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Hoàng Việt Hưng
English - Trick Master
Hội những người quyết tâm đạt điểm 8 môn tiếng Anh thi Đại học.

Từ giờ đến lúc Thi có thể làm lại được 2 lần – kết hợp tra cứu + ghi chép + dịch
câu – mà có thể nhớ được tầm 90% số này thì không lo phần nào nữa !
1. THÌ + CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN …………………….… 2

(đáp án: 28)

2. DẠNG ĐỘNG TỪ …………………………….. 4

(đáp án: 30)

3. LIÊN TỪ + CẤU TRÚC CÂU ………………… 7

(đáp án: 32)

4. GIỚI TỪ ……………………………………...…12

(đáp án: 36)

5. TỪ VỰNG + COLLOCATION ………………. 13

(đáp án: 37)

6. ĐỘNG TỪ KHIẾM KHUYẾT …………….….. 19

(đáp án: 42)

7. PHRASAL VERBS và IDIOMS ……………..… 20

(đáp án: 43)

8. TỔNG HỢP ………………………………………24
(Hòa hợp S và V, Mệnh đề Danh ngữ, Câu hỏi Đuôi, …..)

(đáp án: 46)

- Trick Master -

1. If she
A. would be

rich, she would travel around the world.
B. is
C. has been

2. If you had taken my advice, you
in such difficulties.

A. won't be
B. hadn't been
C. wouldn't be
3. My cat would not have bitten the toy fish
A. if she has known

C. had she known

6. Jane
A. is studying

D. wouldn't have been

it was made of rubber.
B. if she should know
D. if she knew

4. They will stay there for some days if the weather
A. would be
B. was
C. is
5. If she
A. hadn’t been

D. were


sick, she would have gone out with me to the party.
B. weren’t

C. hasn’t been

D. will be
D. wasn’t

law for four years now at Harvard.
B. has been studying
D. studied

C. studies
7. Our industrial output
A. rises
8. If everyone
A. could fly

from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this year.
B. has risen
C. was rising
D. rose

, how would we control the traffic?
B. can fly
C. flies

9. It is blowing so hard. We
A. have never known

C. never know

D. had flown

such a terrible storm.
B. have never been knowing
D. had never known

10. “You’ll recognize Jenny when you see her. She
a red hat.”
A. will wear
B. will be wearing

C. wears
11. If it
A. isn’t

D. is wearing
for the heavy storm, the accident would not have happened.
B. hadn’t been
C. were
D. weren’t

12. Only one of our gifted students
to participate in the final competition.
A. has been chosen B. have been chosen
C. were choosing
D. chosen
13. The packages
A. are tied in a bundle

C. were tied in a knot

_ so that it would be easier to carry them.
B. are tied altogether
D. were tied together

14. The boat was sailing north when a terrible storm
A. had broken
B. broke
C. would break
15. Due to ever more spreading poaching, there _

elephants over the last decade.
A. was
B. is

D. was breaking

a dramatic decline in the number of
C. has been

D. had been

16. I
work last week, but I changed my mind.
A. have started
B. was going to start
C. had started

D. would start

17. I
with my aunt when I am on holiday in Ho Chi Minh City next month.
A. will have been staying
B. will have stayed

C. stay
18. “What
A. happened

D. will be staying
if the earth stopped moving?”
B. would happen

19. “Could you turn off the stove? The potatoes
A. boiled
B. were boiling

C. happens

D. will happen

for at least thirty minutes.”
C. are boiling
D. have been boiling

20. The theory of relativity
by Einstein, who was a famous physicist.
A. was developed
B. is developed

C. develops
D. developed
a few more minutes, we could have finished the task.
A. Unless we had
B. If we had had
C. If we have
22. We could have caught the last train, but we
A. were
B. have been

D. If we had

five minutes late.
C. would be
D. are

23. Students will not be allowed into the exam room if they
A. didn't produce
B. don’t produce
C. produced

their student cards.
D. hadn’t produced

24. The headmaster has decided that three lecture halls
in our school next semester.
A. will build
B. will be building
C. are being built

