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Hớng dẫn ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh

Chuyên đề 1:

Động từ( Verbs)

I/Các hình thức bị động:
1: Câu bị động của các thì :
a. Thì hiện tại đơn giản:
Chủ động : S + Vs, es + O.
Bị động : S + am/ is/ are + V pII + O.
b. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:
Chủ động: S +tobe + V- ing +O.
Bị động :

S +am/ is / are + being + V- pII +O.
c. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành :
Chủ động: S + have/ has + V-pII +O.
Bị động : S + have / has + been +V-pII +O.
d. Thì quá khứ đơn:
Chủ động : S + Ved + O.
Bị động : S + was/ were + V-pII + O.
e. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn:
Chủ động : S + was/were +V- ing +O.
Bị động : S + was/ were + being + V-pII +O.
f. Thì tơng lai :
+ Tơng lai gần:
Chủ động: S + to be + going to + V + O.
Bị động : S +to be + going to + be + V-pII +O
+ Tơng lai đơn :
Chủ động : S + will +V + O.
Bị động : S + will + be + V-pII + O.
2. Câu bị động của động từ khuyết thiếu:
Chủ động : S + modal Vs + V + O.
Bị động : S + modal Vs + be + V-pII + O.
(Modal Vs= can , may ,might , should ,ought to, have to, must.)
3. Câu bị động đặc biệt:
+ Với một số động từ : think, report , say , believe.
Chủ động: S1 +think/.+ S2 +V2 + O.
Bị động: có 2 cách:
- Cách 1: It + tobe + thought/.. .+S2 + V2 + O
- Cách 2 : S2 + tobe + thought/..+ toV2/to have +VII + O
VD: They think number nine is a lucky number.
C1: It is thought number nine is a lucky number.
C2: Number nine is thought tobe a lucky number.

+Với động từ have và get:thể nhờ bảo hoậc sai khiến

Chủ động: S +have/ has + O chỉ ngời +V nguyên +O vật.
VD: I have my brother repair my bike.
Bị động : S +have / has +O vật +VpII +by
VD: I have my bike repaired by my brother.
- Get :

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Chủ động :

S + get / got + O chỉ ngời +toV +Ovật.
VD: I get my brother to check my bike everyweek.

Bị động :
S + get/ got + Ovật + VpII.
VD: I get my bike checked by my brother everyweek.
+ Với động từ make:

Chủ động : S + make/ made + O chỉ ngời + V/ adj + O.
VD: He made me help him.
Bị động : S chỉ ngời + tobe + made +Vto/ Adj
VD : I was made to help.
+ Với động từ need :


S chỉ ngời +need +Vto +O.

VD: We need to do morning exercise.

S chỉ vật + need +to be
+VpII + O.
S +
need +
Ving +O.

VD: The door needs to be painted.
Hoặc: The door needs painting.

+ Với một số động từ theo sau là Ving:

Chủ động : S + like/ love + Ving +O.
Bị động : S + like/ love.+ being

+ V pII +O.
VD: He dislikes asking about his past.
He dislikes being asked about his past.
II/ Hình thức của động từ:
1. Hình thức nguyên thể( V- bare infinitive): đợc dùng trong thì hiện tại đơn với
I , we, they và sau các động từ khuyết thiếu và will, let+O, make+O, help+ O.
2. Hình thức nguyên thể có to (V- to): đợc dùng sau một số động từ:

would like
would prefer
+ Vto

3. Hình thức danh động từ( V- ing): sử dụng trong thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, quá khứ
tiếp diễn, hoàn thành tiếp diễn.
Sau một số động từ:
+ V ing
give up
cant stand
Be fond of
remember/ forget
look forward to quit
cant help
start/ begin
Keen on Be afraid of
Be interested in

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keep/ continue/go on
4. Hình thức phân từ( VpII):
sử dụng trong các hình thức bị động, trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành , quá khứ
hoàn thành .
* Một số động từ theo sau vừa là V- to vừa là V-ing
1. Động từ remember và forget: nhớ hoặc quên làm việc gì
-Remember/ forget + V- ing:nhớ hay quên làm gì trrong quá khứ
- Remember/ forget + V-to: nhắc nhở ai đó nhớ hay đừng quên làm việc

2. Động từ stop: dừng:
- Dừng để làm gì:
stop + V- to +
- Dừng hẳn làm gì:
stop + V- ing +
3. Động từ try:
- Cố gắng làm gì :
try + V- to +.
- Thử làm gì:

+ V- ing +.
4. Một số động từ khác : begin, start, continue, hate, like, ...

III / Động từ

Wish : ớc

1. Mong ớc ở hiện tại:
were + O

S + wish/ wishes + S

Vqk/ were + O
2. Mong ớc ở tơng lai : S
could + V +O


If only
+ wish/ wishes + S

+ Vqk/
+ S


+ would/

If only

3. Mong ớc trong quá khứ: S + wish/ wishes + S + had +
VpII + O
If only
IV/ Động từ used to:
- used to + V: chỉ thói quen trong quá khứ, hay những việc thờng làm trong
quá khứ.
- To be + used to + Ving: ai đó đang làm cho bản thân mình quen vối
việc gì
- Get + used to + Ving : ai đó đã quen với việc gì
VD: Last year, we used to be in class 8.
I am used to getting up early.
Jack gets used to driving to the left.
Bi tp 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các
câu sau.
1.I (not see) Hoa since 2006.
2.A new bridge (build) in this area next year.
3.I wish I (can help) you but I cant.
4.If you worked harder, you (pass) the exam.
5.I (teach) English in that school since 1998.
6 They (ask ) me if I lived in Bac Giang.
7.Look ! The car (come).
8.Kangaroo (can /see ) everywhere in Australia.
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9.If today (be) Sunday, we wouldn’t have to work.

