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Viết tiếng anh 6

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Viết Tiếng Anh 6
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which connectors show effects?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
c. therefore, consequently Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which sentence gives a reason for some people’s lack of motivation?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Some people are unmotivated due to suffering from depression. Câu
trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which connectors show causes?
b. another reason is Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which sentence gives a result of a company paying people fair
b. Therefore, employees are dedicated to the company.
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
What is the purpose of a cause-effect essay?
c. to show results or effects Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
What do connectors do in an essay?
c. link ideas

Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Choose the sentence which most likely follows this one: Bargaining is
common in Cairo.
a. Since they can get low prices, tourists often visit this city. Câu trả lời
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Choose the sentence which most likely follows this one: When people
are tired, they are likely to buy less.
c. Therefore, many companies advertise on TV during the day instead
of at night. Câu trả lời đúng

Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Choose the topic sentence that is most appropriate for a cause-effect
Chọn một câu trả lời:
b. People can be motivated to save money for a variety of factors. Câu
trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which of the following words and phrases help show causes (reasons)?
c. due to, one reason is Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
In a paragraph with a topic sentence about effects of an event, the
supporting sentences should…
b. show the results of the event.
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or


Choose the sentence which most likely follows this one: The company
advertised their product successfully.
c. As a result, their sales figure increased. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
What can help you rephrase an original text using your own words?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. replace words with synonyms and change sentence structures. Câu
trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
One of the problems with fossil fuels is that they are not renewable.
Which of these is an acceptable paraphrase for this sentence?
a. An issue with fuels like oil and coal is that they will not always
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which sentence is true?
c. Students who plagiarize will likely face serious consequences. Câu
trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Choose the sentence that does not change the meaning of this text:
Laws dealing with Internet privacy vary in countries around the world.
b. Internet privacy laws differ from one country to another. Câu trả lời
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or

The United States receives imported oil from Canada and Mexico.
Which of these is an acceptable paraphrase for this sentence?
b. Canada and Mexico provide oil to the United States. Câu trả lời đúng

Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which tip can help a writer paraphrase?
c. Replace words from the original sentence with synonyms. Câu trả lời
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Human body heat is cheap and readily available.
Which of these could best replace the underlined words?
c. inexpensive and easy to obtain
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Solar energy is an excellent alternative energy source.
Which of these could best replace the underlined words?
a. very good substitute
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Electric vehicles are faster than many people may think.
Which of these is an acceptable paraphrase for this sentence?
c. The majority of people may not realize how fast electric cars are. Câu
trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
An acceptable paraphrase

Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. should not change the overall meaning of the original sentence. Câu
trả lời đúng
--------------------Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or

Choose the sentence that gives a fact.
b. The USDA is an agency that advises Americans about food. Câu trả
lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which sentence is a fact?
a. Travis and Hans are coworkers. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which word is often associated with facts used to support opinions?
a. research Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Choose the sentence that expresses an opinion.
b. A few tablespoons of chocolate syrup improve the taste of milk
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which sentence is a fact?
a. Hans started working 50 hours a week. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
The sun gives our planet heat and light.

Which of these is an acceptable paraphrase for this sentence?
a. The earth receives both light and warmth from the sun. Câu trả lời
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
What does a paraphrase let writers do?

c. incorporate other writers’ ideas in their own writing. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
An opinion is something that…
a. others may disagree with. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which sentence is an opinion?
c. Travis and Hans have fun working together. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which phrase describes a compound sentence?
c. two or more subjects, two or more verbs, two independent clauses
People who are willing to try something new will probably have greater
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Match the topic sentence from a persuasive paragraph with the correct
concluding sentence: Brainstorming with others is the best tool for
solving problems.
b. In conclusion, you should discuss many possible solutions when
there are problems. Câu trả lời đúng

Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Choose the most appropriate topic sentence for a persuasive
c. People should ask for advice when they have problems. Câu trả lời
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or

What is the most appropriate type of paragraph for this topic sentence:
As a result of eating genetically modified foods, certain insects that are
important to the environment may die.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. cause-effect Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Match the topic sentence from a persuasive paragraph with the correct
concluding sentence: It is helpful to be flexible when solving problems.
c. In conclusion, experts suggest trying one of these methods to solve
problems in the future.
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Match the sentence with the type of paragraph it comes from: Chinese
speech may sound like singing to someone who is not a native speaker.
b. Comparison Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Write a persuasive paragraph
b. when you want to convince readers of an opinion. Câu trả lời đúng

Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Match the topic sentence from a persuasive paragraph with the correct
concluding sentence: Problem-solving workshops are a useful tool to
help people learn to solve problems.
a. Register for a problem-solving course in your area to learn these
skills. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or

Choose the best supporting sentence for this topic sentence for a
persuasive paragraph: Brainstorming is a highly effective strategy for
solving problems.
a. It is a useful way to think of multiple solutions to a problem before
choosing one.
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Match the topic sentence from a persuasive paragraph with the correct
concluding sentence: There are many new useful ways to solve
b. People who are willing to try something new will probably have
greater success. Câu trả lời đúng
read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Match the topic sentence from a persuasive paragraph with the correct
concluding sentence: It is rarely a good idea to solve problems for other
c. For this reason, avoid trying to fix other people’s problems. Câu trả
lời đúng

Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Match the sentence with the type of paragraph it comes from: People
who want to learn to speak Spanish should study in Latin America.
a. Persuasive Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which sentence has parallel structure?
b. Teenage girls often communicate through notes and through text
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or

Which phrase describes a complex sentence?
b. two or more subjects, two or more verbs, an independent clause, a
dependent clause. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Girls often develop language skills sooner…………..
Choose the option that gives this sentence parallel structure.
c. than boys Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which phrase describes a simple sentence?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. one or more subjects, one or more verbs, one independent clause
Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or

Which sentence is a fact?
b. Travis asked Hans what was wrong. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
An opinion is something that…
b. others may disagree with. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
What is an opinion?
a. one person’s belief about a topic. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
What is one reason to include facts in an essay?
b. Facts help support the opinions you include. Câu trả lời đúng

Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
A fact …
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. can be proven. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Use parallel structure
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. in lists and comparisons. Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Managers need to listen to people if there is a problem.
How many independent clauses does this sentence have?

Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. one Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Match the sentence with the type of paragraph it comes from: The
bakery was filled with the scent of chocolate and the sound of noisy
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Descriptive Câu trả lời đúng
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Employers should not hire people based on personal judgments, and
they should not pay attention to stereotypes.
How many independent clauses does this sentence have?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
c. two Câu trả lời đúng

Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
What is parallel structure?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
b. using similar word patterns
Read the questions and three answers. Choose the best option A, B, or
Which sentence has parallel structure?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Adults, teenagers, and children communicate differently.

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