D. will be built
25. It is raining heavily with rolls of thunder. We
A. would never see B. had never seen

such a terrible thunderstorm.
C. have never seen D. never see

26. Without your help, I
the technical problem with my computer the other day.
A. wouldn’t solve
B. couldn’t have solved
C. could solve
D. can’t solve
27. For the last 20 years, we
significant changes in the world of science and technology.
A. witness
B. have witnessed
C. witnessed
D. are witnessing
28. I haven‘t met him again since we
A. have left
B. leave

school ten years ago.
C. left

D. had left


1. Mary was the last applicant
A. to be interviewed

B. to be interviewing
D. to have interviewed

C. to interview
2. The equipment in our office needs
A. moderner
B. modernizing

C. modernized

3. Nowadays children would prefer history
A. be taught
B. to teach

D. Modernization

_ in more practical ways.
C. to be taught
D. teach

4. The room needs
A. decorating

for the wedding.
B. to decorate

5. I am considering
A. to move

my job. Can you recommend a good company?
B. moving
C. to change
D. changing

6. I'm sure you'll have no
A. difficulty passing

C. decorate

the exam.
B. difficulties to pass
D. difficulties of passing

C. difficulty to pass
7. “I’d rather you
A. going

_ home now.”
B. go

8. Susan’s doctor insists
A. that she is resting

D. be decorated

C. gone

D. went

for a few days.
B. her resting
D. her to rest

C. that she rest
9. “How many times have I told you
A. not playing

C. not to play

football in the street?”
B. do not play
D. not to have played

10. Neil Armstrong was the first man
A. to walk
B. walking

on the moon.
C. walked

D. has walked

11. I’ve warned you many times
A. not leaving
B. won’t leave

the front door unlocked.
C. not to leave

D. don’t leave

12. It is imperative
A. he must know about

C. that he knew

what to do when there is a fire.
B. that everyone know
D. we knew

13. Our boss would rather
during the working hours.
A. we didn’t chat
B. we don’t chat
C. us not chat

D. us not chatting

14. The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it’s worth
A. to take
B. taking
C. taken

a packed lunch.

D. take

15. The struggle for women’s rights began in the 18th century during a period

A. that knew

B. knew

C. known

16. It has been suggested that Mary
A. would have taken

as the Age of

D. is knowing

a computer course in preparation for a steady job.
B. have been taken
D. was taken

C. take
17. The Principal usually has his pupils
A. collected
B. collect

waste paper for their mini-project.
C. to collect
D. having collected

18. Geometry is a branch of mathematics
A. that concerning with

the properties of lines, curves, shapes, and surfaces.
B. concerned with
D. that it is concerned with

C. that concerned with

one of the most beautiful forms of performance art, ballet is a combination of dance and
mime performed to music.
A. Being considering B. Considering
C. Considered
D. To consider

20. Michael looked deeply hurt and surprised when
A. scolded
B. scolding
C. to scold
21. Connecticut was the fifth of the original thirteen states

A. to ratify

B. ratify

22. No one can avoid

by advertisements.
A. to be influenced B. having influenced
23. The children ran away as if they
A. have seen
B. had seen
24. Books and magazines
A. that lie
B. laying

D. having scolded
the Constitution of the United

C. ratified

D. have ratified

C. influencing

D. being influenced

a ghost.
C. would see

around made his room very untidy.
C. which lied

25. “My secretary will book you an afternoon flight and have you
A. picking up
B. to pick up
C. picked up

D. see
D. Lying
at the airport.”
D. pick up

26. Do you remember
to help us when we were in difficulty?
A. you offer
B. being offered
C. to offer

D. once offering

27. Applications
A. send

D. that is sent

in after 30 April will not be considered.
B. which sent
C. sent

28. “It’s about time you
A. must do
B. did

your homework, Mary.”
C. will do

D. do

29. The girl was used
birthday presents from her brothers.
A. to receive
B. to be receiving
C. to being received

D. to receiving

30. Although MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) spreads through close contact with

sick people, not through the air, many people still avoid to crowded places.
A. having gone
B. going
C. to go
D. gone
31. By the time their babies arrive, the Johnsons hope
painting the nursery.
A. have finished
B. finished
C. to finish
D. finish
32. In the wake of increasing food poisoning, many consumers have turned to vegetables

A. that grown

B. grown

33. Most teenagers enjoy
A. surfing
B. surf
34. Richard, my neighbor,
A. says to fight

C. which grows

D. are grown

the Internet for information and entertainment.
C. surfed
D. to surf
in World War II.

B. says to have fought

C. is said to fight

35. Her fiancé is said
from Harvard University five years ago.
A. having graduated B. to have graduated
C. being graduated

D. is said to have fought
D. to be graduated


1. What beautiful eyes _
A. does she have
B. she has

C. has she

D. she doesn't have

the storm, the ship couldn't reach its destination on time.
A. In case of
B. In spite of
C. Because of

