


What are your


Do you have to travel a
lot in your job?


How many hours do you
work a day?


What do you like best

about your job?


- I think my diet is good to keep fit
- My favourite food is rice chicken soup and
- I often enjoy rice chicken soup on weekend
with my family
- In the evening, eating fruits can keep fit no
matter how much you eat
- I think it is not good for my healthy as it is
fatty and salty
- Which cause me overweight and many kind
- I am busy with my teaching so I often have
lunch out.
- At weekend, my family and I often go out to
have breakfast together.
- I spend about 20 minutes on my lunch with
my colleague in canteen.
- And, in the evening I often have a small
dinner about 10 minutes with my family.
- I am a teacher of Mathermatic at NVD high
school in Can Tho city
- My duty is form teacher and subject teacher
- I work as a teacher at NVD high school
- Athought It is a small school in suburban
Can Tho city I feel happy to work in there.
- My duty is form teacher and subject teacher

in NVD high school
- I also prepare the lesson plans, design tests
and do some paper work
- No I don’t.
- I often work at my school
- Sometime, I went to another school for talk
- I often work about 4 hours a day which
depends on the day in my school
- I spend 4 hours to prepare the lesson plans,
design test and do some paper work at home.
- I like my job because of my students and my


Do you have any
problems in your job?


If you could change your
job, what would you do?


How did you first meet
your best friend?


How often do you see
each other?


What do you often do


What do you like about
him/ her?


What kind of things do
you often share with your


Do you live in a small or
big family?


What type of family do

- My students are hard working. They alway
finish their homework in time
- My colluagues are helpful. They give me
good advice when I have problem in work
Yes, I do. In my job, there are several
problems such as
- The salary is low. It dose not enough for my
life, so I looking for part - time
- Sometime, the students are naughty and their
parents put a lot of pressure on teachers
- I don’t want to change my job because I like
teaching and I like to work with teenager
- My colluagues are helpful
- We studied the same class in university
- We work and share thinks together
- We often go to library for do homework
- We often see each other
- Because we are my colluague in NVD high
school, now
- We often eat out and go shopping together
- We often go for coffee and talk about work
and life.
- I like her because she is friendly.
- She is easy to make friends and willing to
help other colluagues.
- She often talks commics which make me
- I often share with my friends about my work

and news
- When I have problem in work, they give me
good advice
- We often talk about entertaiment news
- I live in a small family of 4 people, my
husband, my daughter, my son and me.
- A small family is easy to take care of each
I prefer living in a nuclear family because

you prefer to live in?

Who in the family do you
get along well with?


Who do you often talk to
when you have problems
in your life?




Where and when do you
often go shopping?


Do like going shopping?


Have you ever tried
shopping online? What
do you think about it?


Do you prefer shopping
in convenient store or a


How often do you travel?



- It’s easy for us to share things together
- People can take care of each other better
- I get along well with my husband.
- He is comical and safety
- I feel safety and comfortable when I stay
with my husband
- When I have problems in work, I often talk
to my husband because he is a good listener.
- When I have problem in family life, I share
with my mother. She alway gives me good
- No, I don’t
- I don’t often go shopping
- Because I am very busy with my teaching. I
always go shopping in need
- I often shop in the market near my house at
- I buy some things which are necessary for
my family
- No, I don’t.
- I am not really into like shopping.
- My salary is not high. It is only enough for
my life. I only buy what I need.
- Yes I do.
- I think online shopping is good
- Because we can see the price and compare it
with others.
- I can also shop whenever I like.
- However, we can not check the quality
before buying

- I prefer shopping in a convenient store
- After I buy a goods, I will have good after
sales service
- it is easy to exchange if goods is defective
- I only travel in the summer holiday
- I am a teacher, so I am always busy teaching
and paper work
- Sometime I have a short tour around my city
at the weekends.


Where have you been to?


When you travel, what
activity do you like to


Do you enjoy travelling
alone or with someone?


What tourist attractions

are there in your


What are some problems
in those places?


Is it expensive to travel
in Vietnam?


