Implementer : Duong Thi Huan
: Teacher
Place of work: Luan Thanh Secondary School
: English
1. Preamble .
1.1. Reasons for choosing the theme
1.2. Research purposes.
1.3. Research subjects.
1.4. Research methods.
2. Contents.
2.1. Basis of issue
2.2. The reality of the problem.
2.3. Solutions and implementation
2.4. Achievements.
3. Conclusions and recommendations.
3.1. Conclusions
3.2. Recommendations.
A list of teaching experience initiatives.
1. Preamble
1.1. Reasons for choosing the theme.
The grower the society becomes, the more educators, parents are aware of
the importance of learning a foreign language in general, especially learning
English in particular.
English is an important key for young generation to open the future, the
needed site to step out into the world and serve their future career. It is also a
mean for today young generation to exchange, learn with young people in all
over the world, study about the customs, traditions, cultures as well as the
progress of science and technology of many other countries.
According to the innovative method, English is no longer taught grammar
but concerned more about the communication which is the main purpose in
learning English. Learn English in order to communicate with foreigners.
However, in the four skills of learning English, the listening skill must be
said the most difficult. In fact, most students are not interested in learning
listening skill.
As a perennial English teacher, exposed to many students in many
different locations, I really worry about the quality of learning English in
general, how students learn English listening skill in particular. So with the
passion for my job, desire to learn, I'm researching solutions to improve the
quality of learning English, especially the method of causing the excitement for
students in learning listening skill.
So how to help students apply vocabulary and grammatical structure to
listen effectively? How to teach listening to every school pupil to help them feel
fascinated and loved the subject more? How to find some positive, simple, easy
to understand, practical methods? Especially for students in grades 8 and 9 when
the listening program has been classified into separate lessons with increasing
difficulty level every day. That’s the reason why I choose the topic: "A number
of tips to create excitement in teaching listening English skills for students
at Luan Thanh secondary school".
1.2. Research purposes:
With the successful research these ideas will help teachers acquire the
following experience:
1. Organize to teach listening effectively.
2. The steps to conduct a more effective listening teaching.
3. Instruct students to practice, practice skills and techniques to listen to
1.3. Research subjects:
The subject of this experience initiative revolves around the study of the
teaching and learning English listening courses of teachers and students at Luan
Thanh secondary school.
1.4. Research methods:
1. The method of observation.
2. The method of exchange, discussion:
3. Experimental methods:
4. Methods of investigation
2. Contents.
2.1. Basis of issue.
In current socialization, learning English is a huge demand of students,
especially in the period of integration, the need to communicate in English is
essential. The goal of education is currently focused on the development
direction of the dynamism, creativity and positive in order to enable students to
identify and solve the problem themselves. How can students confidently apply
an effective way the knowledge they have learned in their life? This is the goal
that the education is always towards to.
Stemming from the above requirements, we may find that the importance
of offering courses taught in English in education is undeniable. But how can
students acquire language in the most effective way, especially when catering
facilities for teaching and learning this subject has not yet been fully met? This
requires a lot of factors but the most important is still students’ passion to
English and teachers must have appropriate, attractive and charismatic teaching
methods to students.
English language teaching and learning is not just about "learning to
learn", which is to be thinking, there is depth. We not only aim to achieve
significant grammar but also aim to reach and develop skills to use that
Grasp the essence of communication and be able to communicate as
needed is what we desire. Listening skill is considered as a more passive skill,
but listening skill is often harder than reading skill as language through listening
is the speech which has characteristics quite different from text.
2.2. The reality of the problem.
English is a difficult subject with a huge amount of knowledge. So, in the
process of listening, students can't control everything they will hear. The words
in the tape are fast and unfamiliar. The tapescript has many new words, the word
stress, the accent is the negative sentence, the word association, the intonation…
They are very different and difficult to understand, so students cannot
understand all the content of the listening text.
These are the earlier survey results of the 2018- 2019 school year at Luan Thanh secondary school.
number class
are interested in listening
The number of
students are not
interested in listening
The number of students
The most basic perspectives on innovation methods is how to promote
positive be charged, the initiative of the learner, creating optimal conditions for
learning and practice, developing the ability to use language to communicate
rather than providing pure language knowledge.
