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426 câu hỏi trắc nghiệp và đáp án Tiếng Anh trình độ A2 ôn thi công chức 2020

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You can do this test before using the book to help you choose what to study. Choose
the correct answer, A, B or C, for each question. When you have finished, check
your answers on page 223. The key tells you which units are most important for you.
1. Most university students………..on campus in their first year.
A. lives
xB. live
C. are living
2. From this graph we can see that theeconomy .................. at the moment.
A. improves
B. improve
xC. is improving
3. They ................. personal computerswhen my father was a student.
A. hadn’t
xB. didn’t have
C. weren’t having
4. I ........... want to be a practisingdoctor but now I’m more interested in research.
A. was used to
xB. used to
C. would
5. The teacher ............... us how to do theexperiment when the fire bell rang.
A. showed
B. shown
xC. was showing
6. I finished my essay yesterday but ………. it in to the tutor yet.
A. I’ve given
xB. I haven’t given
C. I didn’t give
7. ............. the experiment three timesnow with different results each time!
xA. We’ve done
B. We did
C. We’ve been doing

8. When I arrived the lecture .............. so I didn’t find it easy to follow.
A. started
x B. had started

C. had been starting
9. She ................ well at school but thatchanged when she became friends witha different
group of girls.
A. did
B. had done
xC. had been doing
10. …………. the doctor at 2.00 thisafternoon so I can’t go to the lecture.
xA. I’m seeing
B. I see.
C. I will see
11. My sister ..................... economics andpolitics when she goes to university.
xA. is going to study
B. studies
C. will study
12. While we’re working on the project ourboss ................ on a beach in Greece!
A. will sit
B. will have sat
xC. will be sitting
13. If the trend continues, the averageincome ............. by 107% by 2020.
A. will increase
xB. will have increased
C. will be increasing
14. You can base your geographyassignment on ................ country – itdoesn’t matter
A. a

B. some
xC. any
15. There aren’t ...............places left onthe course so you’d better apply soon.
A. much
xB. many
C. lots of
16. I don’t know whether to accept the joboffer. It’s ................. .
xA. a difficult decision
B. the difficult decision
C. difficult decision
17. For those of you new to the company, this leaflet is full of ................ .
A. a valuable information

B. the valuable information
valuable information
18. The manager interviewed ........... candidates in turn.
xA. each of the
B. each
C. every
19. I know it’s not much of a present but I made it ............. .
A. me
B. myself
xC. by myself
20. You should visit Bath. It’s ............ city.
A. a historical and interesting
B. a historical interesting
xC. an interesting historical
21. The government has released some ................... data showing how schools arenot

providing an adequate education to our children.
xA. shocking
B. shock
C. shocked
22. You really should go to Namibia. The scenery is ................. stunning and thepeople
are very friendly.
A. very
B. fairly
xC. absolutely
23. This factory produces some of .............. cameras in the world.
A. best
xB. the best
C. the most best
24. ………… people live in the countrysidethan 100 years ago.
A. Less
B. Few ,
xC. Fewer
25. The bookshop …...........… the end of the road is excellent.
xA. at
B. on .
C. in.

26. There were millions of people aroundthe world ............. the football match live on
A. watched
xB. watching
C. were watching
27. Scientists finally ............... find a curefor the disease after years of research.
xA. managed to

B. can
C. could
28. She got a terrible mark in the exam so she ........ very hard at all.
A. mustn’t have worked
xB. can’t have worked
C. didn’t work
29. What ........... in order to get a permitto work in your country?
xA. do I need to do
B. must I do
C. ought I do
30. When you write your essays you ............. copy ideas from books without referencing
them properly.
xA. mustn’t
B. don’t have to.
C. have to
31. Doctors have ….........us to cut downon salt in our diets if we want to reduce the risk
of getting heart disease.
A. insisted
B. suggested
xC. advised
32. ………this newspaper report, more women smoke than men nowadays.
A. Apparently
xB. According to
C. Supposedly
33. My parents encouraged .............. this course.
xA. me to do
B. me doing
C. me do
34. What will you do if ................
xA. you don’t get a good IELTS score?