Do you like to try local
foods of the places you


Do you like watching

- I have been to Da Lat city, Da Nang city,
Nha Trang beach and Pink Sand Hill
- I like Nha Trang best because I like to see
sunrise and sunset on the sea.
- I like to see sunrise and sunset with my

- I will star view and enjoy local foods
- I can take many nuture pictures which can
help me save nice memories
- I enjoy travelling with my friends or my
- I can talk and share everything with them
- And Travelling with someone is more safe
than travelling alone.
- My hometown is Vinh Long province
- Ving Long is famous for Song Tien Part, My
Thuan bridge, Vinh Sang turist area, and
Truong An turist area.
- You can visit Vinh Sang and Truong An in
the morning, see Song Tien Part in the before
- At night, you can tast coffee and see My
Thuan bridge.
- There are pick pockets and pollution in Song
Tien Part, Vinh Sang turist area, and Truong
An turist area
- Sometime, we face traffic jam in My Thuan
- Travelling in Viet Nam is not expensive as
- In the Mekong Delta, it’s cheap to travel.
And I the famous city – DN, HCM, NT, HN,
PQ is more expensive than other places
- Yes I do.
- That way I can see a bit of the local life.
- I have great time when I tast local foods with

my friends, my family.
- Yes I do.
- I like watching movies on You Tube


Where do you like
watching movies: at
home or in the cinema?


What is your favorite
type of movie?


Do you control the type
of movie your children
often watch?


How much TV do you
watch a day?


What are your favorite
TV programs?


What newspapers do you
often read?
Are you still listening to
the radio?



How often do you use the


What are some popular
public means of transport
in your city?
What are some popular
transport in Vietnam?



How do you commute to
work every day?

- And Movies help me relax after hard
- I prefer watching movies at home
- Because I don’t have to go anywhere
- It is more cheap and comfortable than in the
- I like cartoon best.
- They are very interting and short.
- I don’t have so much free time so Watching a
short film is a best choice.
- Yes I do.
- I need to make sure my daughter watch good
- My daughter often watch children film
which sute to their age.
- Because I’m busy working, I often spend
about 1 hour watching TV with my daughter
in the everning.
- I like the news and game shows because I
can update information in the world and
improve my knowledge.
- I often read news online to update the news.
- VN express online is my favorite site.
- No, I don’t. I are not still listening to the
radio because it is not popular.

- I often use internet for work and
- I can seach many documents and books in
- I watch TV programs and film on You Tube.
- In my city, buses are the most popular.
- Many people use bus to go to work and
- In Vietnam, motorbikes are the most popular
- People us motorbikes to go to work,
shooping and travelling.
- I ride my motorbikes
- It takes me about 4 minutes from my house
to my school.


Do you like to use


Is it popular to go around


What are some problems


What are some problems
of using public transport?


What is your favorite


What is the weather like
in your hometown?


What is the environment
like in your hometown?


What is your favorite


When it rains, what do
you often do?


When it is very hot, what

- Yes I do.
- Motorcycles are convenient.
- I can go anywhere I want. (I can also travel
on narrow roads)
- No, it is’t.
- Although there are many rivers in my
hometown, the people often travell by
motorbikes or car.
In my opition, there are two main problems.
- Frist, it is hard to find parking, especial a car
- Second, it is not good for enviroment. The
recently study show air polution in city
because of so many motorbikes
- It is not convenient. Buses is not air
conditioner, so passenger face heat
- Public transport are not save time. the time
of parking to wait for more passengers is too

long, so we can go to work late
- I like autumn because
- The weather is beautiful, it dose not have so
much sun and dose not rain. There are a lot of
beautiful flowers
- In my hometown the weather is nice.
- There are rainy season and dry season in my
- It is warm all year round. We are hardly
affected by the storms.
- I live in the CT city so the environment is
- Air pollution and water pollution are
problem which are cared by people
- I like it is warm all year roand.
- I don’t need wear warm clothes when I go
- When it rains I often stay at home and enjoy
foods with my family.
- We will share about great memories or some
- When it’s very hot I like to read books or

do you like to do?

At what age did you so
start going to school?


What happened on the
first day at your school?


How did you go to
school every day then?


What subjects were you
good at/ bad at?


What university did you
get your degree from?