10.They (not/ finish) their work yet.
11.Ba hates (walk) up early.
12.Jeans( sell) all over the world.
13. My mother always(get)up early in the morning.
14.We(live) in this village since 2000.
15. My friends(not/visit)me yesterday
16.I wish I (be) a famous actor.
17. My father often (drink)tea in the morning.
18. How long you (live) in Vietnam, Maryam? – For three months.
19.If you study hard, you (pass) the exam.
20. I’m looking forward to (see) you.
21.English (speak) all over the world.
22.I’m worker. I wish I (be) an English teacher.
23Young people still like(wear) jeans nowadays.
24 If you (see) an alien What you (do)?.
25I ( visit) Halong Bay three times since I (start) working in Quang Ninh.
26. What would you do if you (meet) an alien?
27. I told him that I (be) a teacher of English.
28.The famous novel (translate) into Vietnamese recently.
29.The children often love (watch) cartoons.
30. We (not/make) our decision yet.
H/S yÕu:
31.When we (have) dinner, my grandparents came
32. You usually (go) to school by bike? -Yes, I do.
33. I wish it (be) sunny today.
34.While I (read) a book, the phone rang.
35.I (not see) him since last week.
36.You (have) Math and English tomorrow?
37.That bike (buy) last month.
38.She wishes she ( be) a famous singer

Híng dÉn gi¶i: (Key to answers)
1. have not seen.
20.to seeing
2. will be built.
21. is spoken
3. could help.
4. would pass.
23. wearing
5. have taught
24.saw/ what would you do
6. asked.
25.have visited/ started
7. is coming
26. met
8. can be seen
27. was
9. were.
28. has been translated
10. have not finished.
29. watching
11. walking
30. haven’t made
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12. are sold
H/S yÕu:
13. gets
31. were having
14. have lived
32. do you usually
15. didn’t visit
33. were
16. were
34. was reading
17. drinks
35. haven’t seen
36.Are you
18. have you lived
37. was bought
19. will pass
Bài tập 2 :Chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau:
1. We are looking forward _____ you again soon.
A. to see
B. to seeing
C. saw
D. have seen
2. My mother was afraid to let the boy _____ the tree.
A. to risk climbing B. to risk to climb
C. risk climbing D. risk to climb
3. I remember _____ but he said I did not.
A. to buy him a book
B. buy him a book

C. buying him a book
D. to have bought him a book
4. Remember _____ john a present . today is his birthday.
A. send
B. to send C. sent
D. sending
5. I suggest _____ some more mathematical puzzles.
A. do
B. to do
C. doing D. done
6. Would you mind _____ the door?
A. open
B. to open C. opening D. opened
7. You should give up _____ or you will die of cancer.
A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. smoking
D. smoked
8. The driver stopped _____ a coffee because he felt sleepy.
A. have
B. to have C. having D. had
9. That old man tried to stop _____ because of his bad health.
A. smoke
B. smokes C. smoked D. smoking
10. There is nothing prevent us from______ the mystery of that palace.
A. discover
B. discovery
C. discovering D. discoveries
11. Mr. Thomas does not allow people_____ in his office.
A. smoke

B. to smoke
C. smoked D. smoking
12. We are not allowed _____ in that restricted area.
A. to enter
B. enter
C. entering
D. to entered
13. You had better _____ at home until you feel better.
A. stay
B. to stay C. staying D. stayed
14. The machine needs_____ .
A. B & C are correct
B. to be repaired
C. repairing
D. to repair
15. I couldn’t help _____ when I heard the story.
A. laughing
B. to laugh C. laughed D.laugh
16. She used that money _____ a new car.
B. buying C. to buy
D. for buying
17. Rex hotel was the best place for us _____.
A. stays
B. staying C. to stay
D. stay
18. You can’t stop me from _____ what I want.
A. doing
B. do
C. to do

D. that I do
19. Peter usually help his mother ______.
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A. to do housework
B. do housework
C. with housework
D.all are correct
20. I must go now. I promise _______ late.
A. not being
B. not to be
C. to not be
D. I won’t be
21. Can you manage_____ ______ the report in the morning?
A. finishing / to write
B. to finish / writing
C. finishing / writing
D. to finish / to write
22. Do you want ______ with you or do you want to go alone?
A. me coming
B. me to come C. that I will come
D. that I come
23. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember _____ it.
A. locking
B. to lock C. to have locked
D. to be locked

24. She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help ______.
A. laughing
B. to laugh C. that she laughed D. laugh
25. I like _____ the kitchen as often as possible.
A. not cleaned
B. clean
C. to clean
D. that I clean
26. He tried to avoid ______ my question.
A. answering
B. to answer
C. answer
D. how to answer
27. Could you please stop _______ so much noise?
A. to make
B. make
C. making
D. to have make
28. I enjoy ______ to music.
A. listen
B. to listen
C. listening
D. listened
29. Have you finished ______ your hair yet?
A. wash
B. washed
C. washing
D. to wash
30. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk _____ knocked down.
A. been