B. you didn’t get a good IELTS score?
C. you won’t get a good IELTS score?
35. A recent government report has warnedthat ...................... we act immediately to
reduce pollution, there will be serious consequences, for the planet.
A. provided that
B. in case
xC. unless
36. If I didn’t have to work tonight, .................
xA. I’d be able to relax now.
B. I’m able to relax now.
C. I’ll be able to relax now.
37. I wish that man ....................... tapping hisfingers on the table. It’s reallyannoying me.
A. stopped
B. had stopped
xC. would stop
38. I’m aiming ........... a band 7 in IELTS.
A. on
xB. for
C. to
39. Do you have any knowledge …………….how our education system works?
xA. of
B. on
. for
40. The minister ...................... is responsiblefor education has just resigned.
A. which
xB. who
C. what
41. The University of St Andrews .............. is the oldest university in Scotland.

A which was founded in 1413
xB. which was founded in 1413,
C , that was founded in 1413,
42. Many children these days do not have ahealthy diet. ...................... is possible thatthis
is because less healthy foods are cheaper than healthy ones.
A What
B That
xC It

43. The charity is trying to find ways tosave and ............ the world’sendangered animal
A the charity is trying to find ways to protect
B to find ways to protect
xC protect
44. In the past we threw a lot of ourkitchen waste away, but today many items such as
plastic bottles and newspapers .............. .
xA are recycled
B recycle
C need recycling
45. I can’t pick you up from the station onWednesday because ............ on thatday.
A I’m fixing my car
xB I’m having my car fixed
C I need my car fixed
46. These drugs are the best medicine available as a treatment at the moment, ............
they are expensive, unfortunately.
xA although
B because
C so
47. Learning a foreign language is important because it helps you to understand

othercultures better. …………. it can be auseful skill in many areas of work.
A However,
B Despite this,
xC In addition,
48. ................ I can’t go to the conference as I’ve got to do to Sydney on business.
A Frankly
xB Unfortunately
C Personally
49. .............. I think it’s useful to write anoutline of your essay before you start to write
the first draft.
A Interestingly,
B Definitely,
xC Personally,
50. The ................ of dark red spots is one of the first signs of the disease.
xA appearance
B appearing
C appear

Quiz on Subject-Verb Agreement
Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence.
1. Either the physicians or the chief administrator ............ going to make a decision.
xA is
B are
2. ...........my boss or my sisters in the uniongoing to win this grievance?
xA Is
B Are
3. Some of the votes ................. to have been miscounted.
xA seem
B seems

4. The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring ............ more than just a
xA are
B is
5.Everyone selected to serve on this jury ............... to be willing to give up a lot of time.
A have
xB has
6.Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, ...............
xA presents
B present
7. He seems to forget that there .............. things to be done before he can graduate.
xA are
B is
8. There ................ to be some people left in that town after yesterday's flood.
xA have
B has
9. Some of the grain .................... to be contaminated.
A appear
xB appears
10. Three-quarters of the students ................ against the tuition hike.
A is
xB are
11. Three-quarters of the student body ..................... against the tuition hike.
xA is
B are

12. A high percentage of the population ............... voting for the new school.
xA is
B are

13. A high percentage of the people ............ voting for the new school.
A was
xB were
14.Carlos is the only one of thosestudents who ............. lived up to thepotential
described in the yearbook.
A has
xB have
15.The Club, as well as the Society andthe Club, ................. to submit aconstitution.
A need
xB needs
16.One of my best friends ................ an extra on Seinfeld thisweek.
A are
xB is
17.Not only the students but also theirinstructor ............. been called
A have
xB has
18. Most of the milk ............. gone bad. Six gallons of milk ............ still in there
xA has — are
B have — is
19.Each and every student and instructorin this building ................ for a newfacility.
A hope
xB hopes
20.The students and instructors each .............. for a new facility by next year.
A hopes
xB hope
21.Rice and beans, my favorite dish, .............. me of my native Puerto Rico.
A remind
xB reminds
22.A large number of voters still ............... along straight-party lines.

A votes
xB vote

23. Four years .............. a long time tospend away from your friends and family.
A are
xB is
24. Politics .................. sometimes a dirtybusiness.
A are
xB is
25.To an outsider, the economics of this country ....................... to be in disarray.
A seem
xB seems

Subjects and Verbs
1.Mark ............. at the party last night.
(A) were happy
(B) happy was
x(C) was happy
(D) was he happy
2. ................. a lot in the mountains.
(A) Snows it
(B) Is snowing
x(C) It snows
(D) Snowing is
3.Sarah and her husband ................. the movies last Saturday.
(A) Was going
x(B) went to
(C) they went
(D) went they to