What did you think about
your lecturers?


Can you describe your
high school?


What was your favourite


How many students were
there in your class?


Did you get along well

watch TV at home
- I don’t often go out because the hot weather
is not good for my health
- I did not go to kindergraten
- I started school when I was 6 years old
- My school is near my house, so I go to
school alone on the first day.
- Some my classmates were my neighbors and
I talked with them and made new friends
- I walked to school because it was not far
from my house to school
- It took me about 10 minutes to go from
home to school
- I was good at Mathermatic. I can plus from 1
to 100 when I was in first grade

- I was bad at spell. I can not read correctly
and write correctly some words until now.
- I got my bachelor degree from Can Tho
- Can Tho university is one of the lagrest and
most prestigious school in my country.
- I think they are friendly and resposibility.
- They are willing to help their students when
their students have problem.
- They listen to our think and give our good
- It was a high school in the countryside.
- It is lagre and very beautiful. (We greedted
the flag in the middle yard and often do
exercies in front yard or backyard)
- In behind of the school, there are fruit
gradens and rice fields
- I like Ms Ni
- She is a good teacher, her major is
- There were 45 students in my class.
We were classmates during 3 years in high
school, so we had great memories together.
- Yes, I did

with your classmates?


What do you remember
the most about your high


What’s your favorite
website? What can you
find there?


How much time a day do
you go online?


What do you do there?


Do you have a computer?
What do you use it for?


What are some useful
home devices?


Do you have an Ipad or
Iphone or smartphone? Is
it really necessary to
possess one?
What is your mother’s



- My classmates and I often play game
together in recess
- We went to each ‘s house on holidays.
- I remember the most was that front yard.
- Many flowers were planted, especially lotus
- My friends and I often play hide and seek in
- My favorite website is Google
- I can find information about my major, my
- Google conect with other webside so I am
easy to find documents, TV progams, music
and films in there.
- You know, I am always busy working so I

don’t have much free time.
- I spend about 2 hours for my job and 30
minutes for my hobbies a day online.
- I search information for my work
- I relax with music or short film.
- Yes I do. I use my computer both for work
and for entertainment every day
- I think washing machine, air conditioner and
the fridge are useful for our life.
- They help life easier and more comfortable
- Yes I do. I have a smartphone.
- It is really necessary to have one because it
help life become more convenient

- My mother likes the fridge best
- Her house is far from the maket, so fridge
can help her keep fresh food.
- I think there will be some problems like
Do you know any health backache and short sighted eyes
to - Many children depend on smartphone, which
technological devices?
is one of the reasons they have autism and


Part 2

1. After graduation from university, you are considering where to live. Three
options are living in the city, living in the countryside, and living in the suburb.
Which one would be the best choice for you?
Living in the city
- There are many jobs to earn money
- There are many places to relax
- Life in the city is convenient and comfortable
- The city is crowded and polluted
- It’s expensive

2. You are going to have a day off next Wednesday. You plan to do something
with your family. Three activities are considered: going to the countryside,
going to the cinema, and going shopping. Which one do you think is the best




3. Your American friend wants to visit Vietnam and learn about Vietnamese
culture. Which festival or national holiday would you suggest your friend to
attend: National Day, Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year), or Flower Festival?
Tet 

On Tet, the weather is beautiful with many flowers
There are many good foods to enjoy
There are many interesting activities on Tet.
My friend can learn about Vietnamese tradition.

4. You are planning to improve your health. Three options are considered:
going to gym, swimming, and playing football. Which one do you think is the
best choice?
Going to the gym

It helps me keep fit
I don’t worry about the weather
There is a trainer who can help me
I can meet my friends there
It costs money to use the gym
It takes time
I have to buy clothes


5. You just received a job offer from 3 companies. One company is in a Ho Chi
Minh City. Another company is in Da Lat. The other one is located near your
parents’ house. The salary offered by the 3 companies is not significantly
different. Which one do you think is the best for you?
A company in HCM

HCM city is noisy and crowded
There is traffic jam
Life is expensive in HCM city
I have to live far from my family

6. Your mother is going to get retired this year. You are choosing one of the
three places for your mother to live: living by herself in her house in the
countryside, living with you in a flat in the city, living with your sister’s family
in a house near a beach. Which one is best for your mother?



by Living with me in the Living with my sister near
a beach

She will be

sad to live
takes care
of her


I can take better
care of her.


