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On thi HSG 9

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Sở GD-ĐT Bắc Giang Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10
THPT chuyên Bắc Giang
Năm học 2009-2010
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
Ngày thi: 24/7/2009
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
- thi gm 04 trang. Thí sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy thi, Không làm bài trực tiếp vào tờ
đề thi này.
- Thí sinh không đợc phép sử dụng bất kỳ loại tài liệu gì kể cả từ điển.
I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
(5 pts)
1. A. there B. though C. than D. theme
2. A. snowstorm B. knowledge C. show D. slow
3. A. treasure B. sewage C. save D. campus
4. A. effective B. recognize C. sentence D. equality
5. A. enjoyed B. invited C. mended D. lasted
II. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense or form. (15 pts)
1. He (not finish) his work yet. He only (start) an hour ago.
2. I recommend that Bob (study) much more if he wants to pass all his classes.
3. If I (have) a typewriter, I would type it myself.
4. I tried (explain) but he refused to listen.
5. A lot of people (kill) by AIDS recently, and I wish nobody would die any more.
6. Only yesterday I (realise) what was going on.
7. George as well as his brothers (not go) to the cinema very often.
8. We are going (have) our house (repaint) next month.
9. After (stop) by the police, the man admitted (steal) the car but denied driving at 100 miles
an hour.
10. Mary (not wear) her glasses at that time, so she (not notice) what kind of car the man
III. Supply each space with a suitable preposition to complete each sentence.
(10 pts)

1. Did the children account ______ 45% of the total population affected by the tsunami?
2. You remind me of your uncle. We used to work ______ each other.
3. Take the bus, and get ______ in front of the library.
4. We re always proud ______ your success.
5. Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? It depends ______ the weather.
6. ______ heat from the sun, there would be no life on earth.
7. My mother is very keen ______ growing flowers.
8. We must wait ______ Friday for the final exam results.
9. What time did you arrive ______ the party?
10. It was careless ______ him not to lock the gate last night.
IV. Each sentence has ONE mistake, find and correct it. (10 pts)
1. The director felt badly about not giving Mary the position that she had looked for from his
2. Only when you grow up you will know the truth.
3. You d better tell me the reason for he did not turn up.
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Đề chính thức
4. The whole of family should be present during the dinner in which many different kinds of
dishes are served.
5. Mrs. Brown s children are used to be picked up after school every day.’
6. Andrew has been a teacher of English since a very long time.
7. I think we should go some sightseeing this afternoon.
8. You are tired although you stayed up too late to watch TV last night.
9. Don't speak English with him; he hardly not know any English.
10. Mary bought her mother a twenty-inches television last week.
V. Fill in each gap with the correct form of the word in capital letter to complete each
sentence. (10 pts)
1. Do you know the man ________ near the door? (STAND)
2. The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is ________. (POLLUTE)
3. If you are ________ with your essay, I suggest that you should rewrite it. (SATISFY)

4. Hard work always brings ________. (SUCCEED)
5. I am tired of your ________ attitude. (CHILD)
6. He seems to be quite ________ about the future. He looks very disappointed. (HOPE)
7. The cost of living has gone up ________ in the last few years. (CONSIDER)
8. I got some very ________ news this morning. (SURPRISE)
9. Some victims of the earthquake are still ________. (IDENTIFY)
10. There is no ________ proof that computer games are dangerous. (SCIENCE)
VI. Fill in each blank in the passage with one suitable word to complete the passage.
(10 pts)
In the United States and Canada, it is very important to (1) ______ a person directly in the
eyes when you are having a conversation (2) ______ him or her. If you look down or to the
side when the (3) ______ person is talking, that person will think that you are not interested
in (4) ______ he or she is saying. This, of course, is not polite. (5) ______ you look down or
to the side when you are talking, it might (6) ______ that you are not honest.
However, people who are speaking will sometimes look away for a (7) ______ seconds
when they are thinking or (8) ______ to find the right word. But they always turn immediately
(9) ______ to look the listener directly in the eyes. These social rules are the (10) ______“ ”
for two men, two women, a man and a woman, or an adult and a child.
VII. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions. (5 pts)
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 1965) was the greatest British statesman of modern times.–
During his long, colourful public career, he was a Member of Parliament for 63 years. He also
held almost every government post. And most important of all, he led the country to victory in
World War II. He also wrote many important books and was a talented painter.
In May 1940, he became Prime Minister. Throughout the war, Churchill showed great
strength and energy. He worked for long periods with little sleep and travelled many
thousands of miles. By courage and determination expressed in his speeches, he inspired
the people of Britain to keep on fighting. In the general election at the end of the war, the
Conservative Party, of which he was the leader, was defeated. But he became Prime Minister
again when he was seventy-seven. He resigned as Prime Minister in 1955.
1. When did Churchill first become Prime Minister?