D. But for

3. He hurried
A. since

D. so that

he wouldn't be late for class.
B. as if
C. unless

4. Do you know
A. what wrong was it with

B. what's wrong with it
D. what wrong is it with

C. what wrong was with it
, the results couldn't be better.
A. No matter what he tried hard

B. No matter how hard he tried
D. Despite how hard he tried

C. Although very hard he tried
6. I hadn’t realized she was English
A. only after
B. in case

she spoke.
C. until

7. Ensure there is at least a 3cm space
A. in view of
B. so as to
8. He was
A. so good a

allow adequate ventilation.
C. so that
D. with a view to


B. so a good

C. how good a

9. The building has a smoke detector
A. if
B. as if

D. what a good

any fires can be detected immediately.
C. such as
D. so that

10. Prizes are awarded _
the number of points scored.
A. because of
B. according to
C. adding up
11. The doctor decided to give her a thorough examination

A. after

D. when

B. so as

C. unless

D. resulting in
he could identify the causes of her
D. so that

12. The price of fruit has increased recently,
A. whereas
B. whether

the price of vegetables has gone down.
C. when
D. otherwise

13. I won’t change my mind
A. whether
B. no matter

C. because

what you say.

14. The United States consists of fifty states, _
A. each of which
B. hence each

D. although

has its own government.
C. they each
D. each of that

15. They didn’t find
A. it easy to live

in a foreign country.
B. it easy live
C. it to live easy

16. There was nothing they could do
A. but
B. instead of

D. easy to live

leave the car at the roadside where it had broken down.
C. than
D. unless

broken several world records in swimming.
A. She is said that she has
B. People say she had

C. She is said to have

D. It is said to have

18. “You can go to the party tonight
A. as long as
B. as well as

you are sober when you come home.”
C. as far as
D. as soon as

19. “The inflation rate in Greece is five times
A. as high as that in B. as much as

my country,” he said.
C. as many as that in D. more than

20. Not having written about the required topic, a low mark,
A. the teacher gave me
B. I was given

C. the teacher gave


D. my presentation was given

21. We have bought extra food
A. so that
B. when

our guests stay to dinner.
C. if

I might, I couldn’t open the door.

A. However hard
B. As try

C. Try as

D. in case
D. No matter

23. Before I left for my summer camp, my mother told me to take warm clothes with me

it was cold.
A. so that

B. despite

24. “Never be late for an interview,
A. otherwise
B. if not
25. The temperature
A. which melting

C. whereas
you can’t get the job.”
C. or so

D. in case
D. unless

takes place varies widely from material to material.
B. which they melt

C. at which melting D. at which they melt

26. She built a high wall round her garden
A. in order that her fruit not be stolen

C. so that her fruit would be stolen

B. to enable people not taking her fruit
D. to prevent her fruit from being stolen

27. The sky was cloudy and foggy. We went to the beach,
A. so
B. however
C. even though

D. yet

28. “
you treat him, he’ll help you. He’s so tolerant.”
A. In addition to
B. Even though
C. As if

D. No matter how

smoking is a causative factor of many diseases, there is no ban on tobacco advertising.
A. However

B. Therefore
C. In spite of
D. Although

30. You should look up the meaning of new words in the dictionary
A. so as not to
B. so that not to
C. so not to

misuse them.
D. so that not

31. Working as a volunteer gives her a chance to develop her interpersonal skills, promote friendship,

her own talent.
A. discover
B. discovered
32. He is a very intelligent boy;
A. otherwise
B. thus

C. to discover
, he sometimes gets bad marks.
C. so

that Columbus discovered America.
A. There was in 1492

D. discovering
D. however

C. In 1492

B. That was in 1492
D. It was in 1492

34. The pool should not be made so deep small
A. if
B. so as to

children can be safe there.
C. though
D. so that

35. Education in many countries is compulsory _
A. for
B. when

the age of 16.
C. until

D. forwards

has been a topic of continual geological research.
A. The continents formed
B. If the continents formed

C. How did the continents form
37. Standing on the tip of the cape,
A. people have seen a lighthouse far away

D. How the continents were formed

C. a lighthouse can see from the distance
A. When

B. lies a lighthouse in the middle of the sea
D. we can see the lighthouse in the distance

John Kennedy was elected president, he was the youngest American President ever.
B. While
C. Before
D. As long as

39. You can use my car
you drive carefully.
A. though
B. as though
C. as long as
40. The Moon is much closer to Earth
A. but the Sun is
B. where the Sun is

D. lest

, and thus it had greater influence on the tides.
C. than is the Sun
D. unlike the Sun

41. It is
work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.
A. such an unusual
B. such unusual a
C. a so unusual
42. We decided to take a late flight
A. so as to
B. in order

D. so an unusual

we could spend more time with our family.
C. so that
D. in order to

43. My brother tried to learn Japanese at a night school,
A. therefore
B. when
C. until

he gave up after 2 months.
D. but

44. Having traveled to different parts of our country,

A. we have learned a lot about interesting lifestyles and customs
B. we are seeing a lot of interesting lifestyles and customs
C. many interesting lifestyles and customs have been learned by us
D. much has been learned about interesting lifestyles and customs
45. In my opinion,
_ new technology who will finally decide which ideas take off.
A. that the development of
B. it is the user of

C. that the user of

D. it is the development of

my mother’s encouragement, I wouldn’t have made such a daring decision.
A. In spite
B. Providing
C. Until
D. But for
47. The bank has more than 100 branches,
A. the location of which

C. each located

in a major urban area.
B. and are located
D. each locating

48. Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking

questioning them.
A. in addition
B. because of
, she continued to carry out her duties.
A. Despite her good health

C. Although she is in good health

accepting opinions without

C. instead of

D. for instance

B. Although in poor health
D. No matter how poor her health

50. “Take a spare tyre
you have a puncture on the way to the beach.”
A. in case
B. unless
C. so that
D. if
he got top marks at high school, he never went to university.
A. Although
B. Despite
C. Nevertheless

52. In my apartment there are two rooms,
A. the largest one

C. the largest of which

D. Meanwhile

is used as the living-room.
B. the large one
D. the larger of which

53. The higher the content of carbon dioxide in the air is,
A. the more heat it retains
B. the heat it retains more

C. it retains the more heat

D. more heat it retains

54. Mrs. Chau has managed the department
A. too successful
B. too successfully

that she’ll be promoted next month.
C. very successful
D. so successfully

55. Sammy had worked in England for a year
A. while

B. before

moving to Scotland.
C. once
D. until

always gives me real pleasure.
A. While arranging flowers
B. The flowers are arranged

C. Arranging flowers
D. I arrange flowers

the salesman promised to exchange the defective CD player for a new one, they
insisted on getting a refund.
A. And
B. But
C. Although
D. Despite

58. Marie Curie,
, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.
A. whose scientific discovery of radium
B. was the scientist who discovered radium

C. the scientist discovered radium

D. the scientist who discovered radium

about gene-related diseases has increased is welcome news.
A. Scientific knowledge
B. It was scientific knowledge

C. Though scientific knowledge
60. I knew they were talking about me
A. because
B. so that

D. That scientific knowledge
they stopped when I entered the room.
C. despite
D. therefore

they are delicious, hamburgers and French fries are too high in fat.
A. However
B. Although
C. Because
D. Despite
62. Most psychologists agree that the basic structure of an individual’s personality is
A. by the age of five it is quite well established
B. quite well established by the age of five

C. well established quite by the age of five
63. Ms Brown asked me

in my class.
A. there were how many students

C. were there how many students
64. John wanted to know
in my family.
A. there were how many people

C. were there how many people

D. by the age of five and quite well established
B. how many students there were
D. how many students were there
B. how many people were there
D. how many people there were

1. He completely
A. accepted

_ with what I said.
B. complained

2. I finished my homework a few days ahead
A. of
B. to
3. It was really kind
A. by

B. of

D. argued

the deadline.
C. by

D. at

you to help those poor people.
C. at

4. She nearly lost her own life
A. at
B. for
5. Anne persisted
A. on

C. agreed

D. to

attempting to save the child from drowning.
C. in
D. with

_ her search for the truth about what had happened.
B. about
C. at
D. in

6. My computer is not
of running this software.
A. able
B. compatible
C. capable
7. “This library card will give you free access
A. on
B. to
8. She had to hand in her notice
A. with
B. from

D. suitable

the Internet eight hours a day.”
C. from
D. in

advance when she decided to leave the job.
C. in
D. to

9. Young people have become increasingly committed
A. of
B. to
C. in

social activities.
D. at

10. While everybody else in our class prefers working in groups, Mina likes working
A. on herself
B. on her own
C. of her own
D. in herself
11. This part of the country is famous
A. about
B. with
12. Many rare and precious species are now
A. in
B. from
13. Students are
A. under

its beautiful landscapes and fine cuisine.
C. of
D. for
the verge of extinction.
C. on
D. by

less pressure as a result of changes in testing procedures.
B. above
C. upon
D. out of


