Major: Business Administration
Code number: 9340101
Hanoi – 2020
The thesis is completed at: Foreign Trade University, 91 Chua Lang,
Dong Da, Hanoi
Science instructor: Assoc., PhD. Pham Thu Huong
Reviewer 1: ................................................................................
Reviewer 2: ................................................................................
Reviewer 3: ................................................................................
The research will be protected in front of the council meeting at the
National Library and Foreign Trade University library.
1. Tran Minh Thu, Empirical relationship among dimensions of
customerbased brand equity in etailing service: a study in
VN context, Journal of International Economics and
Management, 124, 12/2019, page. 323, ISSN: 18594050
2. Tran Minh Thu, Xu hướng sử dụng bao bì thân thiện với
môi trường trên thế giới và gợi ý cho Việt Nam , Journal
Kinh tế và Dự báo, 31, 11/2019, page. 7577, ISSN: 0866
3. Tran Minh Thu, Các yếu tố tác động tới ý định mua sản
phẩm có bao bì thân thiện với môi trường của giới trẻ Việt
Nam tại Hà Nội, Journal Khoa học Thương Mại, 133,
9/2019, page. 3350, ISSN: 18593666 (Coauthor)
4. Tran Minh Thu, Thực hiện marketing xanh tại các doanh
nghiệp Việt Nam: Cơ hội và thách thức , Journal Thông tin
và Dự báo kinh tế xã hội, 153, 9/2018, page 1520, ISSN:
1. Rationale of the study
Consumer demand is increasing rapidly, the amount of waste after
using the product is increasing and causing environmental pollution (Sayed
Ahmed, 2018). When consumers are more aware of the environmental
pollution issues that are caused by their consumption decisions, they will
change to environmental friendly consumption decisions. The number of
people willing to pay more for ecofriendly products recently shows that the
market for ecofriendly products is expanding (Laroche, 2001).
However, the process of moving from environmental awareness to
consumers' decision to buy products with environmental friendly packaging
depends on many factors, both objective and subjective. Studies on the impact
of consumption on the environment are conducted in many developing
countries, but are quite limited in Vietnam. Vietnamese consumers are
increasingly concerned about the environmental friendliness of the products
they consume every day. Moreover, from an enterprise perspective, changing
products towards environmental friendly consumption is quite complicated,
but changing product packaging may be an easier way to towards friendly
consumption. environment and sales promotion.
Starting from the urgency of environmentalfriendly consumption trends and
the theoretical gap on this issue in Vietnam, author has done a research topic
for PhD thesis “A study on factors affecting the decision to buy
environmentallyfriendly packaging products of individual customers in
2. Research situation and research gaps
The number of specific studies related to products with environmental
friendly packaging in Vietnam is limited. Studies mainly focus on
environmental friendly consumption behavior, or ecofriendly products, or
ecofriendly packaging, but no specific studies on products with ecofriendly
packaging. A few studies have mentioned buying intention. In general, studies
have not focused on environmental friendly buying processes: purchasing
intention to purchasing decisions to purchasing behavior. Therefore, the
previous research almost ignored consumer decisions. In addition, previous
studies have not really assessed the impact of internal and external factors on
the relationship between intentions and environmental friendly purchasing
3. Objective of the thesis
Firstly, identify and measure the influence of the factors on the decision to buy
products with environmental friendly packaging in Vietnam. Second, test the
difference between gender, age, education level and income on the decision to
buy products that are environmentally friendly. Thirdly, help managers
understand the factors that influence the decision to buy products that have
environmental friendly packaging, and provide the administrator with
solutions for reference based on research results in order to help businesses
attract customers and expand market size in Vietnam.
4. Research object and scope
Object: Participation: IC in Viet Nam. Content: focusing
on researching three product groups: the group of products that use
environmental friendly materials to produce packaging, the group of
products with packaging made from recycled materials and the group
of products with lowquality packaging. Waste when used, easy to
decompose after use.
4.2. Research scope:
Space: Some cities in Việt Nam namely: Hanoi, Nam Dinh, Ninh
Binh, Quang Ninh, Da Nang, Quang Binh, Nghe An, Ho Chi Minh v..v..
Time: Secondary data for the thesis implementation was collected.
Primary data was collected through IC’ survey during the main period from
2018 to 2019. The above data collection will be a favorable condition to
provide the best solution for the period 2020 2025.
