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NĂM HỌC 2012 – 2013 KHỐI 11


Đề thi gồm 6 trang, tổng điểm: 100
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
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1. …………………………….…………………………..…………

Bằng chữ: ……………………………………………

2. ………………………….………………………………..………

I. Find the word in each group whose bold part is pronounced differently.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space provided on the right. (5 pts)

1. A. sour

B. hour

C. flour

D. pour


2. A. decreases

B. advises

C. misses

D. reduces


3. A. smooth

B. worthy

C. northern

D. thermal


4. A. influential

B. ancient

C. society

D. parachute


5. A. pension

B. equation

C. expansion

D. negotiation


6. A. dealt

B. dread

C. leak

D. sweat


7. A. danger

B. angel

C. anger

D. magic


8. A. black

B. capable

C. imagine

D. snack


9. A. hostage

B. college

C. garage

D. advantage


10. A. ragged

B. wretched

C. beloved

D. packed


II. Choose the word with the different stress pattern in each group.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space provided on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. continue B. comfort

C. continent

D. sentiment


2. A. dormitory B. continental

C. beneficial

D. elementary


3. A. democraticB. subordinate

C. enthusiast

D. curriculum


4. A. interference

B. affectionate

C. unattended

D. differential


5. A. consequently

B. profile

C. initiate

D. project


6. A. arithmetic B. assassinate

C. associative

D. controvert


7. A. infamous B. interfere

C. signature

D. primitive


8. A. consequence

C. comprehend

D. inhospitable


9. A. significant B. ability

C. political

D. sympathetic


10. A. accident B. reference

C. coincidence

D. formulate.


B. ascertain

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I. Choose the word or phrase that fits each sentence.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space provided on the right. (10 pts)
1. _____ that the hope for cancer control may lie in the use of a vaccine.
A. To believe
B. It is believed
C. Believing
D. The belief
2. The hotel room _____ over a beautiful garden.
A. viewed out
B. faced up
C. opened up
D. looked out
3. The small boat was _____ without trace during the fierce storm.
A. disappeared
B. crashed
C. lost
D. disappointed

4. Would you like a beer? - Not while I'm _____.
A. in the act
B. in order
C. on duty
D. under control
5. Instead of thinking carefully, he tends to _____ conclusions.
A. run at
B. jump to
C. fly into
D. hit on
6. She had changed so much that _____ anyone could recognize her.
A. almost
B. hardly
C. no
D. nearly
7. John serves the ball so skillfully. He _____ a lot.
A. can practised
B. must practised
C. could practise
D. must have practised
8. I haven't met our new secretary yet. _____?
A. What's she like? B. How is she?
C. How is she like? D. How does she like?
9. I would like to offer a small _____ to anyone who finds my missing dog.
A. receipt
B. repayment
C. expense
D. reward
10. The sea is too far out; we can't swim till the _____ comes in.
A. water

B. current
C. tide
D. stream
11. _____ the weather, _____ I feel.
A. The warm ... the better
B. The warmer … the better
C. Warm … better
D. Warmer … better
12. Nick, close the door, _____?
A. do you
B. won’t you
C. will you
D. don’t
13. We had expected more than 3 hundred, but only a _____ of students attended the lecture.
A. little
B. group
C. band
D. handful
14. _____ in 1635, the Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States.
A. Founded
B. Founding
C. To found
D. Having founded
15. John: 'Thank you very much for helping me.'
- Sue: '_____.'
A. You don't mention it
B. No mention of it
C. You mention it
D. Don't mention it
16. Some of the students enjoy reading detective stories, _____ others do not.

A. when
B. if
C. whereas
D. since
17. Mike: 'So what do you think is the answer?'
- Jane: '_____.'
A. No idea
B. Not idea
C. Negative idea
D. Small idea
18. I really can't tell what's _____.
A. taking in
B. taking off
C. going by
D. going on
19. Dinner will be ready soon. Can you please _____ the table?
A. lay
B. settle
C. make
D. put
20. It was at the hotel _____ we stayed last month.
A. which
B. that
C. at which
D. where
II. Complete the sentences by giving the correct form of the words in brackets.
Write your answers in the spaces on the right. (10 pts)



1. The (fright) horse ran away from the fire.


2. The principal said some (courage) words to the pupils before the exam.


3. I’ve never known such a (quarrel) person.


4. Although we were in danger, Ann seemed quite (concern).


5. I admire her (time) beauty. She’s old but she’s still beautiful.


6. I want you to (speech) at the opening of the new building.


7. It is (avoid) for beginning students to make mistakes in English.

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8. He completely (regard) the sign telling slow down, and ended up crashing into a wall.


