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1. I love chips, but the doctor advised me not to eat
A. baked

B. fried

C. grilled

2. I’m sure the earth will have very few resources left
A. lastly

B. in the end

D. roast at

C. at the end

D. last

3. Its important to keep your computer skills


A. in fashion

C. trendy

D. latest

C. ambitious

D. responsible

B. up-to-date

4. I think Mike is very
A. good

at his job.
B. suitable

5. The bungalow is situated
A. on

one of the best residential areas.

B. in

C. to

6. They have got lots of
A. sliding

furniture in their house.
B. fitted

7. Sam loves his job

D. of

C. spiral

D. antique

C. nevertheless

D. however

it doesn’t pay very well.

A. although

B. beside

8. We bought this house because it is close

the school.

A. with

C. in

B. to

D. at

9. Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative but to

A. export
10. I’ll

B. deport

C. expel

D. eject

C. stab

D. swat

C. loud

D. audible

that mosquito if it settles on my arm.

A. slap

B. smack

11. His voice was barely
A. listened

above the loud music.
B. clear

12. The shopping centre is easily

A. affordable

from the motorway.

B. available

C. accountable

13. I feel so tired this morning. I’ve been working hard
A. each day

B. every day

14. Guests are requested to state their
A. preference
15. All the
A. staff

17. He stood on the

C. all day

D. day by day

for smoking or non-smoking accommodation upon

B. likeness

C. care

D. inclination

in the company decided to write to the manager asking for a pay rise.
B. team

16. The company is moving its headquarters to a new
A. position

D. accessible

B. situation

C. group

D. body
with better links to the airport.

C. location

D. place

of the ship and watched the sea gulls dive for fish.

A. floor

B. ground

18. Those shoes

your hand bag really well.

C. platform

D. deck

A. look

B. suit

C. fit

19. You are very

if you think everything that you read about famous pop stars is true.

A. gullible

B. believable

C. trustworthy

20. As the train pulled into the
A. station

D. match

, the passengers got ready to board it.

B. platform

C. dock

21. We sent a letter to the travel company to request a
A. brochure

B. pamphlet

C. prospectus

B. match


D. leaflet

me. It’s too small.
C. go with

23. The old school doesn’t
A. remain

D. port
on winter destinations.

22. It’s a beautiful coat, but I’m afraid of it doesn’t
A. suit

D. faithful

D. fit

any more. It was torn down in 1972.
B. exist

C. be

D. stay

phoned while I was out, did they? I’m expecting an important call from the United States.

A. no one

B. none

C. no

D. nothing

C. one oh

D. one nothing

25. How do you say the following score? “1-0”.
A. one zero

B. one nil

26. The audience enjoyed the play so much that they
A. booed

B. screamed

for ten minutes.
C. applauded

D. handed

27. Lisa was wearing a pure white dress, with a gold belt round her


A. waist

D. bust

B. hips

C. knees

28. The secretary corrected all the
A. prints

B. drawbacks

29. That dress isn’t really tight. It’ll
A. bend

C. gaps

D. errors

when you wear it.

B. expand

30. Simon says he
A. regrets

in the computer printout.

C. tretch

D. squeeze

giving up studying French in school, as now he has been offered a job in
B. upsets

C. misses

D. mourns

31. If you are caught coming into the country as an illegal immigrant, you will be
A. dispatched

B. deported

C. discharged

32. First we see their faces from far away, and then we see a
A. side by side

B. close up

D. dismissed

C. replay

D. foreground

33. I thought it was going to be a brilliant show because of the reviews, but it was only
A. normal
34. A donkey
A. cackled

B. common

C. usual

D. average

C. neighed

D. roared


loudly all through the night.
B. brayed

35. All the members of the
A. scene


had a party after the play was over.

B. circle

C. cast

D. drama

36. In Paris, many parks use their surrounding walls or railings to
during exhibitions.

paintings or photographs

A. handle

D. locate

B. display

37. Many insects, such as wasps and ants, use their

C. apply

to touch objects.

A. aerials

B. ears

C. antennae

38. Please note that the next programme is

for children.

A. unsuitable

C. unmistakable

B. unusual

D. horns
D. unreasonable

39. If you are going to give a talk, it is important when you can get to the end to have a strong
A. outcome

B. final

C. completion

D. conclusion

C. busy

D. All are correct

C. through

D. by

C. light

D. low

40. John: "I’m going for a run. Do you want to come?"
Alice: "You must be
A. mad

! It’s snowing outside."
B. hungry

41. He looked at the stars
A. from
42. He seems

a telescope.
B. in

of any humour whatsoever.

A. lacking

B. devoid

43. The octopus

itself from larger fish by surrounding itself in a cloud of black ink.

A. secures

B. harbours

C. shelters

D. protects

44. Swallows cannot take off from the ground and like most birds. They use wind currents to
through the air.
A. glide
45. A large
A. trunk
46. This
A. stock

B. flap

C. beat

D. skid

C. twig

D. branch

C. breed

D. tribe

of the tree broke off in the storm.
B. bark
of dog is very useful for hunting.
B. clan

47. There was field after field of golden

waving in the wind.

A. bushes

B. corn

C. grass

D. herbs

48. She’s so

, I can’t remember the last time she did a day’s work!

A. hardworking

B. conscientious

49. I’m going to

a cake for his birthday.

A. bake

B. roast

C. diligent

D. idle

C. cook

D. fry

50. Our villa in Greece is on the top of a hill overlooking some olive


A. fields

D. meadows

B. groves

C. orchards

51. The sack with the vegetables was far too heavy for me to carry, so I
A. threw

B. drew

52. After their catastrophic defeat the

C. trailed

B. remnants

53. My passport is

so I can’t use it any longer.

A. ancient

B. outdated

A. accounts

B. estimates

D. dragged

of the army made their way back to their mountain

A. survivors

54. I hate the beginning of each year when all the
to pay them all.

it cross the floor.

C. wounded

D. deserters

C. dated

D. out of date

start coming in and I have to find the money
C. bills

D. receipts

55. I think we should have
of the street can see right in.
A. cracked

glass put in the bathroom window because people on the other side

B. thick

C. patterned

56. Before beginning to use the paint, you should
A. roll

B. cuisine

58. Why are you

? Is anyone sleeping?

A. whispering

B. mumbling

59. I’ll never understand this,

D. twist

C. plate

D. dish

C. chatting

D. swearing

C. whenever

D. whatever

hard I try!