B. to be
C. be
D. being
31. Jim is 65, but he isn’t going to retired yet. He wants to carry on _____.
A. to work
B. work
C. works D. working
32. Hello! Fancy _____ you here! What a surprise!
A. to see
B. seeing
C. seen
D. see
33. Sarah gave up ______ to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.
A. apply
B. to apply
C. applying
D. application
34. Suddenly he stopped the car in order ______.
A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. smoking
D. has smoked
35. I can’t bear ______this dirty room.
A. seeing
B. to see
C. seen
D. saw
36. Have you considered _____ to live in another country?
A. going
B. to go

C. gone
D. goes
37. Cathy suggested _____ to the cinema.
A. went
B. not to go
C. not go D. going
38. Paula quit _____ alcohol three years ago.
A. to drink
B. drank
C. being drunk D. drinking
39. We must do something. We can’t go on _____ like this.
A. to live
B. living
C. life
D. live
40. My mother rarely allows me _____ things for myself.
A. to buy
B. bought
C. buy
D. buying
41. She admitted _____ the money.
A. to steal
B. steals
C. steal D. having stolen
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42. It was late, so we decided ______ a taxi home.
A. to take
B. taken
C. taking
D. was taken
43. Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed _______ him some money.
A. lend
B. lending C. to lend D. lender
44. How old were you when you learnt ______ ?
A. how to drive
B. how driving C. how drive
D. how drivers
45. I waved to Karen but I failed ____her attention.
A. to be attracted
B. to attract
C. attracting
D. attracted
46. We decided ______ because of the bad weather.
A. not going out
B. not to go out
C. not go out
D. not gone
47. She always encouraged her son _____ .
A. to jog
B. jogged
C. is jogging
D. jogging
48. They seem _____ plenty of money.
A. are having
B. to have

C. having D. had
49. I like Simon, but I think he tends ___too much.
A. to talk
B. talking C. talk
D. is talking
50. Ann pretended ______ me as he passed me in the street.
A. not seeing
B. not to seen C. not see D. not to see
51. I happened ______ that news from a magazine.
A. known
B. to be known C. to know
D. know
52. Do you understand _______?
A. what done
B. what doing C. what to do
D. what do
53. Can somebody show me ______ the film in this cinema?
A. how to changed B. how change C. how changing
D. how to change
54. Don’t forget _____ the letter I gave you.
A. to post
B. posting C. post
D. posted
55. There was a lot of traffic, but we managed _____ to the airport in time.
A. are gone B. going C. to go
D. to be going
56. Jill didn’t afford _____ a car.
A. buy
B. to buy
C. buying D. bought

57. They had a boy ______ that yesterday.
A. done
B. to do
C. did
D. do
58. We get our mail ______ yesterday.
A. been delivered
B. delivered
C. delivering
D. to deliver
59. We’ve got a new computer in our office. I haven’t learnt how ______ it yet.
A. to operate B. operating
C. operate
D. be operated
60. We were all too afraid to speak. Nobody dared ______ anything.
A. saying
B. being said
C. says
D. to say
61. Tom hopes _______ a solution soon.
A. to be found
B. finds
C. to find D. finding
62. You must ______ a lot of people here.
A. to know
B. knowing
C. know
D. known
63. They claimed ______ the problem.
A. have solved

B. solve C. solving D. to have solved
64. I would rather ______ this job.
A. not taken
B. not take
C. not to take
D. not taking
65. I spent some time ______ around the shops in Elizabeth street yesterday.
A. looked
B. be looking
C. look
D. looking
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Bài tập 3 : Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
1.Tourists could see fish ( swim) along the brook.
2.We enjoy (swim) along this river.
3.The form teacher has asked Jack (write) an essay on the Thames.
4. It sometimes may be difficult (get) a taxi during rush- hours.
5.The rain has made the children ( stop) their games.
6.She tells the driver( take).. her to the railway station.
7.Does Mrs Green have them ( carry) those books back home?
8.The principal noticed those pupils (try).. harder and harder.
9.Children have just stopped ( play).. football.
10.They keep ( talk) about an old friend they met yesterday.
11.Is Black Pool ( visit). by thousands of tourists each year?
12.We heard Mr Brown ( park).. his car near the gate.

13. Theyve finished ( do)..their homework.
14.They had their house (paint).. before Tet holiday.
15.I advised him ( wait). for me at the airport.
16. Would you mind ( help). me with this work?
17.Do you smell something ( burn).. in the kitchen?
18. Mother requests her daughter not ( come) back home late.
19. We shall have the grass ( cut). tomorrow.
20.They noticed lots of sheep( graze). in green meadows.
22. Would you like(have) something to eat?
23.It started( rain) an hour ago. Has it stopped ( rain)
24. My family is trying (decide)where to go on holiday.
25.Our teacher made me (answer) .all the questions.
26. Ive enjoy ( meet). you. I hope ( see).. you again.
27. I hate ( see). a child(cry)...
28.They prefer( play) in swimming pool all day.
29.They refuse ( go).. out on trips if its too hot.
30. I used ( smoke) 20 cigarettes a day,but now I give up (smoke)

31.We decided( rent) a house with a swimming pool.
32.Can you help me (get). the dinner ready?
33. When we arrived, the people next door invited us ( have)a drink with
34. We began (talk). about next years holiday two months
35. I remember (lock). the door when I left but forgot ( shut) the
36. He agrees( start) the job as soon as possible.
37. I finished ( read).. the book and went to bed.
38. My teachers always expected me ( do).. well in

