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An overview of vietnam’s export in agricultural and aquatic products in 2016

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In the era of industrialization and modernization, export plays an essential role in every
countries ‘economy. Through export, countries shall exploit their advantage in
international division of labor, open up international economic opportunities, creates
favorable conditions for economic development and restructuring the economic in order
to create more job opportunity. Therefore, Vietnam’s export activities are vital to the
development of the economy for the cause of industrialization and modernization of the
Vietnam is a developing agricultural country, thus, export of agricultural and aquatic
products take up a major part for the economic, creating favorable conditions for the
industries to develop. This following report will give an overview about the state of
exports in agricultural and aquatic products, as well as provide solution to overcome
Key word: exports, agricultural and aquatic products, development of the economy.


Agricultural and aquatic products are fundamental goods that meets up to daily needs of
people. For this reason , agricultural and aquatic products has increased as in both of
quantity and quality. In prior to international economic integration, Vietnam is promoting
the export production and of agricultural and aquatic products to all country over the
world, occupying important positions in the national economy. With such important role,
exports in agricultural and aquatic products have been identified as “ thrusting industrial”
in Vietnam’s economic development plan. However, the export of these items still face
many challenges that requires businesses and famer to find solutions. Therefore, we have
selected the topic "An overview in the export of agricultural and aquatic products in
Vietnam" to examine.


Research Methodolody
The paper uses combined methods such as: data collection, deductive method, analysissynthesis method, comparative method.
Due to the shortage of thorough knowledge and practical understanding, this paper has
some limitations. We expect to receive constructive ideas and precious comments to
make the research better in future work.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Vietnam’s export in agriculture and aquatic products
Chapter 2: Vietnam’s export in agricultural and aquatic products in 2016
Chapter 3: Solutions to promote the export of agricultural and aquatic products


I. Overview of Vietnam’s exports in agricultural and aquatic products.
1. Introduction to Vietnam’s export in agriculture and aquatic products
1.1. Concept
Exporting is a function of international trade whereby goods produced in one country are
shipped to another country for future sale or trade. The sale of such goods adds to the
producing nation's gross output. If used for trade, exports are exchanged for other
products or services in other countries. The purpose of export activities is developing
advantage of the countries in the international division of labor.
Agricultural products are products or semi-finished products from the cultivation of
animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel, drugs and other
products from the plant. Agricultural products are foods, fibers, fuels, and raw materials.
Examples of foods are fruits, vegetables, meat, and spices. Examples of fibers include
wool, cotton, and silk. Examples of fuels include methane and wood. Examples of raw
material include lumber and bamboo.
Aquatic products are resources and products that bring people from the water, harvested

by humans, and used for food, raw materials or sold on the market. Among aquatic
products, the most common are fish. Besides, there are other products such as crustaceans
(for examples shrimps and crabs), molluscs (excluding clams, oysters), seaweed and
amphibians (excluding frogs, eels).


1.2. The role of export
Export creates investment capital for imports, industrialization and modernization.
Export contributes to the restructuring of the economy, boosting the development of
The role of export products in agriculture and aquatic in the domestic

Given the fact that agriculture has long been a Vietnamese major mean of living, it has
largely impacted our economy, because:

- It is indisputable that we have a small-scale economy and out of date technology.
Therefore, the production of raw products such as agriculture would be our advantages
against other countries.
- Agriculture and aquatic export helps Vietnam to accumulate capital that can be used for
the purpose of industrialization. Furthermore, it plays a significant role to consume
farmer’s products, maintains industrial development rate, induces trade gap to stay in
acceptable figure, and bringing foreign currency to the country.
- Agriculture and aquatic export ultimately utilizes our climate features, human and
mineral resources….
2. The export markets and features of Vietnam agricultural and aquatic

The export markets of agricultural and aquatic products
Agricultural and aquatic products are products with great demand in the world market
due to their specialty. The markets for agricultural and aquatic products are mainly
developed countries and regions in the world such as the UK, USA, EU, Germany, Japan,
.... At the present time, these countries have a change in consumption structure of
agricultural and aquatic products: the switch to organic products (produced from nature,
no pesticides, fertilizer). The major agricultural and aquatic exporters in the world
(Thailand, China, USA,…) are paying great attention to this issue.
Vietnam's current export markets for agricultural and aquatic products have changed a
lot. In the past, the main markets were the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. In
1990, Vietnam's exports to those regions accounted for 50% of total exports, but by 1995,
the number was only 18% due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist system
of the Eastern Europe. The good news is that after Vietnam joined WTO, especially after
the US lifted the embargo on Vietnam, commodity exchanges between Vietnam and the
capitalist countries have remarkable increased. The main export markets for agricultural
and aquatic products of Vietnam are still Asia, Europe and the United States.