B. however

60. Some wild animals will become
A. peaceful

C. turn
is stuffed tomatoes.

A. course

A. whichever

it in the tin.

B. stir

57. My favourite Greece

if they get used to people.

B. organized

C. tame

61. The children enjoyed rolling down the grassy
A. mountain

B. slope

62. The strong smell of garlic seemed to
A. pierce
63. He just sat there
A. glancing

D. frosted

B. penetrate

D. petty

C. stone

D. cliff

the whole flat.
C. pervare

D. inhabit

at me and I felt very uncomfortable.
B. staring

C. watching

D. seeing

64. You have to sleep under a net to avoid being bitten by
A. lobsters

B. geese

65. Frank has been the
A. escort

D. mosquitoes

of the local history museum for over 10 years now.
B. curator

66. Visitors are kindly requested to
A. refrain

C. cockroaches

B. endeavour

C. dean

D. conductor

from taking photographs inside the museum.
C. elapse

D. grant

67. After five weeks, both parties in the strike agreed that it should be settled by

A. adjudication

B. ballot

C. arbitration

D. tribunal

68. I don’t have to get up until ten o’clock tomorrow - what a
A. luxury
69. Water in the UK is
A. incurable

B. wealth


C. fortune

D. comfort

, you can take it directly from the tap.
B. undrinkable

C. curable

D. drinkable

70. Which of the following adjectives can be used with “absolutely”?
“Have you seen Marie’s new boyfriend - he’s absolutely

A. good-looking

B. gorgeous

71. He’s not crazy, he’s just a bit
A. eccentric

B. unreal


C. handsome

D. attractive

, that’s all.
C. uncharacteristic

D. unique

72. The captain realized that unless immediate action was taken to discipline the crew, there could be a
on the ship.
A. riot

B. rebellion

C. mutiny

D. strike

73. Dear Sirs, I am writing in the response to your
A. publicity

B. announcement

for a sales clerk in yesterday’s “Business
C. propaganda

D. advertisement

74. Most of the victims died because they

poisonous fumes.

A. suffocated

C. inspired

D. gasped

C. preserves

D. maintains

75. He

B. inhaled
his life to the skill of the surgeons.

A. owes

B. keeps

76. His ideas about the future of the company did not
A. fit

B. go along

with those of the chairman.
C. suit

D. tally

C. tools

D. gadgets

77. It’s difficult to repair a car unless you have the right
A. appliances

B. instruments

78. My father likes to be called a “senior citizen”, an old age
A. person

B. relative

D. pensioner

C. Right

D. Well

, let’s start, shall we?

A. Let me see

B. Mind you

80. She has made some very
A. shrewd
81. The

C. gentleman

investments, which has earned her a lot of money.

B. practical

C. bright

D. genial

statement reported the survival of fifty people.

A. high

B. legal

C. official

D. top

82. Some psychiatrists argue that in the final

parents are to blame for their children’s behavior.

A. case

C. collapse

B. analysis

83. She wanted to remove the color from the curtains, so she
A. rinsed

B. dried

C. dyed

D. experiment
D. bleached

84. If I had another $25,000 a year, I would consider myself
A. well-deserved

B. well-off

85. My son has a big
A. imagination

C. well-made

D. well-done

, he’s always telling stories about things which didn’t happen!
B. action

C. illusion

D. collection

86. Cathy was wearing a black leather belt with a big silver
A. fastener

B. button

87. She’s got the
A. potential
88. How
A. thick

C. buckle

D. link

C. outlook

D. scope

to do well.
B. prospect

of me! I’ve locked myself out of flat!
B. silly

C. unwise

89. I’m not quite sure I understand completely. Could you be a bit more
A. punctilious

B. explicit

90. The tourist’s camera was
A. bereaved
A. damaged

B. mauled

92. Large parts of Canada are

D. explanatory

because he had bought it into the country illegally.

B. deprived

91. The intruder was badly

C. distinct

D. native

C. confiscated

D. extorted

by the guard dog in the palace garden.
C. eaten
. No one lives there at all.

D. violated

A. inhabited

B. uninhabited

C. unlived

D. overpopulated

93. The roses were still
A. blossoming

in December when the first snow began to fall.
B. blooming

C. fading

D. growing

94. If you want to know which companies to invest in, George can give you some
A. clues

B. hints

C. words

D. tips

95. In the course of his long life in business, George G. Mathews
A. amassed

B. compiled

a substantial fortune.

C. totalled

D. assembled

96. In many games, we throw a dice (a six sided object), but what shape is it?
A. a pyramid

B. a sphere

C. square

D. a cube

97. It was very

of you to notice the mistake -1 don’t think anyone else did.

A. sharp

B. sensible

C. intelligent

D. wise

98. Which sign might you see in the private land?
A. Trespassers will be prosecuted

B. Flat to let

C. Admission to ticket holders only

D. No vacancies

99. I do wish you’d stop making
realize how serious the problem is?
A. facetious

remarks all the time, David. No one’s amused. Don’t you

B. comic

100. I left London because I wasn’t

C. insincere

D. catty

the hectic lifestyle.

A. suited for

B. convenient for

C. suitable for

D. suited to

101. What do you call the money that you might borrow in order to buy a house?
A. a mortgage

B. a credit card

102. An accident

on this road nearly every day.

A. happens

B. takes part

103. Italian TV has

C. a loan

D. hire purchase

C. causes

D. results

a young composer to write an opera for the TV’s thirtieth anniversary.

A. appointed

B. commissioned

C. consulted

D. ordered

104. The racing-driver climbed out of the wreckage completely


A. unwounded

B. intact

D. well-preserved

105. The banks

the Government’s new proposals on credit control.

A. flourished

B. greeted

106. The judge

him to five years in jail.

A. put

B. ordered

C. unscathed
C. welcome

D. cheered

C. sent

D. sentenced

107. At the end of the day the shopkeeper walked to the bank, carried the day’s

A. income

B. takings

C. earning

108. I have never seen Hamlet. Can you give me a brief
A. extract

B. essence

109. She was promoted to a more senior

in a special
D. profits

of the plot?
C. survey

in the company.

D. summary

A. position

B. living

C. job

110. The Internet is an amazing
A. source

D. work

of information

B. origin

C. beginning

D. start

111. I don’t need to know the whole story, just give me the
A. essence

B. details

112. The cruise ship hit a rock and
A. drowned

D. summary

C. flooded

D. crasged


B. sank

113. The bus driver couldn’t
A. prevent

C. gift

the accident.