4.Chicago ............... city in the Midwest.
x (A) is an important
(B) an important is
(C) important is
(D) is it important

5.The price of oil .................last month.
x (A) fell
(B) it fell
(C) fell it
(D) felt
6. ...................... important to have a good job.
(A) Is it
x(B) It’s
(C) It
(D) Is
7. ..................... a good concert.
(A) People enjoys
(B) Enjoy them
(C) People they enjoy
x(D) People enjoy
8. .................... us with the vocabulary exercises.
x(A) Our teacher helps
(B) Always helps
(C) Our teacher
(D) Helps to
9. .................. a lot of food at Jim’s house last weekend.
(A) Ate we
x(B) We ate

(C) Ate
(D) We
10.Every morning ...................... coffee with her breaklast.
(A) Jane she drink
(B) she drink
(C) drinks
x(D) Jane drinks

1. Many people .................. this city every year.
(A) visits
x(B) visit
(C) is visiting
(D) was visiting
2.Learning foreign languages .................. important.
x(A) is
(B) are
(C) have
(D) are having
3.The music that they listen to .................... them to relax.
(A) help
(B) are helping
x(C) helps
(D) helping
4.The articles that John has written .................. difficult to understand.
(A) has been
(B) was
x(C) are
(D) is

5.Taking a trip to the mountains .................... more fun than going to the beach.
(A) are
(B) were
x(C) is
(D) have been

6.The water in this swimming pool ...................... too cold.
(A) are feeling
(B) feel
x(C) feels
(D) was feeling
7.Exercising every day ...................... good for your health.
(A) ere
(B) he
(C) were
x(D) is
8.Going to the movies last night .......................... a lot of fun.
(A) were
x (B) was
(C) are
(D) being
9.The clothes in those boxes ............. to my sister.
x (A) belong
(B) was belonging
(C) is belonging
(D) belongs
10. Some children ..................... too many toys.
(A) has
(B) has had

x (C) have
(D) is having

I. Circle the best linking word or phrase to fill in each blank in the following
1.When you are first learning to type, the task seems hopeless. ...................., you are often
tempted to give up.
For example
xB. In fact
2.I soon rose to a position of importance in the firm, ................ I was energetic, popular,
xD. for
3. ...................... known as an industrial center, Hartford was the home of manufacturers
of firearms,typewriters, bicycles, and even cars.

xC. Once
Owing to
4.Some students are nervous of computers or anything high-tech ................. others enjoy
newchallenges and regard learning how to use computers as a kind of game.
A. and
B. but
xC. while
D. ; however
5.Era suggested that rising wages were one of the primary causes of inflation ..................
thegovernment should take action to control wages.
xA. , so
for example,
, therefore,
6. ................ the English teacher said was downright inspiring.
xB. What



7. My English book ................. is a monument of boredom, is used mainly as a door stop.
xC. , which
, that
8.The world wouldn’t be a better place ............... more people respected English teachers.
xB. unless
9. I have studied English for 10 years, ................ I can’t communicate well with
xB. yet
10. After a short time in England, I began to understand ............... the English see
Americans asloud and ill-mannered.

xD. why
11. This film is for adult only; .............., children under 18 cannot be allowed to enter the
12. Local residents often find the months of July and August too hot; ....................,
foreigners from Western countries love to experience this weather.
xd. nevertheless

13. Students studying in the UK can enjoy an excellent educational
environment; ..................., theirdegrees are worldwide accepted.

14. The old drainage pipelines must be maintained; ................, leakage will be
a. therefore
b. similarly
c. on the contrary
xd. otherwise
15. Many ads do give important information about products; ....................., some of them
are merelyhumorous or foolish.
xb. however
at the same time
16. Some people are using motorbikes for transportation; ....................., others are taking
publicvehicles to get to their destination.
a. hence
b. otherwise
c. therefore
xd. besides
17. The new project received a lot of financial assistance from the WTO; ..............., it
could easilybe approved by the authority.

on the other hand
on the contrary
18. Annette spent a year long to search for scholarship; ................, she did not get
positive result.


asa result
19. The Smiths are eating less and exercising more; ..............., they can keep their weight
down and stay in shape.
xa. Consequently
b. also
c. nevertheless
d. otherwise
20. Television is a prime source of home entertainment; ................, it is a cheap

on the contrary

1.We always ...................... a present to Elsa on her birthday.
(A) are taking
(B) taking
x(C) take
(D) are taken
2.I .............. Michael for years.
x(A) have known
(B) know
(C) knowing
(D) was known
3.Rita .................. class every day.
(A) not to attend
x(B) doesn’t attend
(C) not attending
(D) isn’t attended
4.Kevin can’t talk on the phone because he .............. dinner right now.
x(A) is eating
(B) eats
(C) has eaten
(D) has been eating
5.We .............. since 5:00.