Research content: Contents of the study: This study examines the
factors affecting the decision to buy products with environmental protection
packaging of IC in Vietnam, through surveys of IC in some random provinces
cities. in VN etc… at the same time giving comments and recommendations
solutions to promote the purchase of EFPP of IC in VN.
5. Research method
The study was conducted using qualitative and quantitative method using data
collected from secondary research and primary research. The qualitative and
quantitative secondary research was conducted at the table and using the
method of analysis, comparison, synthesis of theoretical framework of factors
affecting the purchasing intentions of environment friendly buying behavior
and decision to buy products with environmentallyfriendly packaging; as well
as analyzing individual customer characteristics in VN and the
environmentallyfriendly consumption situation in VN from previous studies.
Author then used the method of qualitative and quantitative primary data
research, using SPSS 20 software to process the data and presented a complete
research model.
6. Contribution of the thesis:
In term of theoretical contribution, this study used a combination of the theory
of DTPB behavior and the environmental model of consumers concerned by
Rylander and Allen. In term of practical contribution, the thesis independently
researches the factors affecting the intention to buy products with
environmental friendly packaging of IC in Vietnam while studying the factors
that regulate the relationship between and decide to buy products with
environmental friendly packaging by IC in Vietnam
7. Structure of the thesis
Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the thesis is organized into 4
chapters including:
Chapter 1: Overview of the research and the theory related to the factors
affecting the decision to buy environment friendly packaging products
Chapter 2: Research methodology
Chapter 3: Research results
Chapter 4: Solutions and recommendation
1. Research background
Overview of research situation
In the study "Understanding the intention of consuming food items using
environment friendly packaging: a study of instant noodles packaging in
VN" by Nguyen Anh Thu (2008), the author used the Motivation Ability
Opportunity (MAO) model of Olander and Thogersen (1995) combined
with the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to show the
relationship between consumer intention and consumer behavior, discover
the relationship between consumer intention and consumer shopping
efforts. The study of huihui zhao qian gao, yaoping wu, yuan wang, xiao
dong zhu (2013) developed a theoretical framework for green consumer
behavior. The model used in the study summarizes the nature of the
Rylander and Allen models (2001). A study of Collins marfo agyeman
(2014) was conducted to investigate the relationship of variables affecting
consumers' purchasing green products. Overall, this study clearly identifies
the positive relationship between variables and green product consumption
behavior. The study of Sung Ho Choi (2015) was conducted to explore
factors affecting the ecological consumption behavior of Korean people.
"The study of factors affecting the relationship between intentions and
green consumption behavior of Vietnamese consumers" by Hoang Thi Bao
(2016) shows that Vietnamese consumers are quite interested in issues
about environment, in which green behavioral research products are (1)
food, (2) energysaving products (refrigerators / air conditioners / light
bulbs), green behavioral research products are (3) plastic bags. The author
has pointed out the factors that can promote or hinder the relationship
between intention and green consumption behavior of VNese consumers.
The results suggest that awareness of product effectiveness has an impact
on the relationship between intention and green consumer behavior. The
study of G.Madushanka và V.R.Ragel (2016) delves into consumer
attitudes towards the use of green packaging in Trincomalee district in Sri
Lanka. The model's highlight is that the role of government in persuading
people towards green packaging. The results of empirical research on the
procurement behavior of products using green packaging in Finland of
Nguyen Thi Hoai Anh (2017) showed that in Finland, consumers
responded positively to the functions of the green packaging. The study of
Olinjo Samuel Imbambi (2017) on purchasing behavior and acceptance of
green products in big supermarkets in Nairobi, Kenya city (2017) towards
analyzing shopping behavior and the acceptance of using green products,
consumers, and the relationship between them.
It can be said that the number of specific studies related to products
with environmentally friendly packaging in VN is not much.
Theoretical overview of the factors affecting the decision to
buy EFPP
1.2.1. The theory of buying decisions
According to Philip Kotler, the process of making buying decisions of
consumers goes through 5 stages: Identifying needs, seeking information,
evaluating buying options, buying decisions, and buying behavior. The buying
decision of customers has started before the actual purchase and the buying
behavior lasts after the buying decision was made Kotler, P. and Keller, K.
(2006). In short, intention leads to decision, from decision leads to behavior.