B. control

C. provide

114. It’s dangerous to go near that building site as it is
A. defended

B. guarded

D. protect
by a fierce dog.

C. resisted

D. restricted

115. The judge recommended more humane forms of punishment for juvenile
A. convicts

B. sinners

C. delinquents

116. The tank of petrol was
A. exploded
117. The
A. mood

D. villains

by a carelessly discarded cigarette end.

B. lit up

C. inflamed

D. ignited

of the soldiers was high before the battle, because they were confident of victory.
B. morale

C. moral

118. Her training in accountancy provided a sound
A. footing


B. base

D. temper

for work in the financial world.

C. ground

D. basis

119. Each week at college, we learn a new

with the computer.

A. experience

C. skill

B. qualifications

D. training

120. I had to shut the window because the noise outside was
A. shouting

B. unbearable

C. in danger

D. enormous

121. You look

in those shorts! They’re much too big for you.

A. ludicrous

B. unwise

C. unrealistic

D. impractical

122. He used to observe the stars from his attic through the
A. roof window

B. cupola

123. There were some very
A. unreal

C. skylight

D. attic window

people at that party last night. They scared me a bit, actually.

B. remarkable

C. weird

D. uncharacteristic

C. bruised

D. bent

C. objected

D. contradicted

124. Your leg isn’t broken but it is badly
A. fractured

B. bandaged

125. The players

the referee’s decision.

A. disagreed

B. disputed

126. Excuse me, John, do you think I could
A. use

B. lend

your phone?
C. borrow

D. take

127. I’m not going to take the car to a garage because I think I can

it myself.

A. renew

D. renovate

B. repair

C. do up

128. It was a very fashionable film years ago, but it looks
A. dated

B. dilapidated

129. John asked his parents if they would pay off his


C. outdated

D. antique

A. rents

B. credits

C. accounts

D. debts

130. In England, it is easy to drive at night because of the
A. cat’s eyes

B. lines

along the middle of the road.

C. signposts

131. His views on education are somewhat


A. expired

C. run-down

B. outdated

D. indicators
D. ancient

132. Some people don’t like curry from India or Thailand. They say it’s too
A. sweet and sour

B. spicy and hot

C. hot and spicy

D. sour and sweet

133. Can I have a return ticket to Oxford? Do you have
A. one

B. change

but I love it!

for a £20 note?
C. coins

D. money

134. Adults have to pay £2.50 to get in, but children under 14 are
A. open

B. nothing

135. These flats are clearly
A. inconvenient
136. The

C. penniless

D. free

for people to live in. They should be pulled down immediately.

B. inappropriate

C. unfit

D. unsuited

between the rich and the poor countries of the world is increasing daily.

A. space

B. distance

C. gap

137. As the little boy cried, large
A. grips

D. interval

rolled down his cheeks.

B. puddles

C. tears

138. John took US all out for a meal as a(n)


A. special

C. scarce

B. unique

D. streams
D. uncharacteristic

139. Although someone had seen him take the watch, he still


A. refused

C. disowned

D. rejected

C. exploded

D. swollen

B. denied

140. I had severe toothache and half my face was badly
A. injured

B. rounded

141. I’ve got

my keys. Have you seen them anywhere?

A. forgotten

B. wasted

142. It takes years to
A. practice

C. missed

D. lost

C. qualify

D. complete

C. shock

D. astonish

as a doctor.
B. pass

143. A: I think it’s going to rain again.
B: It wouldn’t

A. amaze

me, it hasn’t stopped all week!
B. surprise

144. The look he gave US seemed to
A. imply
A. In early

B. hint

C. propose

as the year 1000 B.C, the Greeks used mirrors made of highly polished metal.
B. Soon

146. He was angry because of the many

C. As early
B. interferences

C. invasions

D. interruptions

147. Most of the machines are
B. idle

D. Was as soon

of his privacy by journalists.

A. infiltrations

A. disused

D. warn

as a result of an electric breakdown.
C. out of work

D. powerless

148. He was told that students over the age of twenty-six were not entitled to get a government
to help with their studies.
A. grant

B. subsidy

149. Stop

C. aid

D. handout

C. involving

D. interfering

! This has nothing to do with you.

A. gate crashing

B. introducing

150. I’ve no idea how old she is. Give me a

. Is she older or younger than you are?

A. tip

B. guess

C. clue

151. I’m sorry to

you, but could I make a phone call?

A. trouble

B. upset

C. worry

D. track
D. mind

152. The TV announcer apologized for the breakdown and said that planed programs would be
as soon as possible.
A. returned
153. It

B. resumed

D. recovered

me how she manages to put up with him.

A. shatters

B. startles

154. I hate

C. stuns

D. amazes

oranges. I usually get my wife to do it for me since she has long nails.

A. skinning
155. The

C. repeated

B. slicing

C. peeling

D. cutting

built onto the back of the house provided valuable extra space.

A. development

B. enlargement

C. growth

156. Believing herself alone in the house, she was
the hall.
A. amazed
157. Will you

B. startled

D. extension

when she heard someone moving about in
C. incredulous

D. annoyed

the baby for a minute while I make a phone call?

A. mind

B. control

C. attend

158. My passport

last month, so I will have to get a new one.

A. ended

B. terminated

C. expired

D. settle
D. elapsed

159. The sign “NO TRESPASSING” tells you
A. not to photograph

B. not to smoke

C. not to enter

D. not to approach

160. When you


US a present.

A. come back-bring

B. go back-bring

C. go back-take

D. come back-take

161. Doctors usually have to study for at least 7 years before becoming fully
A. qualified

B. tested

162. Fans often ask pop stars for their


C. approved of

D. examined

C. handwriting

D. graphic


A. autograph

B. ignature

163. Olympiakos

0-0 with Real Madrid in the first leg of the semifinal in Athens.

A. drew

B. equaled

164. Motorists
A. convicted

C. equalized

D. shared

of speeding may be banned from driving for a year.
B. arrested

C. charged

D. judged

165. The proposed
of Micro Industries and SJ Electronic would make the new company the
largest electronics firm in Britain.

A. combination

B. fusion

C. mixture

166. You can’t enter this camp without
A. a control

from the General.

B. a permit

167. My grandparents usually

D. merger

C. a demand

D. an allowance

about the happy old time when they live in the countryside.

A. recall

B. memorize

C. reminisce

168. They finally

the celebration after the sudden pause.

A. consumed

B. assumed

D. remember

C. resumed

D. presumed

169. Many people consider a high education

. Without it, they can still be successful.

