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A study on effectual enrichment through work life responsible HRM practices in select it & ITES organizations of Hyderabad, India

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International Journal of Management (IJM)
Volume 7, Issue 7, November–December 2016, pp.217–225, Article ID: IJM_07_07_022
Available online at
/>Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1920 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com
ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510
© IAEME Publication

K. L. Revathi
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, IARE, Hyderabad, India
Sreekanth Yerramilli
Research Scholar, Department of HRM, GITAM, Hyderabad, India
Abdul Afsar Pasha
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, IARE, Hyderabad, India
The Study tries to elucidate the Work Life Positivity from an organizational perspective &
several allied practices that are observed influential Employees in professional & personal
imperatives in an enriching way and it also tries to cover the various effectual organizational
outcomes by virtue of such practices. This conceptual study also want to project a macro level
picture of the ongoing need of observing Work Life as part of the same compendium rather than
seeing them as two different entities trying to balance each other and also the current burgeon
necessity of work family responsible organizations’ quest for Individuals’ fundamental positive
antecedents like Harmony, Happiness, Contentment etc from Work Life perspectives for an
integrated overall Employees well being.
Key words: Work Life, Enrichment Practices, Work Family Responsibility, Positive outcomes
Cite this Article: K. L. Revathi, Sreekanth Yerramilli and Abdul Afsar Pasha, A Study on
Effectual Enrichment Through Work Life Responsible HRM Practices in Select IT & ITes
Organizations of Hyderabad, India. International Journal of Management, 7(7), 2016, pp. 217–225.

The Globally integrating work environments are commonly perceived decreasing the workload of
employees by virtue of the most advanced Information & Communication Technologies. The connected
networks, Telecommuting facilities of working environments, cloud based network systems are enabled by
new communication technology interfaces such as Mobile computing devices, smart mobile technologies
etc. These provide employees various options for performing their daily tasks & also for effective
communications with co-workers, supervisors, clients any time anywhere making the Work environments


K. L. Revathi, Sreekanth Yerramilli and Abdul Afsar Pasha
more virtual than real.In the onset ,the widely believed thought is, these flexibility can give individual
workers the opportunity to better balance all their work and home domains positively , as they can allocate
their time over work and family activities in a way that suits their situation best .So to say that the birth of
the technological age has resulted in drastic changes in employee work patterns, including the possibility
of job or task sharing, flexible working, and empowering women & otherwise able workforce. But this in a
way have increased expectations regarding employee availability that indirectly triggers aspects where
sometimes have also resulted in a trend of rise in non-standard work schedules with any time any place
work engagements obligations also.By these it is noted that employees in a way feel these advancements
wipe the distinctions between the Work & other Personal or Life domains, integrating them together for
both positive & negative effects exchanged to each other domains. This resulted in an acute surge in
organizational concerns over Employees’ positivist Work Life scenarios & outcomes

Over the past century there are prolific concepts publicized by many celebrated Scholars of the century on

Work Life Balance & Positivity. Especially over past few decades, the growing need for study in the field
of Work Life aspects resulted in phenomenal contributions in the field of positive Work Life
Developments so there seems a slow & steady metamorphosis .The concept of Work Life Research
particularly covered under concepts like Boundary Theory, Segmentation Theory, compensation theory,
Role Theory, Spill Over Theory, Cross Over Theory etc are proliferated. Now several ongoing Work Life
studies are more focusing on the Positive Psychology fundamentally more on the Positive capital gains and
their translations into enrichment gains in other domains of an individual .Rooted in studies like U.
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory suggests that the work-family experience is a joint function of
process, person, context and time characteristics. And expansion-enhancement hypothesis from Work Life
Enrichment research results that Positive psychological capital predominantly contributes a huge resource
gain in one domain & it transcends accordingly in other domain for enrichment & vice versa.

Global IT organizations ,owing to several observations of enriching gains & transcending trends in work
places have geared up working on Family responsible work cultures & practices particularly more with
thriving countries like India being a Family inclined cultural system that would help employees harmonize
both Work & personal domains evenly . As the broader research on Work Life balance evolved it
identified Work & Other intersecting domains of Individuals not just as some entities trying to balance
each other , rather on the contrary it is the composition of same super-set called “Life” that comprise
several domains like Work, Family, Friends, personal interests etc (Tracey. Warren .2004 )trying to
harmonize for individualistic happiness .These practices & policies around the practices revolve around the
organization in terms of flexibility and conciliation practice. These would also measure the impact of
leadership on individual and company outcomes.