From this, it can be concluded that the research process on the decision to buy
EFPP of IC comes from intention to decision and then to behavior. Within the
scope of the thesis, the author will only focus on studying the factors affecting
the decision to buy EFPP instead of similar products with ordinary packaging
in form of offline purchasing. Intention
The author uses the definition of Ajzen's buying intention in 1991 which is the
intention of expressing a willingness, willingness to pay the effort to make a
decision, from which to perform his behavior. Behavior
It is the process of overall reflection of the actions that take place during the
process from identification of demand to purchase and after the purchasing of
the product is consumer behavior” (Kotler, 2006). In the world, researches on
buying behavior of customers are quite abundant but in summary, they believe
that buying behavior of IC is expressed through two buying decisions of IC
and factors. Affect the purchase decision of IC. Buying decision
The buying decision of a customer begins before the actual purchase and the
buying behavior lasts long after the buying decision is made (Kotler, 2006). In
order to study customers' buying decisions, it is necessary to study the buying
intention and the factors that influence the process from intention to buying
1.2.2. Theory of environmentally friendly consumption
Environmentally friendly consumption or also known as green consumption
was first mentioned in the 1970s (Peattie, 1992). In the study of
environmentalfriendly consumerism in 2011, Mansvelt and Robbins gave a
fairly complete definition of the environmentally friendly buying attitude that
prioritizes the purchase of probiotics, recycling and reuse of products, limiting
excess and use of environmental friendly means of transport. Environmentallyfriendly attitude
Harrison Newhol & Shaw in their study in 2005 argued that the attitude of
environmentally friendly buying is not only a priority to consume less but also
to consume more efficiently, demonstrating responsibility for protection.
environment through the selection of environmentally friendly products, with
appropriate consumption and waste disposal.
6 Environmentallyfriendly products
Shamdasani et al. (1993) defined the environmental friendly as a product that
does not pollute the earth or damage natural resources and is recyclable and
conservable. Environmentallyfriendly packaging
The Sustainable Packaging Alliance in the Forest Stewardship Council FSC
in 2011 gave a specific definition for environmentalfriendly packaging as a
physical design that optimizes energy and materials, which is made from safe
materials throughout the life cycle, being restored and effectively used in
industrial and closed biological cycles. Environmental friendly packaging is a
packaging made entirely from natural materials, can be reused many times and
easily decomposes without harming the ecological environment, can be
recycled or decomposed. No harm to environment and human health. Because
the definition of "environmental friendly" can be understood in many ways,
the definition of environmental friendly is very diverse. In this study,
environmentalfriendly packaging is understood as environmentalfriendly
packaging that can be reused, recycled or decomposed without harming the
environment and human health in throughout the life of the product. EFPP
The definition of products with ecofriendly packaging that the author makes
is that manufactured products are packaged in environmentallyfriendly
packaging that can be reused, recycled or decomposed, which has no harm to
the environment and human health throughout the life of the product. Comparing environment friendly packaging products and normal
packaging products
The biggest common feature of products using conventional packaging and
products using environmentalfriendly packaging is that the packaging is used
to preserve the product, keeping the product in the best condition. In addition,
the author also compared a number of brands in the same industry on products
friendly with environmental packaging and products with normal packaging
according to the criteria of 4Ps (Product, Place, Price, Promotion). Environmentallyfriendly IC
IC are people who buy products or services for their personal use or for
relatives, family, friends and acquaintances. These people are also known as
endconsumers. Shrum et al. (1995) have defined environmental friendly
customers as buyers whose behavior comes from caring for the environment.
1.2.3. The theory of decision to buy EFPP
7 Intention to buy EFPP
The intention to environmental friendly consumption referenced and extended
from Ajzen (1991), the author gave the definition: the intention of
environmental friendly buying is to show the desire and effort of customers to
buy green products, friendly and environmental protection. Buying behavior of EFPP
This thesis defines the use of environmental friendly behavior as a series of
behaviors, including: purchasing environmentally friendly products, efficient
use (such as saving, reusing, recycling, use environmental friendly and treat
waste). Decision to buy EFPP
The thesis presents the process of forming the decision of environmental
friendly buying and the factors affecting the decision to buy environmental
friendly products.
1.3. Models of factors influencing the decision to buy EFPP
1.3.1. Some models of factors influencing the intention to buy EFPP
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA): TRA is one of the important basic
theories in analyzing the behavior of consumers, is an intermediary step in
shaping and manipulating behavior from the influential factors include
attitudes and subjective norms.
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB): The TPB model uses new factors to
control cognitive behavior in addition to the two old factors in the TRA model,
attitude and subjective norms. The results of these studies are related to the
psychology of consumption behavior (Ajzen, 1991; Robert, 1996).
Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB): DTPB was developed
by Taylor and Todd (1995) based on Ajzen's TPB (1985) by separating three
factors: attitude, subjective norms and test perception controlling behavior in
TPB into more specific variables.
RACE model: The recent model used to research customers' buying process is
the RACE model (Reach Act Convert Engage). This model was created by
the author group of Smart Insights magazine in 2012 and was updated in 2015
to fully explain and define digital marketing.
1.3.2. Some models of factors influencing the decision to buy nvironmentally
friendly packaging products
Motivation Ability – Opportunity (MAO) Model has introduced intrinsic
variables as motivations and exogenous variables as abilities and opportunities
(Olander and Thorgersen, 1995) to moderate the relationship. The relationship
between intention and behavior.
Consumer’s consumption model for considering the environment of Rylander
and Allen (2001): consumer’s consumption model of environmental
environment has generalized, expanded and divided the moderated variables of
the behavioral intention into internal and external factors, which can affect the
relationship between environmentally friendly intentions and environmentally
friendly behavior.
1.4. Research gap and proposed research model
1.4.1. Research gap
It can be said that the number of specific studies related to products with
environmentfriendly packaging in VN is not much. Studies around the world
mainly focus on the use of environmental friendly behaviour or
environmentally friendly packages, but no specific studies on packaging
products. The author has done the research with the basis of theoretical
decomposition model of planned behavior (DTPB) and consumption behavior
model of consumers concerned about the environment (Rylander and Allen,
2001) for better analyzing relationship between intention and decision to buy
products with environmental friendly in reality.
1.4.2. Developing model of factors that influence IC' decision to buy EFPP
Diagram 1.1: Proposed research model
Source: Author
CHAPTER 2: Research methodology
2.1. Research process
The thesis uses data collection method through 3 steps:
Step 1: Summary of theory to create a proposed research model, step 2:
Preliminary research and step 3: Official quantitative research. First, the author
used a secondary research method at the table. After that, the author used a
case study method to compare businesses with products that use
environmentally friendly packaging and businesses in the same industry with
products using normal packaging. Next, the author applied the primary
research method including qualitative and quantitative methods through data
collection and primary data analysis by surveying IC in VN, then synthesize
and analyze data to estimate the research model with the statistical software
SPSS 20 to make recommendations and solutions to help improving the IC'
decision to buy environmentally friendly products in VN based on previous
analytical results.
Diagram 1.2: Research process
Source: Author
2.2. Preliminary research models and proposed hypotheses
After using the secondary research method at the table, the author synthesized
the factors affecting the decision to buy environmentfriendly products of IC in
VN. Next, the author uses the expert interview method to assess the suitability
of these factors as well as the comprehensiveness of those factors. The author
interviewed 12 experts. List of factors influencing the IC' decision to buy
environmentalfriendly packaging products: Attitude toward environment,
Attitude toward environmentfriendly products, perceived behavioral control,
social influence, subjective norms of environmentfriendly products,
environmental awareness, price of environmental friendly packaging products,
consumer environmental friendly experience, quality of the environmental
friendly package, price sensitivity of individual consumers, confidence in
advertising, availability of products, the government’s encouraging policy of
environmental friendly consumption.
The result obtained from expert interviews is a shortened list from 13 factors
to 7 factors affecting the decision to buy environmental friendly packaging
products including: attitude toward the environment, attitude toward
environmental friendly packaging products, subjective norms of EFPP,
awareness of environment, quality of EFP, price sensitivity of IC and
government’s policy to promote EF consumption.
After that, the author conducted indepth interviews with 3 experts to develop
a scale for the indepth interview phase.
Next, the author conducted a smallscale experimental study (100 samples) of
the research results that allowed the author to adjust the observed variables and
set up a questionnaire to conduct quantitative research on a larger scale.
Diagram 2.2: Completed proposed research model
Source: Author
After the scale and component observation variables have been developed
based on expert opinion, the author design the questionnaire. The main type of
questions is a type of Linkert scale questions with 5 levels from disagree (1) to
strongly agree (5) (Wuensch, 2005).
The author conducts group discussions of 16 IC. After that, the author
conducted official quantitative research. The thesis uses 2 data sources:
secondary data source (data has been collected previously and published) and
primary data source (data collected by the author). Secondary data was
collected mainly from the following sources: Google scholar, Research report.
The questionnaires were directly collected at a number of supermarkets, retail
stores and local people's markets. The online questionnaire sent by the author
to IC in VN via email, social networks.