9. Her words made a great (impress) on the crowd.


10. He pays no (attend) to anything I say.


III. Fill each gap in the sentences below with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (10 pts)
1. I am not ashamed ____________ what I have done; neither am I proud ____________ it.
2. Mr. Jones is ____________ charge ____________ the planning department.
3. After being informed ____________ the accident, the police quickly arrived ___________ the scene.
4. They usually stay in ____________ Christmas, but go out ___________ New Year’s Eve.
5. It’s obvious ___________ everyone that Peter is eager ___________ a chance to play in the final match.
6. The house is _______________ fire. Call _______________ help, quick?
7. He’s got a bad habit _______________ getting involved _______________ other people’s business.
8. Can we discuss this ______________ private? Alone, ______________ other words.
9. He is always ______________ his best when fighting ______________ difficulties.
10. I’m ____________ the impression that Thomas is guilty ___________ the crime.
IV. Use the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences below.
Write your answer in the numbered blanks that follow. (10 pts)
1. Not until we (arrive) at his house (we know) that he was seriously ill.
2. (Work) in the garden all day that day, my mother (be) totally exhausted.
3. I can’t remember (meet) this man. His face (not look) familiar to me at all.
4. He (usually see) (walk) with his niece in the park on Sundays.
5. At that moment I (not know) what (say). I was too shocked, you know.
6. Don’t worry. We (finish) the report by 11 o’clock when the boss (come) back.
7. If you (take) his advice, you (get) into so much trouble now.
8. The town ( choose) for the next Olympic was the one nobody (expect)
9. No sooner I (arrive) than I (send) her a message to inform of my arrival..

I would rather she (water) the flowers first than (cook) the meal.

1. _____________________ _____________________

6. _____________________ _____________________

2. _____________________ _____________________

7. _____________________ _____________________

3. _____________________ _____________________

8. _____________________ _____________________

4. _____________________ _____________________

9. _____________________ _____________________

5. _____________________ _____________________

10. _____________________ _____________________

V. Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the passage below with ONE suitable word.
Write your answers in the spaces that follow. (10 pts)
One of the …(1)… famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States in the 19th
century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, …(2)… ten years
to complete. The actual figure was …(3)… of copper supported by a metal framework that had been specially constructed
by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the US, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site ..(4)…
was an island at the entrance of New York Harbor.

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In 1884, a statue …(5)… was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken …(6)… pieces and
sent to America. …(7)… the end of October 1886, the statue had been put …(8)… again, and it was officially presented to
the American people by Bartholdi. Ever …(9)… then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of
people who have passed …(10)… New York Harbor to make their homes in America.
1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________ 5. ______________
6. ______________ 7. ______________

8. ______________ 9. ______________ 10. ______________

I. Read the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions that follow.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the spaces that follow. (5 pts)
Independence Day in the United States is celebrated every year on the Fourth of July. For most communities
throughout the nation, the traditional celebration includes parades down the main streets, picnics with hot dogs and
lemonade, and, of course, a fireworks display at night. In some towns across the country, however, special events are
planned in honour of the occasion.
In Bristol, Rhode Island, fire engine teams from communities throughout New England compete in a contest to squirt
water from their fire hoses. Flafstaff, Arizona holds a huge three-day powwow, including a rodeo for twenty Native American
tribes. The annual Eskimo games with traditional kayak races are held in Kotzebue, Alaska. Two auto races are always
scheduled for the Fourth, including a four-hundred-mile stock car event at the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona,
Florida, and an annual auto race up the fourteen-thousand-foot precipice at Pike's Peak in Colorado.
Several small towns celebrate in other unique ways. Hannibal, Missouri, the hometown of Mark Twain, invited the
children to participate in a fence-painting contest, performing a scene from Mark Twain's novel Tom Sawyer. In Lititz,
Pennsylvania people gather in the Limits Springs Park to light thousands of candles and arrange them in various shapes
and images.

Powwow: a meeting of Native Americans
Rodeo: a public competition to show skills of riding wild horses
Kayak: a kind of light boat

Stock car event: a car race in which cars are allowed to hit each other

1. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?
A. Holidays in the United States.
B. Traditional celebrations for the Fourth of July.
C. The origin of the Independence Day.
D. Small towns in America.