(A) talk
(B) are talking
(C) talking
x(D) have been talking
6. I don't want to go outside today because it ......................... .
(A) rain
(B) rains
x(C) is raining
(D) is rain
7.My parents ........... in Florida since 1999.
(A) has lived
x(B) have lived
(C) are living



8.Babies ................ when they are hungry.
x(A) cry
(B) are crying
(C) have been crying
(D) cries
9.The store ..................... two sales so far this year.
(A) is having
(B) has been having
(C) has
x (D) has had

10.Mr. and Mrs. Wilson .............. some disputes with their neighbors.
(A) having
x (B) have been having
(C) have having
(D) have been had

1.I ................. the house before you called.
(A) leave
(B) am leaving
x (C) had left
(D) had been leaving
2.The Wagners ................ to Florida two years ago.
x (A) moved
(B) had been moving
(C) move
(D) will move
3.We .............. to the baseball game when it started to rain.
(A) are driving
(B) drives
(C) driven
x(D) were driving
4.Louise was listening to the radio while she .................. the house.
(A) is cleaning
x (B) was cleaning
(C) had cleaned
(D) will dean
5.Paul and Linda .............. us to their party last weekend.
(A) was inviting

x(B) invited
(C) had been inviting
(D) will invite

6.It ............... a lot last winter.
(A) snows
(B) has been snowing
x (C) snowed
(D) snow
7. We ....................... in the plane for hours when it finally, took off.
x (A) had been sitting
(B) have sat
(C) will be sitting
(D) will sit
8.Before the police arrived, the robbers .......................... .
(A) run
x (B) had run
(C) have run
(D) have been running
9, I ............... on the bus when I dropped my wallet.
(A) am getting
(B) get
(C) have gotten
x (D) was getting
10.The telephone .............. ten times before Patsy finally answered it.
(A) rings
(B) ringing
x (C) had rung
(D) is ringing

1.Barbara .................. that package to you tomorrow morning.
(A) deliver
x (B) is going to deliver
(C) are going to deliver
(D) delivering
2.By next month, I ...................... at this company for a year.
(A) will work
(B) will be working
x (C) will have been working
(D) am going to work
3.By the time this movie is over, we ................... this entire bag of popcorn.
x (A) will have eaten
(B) are eating
(C) are going to be eating
(D) will be eaten
4.We .................... soccer while you’re swimming at the pool.
(A) were playing
x(B) will have been playing
(C) has been playing
(D) are going to be playing
5.We ....................... for you tomorrow when you arrive at the airport.
(A) are waiting
x (B) will be waiting
(C) wait
(D) waited
6.The price of gasoline ........... up again next month.
x(A) will go

(B) going
(C) is going to
(D) has gone
7.When we get to the party, everybody ........................... .
(A) are dancing
x (B) will be dancing
(C) has danced

(D) dances
8.My schedule's perfect! I ............. in Rio de Janeiro just in time for Camaval.
(A) be arriving
x(B) will have arrived
(C) arriving
(D) arrive
9.I .................. five new books by the time my vacation is over.
x (A) will have read
(B) be reading
(C) have read
(D) have been reading
10. Be careful. You ...................... into delicate negotiations at the conference next week
(A) will have been entering
(B) have entered
x (C) are entering
(D) will have entered

1.Jack ................ cold weather.
(A) dislike

(B) was disliking
(C) is disliking
x(D) dislikes
2. Carol and Sam really ................ the present we gave them.
x (A) love
(B) was loving
(C) loves
(D) are loved
3.I need your advice because I .............. about buying a new car.
(A) thinks
x(B) am thinking
(C) thinking
(D) think
4.I ................ it's time to leave now, don’t you?
(A) am thinking
x(B) think
(C) was thinking
(D) thought
5.My parents .................. to buy a new car this month.
(A) is wanting
(B) are wanting
x(C) want
(D) wants
6.When I walked in the door, I .................. the telephone ring.
x(A) heard
(B) hear
(C) was hearing
(D) am hearing
7.We ................. breakfast early this morning.
(A) has

(B) have been
(C) having
