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1. I like / football / the rain. / playing / in
2. the / are / in / My toy / brown box.
3. My uncle has to work hard from 5 in the morning _ _ 7 in the evening.
4. Odd one out:
A. uncle
B. aunt
C. father
D. friend
5. He likes playing sports … football and tennis.
A. such as
B. such like
C. sample
D. example
6. is / When / your / birthday?
7. me? / you / write / to / Can
8. Is it a r_ _nd box? – No, it is a square box.
9. Ha can dance _ _ _ cannot play football.
10. What time is it? – It … four fifteen.
A. is
B. has
C. at
D. in
11. Mr Smith / a lot of / grows / vegetable / in his garden.
12. four seasons / our country. / in / are / There

13. How _ _ _ is he? – He is 10 years old.
14. What a … doll! My children like it very much.
A. better
B. lovely
C. awful
D. expensive
15. Don’t write … the walls.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. to
16. and / dance. / swim / My brother / can
17. Where / are / from? / you

18. There are _ _ _ _ fingers is one hand.
19. My brother is seven _ _ _ _ _ old.
20. your / please. / me / pen, / Show
21. go to / don’t / school / on Sunday. / I
22. Go _ _ the door, please.
23. Thank you very … .
A. much
B. so
C. many
D. too
24. February is the … month of the year.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. four
25. My mother’s / in / birthday / is / February.
26. I often write to Jack and tell him _ _ _ _ _ my school.
27. Listen _ _ the teacher, please.
28. I’m from France. … you?
A. Too
B. This
C. That
D. And
29. What would you … to drink? – Orange juice, please.
A. have
B. like
C. do
D. take
30. birthday / is / September. / not in / My brother
31. My / not / is / school / big.
32. Take o_t your pen, children.
33. My new pencils are _ _ the table.
34. My class is … 7 a.m … 11 a.m every day.
A. between / from
B. from / in
C. from / to
D. at / at
35. Odd one out:

A. Vietnamese
B. Japanese
C. America
D. English
36. has / got / Jack / Maths? / How often

37. are / Where / children? / the
38. Every day, I get up early to _ _ morning exercises.
39. Would you _ _ _ _ some milk? – No, thanks.
40. Mr. Winsor is from … . He’s English.
A. England
B. Singapore
C. Australia
D. China
41. … are these? – They’re my toys.
A. Who
B. What
C. How
D. Where
42. many / apples / How / do you / need?
43. favourite / My / is / Informatics. / subject
44. It’s s_ _ wy today. .
45. He can play football … he can’t dance.
A. but
B. and

C. because
D. or
46. These pens … expensive.
A. are
B. have
C. is
D. don’t
47. and Peter / are / friends. / my / Linda
48. France. / friends / are / Her / from
49. What d_ _ _ is it today? – It’s October the tenth.
50. He was happy because he was _ _ _ best player.
51. What’s the weather like in winter? - …
A. It’s hot.
B. It hot.
C. It’s cold.
D. It cold.
52. small / She / in a / school. / works
53. Where / students from? / the / are / new
54. Would you like … biscuits?
A. some
B. an
C. a
D. one

55. Can you give me a photo … you?

A. at
B. of
C. in
D. from
56. What / his hand? / dose / he have / in
57. very / film / exciting. / is / The
58. It _ _ sunny in Hanoi.
59. Let’s make a ci_cle.
60. This … my friend, Tom. She is from England.
A. are
B. is
C. was
D. were
61. fruit juice? / you / Would / some / like
62. Don’t / at the hotel / near / the airport. / stay
63. We have Arts _ _ Friday.
64. What do you have on your desk? - … .
A. He has a notebook
B. Lan has a notebook
C. I have a notebook
D. They have some notebooks
65. I am … Vietnam.
A. name
B. too
C. from

D. is
66. cooking / she / vegetable? / Is / some
67. go / He / on Sunday. / doesn’t / to school
68. What is your fav_ _ _ite sport?
69. They’re from Australia. They are … .
A. French
B. American
C. Australian
D. Cambodian
70. She often … songs in front of her classmates.
A. sing
B. singing
C. singer
D. sings
71. like / I / one. / red / the

72. What / today? / date / is / the
73. W_ _ _ _ is Mary from?
74. Are _ _ _ _ _ any pets in Jannie’s house? – Yes, there’s a dog and a cat.
75. pink box. / are / in / the / My balls
76. can / elephants / The / swim.
77. What _ _ your favourite game?
78. My little sister likes candies very … .