With this perspective, the tricks and activities on campus were changed
and diversified development. The teacher needs to grasp the main principles of
the method and learn the tricks and teaching activities from the standpoint of
communication so that he or she can apply to be a flexible, consistent and
2.3. The solutions and implementation.
Basing on the above concerns, I have thought and found out a number of
measures for the implementation of the project.
2.3.1. The concept of teaching listening skills:
Active listening is the most complicated language; it incorporated the
constituent elements of the gain the awareness and knowledge of languages.
Listening is one of the primary purposes of teaching foreign languages. Consists
of two levels:
- Level 1: (identify or discern): awareness of sounds, words, groups of
words in relation to their structure. Only when this possibility became
automation, can the listeners regenerate, behave and respond to what is heard in
the audio chain that.
- Level 2: (selected): listeners learned useful elements to understand the
speaker. At first listening comprehension, verbal sentences are short, simple then
longer sentences.
2.3.2. Studying of the listening activities:
a. Listening in everyday life:
Listening not focus: is the acts listen to entertaining in nature, like when I
listen to the radio, watch TV ... which still can proceed at the same time with
doing another job.
Listening to focus: is the deliberate player, wants to capture the
information of content would do. For example, hearing the news on the radio,
the television, listen to the instructions, instructor lecture, interpretation, etc. In
this case, the listeners are primarily focused on the important points, needed for
his intention. Regular listeners know yourself what wanted to hear. This helps
the listener directs the attention to the right content should know, because so
often capture the issues more effectively.
b. Listen in the environment: in the environment, mostly listening
activities that focus, and aims to develop different skills. The type of hearing in
learning foreign languages as follows:
- Listen to main ideas.
- Listen to find the necessary information.
- Listen to affirm the previous conjecture.
- Listen to perform communication tasks are laid out.
- Listen to details (Both the contents and the structure of the language).
* Note: students can reset the amount of information based on the
following basis: - knowledge of the language (vocabulary, grammar, semantics,
style, etc.)
- The familiar with the topic being addressed.
- Observation, interpretation, communication context, including what
happened before.
- Knowledge that they possess the same said.
- Understanding, the personal preference, speaker’s attitude.
- An understanding of the context, culture in communication.
- An understanding of the external signal language like: speed says, stop,
gestures, looks…
2.3.3. Conduct the tips taught listening:
a. Building trust (Confidence building).
b. Identify the sentence accent (Sentence stress reception).
c. Resolved topics (Topic interpretation).
d. Listening comprehension for the main idea (Listening for gist).
e. Identification details (Recognising details).
f. Listen to capture the necessary information (Listening for
wanted information).
g. Copy the spell (Dictations).
h. Event chain diagrams (Sequencing chart).
i. Grammar spelling.
j. Listening and note-taking.
2.3.4. Organize the different listening activities:
a. Help students listen effectively: in fact, listening skill still is a difficult
one for today's school students. To overcome these difficulties while listening,
teachers can use the following measures:
- Introduce the topic, the related content to hear; explain the concept if
- Questions help students anticipate the content will play.
- Introducing new words, reinforcing the vocabulary necessary for
- Question guide when listening.
- Divide the process of listening into each step, for example.
+ The first time to listen: listen main ideas and answer questions.
+ The second time to listen: listen to more details etc.
- If the listening lesson is too long, the teacher can simplify it or make it
other specific listening requirements, so that students can hear it more easily.
Especially for difficult listening lessons, teachers can replace them by
designing other lessons which are appropriate to the topic so as to create
excitement for students.
For example 1:
When teaching listening to unit 10- Life on other planets (English 9 page 86), teacher should ask suggestive question about the moon: What do you
know about the moon? Then the teacher instructs the students to listen to the
tape and choose the correct option.
After receiving feedbacks from students, the teacher gives more questions
and gets the students to answer to make sure that they have heard clearly
through the tapescript.