2. The author mentions all of the following as ways the Fourth of July is celebrated except _____.
A. parades
B. races
C. dances
D. fireworks


3. The word huge in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by _____.
A. exciting
B. amusing
C. complicated

D. large

4. The word them in paragraph 3 refers to _____.
A. shapes
B. candles
C. children

D. images


5. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A. the Fourth of July is celebrated in Canada as well as in the US.
B. towns in the US celebrate July Fourth in different ways because of their regional customs.
C. although fireworks are not legal, they are displayed on the Fourth of July.
D. The Fourth of July is not celebrated in large cities in the US.


II. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each gap.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space provided on the right. (5 pts)
Problems of the National Health Service
The National Health Service in Britain has grown into (1) big organization that it now employs more people (2) other in the
country. (3) efficient an organization like this may be, it is bound to (4) sooner or later but (5) the public can do when they
occur. The Patients' Association gives (6) when they think they have not been properly looked after. At present the
Association is fighting against the Government's idea (7) general health centers for individual doctors. It says it does not
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want to tell the Health Service (8) do but adds that it (9) spend more money on improving the standard of doctors, (10)
would be cheaper than building health centers.
1. A. a such

B. such a

C. so

D. a so


2. A. than any

B. than some

C. that any

D. that some


3. A. For

B. It doesn't mind

C. Whatever

D. However


4. A. make faults

B. do faults

C. make mistakes

D. do mistakes


5. A. there is a few

B. there is little

C. it is few

D. it is a little


6. A. to people advice B. people advices

C. people advice

D. to people advices


7. A. of substituting

B. to substitute

C. of replacing

D. to replace


8. A. that it must

B. that it is to

C. what is to

D. what to


9. A. would have to

B. needs

C. should

D. ought


10. A. which

B. what

C. that

D. it


III. Identify one underlined part in each sentence that is wrong and make it right.
Write your answer A, B, C, or D and corrections in the spaces that follow. Number 0 is an example. (10 pts)
0. All of us are looking forward for a trip to Halong Bay next week.
1. At five o’clock, the traffic on Madison Avenue are so congested that walking is much faster than driving.
2. The more than calories a person eats, the less likely he is to lose weight.
3. No longer is scientific discovery a matter of one person alone working.
4. In 1892, the first long-distance telephone line between Chicago and New York was formally opening.

5. The Chinese is very famous for their food.
6. If you know to use this machine, please help her.
7. AIDS is considered being one of the most dangerous diseases nowadays.
8. The government provides financial support for people who are unable to support themself.
9. No one knows exactly how many species of animals lives on earth.
10. I do not know why did he leave so early in the morning.





1. ______ → _______________________

6. ______ → _______________________

2. ______ → _______________________

7. ______ → _______________________

3. ______ → _______________________

8. ______ → _______________________

4. ______ → _______________________

9. ______ → _______________________

5. ______ → _______________________

10. ______ → _______________________

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I. Finish each of the sentences below in such a way that it means the same as the original sentence. (10 pts)
1. Tom arrived late and started complaining.
- Not only .........................................................................................................................................................

2. She was sorry that she hadn't applied for the job in the library.
- She regretted .................................................................................................................................................
3. I'd like to visit India more than any other country in the world.
- It’s India .........................................................................................................................................................
4. People say that the driver was listening to his walkman at the time of the crash.
- The driver ......................................................................................................................................................
5. I haven't seen him and I haven't heard him speak either.
- Neither ...........................................................................................................................................................

6. The young men became doctors after six years training.
- After the .........................................................................................................................................................
7. We were very impressed by the new camera but found it rather expensive.
- Impressed ......................................................................................................................................................
8. It is impossible to cross the road because of the traffic.
- The traffic .....................................................................................................................................................
9. If you drive your car too fast, you may make more accidents.
- The ................................................................................................................................................................
10. My friend began to work for IBM when he graduated from university.
- My friend has .................................................................................................................................................
II. Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning stays the same, using the word
given in capitals. Do not change this word in any way. (5 pts)

1. He recommended me for the position, which was very nice of him. (kind)
2. It was childish of him not to accept my apologies. (refused)
3. Great powers of concentration are needed to play tennis professionally. (demands)
4. The motor in this machine needs cleaning once a week. (has)
5. She always has a good relationship with the children. (gets)
III. Write complete sentences using the words given. (5 pts)
1. climate / Vietnam / similar / that / Cuba.
2. no matter / how hard / she / try / she / not able / solve / problem.
3. some people / think / television / do / harm than good.
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4. despite/ bad weather condition / we / not give up / plan.
5. Sunday / she / usually spend 2 hours / do / gardening.

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