Sample size: With N = 97,860,000, e = 5%, the sample size is from 600
customers and above. Number of questionnaires distributed is 700, after the
call, the author collected 623 satisfactory questionnaires.
How to choose the sample: This study focuses on finding factors that influence
the decision to buy EFPP in VN, the thesis interviewers will make a
convenience selection at some supermarkets.
Methods of data analysis: All collected data will be cleaned and started to
process with the help of the SPSS20 software. The study focuses on examining
the factors that influence the purchasing decision of EFPP of IC in VN.
• Dependent variable: Intention to buy EFPP.
• Independent variable: Attitude toward environment, attitude toward EFPP,
subjective norms of EFPP, awareness of the environment, quality of EF
packaging, price sensitivity, government’s policy to promote EF consumption.
• Data collected from the survey will be analyzed and processed in the
following order: Data entry, data cleaning, descriptive statistics and
verification of reliability of the scale:
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients are used to statistically test how closely the
questions in the scale are correlated, in order to eliminate inappropriate
variables and scales. Factor Analysis is a statistical analysis method, which
shortens a set of multiple observed variables correlated with each other into a
new set of variables that are more meaningful but still contain most of the
content of the data. Evaluation criteria in EFA: Firstly, KMO test and Barlett
test. Second, Factor Extraction. Third, rotate the factor (Factor Rotation).
Factor loading factor, Pearson correlation analysis and linear regression
analysis: The proposed research model consists of two groups, so the author
will build two regression functions for 2 subvariables, which is the intention
to buy EFPP and the decision to buy EFPP from IC in VN has the following
general regression format:
Group 1: Y = β_1 X_1 + β_2 X_2 + ⋯ + β_5 X_5 + ε
Table 2.1: Information on group 1 variables
Name of variable
Symbol Explanation
Intention to buy environmentally friendly Y
Dependent variable
packaging products
Attitude toward environment
Independent variable
Attitude toward environmentally friendly
packaging products
Subjective norms of environmentally friendly
packaging products
Awareness toward environment
Independent variable
Quality of environmentally friendly package
Independent variable
Independent variable
Independent variable
In developing linear regression equations for group 2, the author will use linear
regression methods for moderator variables (Reuben M. Baron and David A.
Kenny, 1987). The theoretical framework for moderator variables is described
as follows. According to Hayes, 2013 X: is an independent variable; Y: is a
dependent variable; M: is a moderator variable. Then the moderator variable
(M) will affect the relationship between the independent variable (X) and the
dependent variable (Y). The regression equation for moderator variables is
written as follows: Y = β0 + β1X + β2M + β3X * M + u
Group 2: Y = β_1 X_1 + β_2 X_2 + β_3 X_3 + β_4 X_1 X_2 + β_5 X_1 X_3
+ ε
Table 2.2: Information on group 2 variables
Name of variable
Symbol Explanation
Decision to buy environmentally friendly packaging Y
Intention to buy environmentally friendly packaging
The Government’s encouraging policy of
environmentally friendly consumption
The sensitivity of IC toward price
2.3. Adjusted model and official research hypothesis
2.3.1. Group of factors influencing the intention to buy environment friendly
packaging products
1. Attitude toward the environment (TDMT)
2. Attitude toward the environment friendly packaging products (TDSP)
3. Subjective norms of environment friendly packaging products (CMCQ)
4. Awareness of the environment (NTMT)
5. Quality of the environment friendly packaging (CLBB) Attitude toward the environment
Is the emotional expression of a person, object, or behavior, in particular,
objects related to the environment (Newhouse, 1990)
Hypothesis H1: The attitude towards the environment positively affects the
intention to buy environmentalfriendly packaging products of IC in VN Attitude toward the environment friendly packaging products
Packaging is an essential tangible part of every product, being the first element
that attracts customers. Along with the quality of the product, product
packaging is a factor that greatly influences the attitude of the customer to the
product (Underwood, 2001).
Hypothesis H2: The attitude towards products with environmental friendly
package positively affects the intention to buy products with environmentally
friendly packaging
General hypothesis H1 + 2: Through 2 hypotheses about attitudes towards
environmentfriendly products and attitudes toward the environment, it can be
summarized into a general hypothesis that the factor attitude has the positive
effect on the intention to buy environmentfriendly packaging products. Subjective norms of environment friendly packaging products
Through the theoretical models TRA and TPB, consumer behavior depends
not only on the attitude toward the environment, the attitude towards
environmentfriendly packaging products but also on beliefs and actions of
other people. Subjective norms can also be understood as social influences,
expressing the pressure that individuals perceive from other people's
assessments of a behavior that should or should not be done according to
subjective standards, which is believed to be influences consumption intention
(Rajiv N. Rimal and Kevin Real, 2003).