Studying the perception of employees regarding positive enhancing practices & leadership, culture that
contribute to the reconciliation of work, family and personal life.

Explore Positive Work outcomes of the company through the Work Life responsible facilitation

Identify key drivers capable of producing positive changes in the Work Family culture of the employees

Identify the degree of leadership development and corporate culture regarding Family Corporate


A Study on Effectual Enrichment Through Work Life Responsible HRM Practices in Select IT & ITes Organizations
of Hyderabad, India

1. H0- A-Null Hypothesis: Organizational practices Creativity /Innovation/Task Autonomy , Fun,
Health, Knowledge & Time facilitation are Not efficient in contributing Work Positive outcomes
like Stress Reduction, Work Motivation, Productivity Improvement ,Attrition Control & job
2. H1- A Alternative Hypothesis: Organizational practices Innovation, Fun, Health, Knowledge &
Time facilitation are efficient in contributing Work Positive outcomes like Stress Reduction, Work

Motivation, Productivity Improvement, and Attrition Control & job enhancement
3. H0-B-Null Hypothesis: The model is not efficient in linking Stress Management, Productivity
Improvement, Attrition Control, and Motivation to Perform to Work family/ life enrichment
4. H1-B Alternative Hypothesis: The model is efficient in linking Stress Management, Productivity
Improvement, Attrition Control, and Motivation to Perform to Work family /life enrichment

A stepwise linear regression method is employed using the dependent variables and normalized scores of
ranking to antecedential factors from the Independent variables loaded for analysis. Also here , in order to
harness more quality out of responses & minimize casual inferences , the 5 key drivers of the positive
effect are captured in 2 layers wise ranking & rating to capture generic life-attribution priorities on these
enriching elements & secondly as situational work family drivers with 5 point likert scale questions .

7.1. Data Setting

Every employee is asked to give a rank to following enrichment factors
1. Creativity /Innovation /Lateral Thinking,
2. Fun, Cultural, sports, hobbies, Activities clubs, friends,
3. Job Relevant Knowledge, Skills, Training, Process education,
4. Health & Wellness facilities
5. Work from Home/ Time flexibility/Work driven not time based on life needs
These ranks are normalized based on the responses provided by the employees, then the employees
rated them also on 5 point likert scale on how they perceive these practices contributes to the work

system particular to following positive outcomes.
1. Reduce Work Life stress
2. Attrition Control & build loyalty
3. Motivation to higher performance
4. Improve organizational productivity
5. Overall Work life enrichment
These responses are also normalized
The average of the above normalized responses is computed and is taken

7.1.1. Sample Collection
Sample was collected using cascading snowball model across different IT & ITes organizations of
Hyderabad, India as cluster sampling method with both self administered & personal interview questioner
given to respondents.
7.1.2. Data Analysis Software
The Research used SPSS (2.0) Software to analyze the data collected.

K. L. Revathi, Sreekanth Yerramilli and Abdul Afsar Pasha

7.2. Results & Tables of Outcomes
7.2.1. Pairwise Correlations - Test 1
Dependent Variable: Managing_Stress_at_Family_and_Work & Predictors: (Constant), Zscore: Health &
Wellness facilities

7.2.2. Pairwise Correlations: Test 2
Dependent Variable: Lesser Attrition & Job Enclenchement Predictors: (Constant), Zscore: Fun, Cultural ,

sports, hobbies , Activities clubs, friends

7.2.3. Pair wise Correlations- Test 3
Dependent Variable: Motivation_To_Perform Predictors: (Constant), Zscore: Fun, Cultural , sports,
hobbies , Activities clubs, friends



A Study on Effectual Enrichment Through
rough Work Life Responsible HRM Practices in Select IT & ITes Organizations
of Hyderabad, India

7.2.4. Pairwise Correlations- Test 4
Dependent Variable: Productivity Improvement Predictors: (Constant), Z score: Health & Wellness

7.3. Work Out Comes & their Work to Family Enrichment Effect
A model to check which of the outcomes at work (Stress Management, Productivity Improvement,
Attrition Control, and Motivation to Perform) contribute significantly to the Work family /life enrichment.
7.3.1. Data Setting
Based on the normalization of ratings given by the employees on Practices like Creativity /Innovation
/Lateral Thinking, Fun, Cultural, sports, hobbies, Activities clubs, friends, Job Relevant Knowledge, Skills,
Training, Process education, Health & Wellness facilities, Work From Home/ Time flexibility/Work
Driven not time driven Work systems contributing to Stress Management, Productivity Improvement,
Attrition Control, and Motivation to Perform, scores are computed for each of the outcomes

• Similarly
rly scores are computed for Overall work life enrichment as well based on the above procedure
7.3.2. Method Used
A Stepwise linear regression using the Worklife_Enrichment as the dependent variable and scores
corresponding to Stress Management, Productivity Improvement, Attrition Control, and Motivation to
Perform as Independent variables is employed.

