1. Advertiser says that the development of internet is good…
a. Not only for advertise but also for the other industries
b. Not only to advertising but also for the other industries
c. Not only for advertising but also for the other industries Câu trả lời
d. Not only to advertised but also for the other industries
2. It is better for business owners…
a. To buy a series of ads on a TV channel Câu trả lời đúng
b. Buy a series of ads on a TV channel
c. to bought a series of ads on a TV channel
d. For buying a series of ads on a TV channel
3. Advertising dates back to early history and initially consisted …
a. Simply of two people for communicating messages orally about where certain
items could be found
b. Simply of two people communicate messages orally about where certain items
could be found
c. Simply of two people communicating messages orally about where
certain items could be found Câu trả lời đúng
d. Simply of two people communicated messages orally about where certain items
could be found
4. There are different ways to invest your money…
a. For provided for a financially secure future.
b. providing for a financially secure future
c. provided for a financially secure future
d. To provide for a financially secure future. Câu trả lời đúng
5. he body of the narrative essay should includes…
a. One to three paragraphs that describe the events which include
interesting detail such as facts, examples or explanations to support the
main ideas of the essay Câu trả lời đúng
b. Some paragraphs that describe the events which include interesting details such
as facts, examples or explanations to give the extra information to the essay
c. One paragraph that describes the events which includes interesting details such
as facts, examples or explanations to support the main ideas of the essay
d. Three paragraphs that describe the events which include interesting details such
as facts, examples or explanations to support the main ideas of the essay
6. An introductory paragraph gives…
a. Gives necessary background information of the essay
b. Give the essential idea and significance of the essay
c. Gives necessary background information and the main idea of the essay
Câu trả lời đúng
d. Gives the main idea of the essay
7. While he was riding down the steepest hill on the trail…
a. He has lost his control of his bike
b. He had lost his control of his bike
c. He loses his control of his bike
d. He lost his control of his bike Câu trả lời đúng
8. Last year, I went mountain climbing…
a. This was a wonderful place to hike with many mountains and lakes
b. This had been a wonderful place to hike with many mountains and lakes
c. This is a wonderful place to hike with many mountains and lakes Câu trả
lời đúng
d. This has been a wonderful place to hike with many mountains and lakes
9. The most famous explorer was Livingstone, his disappearance in 1856 …
a. During a search for the source of the Nile, makes news around the globe
b. During a search for the source of the Nile, has made news around the globe
c. During a search for the source of the Nile, making news around the globe
d. During a search for the source of the Nile, made news around the globe
Câu trả lời đúng
10.Overall, conservation of green areas…
a. Would result on enhancing biodiversity
b. Would result in enhancing biodiversity Câu trả lời đúng
c. Would result from enhancing biodiversity
d. Would resulted by enhancing biodiversity
11.Currently, the Earth is coping with unsustainable development and …
a. This is a serious problem that needs to solved immediately
b. This is a serious problem that needs to be solving immediately
c. This is a serious problem that needs to be solved immediately Câu trả
lời đúng
d. This is a serious problem that needs to solve immediately
12.Over time, and as economies develop, it has been suggested that…
a. Consumer buying patterns will blend into another and national
differences may disappear Câu trả lời đúng
b. Consumer to buy patterns will blend into another and national differences may
c. Consumer buy patterns will blend into another and national differences may
d. Consumer bought patterns will blend into another and national differences may
13.There is an urgent need to address this issue gerund …
a. adopting farming practices, conserving, existing forests and grasslands
b. By adopting farming practices, conserving, existing forests and
grasslands Câu trả lời đúng
c. on adopting farming practices, conserving, existing forests and grasslands
d. adopted farming practices, conserving, existing forests and grasslands
14.A problem/solution essay should include three parts…
a. Details paragraph, thesis statement and the body paragraph
b. Introduction of the problem, the body paragraph and the conclusion Câu
trả lời đúng
c. Introductory ideas, thesis statement and the body paragraph
d. conclusion, thesis statement and the body paragraph
15.I myself used to drink whisky a lot…
a. When I was a student but now I didn’t
b. When I am a student but now I didn’t
c. When I am a student but now I don’t
d. When I was a student but now I don’t Câu trả lời đúng
16.Walking through thick mud while carrying heavy backpacks is nearly
a. However, last year the team try their best to get through swamps
b. However, last year the team had tried their best to get through swamps
c. However, last year the team tried their best to get through swamps Câu
trả lời đúng
d. However, last year the team have tried their best to get through swamps
17.Trash cans have been placed all over campus …
a. Unless students still throw garbage on the ground
b. But students still throw garbage on the ground Câu trả lời đúng
c. Because students still throw garbage on the ground
d. Although students still throw garbage on the ground
18.In a cause and effect essay, the writer should…
a. Do shift away from the causes or effects and give a prediction about the causes
and effects
b. Do shift away from the causes or effects and do not give a prediction about the
causes and effects
c. Do not shift away from the causes or effects and give a prediction about
the causes and effects Câu trả lời đúng
d. Do not shift away from the causes or effects and do not give a prediction about
the causes and effects
19.In a cause and effect essay, the writer should…
a. Use appropriate transitions to make the causes or effects clear Câu trả
lời đúng
b. Use less transitions to make the causes or effects clear
c. Use a lot transitions to make the causes or effects clear
d. Do not use transitions to make the causes or effects clear
20.She decided to do the work herself …
a. After being got estimates from five contractors
b. After get estimates from five contractors
c. After got estimates from five contractors
d. After getting estimates from five contractors Câu trả lời đúng
21.One of the most difficult challenges for businesses is…
a. How communicating with someone who is angry
b. Communicating with someone who is angry Câu trả lời đúng
c. to communicating with someone who is angry
d. on communicating with someone who is angry
22.The ultimate effect of all advertising…
a. Is to sell the product Câu trả lời đúng