1. Make exercise a part of your daily
A. regularity
B. chore
2. Argentina
A. beat

C. routine

Mexico by one goal to nil in the match.
B. scored
C. won

3. There should be no discrimination on
A. fields
B. places
4. He felt
A. discouraged

D. Frequency
D. knocked

of sex, race or religion.
C. areas
D. Grounds

when he failed the exams the second time.
B. annoyed
C. undecided

5. I have bought a present for my mother, and now I need some
A. paper wrapper
B. wrap paper
C. wrapped paper
6. Computer is one of the most important
A. inventings
B. inventories

of the 20th century.
C. inventions

7. If they are not careful with their accounts, their business will go
A. poor
B. bankrupt
C. penniless

D. determined
D. wrapping paper
D. inventors
D. Broken

8. He gave me his personal
that his draft would be ready by Friday.
A. endurance
B. insurance
C. assurance
D. ensurance

9. Many people like the slow
A. step
B. pace

of life in the countryside.
C. speed

10. The case against the corruption scandal was _
A. discarded
B. refused
C. eliminated

D. space
D. dismissed

11. The two countries have reached an agreement through dialogues described as
A. counterproductive B. productivity
C. productive
D. unproductive
12. My father hasn't had much
A. business
B. connection

with my family since he moved to New York.
C. meeting
D. contact

13. He’s a very

A. creative

person because he can make other workers follow his advice.
B. influential
C. deciding
D. effective

14. Increasing
A. the amount

of fruit in the diet may help to reduce the risk of heart disease.
B. an amount
C. the number
D. a number

15. That hotel is so expensive. They
A. charge
B. fine
16. I’m afraid I’m not really
A. qualifying
B. qualified

you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast.
C. take
D. cost
to comment on this matter.
C. quality

D. qualitative

17. Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical
A. utilities
B. applications
C. appliances

D. instruments

18. The curtains have
because of the strong sunlight.
A. faded
B. fainted
C. lightened

D. weakened

19. The referee
A. caught

the coin to decide which team would kick the ball first.
B. threw
C. cast
D. tossed

20. How long does the play
A. last
B. extend


C. prolong

D. stretch

21. There should be an international law against
A. afforestation
B. deforestation
C. forestry

D. reforestation

22. “Don’t worry. I have
A. another
B. other

D. the other

tire at the back of my car.”
C. others

23. We couldn’t fly
A. economical

because all the tickets had been sold out.
B. economy
C. economic

D. economics

24. Through an
A. overtone

, your letter was left unanswered.
B. overcharge
C. overtime

D. oversight

25. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop
A. having
B. making
C. doing

D. taking

26. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a
A. windy
B. rainy
C. foggy
27. Laura had a blazing _
A. gossip
B. chat

D. Snowy

with Eddie and stormed out of the house.
C. word

D. row

28. All students should be
A. numerate
B. numeric

and literate when they leave school.
C. numeral

29. As the drug took
, the boy became quieter.
A. action
B. influence
C. effect

D. numerous
D. Force

30. Is it true that this country produces more oil than
A. any another country
B. any countries else

C. any other countries

D. any country else

31. The Internet has enabled people to
A. interconnect
B. interlink

with each other more quickly.
C. interact
D. intervene

32. Martha, Julia and Mark are 17, 19 and 20 years old
A. independently
B. separately
C. respectively

D. respectfully

33. The sign “NO TRESPASSING” tells you
A. not to approach
B. not to smoke
C. not to enter

D. not to photograph

34. The village was
A. mostly

D. barely

visible through the dense fog.
B. hard
C. only

35. Before going to bed, he wanted some tea but there was
A. a few
B. any
C. no

D. nothing

36. In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye
A. link
B. touch
C. contact
37. As a(n)
A. industrious

with the interviewers.
D. connection

girl, she found it difficult to socialise with other students in the class.
B. ashamed
C. dynamic
D. reserved

38. New machinery has enhanced the company’s productivity and
A. competitive
B. competitiveness C. competitor
39. Scientists have
A. solved

a lot of research into renewable energy sources.
B. made
C. carried
D. done

40. The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water
A. abundance
B. poverty
C. plenty

D. shortage

41. She passed the National High School Graduation Exam with
A. flying
B. bright
C. true
42. Nowadays, with the help of the computer, teachers have developed a

A. multilateral

D. competition

B. multilingual

C. multiple-choice

43. Although we have a large number of students, each one receives

A. alone
B. separate
C. individual

D. red
approach to
D. Multimedia
D. only

44. Anna is holding her shopping bag with one hand and turning the door handle with
A. others
B. another
C. the other
D. Other


45. The language centre offers courses of various levels, such as elementary, intermediate and

A. advance

B. advancement

C. advancing

46. No matter how angry he was, he would never
A. resort

B. resist
C. refuse

D. advanced
to violence.
D. resolve

47. The use of vitamin _
and herbs has become increasingly popular among Americans.
A. components
B. materials
C. ingredients
D. supplements
48. Long ago, women were
A. prevented
B. stopped

to vote in political elections.
C. forbidden

D. banned

49. In spite of her abilities, Laura has been
A. repeat
B. repeatedly
A. Alike

_ overlooked for promotion.