7.4. Results
7.4.1. Pairwise Correlations
Work Micro system Outcomes














K. L. Revathi, Sreekanth Yerramilli and Abdul Afsar Pasha
Worklife_Enric ss_at_Family_a Lesser_Attritio Motivation_To_ Productivity_I











7.4.2. Principal Component Analysis


A Study on Effectual Enrichment Through Work Life Responsible HRM Practices in Select IT & ITes Organizations
of Hyderabad, India


By the above independent correlation tests on different Organizatiational outcomes of select enrichment
practices, it is evident that work and family domains are positively correlated predominantly with Health
and wellness facilities & providing Fun, Cultural, sports Activities and camaraderie .Where, also
Motivation to perform is moderately negatively correlated with Fun, Cultural, sports, hobbies, Activities
clubs, and friends as it widely perceived diluting the focus of work . Though there was only a moderate
correlation to other practices like Creativity /Innovation /Task Autonomy, Time Flexibility &
Knowledge facilitations, these could be subjective areas and could be dependent on the domains of
sample observed.

And further observations into understanding the gross effectual Work to Family enrichment spill over,
there are 4 component outcomes considered and each outcome in turn is based on the responses
associated with practices themed Creativity /Innovation /Lateral Thinking, Fun, Cultural , sports,
hobbies , Activities clubs, friends, Job Relevant Knowledge ,Skills, Training, Process education, Health
& Wellness facilities, Work From Home/ Time flexibility/Work Driven not time driven Work systems.

Here it is clearly evident that Work life enrichment is highly positively correlated with each of the
organizational outcomes (Stress Management, Productivity Improvement, Attrition Control, and
Motivation to Perform). And it also revealed that there is a lot of multi-co linearity as is evident from
higher correlations among the independent variables as well

The above component matrix suggests that component 1 is heavily influenced by all the four outcomes
as can be seen by their correlation with component 1.indicating the amount of weight age that needs to
be given to each of the 4 outcomes in the integrated component. Here also we see that the weights are
more or less equal across all outcomes, indicating that all of them are equally influencing the Work life


K. L. Revathi, Sreekanth Yerramilli and Abdul Afsar Pasha

Now when linear regression is performed with work life enrichment score as the dependent variable and
the component obtained by integrating the outcomes variables as the independent variable. R-Squared
for the model is 70% indicating that these 4 outcomes together are explaining 70% of the variance in
work life enrichment and the rest 30% of it is supposedly taken care by other factors considered out of
the folds of the study could be as discussed earlier factors like Monitory gains, Career gains, Brand
Association etc .

However, we could summarise these gross results that 70% of Work life enrichment is contributed by
following the studied practices. A positive value of the coefficient (0.589) indicates that an increase in
any of the 4 outcomes through these practices will increase the work life enrichment of the individual
towards positivity.

The rapid dynamics of Work and Personal Lives of present day Employees is always at cross roads of
survival imperatives & overall happiness , as it is beyond dispute that irrespective of age ,era &
advancements Human thought & its quest for happiness is beyond any realm of objective so called social
security goals & monitory gains and is more inclined towards inner subjectivity .And here , global work
systems are transcending towards being total individual centric concepts organizations these days are
transcending towards focusing on such holistic practices to make fit all its employee individual needs
dynamically. During such quest ,this conducted study clearly could summarize that managing stress,
improving productivity ,enclenchement, proactive motivations at work and family are positively correlated
with providing proper autonomy, fun, flexibility, knowledge & Health and wellness facilitations where it
could ease at personal domains & there by result in creating surplus positive psychological capital for
employees at personal & work domains also . Overall it is evident from the study that ,the themed
organizational enrichment -practices are widely opined succefully facilitating positive work to life in
employees through work systems positive outcomes like (Stress Management, Productivity Improvement,
Attrition Control, and Motivation to Perform)and accordingly organizations too strive with more such
employee friendly practices discussed above for a positive increase in the outcomes that would increase the
holistic work life enrichment of the individuals.




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