Hypothesis H3: The subjective norm positively influences the environment
friendly packaging products of IC in VN Awareness of the environment
Individual awareness is a factor which is included in the TPB model to
overcome the disadvantages of the TRA model. This level of awareness is
associated with beliefs about the existence of factors that motivate or hinder
behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Awareness promotes behavior when individuals find
that they have many resources and confidence (Ajzen, 1985; Hartwick, 1994;
Lee, 2005).
Hypothesis H4: The awareness of the environment positively affects the
intention to buy environmental friendly packaging products Quality of the environment friendly packaging
Environmentalfriendly packaging is a type of package, which is designed to
optimize energy and production materials, made from environmentally
friendly materials, without harm to organisms during their lifetime and
reusable. If the environmentally friendly packaging is capable of fulfilling the
functions of a conventional packaging, it will have a significant impact on the
intentions of the customer when purchasing products with packaging.
Hypothesis h5: the quality of the environment friendly packaging positively
affects the intention to buy environmentfriendly packaging products from IC
in VN.
2.3.2. Group of factors that moderate the relationship between the
intention and decision to buy EFPP
The group of factors that moderate the relationship between the intention and
decision to buy products with environmentalfriendly packaging includes the
following 3 factors:
1. Intention to buy environmentally friendly products (YĐ)
2. Price sensitivity of IC (NCVG)
3. Government's policy of promoting environmentallyfriendly consumption
(CSCP) Internal moderating variables
Based on the reference studies, in the thesis, the author will consider the price
sensitivity of IC in VN instead of considering the increase or decrease of the
prices of EFPP. If the price sensitivity of customers is higher, when there are
any more promotions, or discounts for goods that IC intend to buy in advance,
the decision to buy will be easier to make.
Hypothesis H6: The price sensitivity of IC positively affects the relationship
between intention and decision to buy environmentalfriendly packaging
products. External moderating variables
In VN, the role of government incentive policy is rarely seen in the studies of
factors affecting the decision to buy environmental friendly packaging. This is
also an aspect to be investigated. Environmental behavior is more likely to
happen when the government encourages manufacturing businesses and
consumers to buy environmentally friendly packaging products.
Hypothesis H7: The Government's policy of promoting environmentally
friendly consumption positively influences the intentional relationship and the
decision to purchase environmentfriendly products. Factors affecting the decision to buy environment friendly packaging
In the studies of TRA theory and TPB theory, the intention to buy the product
represents the desire, trying to implement the consumption of the product that
is buying products with environmental friendly packaging. Intention is an
important intermediary step to shaping actual consumer behavior (Ajzen 1975
and 1991). Based on the above basis, the author proposes the hypothesis:
Hypothesis H8: Intention to buy friendly packaging products positively affects
customers' decision to buy environmentalfriendly packaging.
2.3.3. Observation variables
There are 5 observable variables of attitudes toward environment (TDMT), 5
observable variables of attitudes towards products with environmentalfriendly
packaging (TDSP), 5 observable variables of subjective norms about products
with friendly packaging with environment (CMCQ), 5 observable variables of
awareness of the environment (NTMT), 5 observable variables of quality of
environmental friendly packaging (CLBB), 5 observable variables of intention
to buy products with environmentalfriendly packaging (YĐ), 5 observable
variables of price sensitivity of IC (NCVG), 5 observable variables of the
Government's policy of promoting environmentallyfriendly consumption
(CSCP), 5 observable variables of decision to buy environmental friendly
packaging products (QD).
3.1. Descriptive statistical research results
Gender: The survey results showed that 415 women and 208 men participated
in the interview. The number of men is smaller (men account for 33.4% and
women account for 66.6%)
Age: The study focused on surveying people in the age group with the highest
proportion of shopping spending from 18 to 30 years old, accounting for
Academic level: The majority of interviewees have college and university
degrees (49.8% of university level and 30.3% of college level, 10% of post
graduate and 9.9% of intermediate level).
Occupation: research is conducted with subjects of diverse occupation.
Therefore, the results of the occupation are fairly evenly distributed.
Income: The group with income of 59 million VND/ month accounts for
49.8%. The two groups of 1525 million VND/ month and over 25 million
VND/ month only account for 16.6%.