A. essential

C. significant

B. dispensable

170. The Red Cross all over the world has carried out a lot of
A. responsibilities

B. works

D. fundamental

C. jobs

D. missions

171. From an early age, Wolfgang had a/an

for music.

A. interest

C. involvement

B. passion

172. The majority of Asian students reject the American

D. tendency

that marriage is a partnership

of equals.
A. thought

B. view

173. The police promised him

C. look

D. attitude

from prosecution if he co-operated with them fully.

A. safety

B. protection

C. immunity

174. I wouldn’t

talk to people in such a rude way in case they hit me.

A. nerve

B. dare

C. dread

D. absolution
D. fear

175. The Martins have confirmed their strong

to charity by donating a lump sum of money

A. compliance

C. assignment

B. commitment

176. His

D. reliance

of the safety regulations really cannot be ignored any longer.

A. disregard

B. unfamiliarity

177. The Party has raised a number of
A. problems

B. objections

C. carelessness

D. inattention

to the reforms in the tax system.
C. difficulties

178. My older brother is extremely fond of astronomy. He seems to

D. complaints
a lot of pleasure from

observing the stars.
A. derive
179. The
A. outer
180. She was
A. familiar

B. possess

182. He
A. denied

D. reach

of the main building will be complemented by the landscaper’s design.
B. exterior

C. outing

D. external

with friends at school because she always made them laugh.
B. attractive

181. The cliffs are being constantly
A. eroded

C. seize

B. worn

C. popular

D. considerate

by heavy seas.
C. eaten

D. gulfed

stealing the purse. He said he wasn’t there at that time.
B. refused

C. declined

D. confirmed

183. His illness made him
A. incapable

of concentration.
B. powerless

C. unable

184. It is said that this washing powder will


A. soften

C. shorten

185. The

B. enrich
B. shadow

186. When I came, the salesperson was
A. demonstrating

C. reflection

C. exposing

D. teaching

of many, often conflicting, desires.

A. made

B. made up

188. The judge

the murderer to a lifetime imprisonment.

A. convicted

B. sentenced

189. All the people involved solemnly

C. consisted

D. accused

on the Bible to keep the secret.

B. cursed

C. vowed

B. kept

191. The little girl was full of

D. created

C. prosecuted

190. The lecture hall gradually emptied as the professor

A. retribution

D. Mirror

to the customers how to use a new kind of washing

B. proving

187. A human being is

A. rambled

D. widen

of the pagoda in the water was very clear and beautiful.

A. sight

A. promised

D. incompetent

D. swore

C. dragged

D. passed

towards her wicked stepmother.

B. resentment

C. reprisal

D. vengeance

192. The manager did not offer her the job because of her untidy


A. sight

D. appearance

193. They

B. view

C. presence

all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach.

A. passed

B. used

194. We didn’t

to the station in time to catch the last train.

A. reach

B. get

195. The house we have rented is
tables, etc.
A. unrestored
196. He
A. made
197. The
A. spectators

C. spent
C. arrive

D. occupied
D. come

so we will have to buy some furniture such as beds, chairs,

B. unrepaired

C. unfurnished

D. undecorated

me to believe that they had left the district.
B. led

C. assured

D. confirmed

at the football match became violent when their team lost.
B. viewers

C. customers

198. I have lived near the airport for so long now that I’ve grown

D. observers
to the noise of the

A. accustomed

B. unconscious

C. familiar

199. I tried to

them from going, but they wouldn’t take any notice.

A. warn

B. prevent

200. He
A. refused

D. aware

C. forbid

D. refuse

C. denied

D. opposed

having sent the anonymous letter.
B. accepted

201. Smoke, dirt and noise are all kinds of


A. erosion

B. pollution

C. preservation

202. One

of their new house is that it has no garden.

A. dislike

B. disadvangtage

203. The school clock is not as
A. true

C. pity

D. conservation
D. complaint

as it should be, it is usually between one or two minutes fast.

B. accurate

C. strict

D. certain

204. His brother refuses to even listen to anyone else’s point of view. He is very
A. kind-hearted

B. absent-minded

C. open-minded

D. narrow-minded

205. In many ways, she
A. remembers

me of someone I knew at school.
B. recalls

206. She’s very good at
A. seeing
207. He


C. resembles

D. reminds

C. improving

D. imitating

C. told

D. said

of the others.
B. taking care

as if he had been a politician.

A. spoke

B. talked

208. It is our responsibility to contribute to

our own lives.

A. growing

C. bettering

B. heightening

D. increasing

209. In Vietnam, application forms for the National Entrance Examinations must be
before the deadline, often in April.
A. issued
210. I can’t

B. signed

C. filed

D. submitted

C. grasp

D. make sense

word he is saying

A. comprehend

B. understand

211. Jump in the car! There’s enough
A. room

for you.

B. place

C. space

D. chair

212. Instead of being excited about the good news, Ted seemed to be


A. ignorant

D. unexpected

B. indifferent

C. unlikely

213. Peter was ejected after committing five personal

in water sport game yesterday.

A. mistakes

B. faults

C. fouls

214. My mother

me against staying late night after night to prepare for exams.

A. encouraged

B. warned

C. recommended

D. errors
D. reprimanded

215. In order to be a good salesperson, you should have good communication
A. skills

B. things

216. Lorie is very thin,
A. dislike

C. talent

D. means

her younger sister, who is quite heavy.

B. dissimilar to

C. unlike

217. The room was noisy and not very

for studying.

A. suited

C. proper

B. fitted

D. unlikely
D. suitable

218. The motorbike was badly smashed up but the rider escaped without any
A. injury

B. wound

C. destruction

219. You should bear in mind that the children of tender years are notoriously
A. impressive

B. impervious

C. impersonal

D. impressionable

D. damage

220. We are a very
A. strange

family. All of US have very close relationship with one another.
B. friendly

C. typical

221. Only 40 % of 5-year-olds have

D. close-knit

to pre-school children.

A. access

B. approach

222. We can

not only through words but also through body language.

A. speak

B. talk

223. My mother
A. identifies

C. denial
C. communicate

D. interpret

her services for an environmental group. She helps raise money to protect
B. encourages

C. shares

224. Nobody can approve of his
A. character

D. recognition

D. volunteers

to work. He is so irresponsible.

B. terms

C. attitude

D. relationships

225. He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical
A. clear-minded

B. absent-minded

C. well-minded

D. cool-minded

226. Major fouls are
A. forced

by one minute in the penalty box.
B. sentenced

227. I assure you that I
A. shelter

C. penalized

D. prohibited

no hostile feeling toward you.
B. harbour

C. embrace

D. cover

228. When the bombing started, plans were made for an immediate

of the city.