Here are some of the export markets for agricultural and aquatic products in Vietnam
- Aquatic products export markets: EU, USA, China, Japan and South Korea,…
- Rice export markets: Philippines, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, USA,…
- Coffee export markets: USA, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, France, UK, Italy,…
- Tea export markets: Russia, UK, Taiwan, China, Iraq, India, Pakistan,…

Features of agricultural and aquatic products of Vietnam

Agricultural and aquatic products are very important to meet the needs of every nation’s
people. They are the main export commodities of the less developed countries and are
one of the strategic commodities as most of the international agricultural and aquatic
product purchases are made through agreements between governments.
On the other hand, the purchases and production of agricultural and aquatic products
depend mainly on climatic seasonality, crop harvest, supply and demand and payment
conditions of each country.
Features of agricultural and aquatic products of Vietnam
- Agricultural and aquatic products are always the main export products of Vietnam. They
have a large export volume, but the quality is still low.
+ Rice: for inferior rice, Vietnam can compete well with India, China and Pakistan for
exporting to low-income countries or aid recipients. But for high-quality products,
Vietnam cannot compete with the US and Thailand due to poor quality of storage and
+ Coffee: the most controversial issue is the quality of Vietnam’s coffee. It’s not uniform
due to drying, classification. Therefore, Vietnam has got only spot contracts and no longterm contracts up to now.


+ Tea: for the past few years, the tea industry has improved the technological process,
modernized processing plants to have more products in accordance with the requirements
of customers, create certain markets. However, Vietnam’s tea still does not create real
reputation in the international market.
- Price of agricultural and aquatic products that Vietnam export is often lower than the
price of those of other countries. The reason is that the quality of agricultural and aquatic
products of Vietnam is low and they have not built up the reputation as well as strength in
the international market.
II. Vietnam’s export in agricultural and aquatic products in 2016 (Ministry of
Industry and Trade, 2016)

1. General situation about the export in agricultural and aquatic products.
1.1. The turnover
Although the global economy recovered slowly in 2016, the level of commodity prices
was low and agricultural production faces many difficulties due to drought and heavy
salinity intrusion, most types of agricultural and aquatic products of Vietnam were
consumed in time, without stagnation or redundancy. The export turnover of agricultural
and aquatic products in 2016 reached more than $22 billion. This was a positive result of
exports of agricultural and aquatic products after the negative growth in 2015. In terms of
absolute value, the export value of this commodity group had risen by $1.58 billion
compared to 2015. This increase contributed to the overall growth of export turnover,
expressed that the capacity of enterprises to exploit the market was still very active in the
context of world’s fallen demand.

The products

In 2016, most of the major export items of agricultural and aquatic products
reached a positive growth rate compared to 2015: Aquatic productions reached $7.05
billion, coffee reached $3.34 billion, tea reached $217 million. However, there were some
items decreasing such as: rice fell down 22.4% to $2.17 billion, c assava and cassava

products fell down 24.2% to $999 million.


The market

The export of agricultural and aquatic had maintained positive growth in these five

main markets in 2016 as follow :
1.3.1. Chinese market
Being the largest export market for agricultural and aquatic products (represented
25.4%), China ranked fifth in Vietnam’s export in terms of aquatic products, ninth in
coffee and had been a potential market for some other agricultural products.
Export of agricultural and aquatic products in 2016 to China had made $5.62
billion, grew 15.5% over 2015. Positive items included aquatic products reached $685
million, coffee reached $106.7 million, tea reached $25.9 million. Only rice and cassava
declined 8.6℅ ($782.3 million) and 25.7% ($868.4 million) respectively.
1.3.2. EU market
EU was Vietnam's second largest market for agricultural and aquatic products
(16.7%). Export of agricultural and aquatic products to the EU reached $ 3.71 billion in
2016, it had risen 12% mainly due to a number of positive growth items such as coffee
($1.04 billion), aquatic products ($1.17 billion). Some items have reduced turnover,
especially tea which had fallen sharply 44.6% to $3.76 million.
1.3.3. The United States market
This is Vietnam's third largest export market for agricultural and aquatic products
(represents approximately 15%) of which ranking the first market for pepper and the
second in coffee.
Export of agricultural and aquatic products to the United States had gained $3.35
billion in 2016, increased 17.5%, of which positive aquatic items were aquatic products
reaching $1.44 billion; coffee and pepper reaching $450 million and $342.4 million
respectively. Some items fell such as tea had gone down to $7.5 million, decreased