Comprehention questions:
1. Why are there no sounds on the moon?
2. How many craters are there on the moon?
3. How much will you weigh on the moon if you weigh 50 kilos on the earth?
4. Will you sleep very well on the moon? Why? Why not? …
For example 2:
When teaching unit 8 - Celebrations (English 9 - page 68), teachers can
remind students to listen to the song "Happy new year" at home. Because the
song "Auld Lang Syne" is not as popular as the "Happy new year" song and the
melody is not really catching the listeners, replacing this song with "Happy new
year" will make students enjoy it. Even students can learn to sing this song, too.
b. Getting things predictable, listen to: (predicting) the skills needed when
listening is the ability to predict what is about to be heard. So when teaching
listening to students, teachers should give students guess things about to listen in
a certain context. This activity may proceed with listening to a plot or a
conversation. For example, when listening to a conversation, the teacher may
stop following a sentence by a character in the conversation and ask students to
watch the other characters will respond like? Will behave like? Agree or not? …
For example 1: Tapescript:
At 6.30 in the morning, the bus collected Ba and his family from their
home. (Where did they go?) . After picking everyone up, the bus continued to the
north on Highway Number 1. It crossed the Dragon Bridge and stopped at the
gas station (What happened? Why did it stop there?) to get some more fuel.
Then, it left the highway and turned left onto a smaller road westward. (Please
imagine the direction here: Which is the East? the West? the North? the South?).
This road ran between green paddy fields, (What can you see though
the bus window?) so the people on the bus could see a lot of cows and buffaloes.
The road ended before a big store beside a pond. Instead of turning to the left
towards a small airport, the bus went in the opposite direction. (Did it stay there
for a long or a short time?). It did not stay on that road for very long, but turned
left onto a road which went though a small bamboo forest. Finally, the bus
dropped everyone off at the parking lot ten meters from a big old banyan tree. It
parked there (What for?) and waited for people to come back (When did they
come back?) in the evening.
(English 9 - Unit 3: A trip to the countryside - page
For example 2: Tapescript:
Mom, I’m tired.
Mrs. Brown: All right. You go back to the hotel and we’ll go and look at the
Okay, but how do I get to the hotel? (What does he want to find?)
Mrs. Brown: Let me check the map. Oh, yes. It’s Phong Lan Road, just off the
high way. (Where is the hotel?)
I remember. See you later.
Mrs. Brown: Bye.
Shannon: I’m hungry, Mom. (How does she feel?)
Mrs. Brown: Can you wait until after we’ve seen the pagoda, Shannon? The
restaurant is in Ho Tay Road. (What’s on Tay Ho Road?) It’s in
the opposite direction from the pagoda.
Shannon: Please, Mom. I’m starving!
Mr. Brown: I’ll take you to the restaurant and get something to eat, Shannon.
We’ll let your mother go to the pagoda.
Shannon: Thanks, Dad. Perhaps we can get some food at the restaurant and
eat it beside the river.
Mrs. Brown: As you are going in the direction of the bus station, can you book
seat on tomorrow’ bus to HCM City? (What does Mrs. Brown want
Mr. Brown to do?) The bus station is just opposite the tourist
information center. (What is just opposite the tourist information
Mr. Brown: All right.
Mrs. Brown: I’ll see you back at the hotel.
Shannon: How are you going to get to the pagoda, Mom? (Where does Mrs.
Brown want to go?)
Mrs. Brown: I’m going to walk over the bridge and take the first road on the
left. If I have time, I’ll also visit an old temple, which is just past
the pagoda on the same road. (Where is the old temple?)
Shannon: Bye, Mom. Have a nice time.
Mrs. Brown: I will, bye.
(English 8 - Unit 11: Traveling around Viet Nam- page 102)
c. Listen to confirm his speculations about article content, listen: this is
the same truth applies to reading comprehension skills: before listening/reading
teacher exploits suggestions of what students already know about the content
issue would listen/read, what is unknown, what is known. Then listen and relate
the understanding with the content should look.
For example 1:
When conducting a post about the media (English 9 - Unit 5: The mediapage 43), the teacher would ask, suggest what students already know about the
media, such as: name, birth, source, origin... Then the request or questions to the
students hear, find answers.