2. By what did he inspire the people of Britain to continue with the fight?
3. How long was he a Member of Parliament?
4. When was his Conservative Party defeated?
5. How old was he when he resigned as Prime Minister?
VIII. Read the passage and then choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question
below. (5 pts)
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Ordinary houses are full of hazardous waste. The most important hazardous waste in the
homes is batteries. When you throw them out with your other garbage, they break open at
the landfill. The poison inside them moves through rainwater and other liquids to the bottom
of the landfill. Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground. We should use
rechargeable batteries. Another hazardous waste in homes is motor oil. Don't throw old motor
oil on the ground or throw it on the garbage. It poisons the environment. We should recycle
motor oil. Paint is another kind of hazardous waste in homes. Some cities have a "Paint
Exchange Day". If you bring in open, unused blue paint and want red, they give you red.
Sometimes they mix the paints together into strange colors. If you paint walls with them, you
help save the environment.
1. What is the most important dangerous waste in the homes?
A. motor oil B. paint C. batteries D. garbage
2. How can batteries at the landfill pollute the underground water?
A. They break open at the landfill.
B. Their poison moves to the bottom of the landfill.
C. They move to the underground water.
D. They combine with rainwater and other liquids.
3. Why should we use rechargeable batteries?
A. To protect the environment. B. They are durable.
C. They pollute the underground water. D. They are convenient.
4. Why shouldn't we throw motor oil on the ground?
A. It poisons the environment. B. It is a waste of money.
C. It pollutes the ground. D. It is dangerous.

5. What should we do with motor oil?
A. Sell it B. Throw it on the garbage.
C. Throw it away. D. Recycle it.
IX. Read the passage and choose one word from the box to fill in each gap. (10 pts)
retired, promotion, redundant, interview, contract, reference,
pension, applicants, career, training, unemployment, work
In these days of high (0) unemployment, it is often difficult for young people to find a
job. If they are lucky enough to be asked to go for a(n) (1) _______, they may find that there
are at least 20 other (2) _______ for the job. If a company is thinking of offering you a job,
they will ask you for at least one (3) _______ from either your previous employer or someone
who knows you well. Before taking up your job, you may have to sign a (4) _______. You will
probably have to do some (5) _______, which helps you to do the job more successfully.
Once you have decided that this is your chosen (6) _______, you will then have to work hard
to try to get (7) _______, which usually brings more responsibility and more money! If you are
unlucky, you may be made (8) _______, and not be able to find another job. It is also a good
idea to pay some money into a (9) _______ scheme, which will help you to look after yourself
and your family when you are (10) _______. Finally, good luck!
X. Complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the first one.
(10 pts)
1. Could you tell me the time of the last train to London?
 Could you tell me when______________________________________________?
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2. The film is not interesting to me.
 I _________________________________________________________________
3. The questions were so easy that all the students got them right.
 They were _________________________________________________________
4. We can t start the meeting until Tom comes.’
 Not until ___________________________________________________________
5. I wish I had gone on holiday with you.

 I regret ____________________________________________________________
6. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world.
 No city ____________________________________________________________
7. I have been studying English for five years.
 I started ___________________________________________________________
8. Although Mai was angry, she tried to hide her feeling.
 Despite ___________________________________________________________
9. We didn t visit the museum because we didn t have time. ’ ’
 If ________________________________________________________________
10. Daisy, I m sorry I broke your vase .“ ’ ”
 He apologized ______________________________________________________
XI. Use the words or phrases given to make complete sentences. You can add more
words if necessary. (10 pts)
1. Internet / fast / convenient / way / get / information / which / very update.
2. Linda / phone / me / six times / this week, / she?
3. Never / her life / she / see / such / tall building.
4. It / take / two hours / go / Ho Chi Minh City / air.
5. The price / the holiday / depend / when and where / you / want / travel.
6. You / not get / good marks / unless / study / harder.
7. I / work / this office / since / my friend / move / Ho Chi Minh City.
8. He / one / best / students / class.
9. Last night, after / he / do / homework / he / watch / football match / TV.
10. All / us / accustomed / work / eight hours / day.
___ The end ___
C¸n bé coi thi kh«ng gi¶i thÝch g× thªm
Hä vµ tªn thÝ sinh: . Sè b¸o danh: ………………………… … …………………………………
Gi¸m thÞ coi thi sè 1
(Ký, ghi râ hä tªn)
Gi¸m thÞ coi thi sè 2
(Ký, ghi râ hä tªn)

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NĂM HỌC 2009-2010
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
Đáp án gồm 02 trang
(Tổng 100 điểm)
I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
(5 pts) - (1 point for each correct answer)
1. D. theme
2. B. knowledge
3. A. treasure
4. D. equality
5. A. enjoyed
II. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense or form. (15 pts)
(1 point for each correct answer)
1. hasn t finished - started’
2. (should) study
3. had
4. to explain
5. have been killed
6. did I realise
7. does not go
8. to have - repainted
9. After being stopped - stealing / having stolen.
10. wasn t wearing - didn t notice - was driving.’ ’
III. Supply each space with a suitable preposition to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
(1 point for each correct preposition)
1. for

2. with
3. off
4. of
5. on
6. Without
7. on
8. until/ till
9. at
10. of
IV. Each sentence has ONE mistake, find and correct it. (10 pts)
(0.5 point for each mistake found, 0.5 point for each right correction)
1. badly -> bad
2. you will -> will you
3. for -> why/ for which/ φ
4. The whole of -> The whole
5. be -> being
6. since -> for
7. go some sightseeing -> do some sightseeing / go sightseeing
8. although -> because
9. not know -> knows
10. twenty-inches -> twenty-inch
V. Fill in each gap with the correct form of the word in capital letter to complete each
sentence. (10 pts) - (1 point for each correct answer)
1. standing
2. unpolluted
3. dissatisfied
4. success
5. childish
6. hopeless
7. considerably

8. surprising
9. unidentified
10. scientific
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