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Unit seven

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- Asking pupils : Who's absent today?
Date of teaching Class Absent students
Period 37
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Student will able to:
- Aware of the danger of having many children.
- Develop such reading micro-skill as scanning for specific ideas, and guessing
meaning in context.
- Use the information they have read to discuss the topic.
2. Knowledge:
+ Lexical items: To double (v)
Average (a)
Birth- control methods
Family planning (n)
+ Structure: - It is the time sb did sth
- To continue to do sth
3. Skill
+ Main skill: reading
+ Sub-skills: speaking and listening
B.Teaching method: Communicative approach
C.Teaching aids:
- Teacher: Sub-board, pictures, handouts, text book
- Students: textbook
Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities
I. Warm up.(7m)
- Ask Ss to look at the picture in the

textbook and answer the questions
+ Where can you find these scenes?
+ What does each of the pictures tell you?
+ Do you think that the larger in
- Observe the picture then answer the
* Suggested keys
+ These scenes can be found in poor or
population a country is, the stronger it is?
Why? Why not?
II. Before you read.(8m)
-Give and explain the meaning of the new
- Guide Ss to read the new words.
-New words:
To double (v)
Average (a)
Birth- control methods
Family planning (n)
It is the time sb did sth
To continue to do sth
III. While you read.
1. Activity 1: Task1 (10m):
- Explain the meaning of the words in the
box and guides Ss to read the new words.
- Get Ss to read the words in the box
- Get Ss to read the passage silently and do
task 1 individually.
- Go around the class and provide help if

- Call on some Ss to read aloud their
answers. Ask them to explain their
- Give correct answers:
2. Activity 2: Task 2: (12m)
- Ask Ss to read the questions and find the
answers in the passage.
- Get Ss to read the task requirement and
do the task individually and then find a
peer to compare their answers with.
+ First, Ss should skim the five questions
to understand them
under-developed country
+ The upper picture dscribes a poor
family in the remote village.
- The lower picture describes a poor slum
in a small town or city.
+ I don’t think it usually is.
- Listen then copy down in their
- Read in chorus
read the passage silently
- Individual work
- Speak aloud
- give and explain their choice.
1.although 5. figures
2. method 6. limit
3. increases 7. international
4. resources 8. control

- Individual work
1.The population of the world in 10,000
+ Underline the key words
+ Ss should go back the passage and locate
the key words in the passage.
+ Ss should read the key words carefully
to find the answers
- Call on some Ss to read aloud their
answers and ask them to explain their
- Give correct answers.
IV. After you read. (6m)
- Ask Ss to work in groups and find out five
world largest countries in population.
- Control and correct.
V. Homework.(2m)
- Ask Ss to summarize the main content of
the passages.
B.C. was 10 million; in 1750 it was 625
million; in 1850 it was 1300 million; in
1950 it was 2510 million; in 1985 it was
4760 million; in 2000
it was 6.6 billion.
2. By the year 2015, the population of
the world is expected to be over 7 billion.
3. Some scientists say it can, but others
say it can’t
4. No, they don’t
5. Because they know of no safe way to

have fewer children.
- work in groups
Five world largest countries in
1. China
2. India
3. United State
4. 4. Indonesia
5. Brazil
- summarize the main content of the
- Asking pupils : Who's absent today?
Date of teaching Class Absent students
Period 38
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Student will able to:
- Talk about the causes of population explosion, problems of population booms and
solutions to these problems
2. Knowledge:
+ Lexical items: + First/ firstly, second, next
+ also, besides, moreover, in addition, furthermore.
+ The first problem is that…/ the next solution is that…
+ on the one hand, on the other hand, hower, bu
+ Structure: - to be aware of
- to exercise
- to carry out

3. Skill
+ Main skill: speaking
+ Sub-skills: writing and listening
B.Teaching method: Communicative approach
C.Teaching aids:
- Teacher: Sub-board, pictures, handouts, text book
- Students: textbook
Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities
I. Warm up. (5m)
Ask Ss to name some largest countries in
II. Before you speak
* Task1:(10m)
- Ask Ss to read the causes provided on page
- Get Ss to work in pairs to order the causes
and remind them to explain their order.
- Go around to observe and provide help.
- Call on some pairs to present their order and
ask other pairs if they agree or disagree with
their friends’ answers
- Individual work
* Suggested key
6. China
7. India
8. United State
9. Indonesia
- Read silently