For example 2:
When conducting a post about the festivals/public holidays (English 7 Unit 7: The world of work - page 43), the teacher would ask, suggest what
students already know about the festivals/public holidays, such as: name, birth,
source, origin... Then the request or questions to the students hear, find answers.
d. Listen to retrieve required information: as mentioned, when conducting
active listening, teachers have to send out the request, the task of listening;
focusing on the primary content, it's important to let the listeners have the
specific purpose. The form of missions, diverse requirements, be it the form to
answer the question or complete the tables.
For example 1:
Listen and complete this pilot’s schedule with the correct place name.
(English 7 – Unit 16: People and places– page 156)
For example 2:
Listen to the report on how our oceans are polluted. Then complete the
raw sewage is pumped directly into the sea
---------------------------dropped into the sea
oil spills----------------------------------------Next
(English9–Unit6:Theenvironment – page 51)
e. Listen to capture the main ideas: (Listen for gist, for main ideas), in
many cases the student should be listening to understand the main ideas,
essential items without the need for attention to detail.
For example 1:
Listen to see the process how people make the compost.
- What is compost made from?
- Where should we place the compost heap?
- Should we water the compost?
- How long does it take before we can use the compost?
(English 8 – Unit 10: Recycling – page
For example 2:
Listen to the conversation and find information about Tim Jones and
- The food they ate?
- The bus they went?
- The sign they saw?
(English 9 – Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal – page 9)
f. Listen to the next communication activities: the listening activities,
usually in the form of filling out tables or put the pictures in order you here for a
communication activity that followed.
For example 1:
Listen to a passage describing Hoa’s day then put the pictures in order
you here. (After ordering the pictures, teacher can ask students to retell Hoa’s
day again).
(English 7 – Unit 10: Health and hygiene– page 100)
For example 2:
An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes. Listen to the
talk, then complete the table.
Living with earthquakes
Heavy fixtures, furniture, and appliances:
Place heavy books on the ------(1)-----Block the rollers on your ------(2)------- and ------(3)-----______________________________________________________
Flying glass:
Check the ------(4)-----Don’t put your bed near ------(5)-----______________________________________________________
Earthquakes drill:
Stay ------(6)------
Sit ------(7)------ or ------(8)-----Stand in the ------(9)-----(English 9 – Unit 9: Natural disasters – page 77) After completing tables for
posting listen on, the student can continue to work with the next communication
activity is talking back and/or said more
about how to survive an earthquake.
2.3.5. Practicing various forms of listening comprehension exercises:
Listening comprehension exercises has various forms. The popular
exercises were:
- Defining true – false questions
- Checking the correct answer / information
- Matching
- Filling in the chart
- Filling in the gap
- Answering comprehensive questions
2.3.6. Assumes some basic principles when conducting active listening:
Listening activities so as to achieve the desired goal, teachers need to
implement some basic principles when conducting a listening post as follows:
a. Lead-in as mentioned above, when focused, listeners often have
unintended, toward a focus on the need to hear, will know to pay attention to the
content when listening. So when teaching listening teachers also need to create
the "intent" for students to prepare for the upcoming hearing through the
activities before the hearing as:
- Introduction of context, situation
- The questions suggested, the guess about the content about to hear
- The questions to create curiosity, create excitement about article content
are about to hear.
- The questions that guide requirements for the necessity of listening
comprehension etc.
b. Listening tasks
Listening activities necessarily have driven through the requirements,
mission teacher-designed for students to perform. The requirements, this task
can be one or more of these forms of listening exercises as listed in section 4.
c. Conduct follows three stages: pre listening, while listening and post
*. Pre – listening
- Arouse interest
- Set up the context
- Create reasons for listening
- Pre-teach structures, new words
- Introduce briefly the topic, content
- Eliciting, guiding questions
- Predict the text
- Giving expectation
The teacher who creates listening material to students by leading
questions provoking talk about the topic of listening post, ask students to
observe and guess what they are going to listen? Who's going to say? About
whom? Where does the conversation take place? Teachers can ask students to
work in a preliminary group to guess what the content is about, to look through
the files or listening post's situation. Maybe there are things students don’t say
exactly with what the children are about to listen to but the problem is that the
children get excited before listening, understand situations and themes are about
to hear. Teachers can help students anticipate the difficulties may be encountered
in terms of pronunciation, the new structures, the knowledge or the knowledge
of the culture, the country school. Finally the teacher needs to enlighten students
know that they will hear as many times (from 2 to 3 times) and guidelines
require, mandate to hear (answering the question, select file or inset file)
playback time and homework (3 or 5 minutes).