Bài tập 4:Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động:
1.She didnt introduce me to her mother
2.The government hasnt changed the regulation
3.They are repairing my piano at the moment
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4.The fire destroyed many houses in my neighborhood
5.They will return those books to the library tomorrow
6.Someone stole her bike last night
7.He was preparing the report when I came
8.They keep those maps on the shelf for reference
9.The tamer ordered the lion to lie on the floor
10.My friends are making some phone calls in the evening
11.They make Honda cars in Japan
12.She has to finish her homework tonight
13.Bad weather has delayed Flight 202 from Miami
14.She told us a very interesting story last night
15.Bill feeds the pigs and chickens every morning
16.They invited a lot of people to their party last night
17.We found the key under the table
18.They haven’t used this machine for age
19.Bad drivers are causing many accidents
20.You ought to repaint the walls
21.Alexander Bain invented the facsimile in 1843
22.They dry the beans in the sun

23.People can make payment at any post office
24.How do you learn English?
25.They are going to build a new supermarket next year
26.Where did you take these photographs?
27.She shows the students around the city
28.I will translate this letter into English
29.Has the council postponed the meeting?
30.We haven’t finished our homework yet
11.He holds the concerts at the university
31.Does Egypt export cotton to many countries?
32.We must do something for these poor men
PhÇn dµnh cho h/s yÕu :
33.People speak French and English in Canada
34.Ba invited Liz to the festival
35.My father decorated the Christmas tree with
colorful lights
36.Santa Claus gives children presents on Christmas
37.They bought some flowers for their mother
38.She cleans her room everyday
39.They sing that new song everywhere
40.They deliver goods to the market
Híng dÉn gi¶i:
1.I wasn’t introduced to her mother.
2.The regulation hasn’t been changed by the govement.
3.My piano is being repaired at the moment.
4.Many houses in my neighbor hood were destroyed by the fire.
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5. Those books will be returned to th library tomorrow.
6. Her bike was stolen last night .
7. The report was being pre pared when I came.
8. These maps are kept on the shelf for reference.
9. The lion was ordered to lie on the floor by the tamer.
10. Some phone calls are being made by my friends in th evening .
11. Hon DA gars are made in Japan.
12. Her home work has to be finished tonight.
13.Flight 202 from Miami has been delayed by bad weather .
14. We were told a very interesting story last night.
15. The pigs and the chickens are fed by Bill every morning.
16. A lot of people were invited to the party last night.
17. The key was found under the table.
18. This machine hasn’t been used for ages .
19. Many acidents are being caused by bad drivers.
20. The walls ought to be repainted.
21. The facsimile was invented in 1843 by Alexander Bain.
22. The beans is dried in the sun.
23. Payment can be made at any post office.
24.How is English learned?.
25.A new supermarket is going tobe built next year.
26. Where were these photographs taken?.
27. The students are showed around the city.
28. This letter will be translated into English.
29. Has the meeting been postponed by the council?
30. Our homework hasn’t been finished yet.

31. Is cotton exported to many countries by Egypt?
32. Some thing must be done for these poor men.
H/s yÕu: 33. French and English are spoken in Canada .
34. Liz was invited to the festival by Ba.
35. The Chrismas tree was decorated with colorful lights.
36. Presents are given to the children by Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
37. Some flowers were bought for their mother.
38. Her room is cleaned everyday.
39. That song is sung everywhere.
40. Goods are delivered to the market.
Bµi tËp 5: H·y viÕt l¹i c¸c c©u sau dïng : S + wish
1.I speak English badly. => I wish……………………………………………………………..
2. He can’t swim as well as his friend. => He
3. We can’t fly.=> We wish………………………………………………….............................
4. She has to work on Saturday. => She
5. I don’t know much about him. => I
6. Nam isn’t here .=> I wish …………………………………………………………………...
7. I don’t have a computer.=> Iwish……………………………………………………………
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8. It’s pity! She has to do her homework=> She
9. Our children aren’t studying hard. => We

10. It is raining.=> We wish……………………………………………………………………
11. She will not go with us tomorrow=> We
12. They are so poor.=> They wish ……………………………………………………………
13. It will rain tomorrow.=> I wish…………………………………………………………….
14. It’s apity I didn’t watch the film last night=> I
15. I’m sorry I didn’t do my home work. => I
16. They didn’t pass the exam.=> They
17. I regretted going to school late.=> I
18. I’m really sorry I didn’t invite you to my birthday party. => I
19. I regretted asking her to lend me money. => I
20. She regretted not phoning me yesterday. => She
H/ s yÕu:
21. I can’t play the guitar well.=> I
22. He can’t speak French .=> He
23. I can’t go out with him. => I
24. They go camping without me.=> They
25. We are not able to help you.=> We

Bµi tËp6: H·y viÕt l¹i c¸c c©u sau:
1. He doesn’t raise dogs anymore-> He used
2. She doesn’t get up late anymore. -> She
3. They don’t go fishing now. -> They used…………………………………………………...
4. I don’t stay up late any more.-> I
5. Hoa doesn’t do morning exercises anymore.-> Hoa
6. He often lived in the City.=> He used…………………………………….............................
7. Tom usually smoked last year.=> Tom
8. I don’t get bad mark now.=> I used………………………………………………………….
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9. Hung used to go fishing when he was small.=> Hung
10. Peter used to play soccer when he was a student.=> Peter
11. I don’t take bus to school now.=> I
12. He doesn’t walk to school => He
13. There wasn’t electricity.=> There didn’t

14. The air isn’t fresh now=> The air
15. The environment wasn’t polluted.=> The environment didn’t
16. The country was often very poor. =>
17. He often worked on the farm.=> He
Híng dÉn gi¶i :
Bµi 5:
1. I wish didn’t speak English badly.
2. He wishes he could swim sa well as his friends.
3. We wish we could fly.
4. She wishes she didn’t have to work on Saturday.
5. I wish I knew much about him.
6. I wish Nam were here.
7. I wish I had a computer.
8. She wishes she didn’t have to do her homework.
9. We wish our children were studying hard.
We wish it weren’t raining.
We wish she would go with us tomorrow.
They wish they weren’t so poor.
I wish it wouldn’t rain tomorrow
I wish I had watched TV last night.