A. much
B. many
C. lot
D. some
79. your / room? / Music / Is / it
80. teachers? / your / they / new / Are
81. Who is the girl … to your sister?
A. talk
B. talking
C. to talk
D. talks
82. There is / a TV / window. / the / near
83. There are / picture / eight / in the classroom.
84. My father can swim _ _ _ he can’t drive a car.
85. _ _ _ _ _ are many big and beautiful shopping centres in Singapore.
86. The ninth month of the year is … .
A. May
B. October
C. September
D. June
87. Is this … school bag? – Yes, it is mine.
A. My
B. your
C. you
D. His
88. of milk. / would / a packet / I / like

89. have on / subjects / What / do you / Monday?
90. Her school bag is _ _ _ _ _ . It’s not big.

91. I have Arts on … .
A. Monday
B. February
C. June
D. May
92. She … got brown hair.
A. has
B. have
C. having
D. to have
93. like? / What / animals / Nam / does
94. am/ years / I / old. / ten
95. My father is _ _ engineer.
96. I want to thank you … helping me.
A. of
B. about
C. for
D. to
97. Vietnamese / speak / I / and English. / can
98. Open / your / please. /books,

99. Please open the door. It’s … in here.
A. hot
B. cold
C. warm
D. rainy
100. very / computer / is / My / room / small.
101. in / birthday / your / Is / December?
102. She lives _ _ a small house and she doesn’t like it.
103. She … a long hair.
A. have
B. does
C. has
D. do
104. … are you so late?
A. When
B. Why
C. What
D. How
105. is / white. / dog / Her
106. you / Mr. / Robot? / Don’t / know
107. Mary likes reading. On his bookshelf, _ _ _ _ _ are a lot of books.

108. H_ _ is the weather today? – It’s cool today.
109. Odd one out:
A. picture

B. red
C. black
D. green
110. Lan is a hard-working student. She … to work about 45 hours a week.
A. have
B. has
C. do
D. does
111. lessons / today? / you got / have / What
112. ball / to play / is / The / with.
113. How are you? – I’m fine, _ _ _ _ _ _ .
114. _ _ _ _ _ are you from? – I’m from Canada.
115. Odd one out:
A. late
B. work
C. easy
D. lazy
116. Happy birthday, Mary. This cake is for … .
A. I
B. you
C. he
D. she
117. friend’s / name? / is / What / your
118. What time ? / your / brother / get up? / does
119. Mary is a teacher _ _ Rose Wood School.
120. Good mo_ _ing, Mrs Brown. How are you?

121. My sister likes to sit … my parents.
A. on
B. between
C. into
D. in
122. I have two brothers. … names are Minh and Tung.
A. His
B. Their
C. They
D. Theirs
123. is / weather / today. / The / sunny
124. school. / many subjects / at / study / I
125. Wh_ _ _ are the maps? – They are on the wall.
126. What d_ _ _ your father do?

127. Jane always gets up very early, so she is … late for class.
A. usually
B. often
C. sometimes
D. never
128. This gift is for you. - … .
A. No, I don’t.
B. Thank you
C. Yes, I do.
D. Yes, I am.
129. club / the music / and sing. / Let’s / go to

130. This / is / Van Gogh. / of / a painting
131. My father is standing next _ _ the man in black.
132. Odd one out:
A. hour
B. minute
C. hand
D. second
133. Classes start … seven and end … half past seven.
A. on / on
B. in / in
C. from / to
D. at / at
134. sleep? / you / What time / do / go to
135. I / am / Vietnamese.
136. Who is waiting _ _ _ you?
137. What time _ _ you get up?
138. The birthday cake is … you, Anne.
A. from
B. for
C. to
D. about
139. These … are nice.
A. flower
B. pen
C. flowers
D. box
140. me / some / give / Please / more.

141. in / birthday / His / December. / is not
142. In Vietnam, we do not _ _ to school on Sunday.
143. The room is _ _ _ dirty so they don’t need to clean it.

144. Is he ten years old? – No, … .
A. he is
B. isn’t not
C. he short
D. he is not
145. the / Mary / classroom / is in / now.
146. sing / song. / an / English / Let’s
147. Do you have _ _ _ interesting activities at your club?
148. There are many pictures _ _ my family on the wall.
149. likes / My brother / very much. / toys / playing
150. Listen to the teacher, _ _ _ _ _ _ .
151. My / play / football. / sister / cannot
152. Teacher’s Day / 20th. / is / November / is
153. I pl_ _ badminton every Monday.
154. I want to have a pen friend _ _ France.
155. books / me? / do you / give / How many
156. are / the table. / on / square boxes / Those