The hospital in my
city is good. I can
keep my mom

She is old The city is noisy and
so it’s not crowded, which is not
safe to stay good for old people


it’s good to live near
the beach.( The fresh
air can keep my mom


She gets along well
with my sister

My sister is always


My mom doesn’t
like the sea…


7. You are going to have a party this weekend. You are planning to go shopping
for food. Three places are considered: a mini shop near your house, an outdoor
market and a supermarket. Which one would be the best place for your
A minishop near my house


The price is high


It’s small so there are not many things to choose

8. You are going to travel with your family this summer time. You are choosing
one of one of the three places: a mountain, a big city and a beach. Which place
do you think is the best choice for your family?
The beach

I like sea food
Summer is hot so going to
the beach is cool
I can take beautiful photos of
the sea
I can have good time with
my family

A big city

It’s noisy and
It’s very hot
It’s expensive

A mountain

I don’t like the
It’s very hot
It’s dangerous (to


9. Your friends and you are going to see a movie at the cinema this weekend.
There are three types to choose: a comedy, an action film, and a horror film.
Which one would you recommend your friends to see?
A comedy

An action film

It’s fun and relaxing.
We like comedies
There are many funny

scenes to make us relax
We can see our favorite
comedians on screen

a horror film

violent so we
don’t like it.
fighting scenes
The actions make
me feel tired

It’s scary
We can have


10. You’re going to live in a big city and thinking of the best means of
transport to get around the city every day. There are three means available: by
motorbike, by car or by bus. Which one do you think would be the best choice?
Using motorbike

Using cars

Using buses

- It's more convenient


It costs a lot of fuel


I have to wait

because I can go wherever
I like


It will be difficult to
move in traffic jams


It’s noisy and
crowded on the bus

- It's cheaper than using the


It's difficult to find
parking places

- It's more private than
using buses

I don’t get carsick


I’s easy to find the

11. Your neighborhood is getting polluted. The local government is considering
one of the three solutions: growing more trees, organizing communication
activities to raise people’s awareness, or giving out strict punishments to those
who pollute the living place. Which do you think is the best solution?

Growing trees


Trees helps the air fresh - it takes a lot of time
The neighborhood will - it is complicated
be more beautiful
Everybody can grow

- people will keep
- it’s not effective


12. You are going to send your 6-year-old son to school. There are three
schools you are considering: a public school near home, an expensive
international school in the city, or a well-known private school which is quite
far from your house. Which one do you think is the best choice?



It’s near my house so
my son can go to
school easily.


The school




expensive (so I
can’t afford)
The city is not
good for him

I can take care of him


it’s far from my


My son will get


It’s hard for me to
control him

13. You are going to celebrate your mother’s 60th birthday. You are thinking of
a meaningful gift for her: a new LCD Tivi, an Ipad, or an air conditioner.
Which one do you think is the best for your mother?
A new LCD TV

my mom can watch the films
she likes (on big screen)


She can also listen to music


She likes a TV/ she doesn’t
have a TV

An Ipad



know how to use
an Ipad.




my mom can’t
stand it





Part 3
1. Playing sports offers people several benefits.
First of all, playing sports helps people improve health. In fact, people playing
sports don’t get sick. As a result, they can work more effectively.
Playing sports can also help people make new friends because they can meet
and talk to many people and learn new things.
Finally, people can also reduce stress when they play sports. when playing
sports, one can meet and talk to others, which helps them feel better if they are
1. What problem can sport players have?
Sports players can have some problems such as breaking arms or legs.
2. Do you think sports should be made compulsory in the school curriculum?

Yes. I think that students should learn sports to relax after hard study


Yes, sports will not only help students stay active and healthy but also
help them relax after stressful study hours.

