giving directions
giving directions
I’m very pleased to hear that
I’m very pleased to hear that
you have decided to come here
you have decided to come here
for the holiday. I’m writing to
for the holiday. I’m writing to
tell you how to get to my house
tell you how to get to my house
from Roston Railway Station.
from Roston Railway Station.
Now, when you come out of the station, turn right. Keep walking for about 5 minutes;
Now, when you come out of the station, turn right. Keep walking for about 5 minutes;
you’ll see a small bridge ahead. Go over the bridge, walk past a medical centre, then
you’ll see a small bridge ahead. Go over the bridge, walk past a medical centre, then
take the first turning on the left. Keep on until you come to the end of the road; turn
take the first turning on the left. Keep on until you come to the end of the road; turn
right. Walk past a small shop. Mine is the second house after the shop, opposite the
right. Walk past a small shop. Mine is the second house after the shop, opposite the
bookshop. It’s the one with a green gate. You can’t miss it. I have enclosed a map so
bookshop. It’s the one with a green gate. You can’t miss it. I have enclosed a map so
that you can follow my directions easily.
that you can follow my directions easily.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Dear Jim,
Dear Jim,
Read the letter and find Ann’s
Read the letter and find Ann’s
house on the map.
house on the map.
Prepositions/ prepositional phrases:
Prepositions/ prepositional phrases:
- next to/ near
- next to/ near
- to the left/ right (of …)
- to the left/ right (of …)
- between
- between
- opposite
- opposite
- behind
- behind
- on your left/ right …………..
- on your left/ right …………..
- go/ walk/ keep straight ahead
- go/ walk/ keep straight ahead
- turn right/ left
- turn right/ left
- take the first (second …) turning on the right/ left
- take the first (second …) turning on the right/ left
- walk along ………………
- walk along ………………
come/ get out of …
come/ get out of …
Go over…..
Go over…..
Walk past….
Walk past….
- Keep walking……….
- Keep walking……….
Read the letter and
Read the letter and identify the parts of this kind of letter.
I’m very pleased to hear that you have decided to come here for
I’m very pleased to hear that you have decided to come here for
the holiday. I’m writing to tell you how to get to my house from
the holiday. I’m writing to tell you how to get to my house from
Roston Railway Station.
Roston Railway Station.
Now, when you come out of the station, turn right. Keep walking
Now, when you come out of the station, turn right. Keep walking
for about 5 minutes; you’ll see a small bridge ahead. Go over the
for about 5 minutes; you’ll see a small bridge ahead. Go over the
bridge, walk past a medical centre, then take the first turning on
bridge, walk past a medical centre, then take the first turning on
the left. Keep on until you come to the end of the road; turn right.
the left. Keep on until you come to the end of the road; turn right.
Walk past a small shop. Mine is the second house after the shop,
Walk past a small shop. Mine is the second house after the shop,
opposite the bookshop. It’s the one with a green gate. You can’t
opposite the bookshop. It’s the one with a green gate. You can’t
miss it. I have enclosed a map so that you can follow my directions
miss it. I have enclosed a map so that you can follow my directions
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Dear Jim,
Dear Jim,
Salutation/ greeting
Salutation/ greeting
Reasons for
Reasons for
Sender’s signature
Sender’s signature
Writing an informal letter giving directions
Writing an informal letter giving directions
Write a letter to Jim, telling him the way to your house from Roston
Write a letter to Jim, telling him the way to your house from Roston
Railway Station. You may begin with the following.
Railway Station. You may begin with the following.
Dear John,
Dear John,
I’m very happy to hear that you are going here for the holiday. I’m writing
I’m very happy to hear that you are going here for the holiday. I’m writing
to tell you how to get to my house from Roston Railway Station.
to tell you how to get to my house from Roston Railway Station.
When you
When you
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
I’m very happy to hear that you are going here for the holiday. I’m writing
I’m very happy to hear that you are going here for the holiday. I’m writing
to tell you how to get to my house from Roston Railway Station.
to tell you how to get to my house from Roston Railway Station.
When you get out of the station, turn right. Keep walking for about 5
When you get out of the station, turn right. Keep walking for about 5
minutes; you’ll see a small bridge ahead. Go over the bridge, walk past a
minutes; you’ll see a small bridge ahead. Go over the bridge, walk past a
medical centre and a car park, then take the second turning on the left.
medical centre and a car park, then take the second turning on the left.
Keep straight ahead until you see a shoe shop on your left. My house is
Keep straight ahead until you see a shoe shop on your left. My house is
next to the shoe shop, opposite the souvenir shop. You can’t miss it. I have
next to the shoe shop, opposite the souvenir shop. You can’t miss it. I have
enclosed a map so that you can follow my directions easily.
enclosed a map so that you can follow my directions easily.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Sample writing:
Sample writing: