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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 2: Cultural diversity (Reading 2)

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I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
- Students can read the passage carefully and do more exercises
- Students know how to use the new words through asking and answering
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: - Through this unit, students know more about cultural diversity
- New words: Words related to the topic( culture, society....)
3. Skills: Guessing meaning from context
II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: Board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Warm-up: (4 minutes)
-Look at the picture amd match

Match the picture with the country
Pre-reading: (10mins )
+ Review the vocabularies.

 diversity [dai'və:siti] (n)
 Romantic (adj) : [rou'mæntik]
 Contractual ( adj): [kən'træktjuəl]
 Precede (v) : [pri:'si:d]
 Confide (v) : [kən'faid]

 Physical attractiveness: ['fizikl] [ə'træktivnis]
 Partnership (n):


 Determine (v): [di'tə:min]
 Sacrifice (v) ['sækrifais]
Oblige (v) [ə'blaidʒ]

- Read the vocabularies in chorus
-take notes

- Ask students to read up in chorus twice.
+ Introduce the situation of the passage
+ Show students the tasks of the reading
While-reading: (20 minutes)
- Make the class read the small talks, to scan the details
and do the tasks
Task 1. Match the words in column A with their
definitions in column B
Read the passage in skim
1. precede
2. Determine 3. Confide 4. sacrifice - Show the meaning of the words.
- Work in groups to match.
5. oblige
6. partnership
7. diversity
8. contractual

a. find out
b. the state of being a partner in business

having a duty to do sth


happen or exist before


tell s.o about sth very private or secret


willingly stop having sth you want
agreed in a contract

h. a range of different thing
-ask sts to match the words with their meanings
-Goes around for help
Task 2: game lucky number
- Ask students to work in groups of 8 to play the game
-work in group.
-play game.

Post-reading: (12 minutes)

Ask students to work in groups to write a paragraph
about the question:
+ What are the differences between a traditional
Vietnamese family and a morden Vietnamese family ?
-Goes around for help.
-Call on some representatives on the groups to talk about
the differences
Homework: (1 minutes)
-Do reading text in workbook
-Prepare the next lesson
