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Luận văn_Solution to reduce disadvantages of nusing home in vietnam and recommendation

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TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................i
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES.....................................................iv
1.Background to the study....................................................................1
2.Rationale of the study.........................................................................1
3. Method of the study...........................................................................1
4. The outline of the study.....................................................................2
CHAPTER 1 : LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................3
1. The older should live in nursing home ( unknown- Vn express)
2. Taking the old people into nursing care is heartless ( unknown –
Vietbao ).................................................................................................4
3. There should be multiple rates for nursing home ( unknown –
tin247.com )............................................................................................4
4. Need to change perception nursing home ( unknown – Vietbao )
/>5. Nursing home is not suitable to Vietnam’s conditions ( unknown –
tin247 )....................................................................................................6
OLD PEOPLE........................................................................................8
2.1. What is nursing home?..................................................................8
2.2. What are the reasons for the old people’s living in nursing
home ?...................................................................................................10

2.2.1 Suppositions.........................................................................11
2.2.2. Personal reason....................................................................13
2.2.3. Objective reason..................................................................13
2.2.4. Conclusion...........................................................................14

2.2.5. The facts and Figures..........................................................15






3.1. Situation of Nursing Home in Vietnam......................................17
3.1.1. The old people’s feeling when they live in nursing home.17
3.1.2. The advantages of nursing home to the old people............19
3.1.3. The disadvantages of old people when they live in nursing
3.1.4. The students’ thought about taking old people to nursing
3.1.5. Are nursing home necessary ?.............................................24 Why nursing home is necessary ?.................................24
3.2. Solution to reduce disadvantages of nursing home in Vietnam.
3.3. Recommendation to improve Nursing Home in Vietnam.........26
3.3.1. Expenses..............................................................................26
3.3.2. Independence.......................................................................26
3.3.3. Close relationships..............................................................26
3.3.4. Dealing with other residents................................................27



The graduation assignment named “ Solution to reduce đisadvantages
of nusing home in Vietnam and Recommendation “ can be
considered my biggest scientific research during the last four years. In
order to finish it , besides my own efforts, I have got a lot of assistance,
guidance and encouragement from my teachers, my family and my
First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor,

Finally, I would love to express my sincere thanks to my family, and
friends who have helped and encouraged me in so many ways to
complete this assignment. Without their material and spiritual support,
the assignment would have been made impossible.


1. Chart 1: Definition of Nursing Home.(Page 8)
2. Chart 2: People’s General Opinion on Taking the Old to
Nursing Home.(Page 11)
3. Chart 3:Objective Reasons for Old people’s living in Nursing Home.
(Page 12)
4. Chart 4: Personal Reason for Old People’s living in Nursing Home.

(Page 13)
5. Chart 5: General Opinion on why Old People live in Nursing Home.
(Page 15)
6. Chart 6: The students’ thought about the old people’s living in
Nursing Home.(Page 18)
7. Chart 7: The old people’s feeling about their own living in Nursing
Home.(Page 19)
8. Chart 8: Advantages of living in Nursing Home.(Page 20)
9. Chart 9: Disadvantages of living in Nursing Home.(Page 23)
10.Chart 10: The students’ thought about taking old people to nursing
home.(Page 25)
11.Chart 11: The necessity of Nursing Home for old people.(Page 26)
12.Chart 12: Reasons for necessity of Nursing Home.(Page 27)


1. Background to the study.
In the modern society, the more developed the life is, the busier people are.
This is a reason why a number of people have no time to take care
their parents, and one solution to be put is that they take their parents
to the nursing home where they think that their parents will have
better life than outside. A lot of opinions are given around this
problem, some people agree but others disagree.
Old people always want to have a warm life beside their children, but in
some cases, there are not all of the old people having this ( ex: old people
don’t have family or some of them are refused to take care by their
children…..) , they are compulsory to choose to live in nursing home, and
also many old people die in there in loneliness.