C. repetitive
D. repetition

his brother, Mike is active and friendly.
B. Unlike
C. Dislike

D. Liking

51. The water supply of our home city has failed to
A. see
B. meet
C. own
52. He applied for a teaching
A. employment
B. post

average purity requirements.
D. hold

at Bales University with great confidence.
C. work
D. career

53. In the last match, Sabella changed his formation at half-time, introducing Fernando Gago

in midfield and Higuain in attack, but in the end it was Messi’s magic that
the difference.
A. did
B. gave

C. took
D. made
54. The cinema is no longer as popular as it was in the 1930's and 1940's, but it is still an important

of entertainment.
B. origin

A. prospect

C. status

55. The carefully nurtured gardens with a wide

D. source
of flowers and fruit trees have added elegance

to this place and made it a major tourist attraction.
A. number
B. amount
C. variety

D. species

56. China’s placement of its oil rig in Vietnam’s East Sea EEZ has been denounced by ASEAN and

Western politicians and professionals as the violation of Vietnam’s
A. territorial
B. fresh
C. farmed

D. inland

57. Communities in remote areas are extremely
to famine if crops fail.
A. disappointed
B. helpless
C. defenseless
D. vulnerable
58. Be sure not to rely too
on your mother tongue when you are learning a foreign language.
A. numerously
B. heavily
C. abundantly
D. severely
59. It is
A. familiar

of businessmen to shake hands in formal meetings.
B. ordinary
C. common

D. typical

60. A molecule of water is
of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
A. created
B. included
C. consisted
D. composed

61. Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely
A. imaginary
B. imaginative
C. imagining
D. imaginable
62. This is
A. by rights

the most difficult job I have ever tackled.
B. by all means
C. by far

63. His answer was so confusing that it hardly made
A. meaning
B. interpretation
C. intelligibility

D. by the way
D. sense


64. My father sometimes
the washing up after dinner.
A. washes
B. takes
C. makes

D. does

65. Waste paper can be used again after being
A. produced `
B. recycled
C. wasted

D. preserved

66. Since
A. attendance

D. attendee

has been so poor, the class has been closed.
B. attendant
C. attending

67. He was too sure of himself to pay
A. notice
B. attention

to the warnings against the danger.
C. respect
D. recognition

68. In a modern family, the husband is expected to join hands with his wife to

household chores.

A. do
B. run
69. She took a course in fine arts
A. with a view to
B. in terms of
70. All the

finishing line.
A. watchers

C. take


D. make

starting her own business in interior design.
C. in order to
D. with reference to

in the stadium applauded the winner of the marathon when he crossed the
B. audience

C. viewers

D. spectators

71. The firefighters’ single-minded devotion to the rescue of the victims of the fire was
A. respecting
B. respective

C. respectful
D. respectable
72. The university administrations are introducing new measures to

_ that the enrolment

process runs smoothly.
A. maintain
B. improve

D. ensure

73. They are always
A. support

C. facilitate

of what their children do.
B. supporting
C. supportive

D. supportively

74. Women in some parts of the world are still struggling for
A. equal
B. various
C. suitable
75. Tom is getting ever keener on doing research on


job opportunities to men.
D. legal

. A. biology B. biological C. biologist D.

76. All nations should
hands to work out a plan to solve the problem of global warming.
A. join
B. hold
C. shake
D. lend
77. Many people and organizations have been making every possible effort in order to save

A. endangered

B. dangerous

78. A number of young teachers nowadays
A. offer
B. stick

C. fearful

D. threatening

_ themselves to teaching disadvantaged children.
C. give

D. devote

79. Whistling or clapping hands to get someone‘s attention is considered _

some circumstances.
A. suitable
B. unnecessary

C. appropriate

and even rude in
D. impolite

1. I can't find my purse anywhere; I must
A. leave
B. have left

_ it at the cinema.
C. be leaving

D. have been leaving

2. - "Why wasn't your boyfriend at the party last night?"
- "He
the lecture at Shaw Hall. I know he very much wanted to hear the speaker."
A. should have attended
B. can have attended

C. was to attend
D. may have attended
3. He
to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play instead.
A. must have gone B. should have gone C. couldn’t go
D. didn’t have to go
4. The kitchen
A. should be
5. “You
A. wouldn’t

dirty because she has just cleaned it.
B. can’t be
C. mustn’t be

D. may be

have cooked so many dishes. There are only three of us for lunch.”
B. oughtn’t
C. needn’t
D. couldn’t

6. He
us but he was short of money at the time.
A. could have helped B. can help
C. might help
7. Jessica looks very tired. She
A. should
B. must

D. would help

have stayed up late to finish her assignment last night.
C. would
D. will

8. Changes have been made in our primary schooling program. As a result, young children
do homework any more.
A. couldn’t
B. needn’t
C. oughtn’t
D. haven’t

