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Tiếng anh 7: Bài giảng_unit_9_skill 2

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- well-known (a) = famous: nổi tiếng
- attend (v): tham gia
- audience (n): khán giả
- hit song (n): bài hát thành công
- campsite (n): điểm cắm trại
- stir up (v): khuấy động
- escape (v): thoát khỏi, trốn thoát
Activity 1. Look at the pictures below. What kind of festivals do you think it is? Share your ideas with
a partner.

Hướng dẫn giải: I think this is a music festival.
Activity 2. Listen to Nick talk about a music festival he attended. Tick (√) true (T) or false (F). Correct
the false sentences.

1 Truy cập trang để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh – Sử
- Địa – GDCD tốt nhất!

Hướng dẫn giải:
1. F
=> The Isle of Wight is the most well-known festival in his country.
2. T
3. F
=> Nick and his family stayed in a tent in the campsite.
4. F

=> Jon Bon Jovi is Nick’s dad’s favourite singer.
5. T
Audio script:
Last summer holiday my family went back to the UK and we went to a music festival on the Isle of Wight. It
is one of the most famous music festivals in our country, which takes place every June. When we got there, I
was impressed by the huge number of people. You know about sixty thousand people went to the event. We
didn’t stay at a hotel but put up a tent in the camp site. It was lots of fun. We listened to a lot of songs by
many bands such as The Killers and The Stone Roses. Guess what? We met Jon Bon Jovi! He’s my dad’s
favourite singer. He and his band stirred up the crowd in nearly three hours with the hit songs. We also went
to the Bohemian Woods, a beautiful woodland down by the river. There we enjoyed a mix of good music
from around the world and escaped the busy and noisy festival for a white.
Dịch Script:
Mùa hè năm ngoái, gia đình tôi trở về Anh và chúng tôi đến một lễ hội âm nhạc trên đảo Wight. Đây là một
trong những lễ hội âm nhạc nổi tiếng nhất trong nước, diễn ra vào tháng 6 hàng năm. Khi chúng tôi đến đó,
tôi đã rất ấn tượng với số lượng người khổng lồ. Bạn biết khoảng sáu mươi nghìn người đã tham dự sự kiện
này. Chúng tôi đã không ở tại một khách sạn nhưng ở tại một cái lều trong khu cắm trại. Đó là rất nhiều
niềm vui. Chúng tôi đã nghe rất nhiều bài hát của nhiều ban nhạc như The Killers và The Stone Roses. Đoán
cái gì? Chúng tôi đã gặp Jon Bon Jovi! Anh ấy là ca sĩ yêu thích của cha tôi, anh ấy và ban nhạc của anh ấy
đã khuấy động đám đông trong gần ba tiếng đồng hồ với những bài hát nổi tiếng. Chúng tôi cũng đã đi đến
Rừng Bohemian, một khu rừng tuyệt đẹp bên bờ sông. Ở đó, chúng tôi thưởng thức một buổi hòa nhạc hay
từ khắp nơi trên thế giới và thoát khỏi lễ hội bận rộn và ồn ào cho một màu trắng.
2 Truy cập trang để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh – Sử
- Địa – GDCD tốt nhất!

Activity 3. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. When does the festival take place?
2. What are The Killers and the Stone Roses?
3. How did Jon Bon Jovi interest the audiance?
4. Where did Nick and his family also go?

5. What did they do there?
Hướng dẫn giải:
1. It takes place every June.
2. They are music bands.
3. He interested the audience with the hit songs.
4. They also went to the Bohemian Woods.
5. They enjoyed a mix of good music from around the world.
Activity 4. Think about a festival you attended. Make notes about it below.

Hướng dẫn giải:
Model 1:
Name of festival
What was the festival?

1000th Anniversary of Thang Long – Hanoi Festival
Lots of activities in this festival: fireworks display,
military parade, music performance, ect.

Who celebrated it?

Vietnam government

Where was it held?

Everywhere in Vietnam and Hanoi is the centre.

3 Truy cập trang để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh – Sử
- Địa – GDCD tốt nhất!

When was it held?
How was it held?
Why was it held?

From October 1st 2015 to October 10th 2015.
People do a lot of activities: fireworks, parties,
parade and other interesting things.
To celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Hanoi.

Model 2:
Name of festival

Buffalo Fighting Festival

What was the festival?

The buffaloes fight against each other

Who celebrated it?

The locals in Do Son – Hai Phong city

Where was it held?

In Do Son – Hai Phong city

When was it held?

On the 9th day of the 8th lunar month

How was it held?
Why was it held?

It starts with the worshiping ceremony, then 16
buffaloes are ready for the final.
to express the martial spririt of the local people in
Do Son.

Model 3:
Name of festival
What was the festival?

“Ba Chua Xu” Festival
many traditional, cultural and religious activities and
dances are organized

Who celebrated it?

the local government and the temple committee

Where was it held?

at “Ba Chua Xu” temple – Nui Sam ward, Chau Doc
city, An Giang province

When was it held?
How was it held?
Why was it held?

from 23rd to 27th of the lunar month every year.

many traditional, cultural and religious activities and
dances are organized
to pray for greater crops as well as happier and
wealthier lives.

Activity 5. Now write a short paragraph about the festival you attended. Use the notes above
Hướng dẫn giải:
Model 1:
Seven years ago, I attended a very big festival in Hanoi. It’s called 1000th Anniversary of Thang Long –
Hanoi Festival. There are a lot of activities in this festival such as fireworks display, military parade, music
performances, ect. It was organized very splendidly because the organizers are the Vietnam goverment.
Millions of people came to Hanoi to participate in this great festival. It was held for ten days from October
4 Truy cập trang để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh – Sử
- Địa – GDCD tốt nhất!

1st, 2010 to October 10th 2010. I saw lots of of fireworks, parties, parades during these days. It was
interesting. I took so many pictures on this festival because there were plenty of beautiful scences. We
organized this great festival to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long – Hanoi.
Model 2:
The festival I attended last year is the Buffalo Fighting. It is annually held in Do Son – Hai Phong on the 9th
day of the 8th lunar month. The most typical reason for the buffalo fighting festival is to express the martial
spirit of the local people in Do Son, Hai Phong. The festival is attached to Water God worshipinng
ceremony and the “Hien Sinh” custom.
The festival starts with the worshiping ceremony. After that, 16 buffaloes and their owners are ready for the
final. Each round, one pair of buffaloes is led to opposite sides of the festival rounds then they rush into each
other. Each couple of the buffaloes will fight three times to find the winner. The thing that I like most in this
festival is the exciting atmosphere from the spectators. It is more than watching a football match between
two famous teams.
Model 3:

Last year I attended a very large festival in Nui Sam – Chau Doc city, An Giang province. The great festival
is held annually by the Temple Committee. From the 23th to the 27th of the forth lunar month, the locals and
people around the country gather to take part in the event to honor a Holy Protector Goddess called “ Ba
Chua Xu” with the hope that she would bring them greater crops as well as happier and wealthier lives.
During the festival days, many traditional, cultural and religious activities and dances are organized.
Especially on the 25th night, the most sacred ritual (“bathing” the Goddess) take place. After that
worshippers touch the Goddess and ask her for protection and blessing.

5 Truy cập trang để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh – Sử
- Địa – GDCD tốt nhất!