2.Rationale of the study.
The reason why I choose this topic is that I am curious about the lives of
old people in nursing home .Besides this , I also would like to know the
ideas of students about living in nursing home of old people and the
thought of students when adults take old people to nursing homes.
3. Method of the study.
In order to collect data, I used both primary data and secondary data.
 For the primary data, 30 questionnaires which include 11 survey
questions were distributed to 30 students in Ha Noi. Then, the data
were classified, synthesized and analyzed.


 For the secondary data, I used some document on the internet such
1. />a_bat_hieu-18-21282401.html.
2. 2. />3. nghia-sinh-thanh---Ky-cuoi-%E2%80%9CTrung-tam-bao


4. The older should live in nursing home ( unknown- Vn express)
5. />4. The outline of the study.
My Graduation Assignment is designed in three chapters:
Chapter 1: Literature Review.
Chapter 2: Nursing Home and its Importance to the old people.
Chapter 3: Some Solutions to Reduce Disadvantages of Nursing
Home in Vietnam and Recommendation.





Some internet articles about old people and nursing home.
1. The older should live in nursing home ( unknown- Vn express)
/>According to the author of this writing, the old people should live in
nursing home for the following reasons:
First, old people are living in a quiet atmosphere, peace, friendship,
solidarity and freedom. They are not affected by air noise, busy, hurry,
stress ... of class young people which they are confronted in their daily
Second, young people are free to do what they love in life in their house
without disturbing their elderly people. They can live with their lifestyle
and older people also live with their own way in the heart of nursing. This
helps to avoid conflicts between two different generations living together in
one house.
Next, the old people really can rest comfortably for the last stage of their
lives without being annoyed by the work as : going to market , cooking ,
house cleaning, taking children to school and picking them home, worrying
children when they fights, caring for the children, bathing and washing for


Finally, the author also gives his opinion about money of the old people. He
said that the old people should not give their children all of the assets, they
can only give them when they die by wills.
2. Taking the old people into nursing care is heartless ( unknown –
Vietbao )
/>The author of this newspaper said that he was very sympathetic to the idea
that the need for nursing. Terms of nursing science is to solve the most
encumbered in modern life of man. Putting the old people in nursing home
is the same with taking children in kindergarten so. But that really has to
be a good thing to do or not?
In his opinion , nursing home , if people look on the human side of it, like
a "prison", a "concentration camp" for the old people. It creates utility for
society, people who still have ability to work do not worry about their
parents, but it is really unfair for the old people who have devoted their
lives to their families and society, and then they have to return in the cold
home and live alone in a small space like that.
3. There should be multiple rates for nursing home ( unknown –
tin247.com )


Currently the life of our people have been improving, the family has only
one or two children. On the other hand, because of the market mechanism
and the demands of the job so the young people do not have time to take
care of their parents. If they can take care, they are not professional to help
their old people.
From the author point of view , these reasons why Viet Nam should extend

the services for

the old people, regarding funding, there should be a

prescribed lowest price for basic services, and other advanced services
depends on the conditions of each person registered. So what, at first
opinion cannot support, but if the center works well and effectively they
will surely be appreciated and social support.

4. Need to change perception nursing home ( unknown – Vietbao )
/>In this article , the author said that her mother has problem about metal
health , so she does not know how to take care his mother while she has to
go for working. Everyday she always worries about her mother , if she lets
her mother at home and lock the door, she feels uncomfortable. So she
believes that nursing home is the best way to help her and her mother, she
wants everybody to change their thought about nursing home. She herself
wants her old life in a nursing home with a relative comfort to live happily,
live healthily and not bother anyone.