3. What sort of sports is suitable for women?
I think women should do yoga, dancing, jogging, badminton, swimming

and so on
4. What kinds of physical exercise are suitable for the elderly?
I think the elderly should go jogging and do taichi.
5. What types of leisure activities may become more popular in the future?
In the future, people tend to play sports or travel (in their leisure time.)
2. There are some important elements for a successful festival
First, a festival should be safe. (so that people can enjoy the festival/ they don’t
worry about robbery or pick pocket)
In addition, there is a variety of food. Tourists will know more about local
foods/ people can enjoy good food and feel happy


Finally, there are many activities for people so that they know more traditional
games. People can take part in the activities and enjoy the festival./ so that
people don’t get bored./ so that people can have fun with friends and family.
1. During a festival. There are many pickpockets and accidents/ A festival can
also be too noisy and crowded.
2. Yes I think so. Because through/ thanks to festivals, people know more about
custom, culture and local foods in different places in our country.
3. Yes, in the past people used to stay home to relax. Nowadays, they go
somewhere to travel
=> I think it’s changing. More and more people travel or spend time with
family on holidays nowadays.
4. I think long holidays are good so that people can ( do many things to ) relax
and regain energy to work more effectively.
3. There are many ways to have good health
Firstly, if we want to have a good health, we should eat nutritious foods
(such as vegetables, fruits, fish and so on so that our body functions well

and we work better)
Secondly, doing physical exercise is good for our health because it helps
boost the immune system so we don’t get sick.
Finally ,to stay healthy we should avoid bad habits such as staying up late,
eating unhealthy foods, smoking or drinking/
Finally ,to stay healthy we shouldn’t smoke, drink, stay up late or eat bad
1. What can make our health become bad?
I think bad food, lack of (physical) exercise and bad habits make health
become bad
2. Why are there many people getting serious diseased these days?
Nowadays, so many people are diseased because the environment is
polluted. In addition, they also have bad habits/ unhealthy lifestyle and
unhealthy foods.

3. Do you think that Vnese food? Why? Why not
To me, Vnese food is healthy because it is fresh/ there are a lot of
vegetables and fish. We mostly don’t each much oil and fat.
4. Do you think people will become healthier in the future?
Well, I think that people will not become healthier in the future because
our foods contain chemicals. And the environment is more and more
( The pressure of work make people more stressed and the modern
technology makes people more passive.)
4. There are some reasons why graduate students can not get good jobs
Firstly/ first of all they have limited professional knowledge. As a result, they
can not finish the job well.
Also/ in addition/ furthermore they lack soft skills (such as teamwork skills/

communication skills/ presentation skills and so on. These skills are really
necessary in working places)
Finally, young people are in lack of determination and enthusiasm. In fact, they
easily get bored and give up the job when difficult things happen
1. How should universities prepare the students for their future career?
=> In my opinion/ I think/ the way I see it, universities should not only teach
students knowledge in their major but also soft skills
2. Why do many students have limited knowledge of the field that they are
=> In my opinion/ I think/ the way I see it many students focus on social
networks and games so they don’t spend time studying and researching.
Moreover, students are not familiar with self-studying in university
3. Do you think that Vietnamese students are getting lazier?
- I think so. Online games and social network seem to make students
lazier and lazier. Many of them don’t focus on study
- It depends. Many students still study well no matter what, others focus
more on playing

4. What would the government do to reduce the rate of unemployment in
- In my opinion/ I think/ the way I see it the government should teach
people in the countryside job skills and offer jobs for them.
5. There are some important qualities in a good friend.
First of all/ Firstly (s)he should be understanding. In fact, When we have
problems, we need someone to listen to us, understand us and give us best
Moreover, (s)he should be honest. Good friends never turn their back to us.

They won’t tell lies and we can trust them
Lastly/ Last but not least, (s)he should be caring. In other words, (s)he should
care about our things such as work or feelings.
1. What can destroy your friendship?
=> 1. I think dishonesty could destroy friendship.
2. in my opinion, to build up a relationships, we need to be a good listeners,
appreciate others and be positive.
6. What make a good shopping place?
There are many characteristics of a good shopping place.
First, there should be a variety of products so that people can buy things they
need easily.
Secondly, the prices should be competitive because people all like good deals
Last but not least, the comfortable atmosphere is also important so that people
could stay in the shop longer and buy more.
1. Why do more and more people do shopping at supermarkets nowadays?
=> More and more people do shopping at supermarkets nowadays because
there are a variety of products, competitive prices and comfortable shopping
2. When you decide to buy a product. Which factor(s) affect(s) your choice?