1. I wish I hadn't said it. If only I could
A. turn the clock round

C. turn the clock back
2. I just took it
A. into account

B. turn the clock down
D. turn the clock forward

that he’d always be available.
B. for granted
C. into consideration

3. My car is getting unreliable; I think I'll trade it _
A. in
B. off
C. up
4. Anne persisted
A. on

for a new one.
D. away

_ her search for the truth about what had happened.
B. about
C. at
D. In

5. The old houses were _
A. banged
B. put
6. I accidentally
A. caught sight of

D. easy

down to make way for a block of flats.
C. hit

D. knocked

Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
B. kept an eye on

C. paid attention to
D. lost touch with

7. My mother told me to
A. send
B. write

for an electrician when her fan was out of order.
C. rent
D. turn

8. It is very important for a firm or a company to keep
A. pace of
B. track about
C. touch with

the changes in the market.
D. up with

9. The forecast has revealed that the world’s reserves of fossil fuel will have
by 2015.
A. taken over
B. caught up
C. used off
D. run out
10. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a
A. windy
B. rainy
C. foggy
11. We

A. gave in

with a swim in the lake.
B. cooled off

12. They’re staying with us
A. during
B. for

C. make yourself at home

C. got out

D. snowy
D. took up

the time being until they can afford a house.
C. at
D. in

13. Since he failed his exam, he had to _
A. take
B. sit
14. “Why don’t you sit down and
A. make yourself at peace


for it again.
C. make

D. pass

B. make it your own home
D. make yourself at rest

15. He never lets anything
him and his weekend fishing trip.
A. come among
B. come between
C. come up

D. come on

16. The Second World War
A. turned up
B. took out

in 1939.
C. brought about

D. broke out

17. “We'd better
A. take up

_ if we want to get there in time.”
B. put down

C. speed up

D. turn down

18. I could not
A. make off

the lecture at all. It was too difficult for me.
B. take in
C. get along

D. hold on

19. My mother had to work 12 hours a day in a factory just to _
A. tighten the belt
B. make ends meet
C. call it a day
20. He is coming
A. across with

22. It is interesting to take
A. up
B. over

D. up with

while I was on a business trip in her town.
C. off
D. in
a new hobby such as collecting stamps or going fishing.

C. in
D. on

23. The team were eager to make
A. up for
B. away with

25. He came
A. out of

D. break the ice

_ a cold after a night out in the rain.
B. down with
C. away from

21. It was so kind of her to put me
A. down
B. up

24. He died
A. by


the loss of the previous match.
C. up with
D. off with

lung cancer last month, leaving his wife in great shock.

B. for
C. in
D. of
a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.
B. off
C. over
D. in for

26. She started the course two months ago but dropped
A. in
B. out
C. off
27. I can’t find my dictionary at the moment. I hope it will
A. turn
B. clear
C. come
28. The children made _
A. off
B. for

_ after only a month.
D. back
up soon.
D. look

a funny story and wrote it on the card.
C. out

29. Regular exercise and good diet will bring
A. from

B. to
30. I am sorry I have no time at present to
A. bring in
B. take into

D. up

fitness and health.
C. about
D. up
_ detail of our plan.
C. come in

D. go into

31. We must push the piano to the corner of the hall to
our party tonight.
A. make place for
B. take up room to
C. make room for
D. give place to
32. His honesty is
A. in question

; nobody can doubt it.
B. beside the question

C. without question

D. out the question

33. He's sometimes bad-tempered but he's a good fellow
A. at heart
B. by heart
C. with heart

D. in heart

34. A large number of workmen
A. have laid down
B. has laid aside

because of the economic recession.
C. have been laid off D. has been laid out

35. The government was finally
A. put back
B. brought down

by a minor scandal.
C. pulled down

36. We’ve already bought the house but won’t

have moved out.
A. take possession of B. catch sight of

it until May, when the present occupants

C. keep track of

37. The young lady sat still in the afternoon breeze, with her hair
A. running over
B. streaming down
C. flowed down
38. While I was looking through my old albums the other day, I

A. took after

B. made up

39. I could hear voices but I couldn’t
A. turn up
B. bring about
40. We received a call from the teacher
A. to
B. in

D. taken down

C. turned down
what they were saying.
C. make out
charge of our course.
C. at

D. gain recognition of
her back.

D. fallen against
this photograph of my parents'
D. came across
D. try out
D. on

41. When asked about their preference for movies, many young people say that they are in favour

science fiction.
A. for
B. in

C. with

D. of

42. Nguyen Thi Anh Vien performed so well in the 28 th Sea Games women’s 200m butterfly that

none of her rivals could
A. catch up with
B. come up to
43. Global warming will result
A. of
B. to