Location: Because the population is mainly in big cities, the research is
mainly on IC in the city, accounting for 60.2% of the surveyed customers.
3.2. Results of analyzing the impact of factors affecting the intention to
buy EFPP
3.2.1. Testing reliability of the scales
The observation variables: CCQ2, NTMT2, CLBB3 were removed from the
research model to ensure the reliability and rigidity of the scale. Testing reliability of the attitude toward environment
The processing results of the SPSS 20 data show that the observation variables
of the attitude and environmental factors are retained and not being deleted
from the research model. Testing reliability of attitude toward the environment friendly
packaging products
The processing results of the SPSS 20 data show that the observation variables
of the attitude toward the environmental friendly packaging products are
retained and being deleted from the research model. Testing reliability of subjective norms of the environment
friendly packaging products
There are 4 observation variables of the subjective norm of the environment
friendly packaging products that are retained and not being deleted from the
research model. Testing reliability of awareness of environment friendly
packaging products
The processing results of the SPSS 20 data show that the observation variables
of the awareness of environment friendly packaging products are retained and
not being deleted from the research model. Testing reliability of the quality of the environment friendly
The processing results of the SPSS 20 data show that the observation variables
of the quality of the environment friendly packaging are retained and not
being deleted from the research model. Testing reliability of the intention to buy environment friendly
packaging products
The processing results of the SPSS 20 data show that the observation variables
of the intention to buy environment friendly packaging products are retained
and not being deleted from the research model.
3.2.2. EFA analysis of the intention to buy environment friendly
packaging products
From the results table, the author can draw the following conclusions: The
EFA analysis process has combined 5 factors into 4 more meaningful factors,
which can simplify the model. The EFA analysis process has combined two
factors about the attitude to the environment and the attitude toward the of
environmentfriendly packaging product into one factor is the attitude. new
factors influencing the intention to buy environmentfriendly packaging
products are named and labeled as follows: attitude toward environmental
friendly consumption (TDTD), subjective norm of environmental friendly
packaging products (CMCQ), the consumer's awareness about the environment
(NTMT), the quality of the environmental friendly package (CLBB).
3.2.3. Pearson correlation test of the factors affecting the intention to buy
environment friendly packaging products
All four independent variables are related to the dependent variable of
intention to buy environmentfriendly packaging products at 1% (pvalue
<0.01), these dependent variables and independent variables have Positive
linear relations and relatively close.
3.2.4. Estimation of the regression model for the factors group of the intention
to buy products with environmentally friendly packaging
Hypothesis H1: The more positive the attitude towards the product and the
environment is, the more likely that the consumer will have the intention to
consume the EFPP.
Hypothesis H2: Awareness of the environmental is positively related to
consumer intention to buy EFPP.
Hypothesis H3: The subjective norms of EFPP has a positive impact on the
consumer's intention to consume EFPP, if the customer accepts the knowledge
about higher and higher standards will have a positive impact on the formation
of intention to consume product.
Hypothesis H4: The quality of EFP is positively related to the intention to
purchase EFPP.
Hypothesis H5: Price sensitivity of IC positively influences the relationship
between the intention and the decision to buy EFPP
Hypothesis H6: The Government's policy of promoting environmentally
friendly consumption positively impacts on the intentional and behavioral
relationships. When there is a government incentive policy, the relationship
between intention and decision becomes stronger.
Hypothesis H7: The intention to buy products with friendly packaging has a
positive impact on the customer's decision to buy EFPP. The bigger the
intention, the higher the ability to make a decision.
Diagram 3.1: Adjusted research model of factors affecting the intention to
buy environmentally friendly packaging products
After processing SPSS data, the author offers the following regression model:
3.3. Results of analyzing the impact of factors influencing and
moderating the relationship between intention and decision to buy
3.3.1. Testing reliability of scales
The observed variables CSCP3, CSCP4, and QD4 components were removed
from the research model to ensure the reliability of the scale.
3.3.2. Analyzing the EFA of the decision to buy environment friendly
products packaging
After the EFA step for the group of factors influencing the decision to buy
EFPP, the hypothetical factor groups are still maintained and used for the next
research steps.
3.3.3. Pearson correlation test of the factors affecting the decision to
buy environment friendly packaging products
The second time performing correlation analysis for the decision to buy EFPP
and independent variables affecting the decision to buy EFPP includes: 3
independent variables: The intention to buy EFPP (YĐ), Price Sensitivity
(NCVG) and government policy (CSCP). 2 independent moderate variables
that directly influence the purchase of packaging products' packaging products
are the intention to buy environmental protection products * Price sensitivity
(YĐ_mc * NCVG_mc) and the intention to buy EFPP (YĐ_mc * CSCP_mc).