- Pairs work
- Present their oders
III. While you speak
1. Activity 1:Task 2 (8m )
- Ask Ss to read the useful language on page
83 and then ask Ss to match the words on
the left with the words on the right
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to list the problems
of poor and overpopulated countries.
- Call on some Ss to report their answers and
ask other Ss to feedback. Comment and give
corrective feedback
2. Activity 2: Task 3(10m).
- Ask Ss to read the useful language
- Ask Ss to work in groups
- Go round to provide help when Ss discuss.
- Call on some Ss to report their group’s ideas
- elicit feedback from the class and give final

IV. After you speak
* Task4. (10m).
- Put Ss into groups of 3 or 4 and get them to
use transition signals to make their
presentation coherent
- Go around and check
- Call on each group to report their ideas to
the class and elicit comments from the class.
- Give corrective feedback and final comments.
- Read silently

- Pair work
Suggested answers
+ poor living condition
+ low living standard
+ not enough/ expensive food
+ lack/shortage of schools/ hospitals/
teachers/ doctors and nurses
+ unemployment
+ social evils
+ illiteracy
- Read silently
- Group work
Suggested answers
+ raise an awareness of the problems of
+ raise the people’s living standard
+ exercise/ implement reward and
punishment policy
+ carry out population education
program/ family planning program
+ use birth control methods
- Group work
A: Overpopulation is now one of the
most serios problems of many countries in
B: To solve this problem, we should
educate poeople about the dangers of
C: It’s also necessary to carry out the

population education program
A: We should teach everyone the family
planning and the birth- control methods,
V. Homework.(2m)
- Ask Ss to revise the lesson
- Prepare listening
because these are the best ways to stop the
growth of population.
- Take note
- Asking pupils : Who's absent today?
Date of teaching Class Absent students
Period 39
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson,Student will able to:
Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and
listening for general information.
2. Knowledge:
+ Lexical items: Latin Americal, rate of population growth,
+ Grammar: Past simple
3. Skill
+ Main skill: listening
+ Sub-skills: speaking and writing
B.Teaching method: Integrated communicative approach
C.Teaching aids:
- Teacher: cassette, textbook.
- Students: textbook.

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
* Check Ss during the lesson
I. Warm up. (7m )
- Ask Ss three questions:
+ Name some world largest in population?
+ Which country is the poorest?
+ Which is the richest?
II. Before you listen. (10 m)
- Ask Ss to discuss the questions
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
- Get Ss to guess what they are going to listen

- Give and explains the meaning of new
* New words
Latin American
Rate of population growth
Developing countries
- Guide Ss to read new words.
- Call on some Ss to read new words

- Answer
- Group work of four
Suggested answers
+ yes, our world is overpopulated
because it has more than 6 billion people.

+ Asia has the largest population with
China the most populated country in the
world and India the second.
- Listen then copy down
- Read in chorus
- Individual read
III. While you listen.
1. Activity 1: Task 1. (10 m)
- Get Ss to read the statements carefully and
work out what information they need to
concentrate on while listening. Then check
with the whole class.
- Get Ss to read the options in each question
carefully and underline the words that make
them different. Check with the whole class.
- Get Ss to guess the answer.
- Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do
the task.
- Play the tape the second time for Ss to
check their answers.
- Check the answers with the whole class. If
many Ss can not answer, play the tape one
or two more times and pause at the answers
for them to catch.
2. Activity 2: Task 2. (8m)
- Ask Ss to listen again and answer the
- Play the tape and asks Ss to listen. Before
doing this, Ask Ss to read through all the

- After playing the tape, get Ss to work in
pairs and check their answers.
- Call on some Ss to give their answers.
Play the tape again and pause at difficult
points if many Ss cannot complete the task.
- Give correct answers.
- Individual read
- Read silently
guess the answer.
- Listen
- Listen
- Answers
1- A
2- D
3- C
4- D
5- A
6- C
- Listen carefully
- Listen carefully again
- Pairs work
1- It will be over 7 billion.
2- The reason is the improvement of
public health services and medical care
3- The population growth rates in some
parts of the world are not the same
4- They are shortage of foods, lack of
hospitals and schools, illiteracy, and poor
living conditions

5- The experts offered 4 solutions. They are
to educate people and make them
aware of the danger of having more

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