A. vacation

D. evacuation

B. departure

C. exodus

229. The hospital is now discounting 10% for standard operations and
baby and treating a cataract to undergoing a heart bypass.
A. visits

B. medication

230. They showed a total
A. danger

D. procedures

for the local wildlife.
B. ignorance

231. He sat there with his arms
A. flapped

C. equipment

, ranging from having a

C. destruction
doing nothing, waiting for US.

B. folded

232. Are you taking

D. disregard

C. turned

D. twisted

this semester?

A. home economic

B. home economics

C. house economics

D. house economic

233. A cooperative program between China and Germany on building Yangzhow, a famous ancient city,
into a(n)

city has proceeded smoothly since it started in September last year.
A. ecological-friendly

B. ecology-friendly

C. friendly-ecological

D. friendly ecology

234. She brought three children up


A. single-minded

B. single-handedly

C. single-mindedly

D. single-handed

235. Joe, remember that I’m
A. relying on

B. waiting for

you to see that there’s no trouble at the party on Sunday.
C. believing in

D. depending on

236. The city has
of young consumers who are sensitive to trends, and can, therefore, help
industries predict the potential risks and success of products.
A. a high rate

B. a great level

C. a high proportion

D. a high tendency

237. The documentary was so
A. touching

that many viewers cried.

B. touchy

C. moved

238. Space travel seemed
A. disagreeable

D. moody

but it has come true now.
B. disbelievable

C. unthinkable

D. unable

239. You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by
A. training

B. practicing

240. Please,

C. exercising

D. doing

from smoking until the plane is airborne.

A. resist

B. refrain

C. exclude

241. Although the twins look identical, they have widely
under the sun.
A. distinct

B. divergent

D. restrain

opinions on almost every topic

C. dissimilar

242. Patricia couldn’t be present at the meeting as the date
A. occurred
243. My


B. clashed

D. distinguished
with her holidays.

C. opposed

D. trucked

on life has changed a lot since leaving university.

A. outlook

B. approach

244. He tries to

himself with everyone by paying them compliments.

A. ingratiate

B. commend

245. It was found that he lacked the
A. commitment

C. view
C. please

D. gratify

to pursue a difficult task to the very end.

B. persuasion

C. engagement

246. Half of the children were away from school last week because of
A. an outbreak

D. purpose

B. a breakthrough

C. an outburst

D. obligation
of influenza.
D. a break-out

247. Our baseball team’s pitcher has a few
pitches and never wearing socks.

habits, such as throwing exactly thirteen warm-up

A. critical

C. eccentric

B. clear

D. essential

248. The storm causing flooding and landslides in Miami prompted the government to
hundreds from coastal towns.
A. demolish

B. evaporate

C. evacuate

249. If you don’t know the meaning of any word, you should
of asking me.
A. search
250. Although she has no
earn a lot of money.
A. talent
251. My wife is always
A. bad-tempered

B. look up

C. refer

D. contribute
to your dictionaries instead
D. look

in writing, she decided to be a writer when she learned that writers
B. interested

C. capable

D. keen

when she gets her period and becomes angry at me for no reason at
B. talkative

C. content

D. jealous

252. Getting over a break-up is hard to do. Instead of wallowing in your
steps to put your failed relationship behind you.
A. heartache

B. heartrob

C. heartburn

, try to take positive
D. heartbeat

253. He has left his book at home. That’s

of him. He always forgets things.

A. personal

C. typical

B. characterized

254. After a lot of difficulty, he

D. kind

to open the door.

A. obtained

B. managed

C. succeeded

255. I have to

to you, otherwise he will hear.

A. yell

B. whistle

256. There’s

to be frightened of the dog. He’s quite harmless.

A. any reason

B. no fear

C. soften

D. whisper

C. no need

D. no use

257. After closing the envelope, the secretary

the stamps on firmly.

A. sucked

B. struck

C. stuck

258. The teacher

them the answer to the question.

A. explained

B. discussed

259. I think you should be
A. fussy

B. conscientious

C. defensive

A. stressful

C. impulsive

B. hasty

C. snap

D. sloppy

C. heavy

D. fraught

with danger.
B. intense

asking passengers for money.

B. beggars

B. petitioners

264. I asked him what to do but his instructions were so
A. illegible

B. muddled

265. The roof was damaged, and water
A. drained

B. spilled
B. closed

C. inexplicable
C. dropped
C. indifferent
with a knighthood.

A. improved

C. granted

268. They worked from dawn to dusk with such

A. detraction

B. boredom

D. garbled

from the ceilings in wet weather.

267. After his service to the country, he was
B. raised

D. penniless

that I still didn’t understand.

266. The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were
A. dead

D. inefficient

. I should have thought about it for longer.

263. The railway station was full of
A. wanderers

D. cautious

. She made far too many mistakes.

B. rash

262. The life of a spy is

D. told

. Find out exactly what they want you to do before you agree.

261. I realize now that I was too
A. careless

D. licked

C. said

260. She lost her job because she was
A. incautious

D. overcome

D. dripped
to his arguments.
D. careless
D. honored

that they were exhausted.
C. debility

D. zeal

269. In the 1950 s, college students in the United Sates were often criticized for being

no interest in social affairs.
A. melancholy

B. apathetic

270. There is a huge amount of
A. sales

B. merchandising

C. depressed

D. intolerant

associated with children’s TV shows nowadays.
C. manufacturing

D. produce

, with

271. Skepticism is a belief that all beliefs can be proved false; thus, to avoid the

of being

wrong, it is best to believe nothing.
A. penetration

B. unification

C. frustration

D. confidence

272. It is commonly thought that a tree standing alone is more
forest areas, lightning scars can be seen on almost every tree.

struck, though in some

A. frequently

D. astonishingly

B. deliberately

273. I don’t like John. His

complaints make me angry.

A. constant

B. continuous

274. He completely

with what I said.

A. argued

B. agreed

275. The use of vitamin
A. components

C. predictably
C. permanent

D. continual

C. complained

D. accepted

and herbs has become increasingly popular among Americans.
B. materials

C. ingredients

276. Martha, Julia and Mark are 17, 19 and 20 years old


A. respectfully

B. separately

C. independently

D. respectively

277. The two sisters greatly
A. identify

each other.