5. Nursing home is not suitable to Vietnam’s conditions ( unknown –
tin247 )
In this writing, the author said that nursing home in Viet Nam is not
good and suitable for old people. He gave some reasons below:
Firstly , the nursing home has yet developed, people in there are not
professional to take care old people
Secondly , psychology, habits and lifestyles of Vietnam are very different

from Europe, America, this remedy is not easy.
The third rerason is the funding problem. The old people do not have
enough capital to cover their own for themselves, especially in rural areas,
but this rate in our country is high.
He is sure that if our country is a nursing model in advanced countries as it
surely will attract the old people . It is also an effective form of business
and future for an increasing elderly and thinking also changed the rhythm
of industrial life.
6. Let parents live in nursing home is not ungrateful
towards parents


The author of this writing is opinion of taking parents to nursing home. He
said that the model of nuclear families was upward trend in comparison
with the model of traditional families in Viet Nam nowadays. He supposed
that this was apodictic thing because of its advantages .
This makes children have more confidences in our lives, …, especially
avoid the conflicts which are too complicated by so many generations in a
family. As a result in a family, there are children and their families, not
grandparents or older generations.
However some people also argued that the elderly people do not live with
their families is not appropriate . This is not exact because in fact although
old people live with their children, they may not be cared of by their
children , even the person caring them may be a housekeeper. He also said
that there were some adults being not responsible to take care, even they
pushed responsibilities for each other . On the contrary if old people stay in
nursing home, they will be cared well about both health and spirit.

In conclusion, he believed that Old people living in nursing home felt
better than lived with their families with suffering unhappiness , tiredness
because of conflicts between different generation.



2.1. What is nursing home?
There are many ideas about concept of nursing home. In the first part of
this writing, some ideas

about what nursing home is of Vietnamese

students will be showed :
Chart 1: Definition of Nursing Home.

This chart reflects the thought of student in some universities in Ha Noi
about concept of nursing home.


As can be seen from Chart 1, the number of students choosing the fourth
concept about nursing home (Nursing home is a place where old people are
cared of and helped to have a better life) is by far the highest, 44%,
compared with other ideas. The second place belongs to the first concept
(Nursing home is a place where old people who don’t have house or

children to take care of them live)

with 26% people choose. The

percentage of students choosing the third concept being half of this chooses
the fourth concept accounts for 21% in total. There are not many people
choose the concept being that Nursing home is a place where old people
who are going to die live, this ratio makes up about 8%. The smallest
proportion of choosing is on other ideas, just 1% student choose this idea.
With nearly 44% people chooses the fourth concept, this can be said that
most of student think that living in nursing home, old people are cared of
and helped to have a better life.
However a more interesting thing is that besides four concepts about
nursing home given, 1% people giving their own ideas are also real. For
example: Some people have common ideas is that nursing home is like
kindergarten of old people. When they asked why they thought this, they
argued that there was no difference between nursing home and
kindergarten. Others think that nursing home is like old people’s families ,
or homes. , old people can livee comfortably in there…
To sum up, these data collected support the idea that most of people have a
positive view about nursing home.


A nursing home is a place for people who don't need to be in a hospital but
can't be cared for at home. Most nursing homes have nursing aides and
skilled nurses on hand 24 hours a day. Some nursing homes are set up like
a hospital. The staff provides medical care, as well as physical, speech and
occupational therapy. There might be a nurses' station on each floor. Other

nursing homes try to be more like home. They try to have a neighborhood
feel. Some nursing homes have special care units for people with serious
memory problems such as Alzheimer's disease. Some will let couples live
together. Nursing homes are not only for the elderly, but for anyone who
requires 24-hour care.
(Source: />
2.2. What are the reasons for the old people’s living in nursing home ?
There are some reasons for living in nursing home of old people. In this
part, reader will be approached to the thought of students about this
problem. 30 students served as subjects to answer five questions in the
survey questionnaire of this research designed to investigate the thought of
student about this problem.
First of all, a conditional question which was handed in to students showed
their opinions about taking their elderly people to nursing home or not.


Chart 2: People’s General Opinion on Taking the Old to
Nursing Home.

This pie chart reflects the rate of students answering yes or no to question:
If your family had old people, would you want to take them to nursing
home. It can be seen obviously that 90% student chose “No” and the rest of
them chose “Yes”. These figures seem to show that most of the students do
not want to take their old people or parents to nursing home.
2.2.1 Suppositions

After the conditional question, two suppositional questions were set in
order to investigate more clearly about reason for living in nursing home of

old people. In particular these questions were concentrated on the personal
reason and objective reason of individual.