19.7%; rice reached $18.4 million, decreased 34% mainly due to price and quantity
falling due to low demand.
1.3.4. ASEAN market
Export of agricultural and aquatic products to ASEAN reached $1.78 billion in

2016, decreased 23.8%, of which some items had positive growth such as aquatic
products had made $515 million, coffee earned $281.5 million, tea reached $19 million.
Some items had decreased turnover such as pepper decreased 24% to reach $111.3
million or rice decreased 53.9% to reach 469 million.
The export structure of Vietnam's agricultural products to this market increased in
both types and volume of commodities, focus on increasing the added value of goods
when it comes to consumption.
1.3.5. Japanese market
Japan was the fifth largest exporter of agricultural and aquatic products in Vietnam
(represented 6.6%), it was the second largest market in vegetables and the third in aquatic
products. This was also a potential market for some other agricultural commodities such
as cashews, tea, handicrafts if they meet the standards of food hygiene and safety as well
as animal and plant quarantine.
Export of agricultural and aquatic products to Japan reached $1.46 billion,
increased 6.6% in 2016. Of which, aquatic productions increased by 6.2% to $1.1 billion;
coffee increased by 19.7% to $202.9 million. Thus, there were still some negative items:

pepper fell down 13.8% to $28.3 million; Cassava decreased 16.7% to $15.6
million. These decline were due to the fact that market demand had not recovered yet,
and the Japanese Yen continued to fall against the US dollar, making export prices in US
dollars of Vietnamese goods unfavorable in this market.


The implementation of the Vietnam - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
(VJEPA) is now entering a new phase, opening up great opportunities for Vietnamese
exported commodities to enter the Japanese market, whereby the products Vietnam
enjoying the most tariff preferences of Japan are agricultural and aquatic products. In the
sector of aquatic products, Japan will reduce tariffs from an average of 5.4% in 2008 to

1.31% in 2019. However, Japan has been a high demand market for food hygiene, safety,
setting many technical measures and barriers for imported agricultural products.
Therefore, the penetration of agricultural and aquatic products of Vietnam into Japan is
often difficult.
2. Major agricultural and aquatic exporting products in 2016

Aquatic products

Export situation (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2016):
In 2016, the export of aquatic products had reached 7.05 billion US dollars, which was
7.4% higher than 2015. The composition of export products remained unchanged
compare to 2015 in main sectors such as shrimps (44%), pangasius catfish (24%) and
tuna (7%). More specifically, shrimp exports had reached 3.15 billion US dollars, 7%
higher than the year of 2015; pangasius exports had increased 7% to reached 1.66 billion
US dollars; tuna exports had recovered after three years of decline, making 485 million
US dollars, 7% higher than previous year.
Besides, major export markets had recovered and grew positively in comparison with
2015. For instance, the USA had reached $1.44 billion, which was 9.7% higher ; EU had
rise 3.6% to reach 1.17 billion US dollars; Japan had made 1.1 billion US dollars while
the numbers was 608 million US dollars in Korea; 685 million US dollars in China, 515
million US dollars in the ASEAN…
However, the export of aquatic products in 2016 still faced some difficulties in the market
such as:


Low demand, fierce competition from other exporting countries, technical barriers at


importing markets such as the USA, EU, Japan, Taiwan, China
Vietnamese aquatic products in general had neither built up their trademarks in
exporting markets nor a long-term strategies. Therefore, it shall be weakened by the
cut-throat competition of the competitors.
2.2. Rice
Export situation (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2016):