I wish I had done my home work.
They wish they had passed the exam.
I wish I hadn’t gone to school late.
I wish I had invited you to my birthday party.
I wish I hadn’t asked her to lend me money.v
She wishes she had phoned me yesterday.
H/ S yÕu: 21. I wish I could play the guitar .
22.He wishes he could speak French.
23.I wish I could go out with him.
24.They wish they went camping with me.
25. We wish we were able to help you.
Bµi 6:
1. He used to raise dogs.
2. She used to get up late .
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3. They used to go fishing.
4. I used to stay up late.
5. Hoa used to do morning exercise.
6. He used to live in the city.

7. Tom used to smoke last year.
8. I used to get bad mark.
9. He often went fishing hen he was small.
10. Peter used to play soccer when he was small.
11. I used to take bus to school.
12. He used to walk to school.
13. There didn’t use to be electricity.
14. The air used to be fresh.
15. The environtment didn’t use tobe polluted.
16. The country used to be very poor.
17. He used to work on the farm.

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Chuyên đề 2:

Các loại câu( Sentences)
I/ Câu trực tiếp và câu gián tiếp( Direct and Indirect speech):
-Câu trực tiếp : là sự lặp lại chính xác những từ của ngời nói đôi khi có chỉnh
sửa, và câu trực tiếp thờng đựơc đặt trong dấu ngoặc kép:
VD: Nam said: I am a student
-Câu gián tiếp là sự lặp lại chính xác ý của ngời nói đôi khi có chỉnh sửa:
VD: Nam said he was a student.
-Khi chuyển một câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp cần chú ý xem đó là loại câu

+ Khi câu trực tiếp là một câu mệnh lệnh hoặc một câu yêu cầu:
Please+ V + O
S +asked/ told +O + Vto/ not Vto
+Khi câu trực tiếp là câu đề nghị, lời hứa, lời khuyên, lời mời:
Mẫu : S + offered/ promised/ advised/ invited +O + Vto/ not Vto.
+ Khi câu trrực tiếp là câu trần thuật:
S + said to O + that + S + V lùi +O
told O
+ Khi câu trực tiếp là một câu hỏi:
- Câu hỏi có từ hỏi ( wh- questions )
S + asked +O
+ wh+ S + Vlùi +O
Wanted to know
- Câu hỏi dạng đảo ( Yes- No questions )
S + asked + O
+if/ whether + S + Vlùi +O
Wanted to know
*Cần thay đổi những thành phần sau trong câu khi chuyển câu trực tiếp sang
gían tiếp:
1.Đổi đại từ nhân xng: I=He, She
2.Đổi tân ngữ chỉ ngôi:
=him , her
Us = them

You = me, us
You = I,
3.Đổi tính từ sở hữu: my= his, her
Our= their
Your = my , our
4.Đổi thì của động từ:
-Thì hiện tại đơn đổi thành thì quá khứ đơn: VD: am- was, live- lived
-Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn đổi thành thì quá khứ tiếp diễn: VD: is living - was
-Thì quá khứ đơn đổi thành thì quá khứ hoàn thành hoặc thì quá khứ
VD: lived had lived / lived
- Thì tơng lai đơn: will - would
- Động từ khuyết thiếu: can - could, may - might , must- had to
Should should, ought to ought to, have to- had to
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5.§æi here thµnh there
6.§æi this - that,
these - those
7.§æi c¸c tr¹ng tõ chØ thêi gian: Now – then ,today – that day , tomorrow – the
next day/ the following day, yesterday – the day before/ the previous day.
Bµi tËp5: ChuyÓn c¸c c©u sau sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp
1.She said to me: “you can sit here”
2.Nga said: “I am taking my test tomorrow”

3.I said to her: “Jim is driving late today”
4.He said: “I don’t want to eat anything now”
5.Minh said to me: “I won’t be home this evening because I have to work late”
6.Huong said to me: “you must do your homework everyday”
7.I said to Nam: “There isn’t any milk in this bottle”
8.He said: “I’ll be here again tomorrow”
9.We said to them: “your houses are very nice”
10.She said to them: “He has lived here for five years”
11.Tom said: “I’m going away for a few days and will phone you when I get back”
12.Mai said to Minh: “I can not go to the cinema with you tomorrow”
13.Ann said to me: “I’m very grateful to you for your helping me with the
vietnamese lessons”
14.He said: “I don’t need any help”
15.Betty said to Bill: “I don’t like this film”
16.Lan said: “I am coming back next week”

17.She said: “I must wash my hands”
18.Mother said: “I have something to show you, Tom”
19.They said: “We have a lift but it doesn’t work”
20.Lan said: “We are having champagne tonight”
21.Mary said: “I like oranges better than bananas”
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22.He said: “We have finished our work”
23.The girl said: “I will answer the phone”
24.The boy said: “I can’t do it”
25.My father said: “It may rain”
26.The teacher said: “The twins can’t go to school today because they are ill”
27.She asked me: “Are you going to visit Hue?”
28.I asked Ha: “Does your father work here?”