Chart 3:Objective Reasons for Old people’s living in Nursing Home.

Chart 4: Personal Reason for Old People’s living in Nursing Home.

Two pie chart reveal the percentage of students choosing dissimilar answers
in two different reasons

personal and objective reason for questions

involving to take old people to nursing home.
2.2.2. Personal reason

In the first pie chart, the question which was provided is that “ With
supposition that you have to take old people to nursing home, What are the
your personal reasons?” . It can be seen from graph that the rate of students
choosing the first answer covers by far the highest figure with 46% in total.
The second biggest area belongs to next reason: I don’t have enough
support (ex: money, accommodation..). This comprises to 27% of total.
Interestingly the proportion of students choosing the third reason ( I don’t
like living with old people) is the smallest constitutes to 8%, while the ratio
of students ticking to other ideas or other reasons being bigger than that of
choosing the third reason account for 19%. When students who chose other

ideas were asked for these reasons or ideas, a general answer which was
given was that they had no personal reason. They said that they wanted to
their parents or old people live with them, and they would care old people
by themselves. A girl said that she always wanted to take care of her
parents although she would be poor or rich. She would like to spend her
time on her parents. Contrary to students choosing three reasons above,
students of last reason are very determined to live and care their parents in
any situation.
2.2.3. Objective reason

In comparison with chart of personal idea, in chart of objective reasons
also has some outstanding features. The first place and second place come
to the percentage of students choosing the first reason and the third reason,
namely “Old people like living in nursing home , so I let them live in there”
and “there is safer life in nursing home than outside”. These make up 40%
and 30% respectively. The rate of students choosing the reason being that


“following the trend” consists of 12% in total. Just 9% students tick for
Other ideas.
2.2.4. Conclusion

When the data are analyzed according to the pie chart, it is found that most
of the student asked cannot live and take care of their parents or old people
unless they are too busy, they have no spare time. They do not want to take
their parents or old people to nursing home unless old like living in there,
so they are taken to.
Besides the reasons for living in nursing home of old people which comes

from their children or their families, these also come from old people
Chart 5: General Opinion on why Old People live in Nursing Home.

There is a similar percentage of people choosing the first reason( old
people do not have house or children, so they want to find a place to live
till they die) and the forth reason( old people are compelled to live by their


children or families). These stand at 27%. The second position is recorded
by the level of student ticking the reasons being that “ old people are
refused be cared for by their children or families”. This is up to 23%.
About 14% of students think that old people feel tired and exhausted to
their life , so they choose nursing home to live. Other reasons are turned in
by 9% of students.
In conclusion most of the students think that old people live in nursing
home because of not having house or children to be taken care of, and
being compelled to live by their children
2.2.5. The facts and Figures.

Although three questionnaires in this survey are set with supposition, in
fact, there is no less situation happening with old people’s lives .In this day
and age, people’s lives are busier and busier, hence this is easy to
understand why adults do not have enough time to care of their parents or
old people. However nothing is impossible, problem just is that they would
like to take care of their parents or not. Some families who are not rich,
even poor, but they still want to care for their old people. They supposed
that old people would have the best life when they are lived with their

children or families. On the contrary despite having rich life and
comfortable, some families refuse or give up living with their old people.
They argued that Old people is very complicated and make them feel
troublesome. It is a good solution to push old people out or take them to
nursing home.
Also there are some situations old people are so credulous that they are
cheated by their own children. In contrast to this problem, others are


voluntary to live in nursing home because of thinking to their children’s
lives. Taking an example for the first position, one circumstance is given
like a special problem. One old man transferred his own house to their
children after hearing the insistency of his children. His daughter said that
she was very poor and needed his house bought. He accepted , however,
after receiving the amount of money his daughter needed, she gave him
2000$ and said herr father that he became useless and she would not take
care him more, he should hold 2000$ and find a place to live by himself.
He and his wife had to rent a house and live with 2000$. Finally, his wife
passed away and he had to find to nursing home and live lonely.
Another example is given for the second situation is that some parents
know that their families or children are too poor or busy, so they are
voluntary to go to nursing home to avoid the difficulties for their families
or children.
Based on what has been discussed above, a conclusion can be drawn that
most of students today would rather take care of their old people or parents
than take them to nursing home except that the very old people would like
to live there.