B. look after

278. Don’t you think she bears an
A. identical

C. resemble
C. indifferent

A. overweight

B. False

C. Artificial
C. overdo

D. overdose

C. ancestor

D. founder

of this institute.
B. father

282. Most of the theories on left-hand traffic are
B. opponent

C. confronting

283. Surgeons now can do miracles to the physical
B. malfunctions

284. You can buy cheap products from
A. duty-freed

B. free-duty

285. I’ve been shopping all morning, and I feel
A. exhausting

D. Untrue


B. overhear

281. We want to meet the

A. wrongdoings

D. uneasy

flowers are usually made of plastic or silk.

280. That beautiful girl died of an

A. opposing

D. care of

resemblance to his first wife?

B. uncanny

A. Unreal

A. foundation

D. supplements

B. tiring

D. conflicting

which used to be untreatable
C. abnormalities

D. conditions

C. free of duty

D. duty-free

C. worn-out

D. breathlessly

286. The Golden Trident, the underwater equivalent of the Nobel Prizes, has been
since 1960.
A. represented

B. rewarded

C. honored

1. I love chips, but the doctor advised me not to eat


D. awarded


A. baked

B. fried

C. grilled

D. roast at

Đáp án B
Giải thích: fried (adj): được chiên
Đáp án còn lại:
baked (adj): được nướng
grilled (adj): được nghiền
roast (adj): được quay
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi thích khoai tây chiên, nhưng bác sĩ khuyên tôi không nên ăn đồ chiên dầu.
2. I’m sure the earth will have very few resources left
A. lastly

B. in the end

C. at the end

D. last

Đáp án B
Giải thích: in the end: lúc cuối, cuối cùng
Đáp án còn lại:
lastly (adv): cuối cùng (đứng ở đầu câu, trước dấu phẩy)
at the end + of + sth: cuối cùng của cái gì
at last: rốt cuộc, cuối cùng thì (đứng đầu câu)
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi chắc chắn sẽ còn lại rất ít tài nguyên trên trái đất.
3. Its important to keep your computer skills


A. in fashion

C. trendy

B. up-to-date

D. latest

Đáp án B
Giải thích: up-to-date (adj): cập nhật, hiện đại nhất
Cấu trúc: keep sth adj: giữ cái gì đó như thế nào
Đáp án còn lại:
in fashion: hợp thời trang, theo mốt
trendy (adj): chạy theo mốt, theo xu hướng
lastest (adj): mới nhất
Dịch nghĩa: Điều quan trọng là phải luôn cập nhật kĩ năng máy tính của bạn.
4. I think Mike is very
A. good

at his job.
B. suitable

C. ambitious

D. responsible

Đáp án A
Giải thích: be good at sth: giỏi cái gì
Đáp án còn lại:

suitable to (adj): phù hợp với
ambitious for sth (adj): tham vọng về cái gì
responsible for sth (adj): chịu trách nhiệm cho cái gì
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi nghĩ Mike làm việc rất giỏi.
5. The bungalow is situated
A. on

B. in

one of the best residential areas.
C. to

Đáp án B
Giải thích: in: ở trên. Đi với “area” ta dùng “in” - trong khu vực

D. of

Đáp án còn lại:
on (prep): ở trong
to (prep): tới đâu
of (prep): của
Dịch nghĩa: Ngôi nhà gỗ này nằm ở một trong những khu vực đông dân cư.
6. They have got lots of
A. sliding

furniture in their house.
B. fitted

C. spiral

D. antique

C. nevertheless

D. however

Đáp án D
Giải thích: antique (adj): cổ xưa
Đáp án còn lại:
sliding (adj): dễ trượt
fitted (adj): được cố định
spiral (adj): xoắn ốc
Dịch nghĩa: Họ có nhiều nội thất cổ ở trong ngôi nhà.
7. Sam loves his job
A. although

it doesn’t pay very well.
B. beside

Đáp án A
Giải thích: Cấu trúc: although/though/eventhough + s + V: mặc dù ai đó như thế nào
Đáp án còn lại:
beside + N (prep): bên cạnh
nevertheless (conj): tuy nhiên (đứng đầu câu)
however = nevertheless (trạng từ liên kết): tuy nhiên
Dịch nghĩa: Sam yêu công việc của cậu ấy mặc dù mức lương không được cao.
8. We bought this house because it is close

the school.

A. with

C. in

B. to

D. at

Đáp án B
Giải thích: close to (adj): gần với
Dịch nghĩa: Chúng tôi đã mua ngôi nhà này bởi vì nó gần trường học.
9. Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative but to
A. export

B. deport

C. expel

D. eject

Đáp án C
Giải thích: expel sb from swh (v): đuổi, tống cổ ai đó khỏi đâu
Đáp án còn lại:
export (v): xuất khẩu
deport (v): trục xuất (ra khỏi nước theo luật)
eject (v): phát ra
Dịch nghĩa: Veronica nhiều lần phạm lỗi đến nỗi cô hiệu trưởng cuối cùng không còn cách nào khác là
đuổi học cô ấy.

10. I’ll

that mosquito if it settles on my arm.

A. slap

B. smack

C. stab

D. swat

Đáp án D
Giải thích: swat (v): đập mạnh, đánh mạnh
Đáp án còn lại:
slap sb (v): vỗ, phát, tát (ai khác)
smack (v): thoáng có vị, có vẻ
stab (v): đâm vào dao găm
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi sẽ đập mạnh con muỗi nếu nó đậu lên tay tôi.
11. His voice was barely
A. listened

above the loud music.
B. clear

C. loud

D. audible

Đáp án D
Giải thích: audible (adj): có thể nghe được
Đáp án còn lại:
(be) listened: được lắng nghe
clear (adj): rõ ràng
loud (adj): to
Dịch nghĩa: Giọng của anh ấy chỉ đủ nghe trong tiếng nhạc lớn.
12. The shopping centre is easily
A. affordable

from the motorway.