C. look up to
crop failures and famine.
C. from

44. A large number of inventions and discoveries have been made
A. by
B. at
C. on

D. put up with
D. in
D. in

45. He
till the early hours of the next morning listening to pop music.
A. took me up
B. kept me up
C. caught me up
D. held me up
46. The Government has brought

A. in

B. about

a new law in an effort to prevent further environmental
C. up

D. on

47. The table in the living room should be moved to
the new TV set.

A. get rid of
B. pave the way for
C. make room for
D. take hold of

48. The US president Barack Obama

an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of
great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership.
A. delivered
B. paid
C. offered
D. gave
49. Candidates are requested to
A. fill out
B. show up
50. The manager
A. had
51. Garvin is
A. looking after

the form to the admissions officer by July 25th.
C. pass over
D. hand in

his temper with the employees and shouted at them.
B. lost
C. took
D. kept

a new computer application to see whether it works.
B. putting on
C. trying out
D. turning up

52. Terry is a very imaginative boy. He always comes
interesting ideas.
A. out of
B. down on
C. up with
D. in for
53. ―”Sorry for being late. I was
A. carried on
B. held up
54. She was tired and couldn‘t keep
A. up with
B. up against

in the traffic for more than an hour.”C. put off
D. taken after
the group.
C. on to

D. out of

(Tổng hợp = Đảo ngữ, Hoà hợp S + V, Mệnh đề Danh ngữ, Bàng thái cách, Câu hỏi
1. The cat was

A. patient enough

A. Every

to wait for the mouse to come out of its hole.
B. so patient
C. enough patient

of the workers has his own work.
B. Each

3. It was really kind
A. by

B. of

4. Hair colour is one of
A. the most obviously

C. obviously the most

D. too patient

C. Other

D. All

you to help those poor people.
C. at

D. to

characteristics to be used in identifying people.
B. most obvious
D. the most obvious

5. Why don’t you ask the man where _
A. he would rather
B. would he like

to stay?
C. he would like

that she burst into tears.
A. So angry she was
C. Such her anger was

D. he feels like


B. She was so anger
D. Her anger was such

7. He was
A. so good a
B. so a good
C. how good a

8. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver
A. are injured
B. were injured
C. was injured
9. I'm sure you'll have no
the exam.
A. difficulty passing B. difficulties to pass

D. what a good
in the crash.
D. have been injured

C. difficulty to pass

D. difficulties of passing

he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came.
A. No longer has
B. No sooner had
C. Not until had

D. Hardly had

11. Susan’s doctor insists
for a few days.
A. that she is resting B. her resting

D. her to rest

C. that she rest

12. John paid $2 for his meal,
he had thought it would cost.
A. not as much
B. not so much as
C. less as

D. not so many as

13. Only when you grow up
A. you will know
B. you know

D. will you know

the truth.
C. do you know

14. “Buy me a newspaper on your way back,
A. will you
B. don’t you

C. can’t you

Serbia defeated Germany surprised everyone.
A. Whether

B. When
C. Because
16. “The inflation rate in Greece is five times
A. as high as that in B. as much as
A. What

18. The captain as well as all the passengers
A. have been
B. was

C. that he knew

D. That

my country,” he said.
C. as many as that in D. more than

he does sometimes annoys me very much.
B. When
C. How

19. It is imperative
A. he must know about

D. do you

D. Why

very frightened by the strange noise.

C. is
D. were

what to do when there is a fire.
B. that everyone know
D. we knew

20. The instructor blew his whistle and
A. off the runners were running

B. off ran the runners
D. the runners run off

C. off were running the runners
21. This shirt is
that one.
A. much far expensive than

C. a bit less expensive

B. as much expensive as
D. not nearly as expensive as

22. I did not want to believe them, but in fact,
A. what they said
B. what has said

was true.
C. which they said

23. When Peter was a child, there
A. used to be being B. used to have

a cinema near his house.
C. used to have been D. used to be

24. After the car crash last night, all the injured _
A. were rushed
B. was rushing
25. It has been suggested that Mary
A. would have taken B. have been taken
26. They live on a busy road.
A. There must be
B. It must be

D. that they were said

to the hospital in an ambulance.
C. were rushing
D. was rushed

a computer course in preparation for a steady job.
C. take
D. was taken

a lot of noise from traffic.
C. It must have been D. There must have


make a good impression on her.
A. Only by doing so can I

C. Only by doing so I can

B. Only by so doing I can
D. Only so doing can I

28. People don’t like the way he shows off,
A. does he
B. do they

C. don’t they

D. doesn’t he