Before buying, I consider the price, the quality and the design

3. Do you like online shopping? Why or Why not?

Yes I do. Online shopping is fast and cheap

4. How will people shop in the future?
=> in the future,( with modern technology), I think people will do more online
---------------7. Travelling can bring people some disadvantages
The first dis-ad-van-tage of travelling is that people spend money (on many
things like hotels, foods, transport, souvenirs and so on)
The second/ another disadvantage of travelling is that people en-coun-ter unex-pec-ted incidents (such as pickpockets, getting sick, getting lost and so on/
the like)
Finally, there are post-travelling effects (like tiredness or being out of money)

What attractions in Vietnam do you think foreign tourists should visit?

Tourists should visit Ha Long Bay, Ba Na Hill, Da Nang, Hoi An Ancient
town…. Because they are beautiful and famous/popular

2. What is your opinion about package tours?

I think package tours are good because everything is arranged. I don’t
have to worry.

3. What should the government do to improve Vietnam tourism?

I think the government should improve the infrastructure, control the
price at tourist places and protect the environment.

4. How have people’s travelling habits changed over the past decades?
People travel more/ people travel abroad more
In the past, people took package tours. Now, they travel by themselves more

8. There are some reasons why people are addicted to TV shows
Firstly, the plots are interesting. There are many drama and stories that
attract our attention

Secondly, it is entertaining, which can help people relax after hard working
Finally, the actors/ and actresses are good looking. Audiences like to see
their favourite people on screen

How much TV should children watch?

I think children should only watch TV about ___ a day

2. In what ways does violence on TV affect children?
=> It can affect children badly. Children can imitate violent actions and behave
3. What are some benefits of watching TV?
=> TV shows help people relax and provide them good knowledge
4. What do you think about watching TV on the Internet instead of the
traditional way?

=> (Nowadays watching TV on the Internet becomes more and more popular).
I think it’s good as people can watch the shows they like again and again
whenever they like.
9. People use public transport because of some reasons
The first reason is that/ Firstly public transport is very convenient. In fact, one
doesn’t worry about parking or any other matter
Secondly/ in addition/ moreover the price is quite cheap. Using public
transport, one can save a lot of money
Finally, it’s flexible to get around as it is on scheduled so it is almost available
every day.
1. what should the government do to encourage people to use public transport?
=> I think the government should improve the infrastructure, better services
and build more routes to encourage public transport
2. why are there so many traffic accidents happening every day?
=> to me, the main reason for this is that many people are careless when
driving. They don’t follow the traffic rules

3. would you want to own a car in Vietnam? Why or why not?
=> I don’t think so. the traffic in Vietnam is not good and the streets are small,
which is not good for using cars
=> yes, I think cars are convenient so I’d love to own one
10. Recycling brings people several benefits
Firstly/ the first benefit of recycling is that it helps people save money. In fact
the more we recycle, the more money we save/ the money people spend on
recycling is more than the money the spend on producing new products
Secondly/ the second benefit of recycling is that it helps save energy. it costs
more energy to produce new products than to recycle old ones
Finally, recycling helps conserve natural resources

1. How does weather affect people’s health?
=> weather do affect people’s health because people can get sick in cold or hot
weather/ weather changes can make people sick
2. Do you think there will be more natural disasters?
=> if people keep destroying natural world, there will be more natural disasters
3. What do you think about ‘black rivers’ in cities?
=> there are a lot of ‘black rivers’ in cities. I think the authority should do
something to clean them up
4. Why do many people keep their houses very clean but pollute the street in
front of their houses?
=> this is because many people don’t have a sense of community. They only
think for themselves/ they lack awareness of protecting the environment
--------------------------11. A good school needs to have some certain qualities.
Firstly, a good school needs good teachers (in fact, good teachers help students
learn better and get good marks)
Secondly, there are good course to give/bring students useful knowledge

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