In 2016, the rice markets all over the world continued to compete fiercely as there were
unfavorable developments for the rice exports of Vietnam. At the beginning of 2016,
Vietnam's rice exports had a relatively favorable effect from the contract with the
Philippines, but then, pressure when having surplus supply had weaken the result of
Vietnam's rice export results, forcing it to fall to just over 4.9 million tons, valued at only
2.2 billion US dollars, crash nearly 26.5% in volume and 22.4% in value compared to
In 2016, Vietnam's rice export price was fluctuated. Offer prices of had deal at the
highest level of $385/ton while the lowest price was about $345/ton. Compared with rice
prices in the region, Vietnam's rice export price was $5-10 per ton lower than that of
Thailand, but higher than the price of India and Pakistan at about $5 per ton (the same
type of rice).
Export market:
Asia markets (excluding the Middle East) accounted for 65.3% of total rice exports
(turnover decreased 34.7%); Africa accounted for 16.8% (turnover decreased 9%);
America accounted for 9.66% (turnover increased 7.1%); Oceania took up 4.5%
( turnover increased 50%); Europe accounted for 1.7% (turnover decreased 25.6%) and
the Middle East market accounted for nearly 2% (36% higher) compared with 2015.
However, rice exports declined significantly in key traditional markets (China dropped
8.6%, Philippines dropped 64.1%, Malaysia dropped 45.5%, Indonesia dropped 51.8%).

Nevertheless, the reduction was the general picture of world rice trade in 2016, including
Vietnam. The world's top rice exporters such as Thailand had fallen by 1.73% (9.63
million ton), while India had declined 6.76% (reaching 10.20%). On the contrary,

Pakistan recorded 4.2 million tons (6.06% higher ), Cambodia 0.54 million tons, 0.7%
higher than 2015, though did not reach the target.
Rice exports in 2016 declined for several reasons:
- The world's surplus rice supply, following the pressure to release Thailand's millions
of tons of stockpiled rice had created a negative market sentiment for the world rice

trade in 2016.
Vietnam's major markets continued to strengthen their self-sufficiency strategy,
reduce imports and boosting trade by channel to diversify source of supply to make


advantage of the price.
The Chinese market was still unfavorable due to its strengthening of rice trade with
other exporting countries (Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos) in order to diversify
their supply.

- The impact of drought, salinity intrusion had also affected rice export commodities.
However, the export of rice in 2016 had achieved important results to the timely
consumption of paddy and rice at relatively stable prices, making it in favor of farmers,
namely as:

The rice export price had boosted. According to statistics of VFA, average FOB price
of exported rice has risen by 17.68 USD/ton over the same period of 2015. Thus, it


helped to stabilize domestic prices in favor of farmers.
Export growth in many markets The American market achieved 351,645 tons with an
increase of 2.36%; The Middle East reached 73,436 ton. The Indonesian market
totaled 413,122 ton with an increase of 2,408%; Cuba reached 314,517 tons; Ghana


reached 338,401 tons, 23.1% higher over the same period last year.
The structure of export categories continued to change positively, which helped to
increase the proportion of sticky, aromatic rice ad well as lower the part of low-grade


Rice exporters companies was trying to invest in improving facilities. Enterprises
invested in improving warehouses and milling facilities, applying technologies of
husking, preservation and processing of rice. As a result, it had contributed to improve
the quality and the assurance of food safety for rice products, building the brand name

for the company's rice in the domestic and international market step by step, made up
to the requirements of importing countries.


Export situation (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2016):
In 2016, coffee exports had reached 1.78 million tons, 32.8% higher in quantity and
24.9% higher in value compared to 2015. Average coffee export priced in 2016 was $
1,872/ton, 6% lower against 2015.
Coffee exports to almost all markets in 2016 were rising compared to 2015. Germany and
the United States continued to be the two largest coffee consuming markets of Vietnam.
More specifically, the German market was at topped with the turnover was 493.8 million
US dollars, followed by the USA which had gained 450 million US dollars, up 43.6%.
Other major exporting countries was Italy, Japan, Belgium, France and. Thus, among the
top 10 markets in importing coffee of Vietnam, the USA was the place with the highest
growth rate both in turnover and quantity, indicating the potential to expand the market
share of Vietnamese coffee. However, there were still some difficulties due to the
devaluation of the local currencies of the world’s big producing and exporting countries
in coffee such as Brazil, Indonesia and Colombia, which have reduced the
competitiveness of Vietnamese coffee. The share of in-depth processed coffee in total
coffee exports was low (about 10% of annual coffee production) leading to low export
value of coffee.
Production situation:
Major producers and exporters of coffee in the world nowadays include Brazil, Vietnam,
Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, India, Ivory Coast, Honduras, Peru, Uganda, Guatemala,
Mexico... Total production of 5 world's largest producers of coffee (Brazil, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Colombia, Ethiopia) accounted for 70.3% of the global coffee production in
the 2015/2016 period and 71.1% in the 2016/2017 season. Major coffee producing
countries in the world are both producers and exporters. Vietnam's coffee area in 2016
had increased slightly by 0.3% compared to 2015, reaching 645.4 thousand hectares to
make 1.47 million tons of coffee despite the droughts in Central Highlands in early 2016.