B. available

C. accountable

D. accessible

Đáp án D
Giải thích: accessible (adj): dễ dàng đến được, vào được
Đáp án còn lại:
affordable (adj): có thể chi trả được
available (adj): có sẵn
accountable (adj): có trách nhiệm
Dịch nghĩa: Từ đường cao tốc có thể dễ dàng đi đến trung tâm thương mại này.
13. I feel so tired this morning. I’ve been working hard
A. each day

B. every day

C. all day

D. day by day

Đáp án C
Giải thích: all day: cả ngày (thường dùng với thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn)
Đáp án còn lại:
each day: mỗi ngày
every day: mọi ngày
day by day: ngày qua ngày
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi cảm thấy rất mệt mỏi vào sáng nay. Tôi đã làm việc vất vả cả ngày rồi.
14. Guests are requested to state their
A. preference

for smoking or non-smoking accommodation upon

B. likeness

Đáp án A
Giải thích: preference for sth (n): thích hơn, ưu tiên

C. care

D. inclination

Đáp án còn lại:
likeness (n): sự giống nhau

care (n): sự quan tâm
inclination (n): thiên hướng, xu hướng
Dịch nghĩa: Khách mời được yêu cầu nói rõ xem họ thích đặt phòng tại khu vực hút thuốc hay không hút
15. All the
A. staff

in the company decided to write to the manager asking for a pay rise.
B. team

C. group

D. body

Đáp án A
Giải thích: staff (n): nhân viên (staff vừa là danh từ số ít vừa là danh từ số nhiều)
Cấu trúc: All the + N (số nhiều): Tất cả
Đáp án còn lại:
team (n): đội
group (n): nhóm
body (n): cơ thể
Dịch nghĩa: Tất cả nhân viên trong công ty quyết định viết thư cho giám đốc để yêu cầu về việc tăng
16. The company is moving its headquarters to a new
A. position

B. situation

with better links to the airport.
C. location

D. place

Đáp án C
Giải thích location (n): vị trí, địa điểm (của một công ty, trụ sở, tòa nhà, ...)
Đáp án còn lại:
position (n): vị trí, chỗ (của một vật gì)
situation (n): địa thế, hoàn cảnh, trạng thái
place (n): nơi chốn
Dịch nghĩa: Công ty sẽ chuyển trụ sở chính đến một địa điểm mới có nhiều hướng đi đến sân bay thuận
lợi hơn.
17. He stood on the
A. floor

of the ship and watched the sea gulls dive for fish.
B. ground

C. platform

D. deck

Đáp án D
Giải thích: deck (n): boong tàu
Đáp án còn lại:
floor (n): sàn nhà
ground (n): nền đất
platform (n): thềm ga, sân ga
Dịch nghĩa: Anh ấy đứng trên boong tàu và nhìn những chú chim mòng biển lặn tìm cá.
18. Those shoes

your hand bag really well.

A. look

B. suit

C. fit

Đáp án D
Giải thích: match st (v): phù hợp với cái gì (màu sắc, kiểu dáng)

D. match

Đáp án còn lại:
Sự khác biệt giữa “suit” - “fit” - “match”: suit + sb: cái gì hợp với ai đó về màu sắc, kiểu dáng
fit + sb: cái gì hợp với ai đó về kích thước và hình dáng
look (v): trông, nhìn
Dịch nghĩa: Đôi giày này rất phù hợp với chiếc túi xách của bạn.
19. You are very

if you think everything that you read about famous pop stars is true.

A. gullible

B. believable

C. trustworthy

D. faithful

Đáp án A
Giải thích: gullible (adj): nhẹ dạ, cả tin
Đáp án còn lại:
believable (adj): có thể tin tưởng được
trustworthy (adj): đáng tin cậy
faithful (adj): trung thành
Dịch nghĩa: Bạn đừng bao giờ nghĩ rằng mọi thông tin về các ngôi sao nhạc pop nổi tiếng đều là sự thật.
20. As the train pulled into the
A. station

, the passengers got ready to board it.

B. platform

C. dock

D. port

Đáp án A
Giải thích: station (n): nhà ga, trạm
Đáp án còn lại:
platform (n): thềm ga, sân ga
dock (n): vũng tàu đậu
port (n): cảng biển
Dịch nghĩa: Khi tàu vào ga, hành khách đã sẵn sàng lên tàu.
21. We sent a letter to the travel company to request a
A. brochure

B. pamphlet

on winter destinations.
C. prospectus

D. leaflet

Đáp án A
Giải thích: brochure (n): sách quảng cáo
Đáp án còn lại:
pamphlet (n): sách mỏng (bàn về vấn đê' thời sự)
prospectus (n): tờ quảng cáo, tờ giao hàng
leaflet (n): tờ rơi, tờ truyền đơn
Dịch nghĩa: Chúng tôi đã gửi thư tới công ty du lịch để yêu cầu một cuốn sách quảng cáo về những điểm
đến trong mùa đông.
22. It’s a beautiful coat, but I’m afraid of it doesn’t
A. suit

B. match

me. It’s too small.
C. go with

Đáp án D
Giải thích: Sự khác biệt giữa suit, fit, match, go with:
suit + sb: cái gì hợp với ai đó thường là về màu sắc, kiểu dáng
fit + sb: cái gì vừa vặn với ai đó thường là về kích thước và hình dáng
match + sth: cái gì phù hợp với cái gì về màu sắc, kiểu dáng

D. fit

go with + sth: phù hợp với cái gì
Dịch nghĩa: Chiếc áo khoác này rất đẹp, nhưng tôi sợ nó không vừa với tôi. Nó quá nhỏ.
23. The old school doesn’t
A. remain

any more. It was torn down in 1972.
B. exist

C. be

D. stay

Đáp án B
Giải thích: exist (v): tồn tại
Đáp án còn lại:
remain + adj: vẫn còn, giữ
be: thì, là, ở (không đứng sau trợ từ)
stay + adj: ở mức như thế nào
Dịch nghĩa: Ngôi trường cũ đó không còn tồn tại nữa. Nó đã bị tháo dỡ vào năm 1972.

phoned while I was out, did they? I’m expecting an important call from the United States.

A. no one

B. none

C. no

D. nothing

Đáp án A
Giải thích: No one: không ai
Đáp án còn lại:
none of the/one’s/these/those + N (số nhiều): không trong những ai/cái gì
no + N: không có cái gì nothing: không gì
Dịch nghĩa: Không ai gọi điện trong khi tôi ra ngoài phải không? Tôi đang chờ một cuộc gọi quan trọng
từ Mỹ.
25. How do you say the following score? “1-0”.
A. one zero

B. one nil

C. one oh

D. one nothing

Đáp án B
Giải thích: one nil = 1 - 0 được dùng trong tỷ số thể thao
Đáp án còn lại:
one zero: số 1 và số 0
one oh: được dùng trong văn nói nhiều hơn
one nothing: 1 và không gì cả
Dịch nghĩa: Bạn đọc tỷ số sau như thế nào? “1-0”.
26. The audience enjoyed the play so much that they
A. booed

B. screamed

for ten minutes.
C. applauded

D. handed

Đáp án C
Giải thích: applaud (v): vỗ tay hoan nghênh, ca ngợi
Đáp án còn lại:
boo (v): la ó
scream (v): hò hét
hand (v): truyền tay, chuyển giao
Dịch nghĩa: Khán giả thích vở diễn này nhiều đến nỗi họ vỗ tay trong vòng 10 phút.
27. Lisa was wearing a pure white dress, with a gold belt round her


A. waist

D. bust

B. hips

C. knees

Đáp án A
Giải thích: waist (n): eo, thắt lưng
Đáp án còn lại:
hip (n): mông
knee (n): đầu gối

bust (n): đường vòng ngực
Dịch nghĩa: Lisa đang mặc một chiếc váy trắng tinh, với đai vàng quấn quanh eo.
28. The secretary corrected all the
A. prints

in the computer printout.