b. Selling the product
c. Is sell the product
d. Sell the product
23.When writing an opinion essay with counter-arguments…
a. You should give clear point of view and do not present evidence to support it
b. You should give all point of view that you like and present evidence to support it
c. You should give ambiguous point of view and present evidence to support it
d. You should give clear point of view and present evidence to support it
Câu trả lời đúng
24.Fragment are incomplete sentences…
a. That have become disconnected from the clause
b. That have become disconnected from the main clause Câu trả lời đúng
c. That have become disconnected from the first clause
d. That have become disconnected from the second clause
25.The best policy, as far as most multi-national companies …
a. Are being concerned, is to adapt their product to a particular market
b. concerned, is to adapt their product to a particular market
c. being concerned, is to adapt their product to a particular market
d. Are concerned, is to adapt their product to a particular market Câu trả
lời đúng
26.Young people will move to the city …
a. When the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented, but
they believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom
b. the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented, although
they believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom
c. So that the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented, when
they believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom
d. as the villages and rural areas are more custom and tradition oriented,
therefore they believe this is an obstacle to their personal freedom Câu
trả lời đúng
27.As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development…
a. Thus jobs are available in these areas Câu trả lời đúng
b. when jobs are available in these areas
c. As jobs are available in these areas
d. Moreover jobs are available in these areas
28.In an opinion essay…
a. Moving away from the main point is not allowed Câu trả lời đúng
b. With moving away from the main point is not allowed
c. Move away from the main point is not allowed
d. Moved away from the main point is not allowed
29.Paying too much attention to polls…
a. Can make a political leader unwilling to propose innovative policies Câu
trả lời đúng
b. Can make a political leader unwilling to proposing innovative policies
c. Can make a political leader unwilling propose innovative policies
d. Can make a political leader unwilling propose innovative policies
30.The administration promises to improve dining hall service…
a. Because the quality of the food may actually improve this year
b. So that the quality of the food may actually improve this year Câu trả
lời đúng
c. Although the quality of the food may actually improve this year
d. Unless the quality of the food may actually improve this year
31.In the conclusion part, the writer should…
a. Summarize the solutions and give some personal ideas
b. Summarize the problem and the suggested solutions and give some
final opinion Câu trả lời đúng
c. give some final opinion and conclusion
d. Summarize the problem and the suggested solutions
32.The world is facing many challenges …
a. To the demands placed on the environment
b. Due to the demands placed on the environment Câu trả lời đúng
c. Thanks to the demands placed on the environment
d. According to the demands placed on the environment
33.Logical cohesion is said to be…
a. rare in an opinion essay
b. Available in an opinion essay
c. Very significant in an opinion essay Câu trả lời đúng
d. unnecessary in an opinion essay
34.Stocks and bonds are often risky and it doesn’t make sense…
a. To risk lost your money you’ve work so hard for
b. To risk losing your money you’ve work so hard for Câu trả lời đúng
c. risk losing your money you’ve work so hard for
d. risky losing your money you’ve work so hard for
35.He left his gun out side in order…
a. Not to frighten us Câu trả lời đúng
b. Not for frighten us
c. Not to frightened us
d. Not to frightening us
36.These students do not respect the feelings of others…
a. If they do not seem to respect themselves Câu trả lời đúng
b. Even though they do not seem to respect themselves
c. Unless they do not seem to respect themselves
d. Though they do not seem to respect themselves
37.It is more cost-effective …
a. Used a public relations agency
b. For using a public relations agency
c. To used a public relations agency
d. To use a public relations agency Câu trả lời đúng
38.It is a rare occupation now, especially compared to the nineteenth century
a. The explorers are as famous as movies stars were today
b. The explorers were as famous as movies stars are today Câu trả lời
c. The explorers were as famous as movies stars were today
d. The explorers are as famous as movies stars are today
39.It can be…
a. To conclude that global standardization of product to fit all markets unlikely to be
the most vable option
b. Conclude that global standardization of product to fitting all markets unlikely to
be the most vable option
c. Concluded that global standardization of product to fit all markets
unlikely to be the most vable option Câu trả lời đúng
d. Concluding that global standardization of product fit all markets unlikely to be the
most vable option
40.Trash cans have been placed all over campus …
a. Because students still throw garbage on the ground
b. But students still throw garbage on the ground Câu trả lời đúng
c. Although students still throw garbage on the ground
d. Unless students still throw garbage on the ground
41.An American consultancy says that…
a. Resistance to the growing intrusiveness of marketing and advertising
has been pushed to an all-time high Câu trả lời đúng
b. To resist to the grow intrusiveness of marketing and advertising has been pushed
to an all-time high
c. Resist to the growing intrusiveness of marketing and advertising has been pushed
to an all-time high
d. Resisted to the grew intrusiveness of marketing and advertising has been pushed
to an all-time high
42.People move to the big cities…
a. But they can find employment and establish economic security for themselves
and their family there
b. While they can find employment and establish economic security for themselves
and their family there
c. Because of they can find employment and establish economic security for
themselves and their family there
d. Because they can find employment and establish economic security for
themselves and their family there Câu trả lời đúng
43.Some students stay on the sidewalks…
a. Although the others cut across the grass
b. If the others cut across the grass
c. Unless the others cut across the grass
d. While the others cut across the grass Câu trả lời đúng
44.For many years no one knew where Livingstone was, finally a journalist
named Stendley…
a. finally a journalist named Stendley find him alive but very ill
b. finally a journalist named Stendley finding him alive but very ill
c. finally a journalist named Stendley finds him alive but very ill
d. finally a journalist named Stendley found him alive but very ill Câu trả
lời đúng