29.Lien asked me: “Will I finish my exercises at home?
30.Thanh asked Minh: “Are you going to leave tomorrow?”
31.Hung said: “Is Phong nha cave in Southern Viet Nam, Nhi?”
32.She said: “Can you speak English, Hung?”
33.I asked the boy: “Do you know the way to the station?”
34.Mary asked me: “Do you want to visit London?”
35.She asked me: “Is Ha Tien in kien Giang province?”
36.I said: “Do you often take your dog to the park, Thu?”
37.They asked me: “Will you buy us some food?”
38.I asked Tuan: “Must you leave here next week?”
39.She asked him: “Are you waiting for your mother?”
40.I said to Nam: “You mustn’t leave the door unlocked”
41.He said: “I will finish it by the end of this week”
42.She asked me: “Are you going to take the level exam this weekend?”
43.I asked her: “When will the course begin?”

Híng d½n gi¶i
Bµi 5:
1. She said that I could sit there.
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Nga said she was taking her test the following day.
I said to her Jim was driving late that day.
He said he didn’t want to eat anything then.
Minh said to me that he wouldn’t be home that evening because he had to
work late.
6. Huong said I had to do my home work everyday.
7. I said to Nam there wasn’t any milk in that bottle.
8. He said he would be there again the folowing day.
9. We said to them their houses were very nice.
She said she had lived there for five years.
Tom said he was going away for a few days and would phone me when
he got back.
Mai said to Minh that shn could’nt go to the cinema with him the

following day.
Ann said she was very grateful to me for my helping her with the
Vietnamese lesson.
He said he didn’t need any help.
Betty said to Bill he didn’t like that film.
Lan said she was coming back the following week.
She said she had to wash her hands.
The mother said to Tom she had something to show him.
They said they had a lift but it didn’t wok.
Lan said thay were having champange that night.
Mary said she liked oranges better than bananas.
He said they had finished their work.
The girl said she would answer the phone.
The boy said he couldn’t do it.
Mary said it might rain.
The teacher said the twins couldn’t go to school that day because they

were ill.
She asked me if I was going to visit Hue.
I asked Ha if his father worked there.
Lien asked me if she would finish her exercise at home.
Thanh asked Minh if he was going to leave th next day.
Hung asked Nhi if Phong nha cave was in Southern Vietnam.
She asked Hung if he could speak English.
I asked the boy if he knew the wayto tha station.
Mary asked me if I wanted to visit LonDon.
She asked me if Ha Tien was inKien Giang Province.
I asked Thu if she often took her dog to the park.
They asked me if I bought them some food.
I asked Tuan if he had to leave there the following week.
She asked him if he was waiting for his mother .
I said to Nam he hadn’t to leave the door unlocked.

He said he would finish it by the end of that week.
She asked me if I was going to take level exam that weekend.
I asked her when the course would begin.
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II/Câu hỏi đuôi( tag questions): là phần câu hỏi đợc thêm vào cuối câu trần
thuật nhằm mục đích xác nhận thông tin hoặc yêu cầu trợ giúp.
- Một câu hỏi đuôi gồm 2 phần: + Phần câu trần thuật ( statement)
+ Phần hỏi đuôi( tag question)
Nếu Phần câu trần thuật là một câukhẳng định thì phần đuôi là câuphủ
Câu khẳng định ,đuôi phủ định?
Nếu phần câu trần thuật là một câu phủ định thì đuôi khẳng định
Câu phủ định , đuôi khẳng định?
Chú ý: Phần hỏi đuôi luôn ở dạng đảo và ngắn
- Nếu phần câu khẳng định dùng động từ to be, khuyết thiếu , tơng
lai .... thì chỉ nhắc lại ở phần hỏi đuôi
VD : He is a doctor, isnt he?
You can speak English, cant you?
He wont come, will he?
- Nếu phần câu khẳng định dùng động từ thờng thì phần hỏi đuôi phải
mợn trợ động từ: do, does, did.
VD: He goes to work everyday, doesnt he?

They went to school yesterday, didnt they?
- Nếu phần hỏi câu khẳng định dùng: never, hardly, seldom.thì phần
hỏi đuôi phải dùng khẳng định
VD: She never goes to work late, does she?
Các trờng hợp đặc biệt:
Lets , shall we?
I am..., arent I?
V +O., will you?
Dont., will you?
Bài tập 6: Chọn một đáp án đúng
1. Lets play some games, ?
a. will you
b. dont you
c. arent we
d.shall we
2. Open the door for me, ..?
a. wont you
b. dont you
c. will you
d. can you
3. Somebody came here yesterday, ?
a. did they
b. did it
c. didnt he
d. didnt they
4. Everything will be all right, ?
a. wont it
b. wont they
c. will it
d. will they