B. drawbacks

C. gaps

D. errors

Đáp án D
Giải thích: error (n): lỗi liên quan đến máy tính, máy móc điện tử
Đáp án còn lại:
print (n): bản in, dấu vết
drawback (n): hạn chế, khuyết điểm
gap (n): kẽ hở, chỗ trống
Dịch nghĩa: Thư ký đã sửa lại tất cả những lỗi sai trong tài liệu được in ra từ máy tính.
29. That dress isn’t really tight. It’ll
A. bend

when you wear it.

B. expand

C. tretch

D. squeeze

Đáp án C
Giải thích: stretch (v): căng ra, giãn ra (quần áo, vải)
Đáp án còn lại:
bend (v): uốn cong, cúi
expand (v): mở rộng (diện tích, quy mô)
queeze (v): ép, vắt
Dịch nghĩa: Chiếc váy này không hề chật. Nó sẽ giãn ra khi bạn mặc nó.
30. Simon says he
A. regrets

giving up studying French in school, as now he has been offered a job in
B. upsets

C. misses

D. mourns

Đáp án A
Giải thích: regret + V_ing: hối tiếc đã làm gì
regret + to + V: hối tiếc phải làm gì
Đáp án còn lại:
upset (v): làm rối bời, khó chịu
miss (v): nhớ, nhỡ điều gì
mourn for sth/sb (v): than khóc về điều gì
Dịch nghĩa: Simon nói anh ấy tiếc vì đã bỏ học tiếng Pháp ở trường, vì bây giờ anh ấy được mời làm việc
tại Pháp.
31. If you are caught coming into the country as an illegal immigrant, you will be
A. dispatched

Đáp án B

B. deported

C. discharged

D. dismissed


Giải thích: deport (v): trục xuất (ra khỏi một đất nước)
Đáp án còn lại:
dispatch (v): gửi thông điệp, phái đi
discharge (v): giải tán, dỡ hàng
dismiss (v): thải ra
Dịch nghĩa: Nếu bạn nhập cư bất hợp pháp vào một nước nào đó mà bị bắt, bạn sẽ bị trục xuất khỏi nước
32. First we see their faces from far away, and then we see a
A. side by side

B. close up

C. replay

D. foreground

Đáp án B
Giải thích: close up (adv): gần lại, xích gần

Đáp án còn lại:
Side by side: sát bên nhau, kề nhau
replay (n): chơi lại, làm lại
foreground (n): cận cảnh
Dịch nghĩa: Lúc đầu, chúng tôi nhìn nhau từ rất xa, và sau đó chúng tôi xích lại gần hơn.
33. I thought it was going to be a brilliant show because of the reviews, but it was only
A. normal

B. common

C. usual


D. average

Đáp án D
Giải thích: average (adj): trung bình
Đáp án còn lại:
normal (adj): bình thường (trạng thái)
common (adj): phổ biến (độ nổi tiếng)
usual (adj): thường xuyên, như thường lệ
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi đã nghĩ đó sẽ là một chương trình đặc sắc qua nhiều lời nhận xét nhưng thực tế nó chỉ ở
mức trung bình.
34. A donkey
A. cackled

loudly all through the night.
B. brayed

C. neighed

D. roared

Đáp án B
Giải thích: bray (v): tiếng be be (lừa)
Đáp án còn lại:
cackle (v): cục tác (gà), cười khúc khích (người)
neigh (v): hí (ngựa)
roar (v): gầm gừ (hổ)
Dịch nghĩa: Con lừa kêu be be suốt cả đêm.
35. All the members of the
A. scene

B. circle

Đáp án C
Giải thích: cast (n): đoàn diễn viên
Đáp án còn lại:

had a party after the play was over.
C. cast

D. drama

scene (n): phân cảnh, cảnh
circle (n): vòng tròn
drama (n): kịch, phim
Dịch nghĩa: Tất cả thành viên trong đoàn diễn đều dự bữa tiệc sau khi vở kịch kết thúc.

36. In Paris, many parks use their surrounding walls or railings to
during exhibitions.

paintings or photographs

A. handle

D. locate

B. display

C. apply

Đáp án B
Giải thích: display (v): trưng bày, phô bày
Đáp án còn lại:
handle (v): giải quyết, vận dụng
apply (v): sử dụng, áp dụng
locate (v): đặt, xác định vị trí
Dịch nghĩa: Trong suốt các buổi triển lãm ở Paris, nhiều công viên được dựng những bức tường hoặc rào
chắn bao quanh để trưng bày tranh và ảnh.
37. Many insects, such as wasps and ants, use their
A. aerials

B. ears

to touch objects.
C. antennae

D. horns

Đáp án C
Giải thích: antenna (số ít) - antennae (số nhiều) (n): râu/ăng ten
Đáp án còn lại:
aerial (n): dây ăng ten
ear (n): tai
horn (n): sừng
Dịch nghĩa: Nhiều côn trùng như ong vò vẽ và kiến thường sử dụng râu của chúng để cảm nhận đồ vật.
38. Please note that the next programme is

for children.

A. unsuitable

C. unmistakable

B. unusual

D. unreasonable

Đáp án A
Giải thích: to be (un)suitable for: (không) phù hợp cho
Đáp án còn lại:
unusual (adj): bất bình thường
unmistakable (adj): đáng tin cậy, không thể nhầm lẫn
unreasonable (adj): không hợp lý
Dịch nghĩa: Xin chú ý rằng chương trình tiếp theo không phù hợp cho trẻ em.
39. If you are going to give a talk, it is important when you can get to the end to have a strong
A. outcome

B. final

Đáp án D
Giải thích: conclusion (n): kết luận
Đáp án còn lại:
outcome (n): hậu quả, kết quả

C. completion

D. conclusion

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