3.1. Situation of Nursing Home in Vietnam.

The old people’s feeling

when they live in nursing


First of all, it is important to know how old people feel when they live in
nursing home. For this reason, 30 questionnaires are handed out to 30
students and 30 old people to compare the students’ thoughts and old
people’s real feeling when they live in nursing home.
Two pie charts below reflect this :
Chart 6:

The students’ thought about the old people’s living in
Nursing Home.

In your opinion how do old people feel
when they live in nursing home? (Chart A)


Chart 7:

The old people’s feeling about their own living in
Nursing Home.

It is obvious that in the first chart the highest fertility rate is for “lonely,
sad” at almost 43% students choose. This is the same to chart second chart,
when the ratio of old people choosing the second feeling is by the highest.
In contrast to the percentage of students choosing the first idea (happy,
cozy, comfortable) in chart A which makes up 21% is just half of the level
of old people choosing this idea that accounts for roughly 40%. Some
other ideas which are that “the feeling of old people when they live in
nursing home depend on each people and their reason” ; “ old people may
feel happy, but sometime they sad; old people do not like to live in nursing
home” ; “30% old people feel happy and satisfactory, and 70% old people
miss their”…..are covered by around 21% students. On the contrary, there
are no old people choosing “Other idea”. The smallest proportion students


choosing belongs to the third idea ( normal) with 15%. Meanwhile, the
third idea being chosen by old people is recorded by just 10% in total.
It can be concluded that most of student in this investigation recognize
that old people feel “ lonely and sad” when they live in nursing home.
3.1.2. The advantages

of nursing home to the old

This question is set with the purpose that can help the outsider know about
the old people’s living in nursing home.
Chart 8: Advantages of living in Nursing Home.

The pie chart represents the thought of students about advantages of old
people when they live in nursing home.
As can be seen in Chart 8, the third idea ranks a top the survey at 30% ( old
people don’t feel lonely and sad because they have more friend to chat or


communicate) . This shows that the biggest advantage of old people living
in nursing home is that they have friends. In fact, a sense of community is
a advantage of nursing home. People of all ages prefer to have at least some
contacts with others in their own age .When elderly parents live with their
busy daughters or sons , they feel sorrow because they cannot share their
thought to children . In nursing home , they have friends to communicate
share the same ideas,
Being chosen by 25% students for each of them, the first idea( The
facilities in nursing home are better than outside) and the last idea
(Old people can attend to a lot of activities to forget the old age) are also
popular reasons for living in nursing home of old people. Nowadays, there
are some qualified nursing homes in Viet Nam are focusing to hold some
day trips for old people to go out to change the atmosphere , these help old
people forget their old age and improve their health.
The ratio of students choosing the second idea (Old people are taken care
of more carefully than their families when they live in nursing home) is the
smallest , this constitutes 20% in total. This proves that most of the

students in survey do not think that their parents or old people can be cared
of more carefully in nursing home than in old people’s families. On the
contrary, the fact is by far different to the thought of student. Time and
healthcare are an important advantage which nursing home can provide to
adults and their old people. Most of the nursing homes are staffed with
healthcare professional 24 hour a day. Although doctors may not be there in
the middle of night, nurses are more than likely in there to keep a watchful
eye on residents throughout the night. The biggest problem adults have to


face is that they do not have enough time to take care their parents or
elderly people. Most adults already have busy schedules, so most people
cannot simply handle everything involving elderly people in addition to
3.1.3. The disadvantages of old people when they live in
nursing home

The students’ thought about the disadvantages of living in nursing home to
old people will be illustrated in Chart 9 below:
Chart 9: Disadvantages of living in Nursing Home.

The rate of students choosing the first idea (old people have to live far
away from their home) is by far the biggest with 30% . The second
position comes to the second idea( Their children do not often visit them)
and the fourth idea (Living in nursing home makes old people’s children be

