Tải bản đầy đủ (.ppt) (16 trang)

Unit 6- Reading ( 1&2) NC.ppt

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (1.05 MB, 16 trang )

a.The fractional rate at which the number of
individuals in a population increases.
2. Contraception [,k ntr'sepn]
b. The condition of any organisms
numbers exceeding the carrying capacity of
its ecological system.
3. Illiteracy [i'litrsi]
c. A measurement of population per unit
area or unit volume. It is frequently applied
to living organisms, humans in particular.
4. Abortion ['b :n]
d. Actions, devices or medications
intentionally used to prevent a woman
becoming pregnant or giving birth
5. Population growth rate
e. The state of being unable to read, write,
and listen
6. Population density f. The act of expelling a fetus prematurely
Sự quá đông dân số
Biện pháp phòng tránh thai
Nạn mù chữ
Nạo phá thai
Tỷ lệ tăng dân số
Mật độ dsố

Causes and effects
-High birth rates
Desire to have made children
-Limited access to modern
contraception and family
-Unwilling to practice
contraception and abortion.
-Shortage of food, clean water
and energy.
-Water and air pollution.
Unhealthy living conditions
Possible causes Possible consequences

Complete the sentence with the
given words

1. The average number of people per square kilometer in Viet

Nam is 234, and that in Japan is 336. This means Japan has
higher……………………………..than Viet Nam.

2. The world………………………………is on the increase; more
than 5 billion people in 1990, about 6 billion in 2000,and nearly 7
billion ( estimated) in 2010.

3. From 1965 to 1997, the…………………………….in China,
Indonesia, Bangladesh, Mexico, and many other countries fell
population growth rates
population trend
population density
birth control

China is a big country with the
population of over 1.3 billion
people. In today’s lesson, we’ll
learn about the population trend
in China.

Fast facts about China
1. What is the population of China
at the time being?
2. What is the capital of China
3. Can you name some big cities of China?

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