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Choose the correct item from the choices in the parentheses:
1. He (correct, correctly) defined the terms. The answer sounded (correctly, correct).
2. She (quickly, quick) adjusted the fees. She adapted (quick, quickly) to any situation.
3. He measured the floor (exact, exactly). They proved to be (perfectly, perfect) (exact, exactly) measurements.
4. The stillness of the tomb was (awfully, awful). The tomb was (awfully, awful) still.
5. It was a (dangerously, dangerous) lake to swim in. The man was (dangerous, dangerously) drunk. The gas
smelled (dangerously, dangerous).
6. She performed (magnificent, magnificently). It was a (magnificent, magnificently) beautiful performance.
7. Her voice sounds (beautifully, beautiful). She sang the song (exact, exactly) as it was written. We heard it
(perfectly, perfect).
8. He was a very (sensibly, sensible) person. He acted very (sensible, sensibly).
9. Mike wrote too (slow, slowly) on the exam. He always writes (slow, slowly).
10. Talk (softly, soft) or don't talk at all. The music played (softly, soft).
11. Andrea knows the material very (good, well). She always treats us (good, well).
12. You must send payments (regular, regularly). We deal on a (strictly, strict) cash basis.
13. The mechanic's tools were (well, good). The foreman said that his work was (good, well) done.
14. She worked (careful, carefully) with the sick child. She was a very (careful, carefully) worker.
15. He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thought he would.
16. I find this novel very (interesting, interestingly). It was (interesting, interestingly) written.
17. The bus driver was (serious / seriously) injured.
18. Kevin is extremely (clever / cleverly).
19. This hamburger tastes (awful / awfully).
20. Be (careful / carefully) with this glass of milk. It's hot.
21. Robin looks (sad / sadly). What's the matter with him?
22. Jack is (terrible / terribly) upset about losing his keys.
23. This steak smells (good / well).
24. Our basketball team played (bad / badly) last Friday.
25. Don't speak so (fast / fastly). I can't understand you.
26. Maria (slow / slowly) opened her present.
In the following sentences, cross out the incorrect words and write in the correct form in the blanks. If

the sentence is correct as it is, write "T" in the blank.
1. Terrence plays quarterback as well as Brian._______________
2. The game hadn't hardly begun before it started to rain.____________
Prepared by: Vu Hoang Linh – 0973.516.114

3. This was sure a mild winter.__________________
4. Jane behaves more pleasant than Joan.________________
5. When you are a parent, you will think different about children.___________
6. I felt badly about not having done good on my final exams._____________
7. Whether you win is not near as important as how you play._____________
8. Asian music often sounds oddly to Western listeners.______________
9. Does your car run well enough to enter the race?_________________
10. I felt safely enough to go out at night on my own._________________
11. You can see the distant mountains clear with these binoculars.______________
12. Our team was real sharp last Saturday afternoon during the game.___________
Correct the word form (adj or adv) in the blank:
1. She doesn't like sports. So she ____________________does any sports (hard).
2. He is never ____________________ (late).
3. She phoned me once a week. But ____________________ she didn't (late).
4. He acted ____________________. He's an ____________________ actor. (excellent)
5. They learn English _________________. They think English is an _______________ language. (easy)
6. Max is a (good) ____________________ singer. He sings ____________________.
7. It's ________________ cold today. The cold wind is __________________(awful) .
Choose the correct answer
Q1 - I'm dead sure.
'Dead' is an adjective here.
Q2 - It's a direct flight.

'Dead' is an adverb here.

'Direct' is an adjective here.
Q3 - It's easy.

'Direct' is an adverb here.

'Easy' is an adjective here.
Q4 - Relax and take it easy.

'Easy' is an adverb here.

'Easy' is an adjective here.
Q5 - I hate arriving late.

'Easy' is an adverb here.

'Late' is an adjective here.
Q6 - Hold tight if you're standing on the bus.

'Late' is an adverb here.

'Tight' is an adjective here.
Q7 - The door was wide open.

'Tight' is an adverb here.

'Wide' is an adjective here.
Q8 - I was there at eight o'clock sharp.

'Wide' is an adverb here.

'Sharp' is an adjective here.
Q9 - He eats a lot of fast food.

'Sharp' is an adverb here.

Prepared by: Vu Hoang Linh – 0973.516.114

'Fast' is an adjective here.
'Fast' is an adverb here.
Q10 - I'm pretty tired now- I think I'm going to go home.
'Pretty' is an adjective here.
Q11 - It's wrong.

'Pretty' is an adverb here.

'Wrong' is an adjective here.
Q12 - That's the wrong spelling.

'Wrong' is an adverb here.

'Wrong' is an adjective here.
Q13 - Everything went wrong.

'Wrong' is an adverb here.

'Wrong' is an adjective here.

Q14 - He drove too fast.

'Wrong' is an adverb here.

'Fast' is an adjective here.
Use the word in the box to fill in the blank

'Fast' is an adverb here.



We have got a lot of _____________________pupils in our class. Here are some of them: Sally is
a __________________ girl because she always gets good marks and she also plays the guitar
very ________________. The boys think Sandra is even ________________ and she is the most
_________________ girl, too. But the girls don’t like her because they think she is _________________ and
plays volleyball ____________________. Everybody likes Pat because he is
_______________ and ______________ at playing football. And he also plays the saxophone

very __________________. The most ________________ pupil is Cindy. She is tall, good looking and all
the boys fall in love with her ______________________. She is very clever and she doesn't talk
as _____________________ as a lot of our other girl.

Prepared by: Vu Hoang Linh – 0973.516.114