157. school bag. / I have / in / my / many pens
158. very / tall. / My / teacher / is
159. am / Hanoi. / I / from
160. some / Here / flowers / for you. / are
161. Peter and Mary / the school / gate. /are / at
162. living / Are / they / London? / in
163. very beautiful / My teacher / and friendly. /looks

164. October. / My / birthday / father’s / is in
165. Why / does / like / bears? / Nam
166. they / yesterday? / Where / were
167. to / please. / teacher, / Listen / the
168. Tokyo. / is / His / in / school
169. My father / the park / in / every day. / runs

171. I / best. / Art / like / lessons
172. I’m very s_ _ _ _ . I’m late.
173. What ab_ _t an apple? – Yes, please.
174. My birthday is … July.
A. at
B. on
C. to
D. in
175. me / Give / notebook, / that yellow / Peter.
176. She never stays _ _ late at night.
177. Linda lives _ _ London now.
178. those / crayons? / new / your / Are
179. I / to school / go / by bike. / usually
180. During music lessons, we learn to _ _ _ _ songs.
181. Mary … to the music now.
A. listens
B. listen
C. is listening
D. listening
182. mother / much. / I love / very / my
183. People usually cook food in the … .
A. bathroom
B. kitchen
C. livingroom
D. bedroom

184. Thank you very much! – You are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
185. school bag. / in my / crayons / many / There are
186. … you like to go fishing with us?
A. Will
B. Would
C. Should
D. Can
187. the cake. / candles / five / There are / on
188. playing / very much. / like / I / football
189. Is it a … ? – No, it isn’t. It’s a little box.
A. Little
B. a big box
C. a long ruler
D. big box
190. … toys are for his birthday party.
A. This
C. They
191. _ _ _ _ color is it? – It’s red.
192. Look! They are … volleyball.
A. Play
C. Playing

B. That
D. These

B. plays
D. are playing

193. today. / is / The / windy / weather
194. very / library / is / big. / My school
195. Where is Peter _ _ _ _ _ ? – He’s from America.
196. would / of water. / like / I / a bottle
197. Her father goes to work _ _ 6 o’clock.
198. The bedrooms _ _ _ small.
199. Please write _ _ me.
200. Would you like to come to _ _ _ café with me?
201. My sister / can / with a / jump rope. / play

202. Now please listen … what I say.
A. about
C. for

B. of
D. to

203. This book … interesting.
A. has
B. have
C. is
D. don’t

204. in / my room. / There is / a big / table
205. He / have / for lunch. / doesn’t / rice
206. How _ _ _ _ students are there in your class?
207. door? / May / I / the / open
208. Is your classroom big? – No, it isn’t. It’s … .
A. short
B. long
C. small
D. large
209. It is / Hanoi / sunny / in / today.
210. Thank you _ _ _ _ much.
211. please. / me / books, / your / Show
212. new friend. / my / Tony / is
213. likes / My little / brother / guitar. / playing
214. What is … favourite color? – I like red.
A. his
B. her
C. your
D. you
215. in my / pens / school bag. / many / I have got
216. What time / up? / get / do / you

217. _ _ _ _ time do you go to bed?
218. Odd one out:
A. Letter
C. Blouse

B. shirt
D. dress

219. I … have a motorbike.
A. don’t
C. doesn’t

B. am not
D. isn’t

220. someday. / wants / an actress / She / to be
221. He learns … badminton.
A. Playing
C. to play

B. play
D. plays

222. She is … the classroom now.
A. to
C. for

B. in
D. on

223. I can _ _ _ _ football.
224. W_ _ _ _ is this? – It’s a ruler.
225. I am a student _ _ Thang Long Primary School.
226. Can you help me … the room?
A. clean
C. with cleaning

B. to clean
D. A and B are correct

227. Hello, my … Jim.
A. name is
C. names

B. name
D. is name

228. He / very / likes / jumping / high.
229. are / friends. / my good / Alice / and Peter

230. Alan and Li Li / do / many / things. / can
231. What _ _ _ _ do you go to school? – I go to school at seven o’clock.
232. He’s always busy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he’s a businessman.

233. like / white blouse? / Do / that / you
234. my school. / classrooms / There are / many / in
235. new / my / That / friends. / is
236. were / born? / you / Where
237. _ _ _ _ do Steve and his brother do? – They are soccer players.
238. He / orange. / an / wants
239. Today / of / November. / is / the second
240. Mai has a bad cold. She can’t _ _ to school today.
241. Count the … in the picture.
A. books
C. pencil

B. boy
D. girl

242. is / my / Where / bag?

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