*. While – listening
Practice activities while listening are exercises done while students listen,
or listen to them again to do the exercises. The form of training at this stage is to
learn and listen to the content of the article. Depending on the purpose and
specific content of each post, there will be different types of questions and
extraction requirements, possibly both content and language only. Popular
exercises and tricks during this period usually take the following form:
Find the word / sentence that says...; Check / tick the correct answer; True
– false;
Complete the table; Fill in the chart; Make up charts / diagrams; Make a
list of...;
Matching; answer the questions
The teacher plays the tape or reads the tapescript 2 or 3 times. Students
who are familiar with the listening include the content of the listening, the
second time listen to get the correct information to complete the exercise, the
third time listen and re-check the exercises that have done. The main goal of
listening is that students listen to the main content or get information, and
understand the author's attitudes. Therefore, teachers need to let students listen
to the whole lesson so they can understand the general ideas to do the exercises,
then can replay each piece to check the results, or listen again the difficult
sentences to confirm the feedback.
*. Post – listening
After students listen and do listening comprehension exercises, the
teacher can continue to perform exercises that require students to have general
knowledge; actual contact; converting knowledge or information, data received
through listening, practice reinforcing important grammatical structures.
The form of exercises may refer to:
Arrange the events in order; Find the sentence that summarizes the
content of the tape; Give the title of the listening text; Disscussion questions;
Gap filling; Guess the consequenses / results of the story...
Some students report before class or in a group the results which they
have heard, other students listen and comment or correct the result. Retelling,
recording the basic content of the listening text or conducting development
activities, expanding hearing ability is also a form of activity that deepens
When teaching listening of unit 4 - Our past (English 8, page 41), before
listening, the teacher should give titles first so that students have time to think.
Next, the teacher should ask them to anticipate the answers for the
following questions:
Where does the gold egg come from?
What is the purpose of killing chickens of the farmer and his wife?
How will the story end?
Teachers can take notes the predictions of some students, then let them
listen 2 or 3 times to check the information. Finally, unifying the moral lesson
from the story.
2.3.7. Always apply these tips raise questions when teaching the English
listening skills:
In the course of teaching, the question has always been used as a common
tool and is almost indispensable in every lesson.
For each lesson of teaching listening skill I usually use a variety of
different questions, such as:
Yes-No questions; Alternative questions; Wh-questions; Multiple choices;
The types of questions to be answered by taking the direct hearing in the
post or by implication in the article often easier but with questions that require
the inferences, evaluation to answer the very difficult should the choice of
questions for students to hear, guess and answer requires teachers to be flexible.
The different teaching methods do have the viewpoints on TeachingLearning vary but can be summarized into two major perspectives:
+ Teacher dominated
+ Students centered
In recent years, the teaching and learning of English at schools has turned
to new teaching methods, but sometimes teachers are also confused. Although
they have flexibly used innovative methods, they have not really promoted
students' positivity. Teachers should study good listening practices for students
to use in practice. And the students also have equally difficult tasks, that is the
perseverance of learning, honing and having to find ways to overcome
difficulties and find appropriate learning methods to achieve optimal efficiency.
2.4. Achievements.
After a period of applying the teaching methods mentioned above, I have
followed up and surveyed the quality of listening English skills at Luan Thanh
secondary school and obtained relatively satisfactory results.
Specific data of the survey results at the end of the first semester of the
2018-2019 school year at Luan Thanh secondary school are as follows:
The number of students
number class
are interested in listening
The number of
students are not
interested in listening
In comparision with the result at the beginning, it can be said that this
result has improved a lot. Moreover, by using these tips, students are more
interested in learning. They are always ready to receive every lesson with the
highest excitement. This also helps the teacher feel excited in teaching as well as
finding new methods to help students learn a foreign language better and better.