5. I am always on time for class, ..?
a. Am I
b. am not I
c.are I
d. arent I
6.Lan enjoys watching television after dinner, . . . . . ?
a. does she
b. doesnt she
c. did she
d. didnt she
7.Tam didn t go to school yesterday, . . . . . ?
a. did he
b. didnt he
c. does she
d. didnt Tam
8.They will buy a new computer, . . . . . .?
a. will they
b. dont they
c. wont they
d. shall they
9. She can drink a lot of tomato juice everyday, . . . . . ?
a. doesnt she b. cant she
c. could she
d. can she
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10. Theyd better stay at home.
a. do they
b. hadnt they
c. wouldnt they
d.didnt they
11. Turn on the lights, . . . . . . . you?
a. do
b. can
c. dont
d. will
12. I am not good at cooking, . . . . . . . ?
a. am I
b. are I
c. are not I
d. am not I
13. Lan had to do her homework last night, . . . . . . ?
a. hadnt Lan b. didnt she
c. hadnt she
d. didnt Lan
14. He seldom helps you, ?
a. does he
b. did he
c.doesnt he
d. didnt he
15. You have never read this article, ..?
a. did you
b. have you
c. havent you
d. never you
Bài tập 7: Viết tiếp phần hỏi đuôi cho các câu sau:

1.Tom wont be late,.?
2.You look tired,?
3.Lan came in her sport car,..?
4.Lets go out tonight,..?
5.You couldnt do me a favor,?
6.Minh has seen Hoa today,.?
7.There arent many people at the meeting,.?
8.Im too impatient,?
9.Lien doesnt know you,..?
10.These cakes look good,.?
11.You can speak German,..?
12.Dont drop that vase,..?
13.Your mother is on holiday,?
14.People use the internet for many purposes,?
III/ Câu điều kiện( Conditional sentences)
-Câu diều kiện loại1: diễn tả 1 giả thiết sẽ diễn ra ở hiện tại hoặc tơng lai

If + S + V h tại + O, S + will + V
Modal V + V


- Câu điều kiện loại 2: diễn tả một giả thiết không có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tơng


+ S

+ Vqk

+ O, S

+ would + V + O.

-Câu điều kiện loại 3 diễn tả một giả thiết hoặc một điều hối tiếc về một việc
gì đó trong quá khứ :

If + S

+ had + VPII


O ,


+would/ could + have

Chú ý: câu điều kiện ở dạng phủ định có thể dùng Unless để thay thế:
Unless = If not
VD: If you dont work hard , you cant pass the exam.
= Unless you work hard , you cant pass the exam.
Bài tập 8: Chọn một đáp án đúng
1.If there were UFOs, there . . traces of their landing ( would be / will be / are / is
2.If I . . a bird, I would be a dove( am ; was ; were ; will be )
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3.If we . . . . . rich, we would buy a villa in the country.
( become ; became ; would become ; will become )
4.She could call you if she . . . . . your telephone number.
( knew ; knows ; will know ; was knowing )
5.What will you do if you . . . . . . . the competion.
( won ; win ; be won ; will be won )
6..It may take her much time if she . . . . there on foot.
( go ; went ; will go ; goes )
7..If we had a lot of money, we . . . . . spend much on education.
( will ; can ; may ; could )
8.They . . . . . . get lost if they . . . . . . a map.
( will - took / wouldnt - take / wouldnt - took/ would took)
9.If I could speak English, I ...for that job. (Will apply/Would apply/ applied/ apply)
10.If energy ....inexpensive and unlimited, manythings in the world would be
different. ( will be ; is ; were ; would be)
Bài tập 9: Chia động từ trong ngoặc trong các câu sau:
1. If we (pollute)the water, wewill have no water to use.
2. If we cut down trees in the forest, there(be) big flood every year.
3. If he (not pass) the driving test, we(be )disappointed.
4. I (not write)to you if you (not send) me your address.
5. The sea (get) warmer if the earth (get) warmer.
6. If we(not protect) the animals, they ( kill).
7. If Jane ( not apologize) to us, we ( not speak ) to her.
8. If people (stop) using dynamitefor fishing, a lot of sea creatures ( be)well

9. If he ( study) hard, he could not fail the exam.
10.Our lives ( destroy) if the earth didnt go round.
11. We will go for a picnic if the weather (be) fine tomorrow.
12. If I were you I( travel) around the world .
13. If there were flying saucers, there ( be) traces of their landing.
14. Unless it ( rain), they will goshopping.
15. I would take photos of UFOs if I ( see) them.
16 .If you (be) in, I would give it to you.
IV/ Câu cảm thán ( exclamatory sentences):
Là câu đợc dùng để diễn đạt cảm xúc hay thái độ của một ngời trớc một ngời
hay một sự việc.
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Câu cảm thán dùng với how:
How + adj !
How + adj/ adv + S
+V !

VD: How beautiful !
How beautiful the girl is !
- Câu cảm thán với what:
What + a/an + adj +

What + adj + Ns !
VD: What a beautiful flower !
What beautiful flowers !
Bài tập 10: Viết tiếp các cău cảm thán:
1. The boy is clever. ( What.!)
2. The girl is tall. ( What!)
3. The book is interesting. ( How.!)
4. The weather was awful. ( What.!)
5. The room is dirty. ( How!)
6. The house is very old.( How.!)
7. It was warm weather. ( What!)

Chuyên đề


Mệnh đề và cụm từ ( Clauses and phrases)

I/ Cụm từ và mệnh đề chỉ mục đích:
1. Cụm từ chỉ mục đích : để diễn tả mục đích ngời ta sử dụng cụm từ bắt
đầu bằng : Vto, in order to, hoặc so as to.