In order to improve the area of old coffee trees and coffee plantations, the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development had set up the reforestation project from 2014 to
2020. But so far, the re-cultivation in these localities had been slow to meet the result as
planned. If re-farming continues not to improve, it will affect the supply and quality of
Vietnam's coffee in the coming years.


Export situation (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2016):
Exporting tea in 2016 reached 131 thousand tons with the turnover was at $217 million,
increased 5.1% in quantity and 2.1% in value compared to 2015. The average export
price of tea was $1.659 per ton, decreased 2.8%. In the export markets in 2016, tea
exported to Pakistan (the largest market of Vietnam which accounted for 36.2%), had
risen by 7% in quantity but decreases 4% in turnover compared to 2015. Markets with
sharp increase in tea export were India that soared up more than 10 times, followed by
China (122.6% higher), Indonesia (46.2% higher), Malaysia and the Philippines.
Production situation:
China, Kenya, India and Sri Lanka took up nearly 70% of the world's tea supply, while
China and India already contributed more than half of the world’s tea production. Some
other large tea producing countries were Indonesia, Turkey and Vietnam. Vietnam was
the fifth largest tea exporter in the world after China, India, Kenya and Sri Lanka;
however, Vietnam's tea market share in the importing countries was lower than others.
The main reason was that Vietnam's tea products were not competitive in terms of type,
quality and design.
Solutions to promote the export of agricultural and aquatic products
1. Raise awareness about the integration for businesses and businessman,
In the recent years, Government of Vietnam has negotiated and signed more free trade

agreements. This helps to expand export markets and attract the foreign investor. The
process of international integration in Vietnam is getting deeper and more uniform.


Therefore, our companies and businessmen need to clearly understand about the
international trade agreements. This is a very important factor.
Years ago, the generations of Vietnamese businessmen approached and took advantage
of the country to achieve good results. This is a very high effort of Vietnamese businesses
and businessman. However, according to many economists, the results would certainly be
better and get fewer fees if we had a sufficient information. The understanding of
Vietnamese enterprises about economic integration is poorer than the other countries’one
because the campaigns are too simple and not good enough. On the other hand, our
businesses mainly comprise small and medium enterprises. In the next time, we must
develop the propaganda campaigns. This promotion will help enterprises understand their
position in the present. To promote the export of agricultural and aquatic products,
we have to have a logical structure and a deep and broad vision.
The second thing is improving the professional qualification for staff members.
Businesses can take measures, as following:

Enterprises can train professional skills for new staff and help them improve the
knowledge of export business.


They also offer qualified staff to further study at foreign countries.
Entrepreneurs train technicians to assess qualification of goods according to
international standards.

2. Market analysis, marketing and market development.
The export of agricultural and aquatic products by companies in Vietnam to foreign
markets is still rampant, passive and lack of control. Hence, first of all, we need to select
the target market. Then, businesses develop strategies for each export market. For
axample, although the Singapore market is only an intermediate market, the yearly
turnover export of agricultural and aquatic products always increase. Even the exported
goods from Vietnam market to Singapore is bigger than to American market and
European market. The Vietnamese businesses should directly approach the target market.

There are many channels which support information about agricultural and aquatic
products such as trade promotion agencies of Vietnam at the home country or we can join
the exhibition to find the target customer. Trade cooperation needs to be promoted with
the other countries. We shall continue to expand bilateral and multilateral relations on the
export of agricultural and aquatic products. From that, Vietnamese businesses can find
more target market.
Secondly, Vietnamese businesses and businessman need to use appropriate marketing
strategies. There are the marketing strategies about the product, price, promotion goods
and distribution. The marketing strategies are various at every different market. Unless
we choose suitable marketing strategies, we will not receive the biggest profit. In
the export of agricultural and aquatic products, the quality factor is always placed on
top. To get the high-quality products for exports, goods not only adapt to international
standards of product specification but be invested in processing for export as well. The
required quality in each market is different. For example, quality requirements of product
export in the U.S and the EU market higher in African markets, so finding out the clearly
market information is important. In addition, The price is the second important factor of
export the agricultural and aquatic products. The price is the tool for companies to seek
profit and attract customers. The flexible price policy is always essential for getting