3. Conclusions and recommendations.
3.1. Conclusions.
After applying these methods for teaching and learning listening, the
results are much higher than when I didn’t improve teaching methods, it has
motivated me to constantly strive to achieve results further in teaching.
I have had my small contribution to the achievements of my school, put
my school get the targets that we had set.
I will try to maintain the aforementioned methods and constantly learn
and exchange with colleagues to spend time teaching more effectively. In this
project, I tried to explore teaching and learning methods in secondary school; at
the same time with analyze the causes and factors affecting the teaching and
learning methods in order to find and provide specific methods for students.
However, restrictions are inevitable.
This is just my personal experience, but I find its feasibility is very useful
for Luan Thanh secondary school students. The way to apply in reality isn’t too
complicated but effective. I only use some simple ways but after changing
teaching methods of teaching listening, I found the students were more excited
during the lessons, faster understanding and they remember the lesson better.
Therefore, I hope that my experience itself will contribute to improve the quality
of teaching and learning English in junior high school.
After many years of teaching as well as applying the subject, I can draw
some following experiences:
*For the teacher:
For any other subject, the teachers also need to create excitement for the
children at the beginning and especially have to guide them to self-study
because time in each period is only limited within 45 minutes. Intelligent
students only try to remember the main knowledge. Want to study well, they
have to spend time self-learning and researching as well as reviewing lessons at
Studying time at home is primary but many students do not have
consciousness, and especially do not know how to learn themselves. Therefore
every teacher should stimulate, motivate and guide them to learn. Having done
this task, teachers were successful in their teaching.
Especially while performing this topic, teachers also need to be noted:
- Need to specify the tasks for each group, guide the tasks of each group,
each individual student clearly, easily to understand
- Teachers should act as a guide, always help students, help them answer
questions whenever they need.
* For the students.
- Each individual should actively participate in the group that he had been
assigned, actively carry out his duties.
- Must be united with other members in his group and specially must have
passion for the subject.
3.2. Recommendations.
English is a difficult subject but my school doesn’t have many reference
books. The facilities and teaching aids aren’t enough, especially no audio-visual
room, so students do not have many favorable conditions to learn English.
To achieve high results in teaching and learning English, I would have
some following recommendations:
Every year, the education division needs to organize seminars for teachers
so that they have the opportunity to exchange experience and discuss ways to
improve the quality of teaching English.
Our schools need to purchase additional references which are important,
illustrations and other teaching materials for teachers to have additional
reference materials, to serve the teaching and learning of English. Besides,
school should facilitate, encourage and help teachers make good teaching aids to
bring quality of teaching English is more and more increased.
Above is a subjective opinion of my own on enrichment a number of tips
to cause excitement in teaching listening English skills for Luan Thanh
secondary school’s students. With my limited knowledge and experience, I am
surely to have a flaw in my experience initiative. I sincerely hope the leaders,
the experts of division, department and colleagues comment on my experience
initiative to achieve better efficiency in teaching.
I would like to thank!
Luan Thanh, February 25, 2019
I assure this is my experience initiative,
not copying the contents of the other people.
The implementer
Duong Thi Huan
1. Teacher’s book and English 7 (Ministry of Education and Training)
2. Teacher’s book and English 8 (Ministry of Education and Training)
3. Teacher’s book and English 9 (Ministry of Education and Training)
4. English language Teaching Methodology (Ministry of Education and Training
5. Some matters in renovating method in teaching English at Junior high school
(Nguyen Hanh Dung)
6. Innovative training materials in English secondary method. (Nguyen Hanh
7. Method of teaching English in junior high school (Nguyen Hanh Dung)
Full name: Duong Thi Huan.
Position and working unit: English teacher of Luan Thanh Secondary School.
English teaching
techniques for Luan
Thanh Secondary
School’s students.
A number of measures
to overcome the
common phonetic
errors which students
often make when
English for Luan
Thanh Secondary
School’s students.
Some methods to
improve English
reading skill for Luan
Thanh Secondary
School’s students.
Evaluating council
Thuong Xuan education
and training division
School year
2009 - 2010
2011 - 2012
Thuong Xuan education
and training division
Thuong Xuan education
and training division