In order to


+ V

not Vto
in order not

hoặc phủ định


So as to

so as not to

2. Mệnh đề chỉ mục đích: chỉ mục đích của hành động ở mệnh đề
chính : dùng so that
S + V +O + so that + S + can/ could/ will/ would +
+ O.
II/. Cụm từ và mệnh đề chỉ kết quả:
1.Cụm từ chỉ kết quả:
* ENOUGH: đủ để có thể





Adj/ Adv






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Hoặc phủ định:

enough + Vto

S + V +
+ O


+ Adj/Adv +


He is tall enough to reach the top shelf.
I didnt run fast enough to catch up the bus .
TOO: quá.. không thể


+ V
+ too
Vto + O




( for + O)

VD: He is too short to play basket ball.
2.Mệnh đề chỉ kết quả: là mệnh đề phụ đợc dùng để chỉ kết quả do hành
động của mệnh đề chính gây ra.
* SOTHAT: quá đến nỗi không thể ..




+ so


Adj / Adv





VD: She speaks English so quickly that we cant understand her.
Có thể dùng với danh từ:
SO many + N đếm
+ that clause
SO much + N không đếm
* SUCH..THAT: quá đến nỗi

It + be
+ such

+ S + V + O
They + be + such
+ V + O.

+ a/an


Adj + Ns

Adj +

N + that





VD: The exercise is very difficult so we cant finish.
= The exercise is so difficult that we cant finish.
= It is such a difficult exercise that we cant finish.
* SO : cho nên
Clause ( nguyên nhân) , so +
clause ( kết quả)
VD : The weather was very cold , so we couldnt go out.

She didnt study harder ,so she didnt pass the exam.
III/ Cụm từ và mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân:
1. Cụm từ chỉ nguyên nhân:

Because of
Due to/ owing to



VD : We couldnt go out because of the bad weather .
2. Mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân:

+ Clause
( nguyên nhân) Since
VD: We couldnt go out because the weather was bad .
IV/ Cụm từ và mệnh đề chỉ sự tơng phản:
1. Cụm từ chỉ sự tơng phản:
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Inspite of
mặc dù, dù

+ N/ V- ing:

VD: Inspite of the bad weather , we had a wonderful holiday.
2. Mệnh đề chỉ sự tơng phản: chỉ sự tơng phản của hai hành động trong







VD: Although the weather was bad , we had a wonderful holiday.
Bài tập 11: Hãy viết lại các câu sau dùng từ gợi ý trong ngoặc:
1. We could do the test. It was very difficult.( aithough/ Inspite of)
2. He didnt take a raincoat . He got wet.( because/ so).
3. Tom couldnt go to school. He was ill.( so.that/ therefore).
4. Solar energy is cheap. It is also clean. ( both.and/ not only but also)
5. These exercise are very difficult . She cant do them.( sothat/ suchthat/

6. The room is so dark . I cant see anything. ( too/ enough/ such)
7. The sound is very low. We cant hear it.(so/ because)
8. The table is too heavy. He cant move it.(not enough/ so..that/ such/too)
9. The car is very old . He cant buy it.(so/ because of/ sothat/ suchthat/ )
10.It rained heavily. They went to school.(eventhough/ despite/ but)
11. The cake is too hard for him to eat.(sothat/ because/ such)
12. The children couldnt go swimming because the sea was rough.(too/
enough/ so)
13. Cars cause pollution. People still want them.( aithough)
14. The restaurant is so dirty that noone wants to eat there.
15.I cant go with you . I have a lot of work to do.(so/ because of)
16. They arrived very late. They didnt see the beginning of the film.( sothat/
17. It was an expensive car. We couldnt afford tobuy it.(sothat/ such)
18. There were few people at the meeting. It was cancelled.(sothat/ because)
19. We couldnt understand her because she spoke too fast.( therefore/ enough)
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20. I’ve meet too many people . I can’t remember all their name.( so..that/

I. Use to/ in order to/ so as(not) to + infinitive to combine each pair of

1. Mother entered the room quietly. She didn’t want to wake up her baby.
2. Mary phoned me. She wanted to invite me to the party.
3. We are learning English. We can get a good job.
4. I took off my shoes. I didn’t want to make any noise.
5. My mother needs a tin-opener. She wants to open this bottle.
6. Ken is learning Vietnamese. He wishes to read Kiều.
7. He turned off the lights. He didn’t want to waste electricity.
8. She locked the door. She doesn’t want to be disturbed.
9. Some evenings I go to the library. I want to study in peace and quiet.
10. After Jack got home from work, he turned on the TV.He wanted to watch the
II.Choose the best answer
1. The school boys are in a hurry (not to / in order not )miss their school bus.
2. They were talking in whispers (so that/ so as) nobody could hear them.
3. My mother needs a tin opener (to open/ for opening)the bottles.
4. Advice is given (in order that/ in order to )students can choose the best
5. You may put your money in a small coin bank( so that / in order) to keep it
6. We wrote Katie's name on the calendar( so as not to/ so that not )forget her

7. 'She stayed at work late (in order to/ so that)she could complete the report.
8. I need some new clothes. I haven't got anything nice (to wear/ in order to
wear) .
9. The new paint. is excellent (to cover/ for covering )walls with cracks in.
1. Trees are being planted by the roadside (so as to / in order that )reduce
traffic noise.
I. Kết hợp câu dùng “ … too + adj + for + …+ to – inf”
1. This milk is too hot .The child can’t drink it.
2. This weight Is too heavy. We can’t lift it
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Prepared by La Phu Nam -