benefit and expansion of the market.
Nowadays, the Vietnamese exported businesses have commercial relationships with most
countries in the world. However, export companies about the agricultural and aquatic
products need to focus on the target markets which are Chinese market, EU market, the
Unite States market, ASEAN market and Japanese market because this is five main
markets about exporting of agricultural and aquatic products in Vietnam at the moment
3. Improving the export sources
Markets with heavy demading such as the US, Japan, EU ... exist very strict
requirements on quarantine, food safety. . Food safety standards in many countries are

higher than in Vietnam.These are the biggest obstacle that Vietnamese business can not
easily overcome. Therefore, improving export sources takes a very important role in the
export prospects in the future.
In order to carry out this task, it is necessary to have the contribution of the
government and enterprises, fulfilling three objectives: expanding the form of source
generation, promoting processing industry and enhancing storage.
The first misson needs the coordination between farmers, business and government.
There should be policies that ensure stable output for farmers. The government should
support farmers in researching new varieties and training in prevention and control of
deseases. Besides, it should also give direction and encourage investment in agricultural
field. We need a stable and qualitative source of goods.
For the second, we knew that product quality is always main competitive factor in
the exporting. This depends heavily on processing in order to make primary commodities
become more value goods. The processing industry needs more attention and investment.
As exporting unprocessed product makes waste the potential of the industry.
Finally, storage needs more attention. This is an important step that goes hand in
hand with processing. High quality products that is not properly stored will cause serious
waste and lose the reputation of the exporter.

4. Branding for agricultural and aquatic products
Branding is always one of the most importance issues that should be taken as top
concern to promote the export of agricultul and aquatic products. Moreover, the fact has
proved that we can not enter effectively into the international market without investing in
branding. Vietnam is an agricultural country, with many kind of agricultural and aquatic
good, but products named are very limitted. Most of the commidities in the country are
exported in raw. After importing, foreign firms process and use their names and brands.


This makes the items are only recorded in terms of data, however the brand is almost
unknown. This result in a long run will cause significant damages to the economy.
For example, 80% of domestic tea production is exported to more than 100 countries
and territories, but only few foreign consumers know about the Vietnamese tea brand.
The reason is that most of our tea is exported in raw, loose, unprocessed and processed
form.Cusumers know more about the tea of the countries where processing goods such as
Japan, India, China ...
For another example, we are the second largest coffee producing country in the world
but in the foreign market, there is no brand of Vietnam coffee. This reason is that our
coffee is mainly sold only to large roasters around the world, then they can process and
canned their brand to sell to consumers at prices higher than the purchase price. This is
unreasonable but easy to understand because Vietnamese coffee is nameless.
Even thought brand building is encouraged by the government, it is not really
considered by businesses. Many localities and businesses do not realize the role and
significance of building and protecting the brand name of agricultural and aquatic
products, especially in the integration period. Enterprises are hard to reach consensus and
cooperation to build strong brands together. In addition, Vietnam's agricultural and
aquatic products are exposed many risks due to natural disasters, epidemics. The
backwardness of science and technology, the lack of investment in marketing and market

research,…are reasons to hinder the strategy of building Vietnamese agricultural and
aquatic good brand.
In the future, it is necessary to chose a number of strength goods to build the brand,
ensuring that these items must meet the main factors such as large enough volume, stable,
uniform quality, competitive price and food safety standards.Vietnamese enterprises should
adopt a strategy to build a brand for their products such as clarifying target objectives,
consumption trends and demands, as well as rivals and meaning of logos. These could help
the country join the big market with high value.


Future works
To develop the export of agricultural and aquatic products in Vietnam in short term, we
need to overcome natural disasters and ensure food safety to meet better demand. In long
term, as there is no hope of breaking up price changes, we must focus on reorganizing
production and sticking to market demand. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in
developing science, technology and deep processing to increase competitiveness.

Vietnam is a developing agricultural country, Export of agricultural and aquatic products
has been a part of the economic development, creating favorable conditions for the
industries to develop. The structure of agricultural and aquatic exports is constantly
shifting because of changes in consumer tastes. To sustain the growth and head for
sustainable development in the export of agricultural and aquatic products, we need to
focus on four solutions: raising awareness about the integration for businesses
and businessman, market analyzing, marketing and market development, improving the
export sources as well as branding for agricultural and aquatic products.


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