The independent and moderated variables are calculated using Mean Centering
technique to avoid multicollinear phenomena in the model (Cohen et al.
3.3.4. Estimation of the regression model for the factors group of the
decision to buy products with environmentally friendly packaging
Hypothesis H5: Price sensitivity of IC positively influences the relationship
between the intention and the decision to buy EFPP
Hypothesis H6: The Government's policy of promoting environmentally
friendly consumption positively impacts on the intentional and behavioral
relationships. When there is a government incentive policy, the relationship
between intention and decision becomes stronger.
Hypothesis H7: The intention to buy products with friendly packaging has a
positive impact on the customer's decision to buy EFPP. The bigger the
intention, the higher the ability to make a decision.
Diagram 3.2: Adjusted research model of factors affecting the decision to
buy environmentally friendly packaging products
After data processing, the author can draw the regression model as follows:
3.3.5. Testing the model of the difference in the decision to buy EFPP
according to the characteristics of IC in VN
There is no difference among IC groups with different characteristics on gender,
age, education level, monthly income, occupation, and place of residence.
3.4. Discussion
3.4.1. Conclusion of the survey with the group of factors influencing the
intention to buy environment friendly packaging products
In this study, the majority of IC awareness has the greatest impact on the
intention factor.
3.4.2. Conclusion of the survey with the group of factors influencing the
decision to buy environment friendly packaging products
Among the factors affecting the decision to buy EFPP, the government's policy
of encouraging the consumption of EFPP has the greatest impact.
4.1. Consumption context of environment friendly packaging products
in VN
4.1.1. Characteristics of individual customer in VN
VN is a country with over 95 million people. The number of people aged 15
64 accounts for about 55%. At different ages, consumers have different
consumption behaviors. In VN, about 35.92% of the population lives in cities
and the remaining 64.08% lives in rural areas. Urban customers often tend to
buy goods from convenience stores due to the convenience and availability of
these stores. Rural consumers, meanwhile, tend to have lower incomes,
preferring to buy products from traditional markets where they can bargain
with retailers. The buying decision of IC in VN is also strongly influenced by
many groups of regular contacts.
4.1.2. The situation of environmentallyfriendly consumption in VN
Comparing bottled drinking water La Vie, which has a line of glass bottles and
Aquafina uses normal plastic bottles. Vegetables and fruits in BigC
supermarket are used banana leaves to pack, while in local markets, plastic
bags are still in used. Green tea of Vinatea uses paper packaging and Tan
Cuong Xanh green tea uses vacuum plastic packaging. In addition, the author
compared some foreign products such as cosmetics of LushUK and Pantene
of America, Kitkat confectionery of Japan and Jack’nJill Thailand.
4.3. The proposed solution for businesses in VN based on factors affecting
the decision to buy environmentally friendly packaging products of IC in
4.3.1. Solutions to promote the intention to buy environmentally friendly
packaging products of individual customers in VN Solutions to improve the attitude of the environment and
environmentally friendly packaging products
The message of the business should be directed to emphasize the effectiveness
of the decision to buy EFPP of IC in VN. In addition to the basic information
of the product printed on the packaging, businesses need to put the advantages
of EFPP into their propaganda media, etc. Solutions to raise awareness of the environment
Managers should take positive propaganda actions, about the harms as well as
the impact of using products with plastic packaging, poor quality, ... At
supermarkets, businesses should put forward promotion campaign to
encourage customers to become smart IC, buying products with environmental
packaging through forms of discounts, gifts, etc. For some startups on
environmental products, they can approach and raise awareness of IC by
participating in TV startups. Firstly, good communication for science and
technology on CSR through mass media, personal communication channels or
social media. Secondly, businesses need to have a plan to train and disseminate
CSR knowledge to workers and management teams through courses because
they are also a IC in the consumer market in VN. Third, in order to guide
businesses in the implementation of their CSR, it is necessary to have a
standard legal framework regulating CSR of businesses to force businesses to
comply. Solutions to improve subjective norms
Building movements, trends, and lifestyles of EFC in the society. One measure
that some multinational corporations are now doing is inviting famous
inspirational young people in VN called KOLs to promote a campaign to
spread consumer action on the environment, namely the products have
packaging environmental protection. Solutions to improve the quality of environmentally friendly