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<b>NĂM 2020 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN</b>

<b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined</b>
<b>part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.</b>

<b>Question 1:</b> <b>A. determined</b> <b>B. excited</b> <b>C. judged</b> <b>D. seemed</b>

<b>Question 2:</b> <b>A. nuclear</b> <b>B. disappear</b> <b>C. pear</b> <b>D. clear</b>

<b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs</b>
<b>from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following</b>

<b>Question 3:</b> <b>A. presentation B. acquaintanc C. enthusiasm</b> <b>D. suspicious</b>

<b>Question 4:</b> <b>A. district</b> <b>B. harrow</b> <b>C. tobacco</b> <b>D. peasant</b>

<b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to</b>
<b>each of the following questions.</b>

<b>Question 5: If we really </b> to succeed, we must have to work hard.

<b>A. want</b> <b>B. wants</b> <b>C. wanted</b> <b>D. had wanted</b>

<b>Question 6: My responsibility is to wash the dishes and take ______ the garbage every day.</b>

<b>A. up</b> <b>B. in</b> <b>C.on</b> <b>D. out</b>

<b>Question 7: The problems of the past few months have _______ their toll on her health and</b>

there are shadows under her eyes.

<b>A. taken</b> <b>B. effected</b> <b>C. had</b> <b>D. changed</b>

<b>Question 8: There is no truth in the _______ that Margaret has lost her job.</b>

<b>A. rumor</b> <b>B. news</b> <b>C. coverage</b> <b>D. gossip</b>

<b>Question 9: I've got lots of </b> , but only a few are really good friends.

<b>A. acquainted</b> <b>B. acquaint</b> <b>C. acquaintance</b> <b>D. acquaintances</b>
<b>Question 10: Most children enjoy </b> with their parents and s iblirigs.

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<b>Question 11: At this time last night She ________and he _______ the newspaper.</b>
<b>A. is cooking / is reading</b> <b>B. was cooking / was reading</b>
<b>C. has cooked / is reading</b> <b>D. was cooking /read</b>

<b>Question 12: The party, _ </b> I was the guest of honor, was extremely enjoyable.

<b>A. at that</b> <b>B. at which</b> <b>C. to that</b> <b>D. to which</b>

<b>Question 13: You always share everything with Lan, so she _ </b> your best friend.

<b>A. must be</b> <b>B. must have been</b> <b>C. may be</b> <b>D. might have</b>

<b>Question 14: People believe that men make build the house and women make it home, ____</b>

<b>A. do they</b> <b>B. don't they</b> <b>C. will they</b> <b>D. will you</b>

<b>Question 15: The President expressed his deep ______ over the bombing deaths.</b>

A. grief <b>B. sorrow</b> <b>C. sadness</b> <b>D.</b> <b> all </b> are


<b>Question 16: It is parents' duty and responsibility to ______ hands to take care of their</b>
children and give them a happy home.

<b>A. give</b> <b>B. hold</b> <b>C. join</b> <b>D. shake</b>

<b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in</b>
<b>meaning to the underlined word (s) in each of the following questions.</b>

<b>Question 17: Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions</b>

<b>A. honestly</b> <b>B. constantly</b> <b>C. loyally</b> <b>D. unselfishly</b>

<b>Question 18: Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.</b>

<b>A. necessary part</b> <b>B. important part</b> <b>C. difficult part</b> <b>D. interesting</b>
<i><b>part Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)</b></i>
<i><b>OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.</b></i>
<b>Question 19: John is the black sleep of the family. He is currently serving 5 years in jail</b>
for stealing a car.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>B.</b>a member of a family who supports family by raising sheep.
C.a member of a family who confers prestige on his family.

D. a breadwinner.

<b>Question 20: There must be a mutual trust between friends.</b>

<b>A. reliance</b> <b>B. belief</b> <b>C. defendant</b> <b>D. suspicion</b>

<b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best</b>
<b>completes each of the following exchanges.</b>

<b>Question 21: Ann and Mary are studying in their</b>
classroom. Ann: "Can I borrow you dictionary?"

Mary: "______"

<b>A. I'm afraid I can't. B. Here you are!</b> <b>C.I think so, D. It doesn't matter.</b>
<b>Question 22: Lan and Ba are discussing a question of their teacher.</b>

Lan: I think it is a good idea to have three or four generations living under one roof

<b>A.</b>I can't agree with you any more. There will be lots of understanding.

<b>B.</b>No, I don't think so. They can help each other a lot.

<b>C.</b>That's a good idea. Many old-aged parents like to live in a nursing home.

<b>D.</b>You can say that again

<b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to</b>

<b>indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from</b>
<b>23 to 27.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

paid low wages, lived in crowded and small dormitories. (27)______they
foundthemselves a place as active members of society.

<i>(Source: haps://goo.91/aeawF4)</i>
<b>Question 23: A. fascinated</b> <b>B. worried</b> <b>C. dedicated</b> <b>D. interested</b>

<b>Question 24: A. unfortunately B. approximately</b> <b>C. nearly</b> <b>D. dramatically</b>
<b>Question 25: A. change</b> <b>B. result</b> <b>C. success</b> <b>D. opportunity</b>

<b>Question 26: A. who</b> <b>B. whom</b> <b>C. whose</b> <b>D. that</b>

<b>Question 27: A. Because</b> <b>B. Therefore</b> <b>C. However</b> <b>D. So</b>

<b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to</b>
<b>indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 28 to 35.</b>

Do you feel like your teenager is spending most of the day glued to a phone
<i>screen? You're not too far off. A new survey from the Pew Research Center</i>
reveals the surprising ways that technology intersects with teen friendships —
and the results show that 57 percent of teens have made at least one new friend
<b>online. Even more surprisingly, only 20 percent of those digital friends ever meet in</b>

While teens do connect with their friends face-to-face outside of school, they spend
55 percent of their day texting with friends, and only 25 percent of teens are spending
actual time with their friends on a daily basis (outside of school hallways). These new
forms of communication are key in maintaining friendships day-to-day — 27 percent of

teens instant message their friends every day, 23 percent connect through social media
every day, and 7 percent even video chat daily. Text messaging remains the main form of
communication — almost half of survey respondents say it's their chosen method of
communication with their closest friend.

While girls are more likely to text with their close friends, boys are meeting new
friends (and maintaining friendships) in the gaming world-89 percent play with friends
they know, and 54 percent play with online-only friends. Whether they're close with their
teammates or not, online garners say that playing makes them feel "more connected" to
<b>friends they know, or garners they've never met.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

phone number the best method of contact). Despite the negative consequences-21
percent of teenage users feel worse about their lives because of posts they see on
social media — teens also have found support and connection through various
platforms. In fact, 68 percent of teens received support during a challenging time in
their lives via social media platforms.

Just as technology has become a gateway for new friendships, or a channel to
<b>stay connected with current friends, it can also make a friendship breakup more</b>
public. The study reveals that girls are more likely to block or unfriend former allies,
and 68 percent of all teenage users report experiencing "drama among their friends on
social media."

<i>(Source: l)</i>

<b>Question 28: What is the main idea of the passage?</b>

<b>A.</b>Social media affects friendship too much.

<b>B.</b>Teenagers are making and keeping friends in a surprising way.

<b>C.</b>The difference of making new friends between girls and boys.

<b>D.</b>Social media connects friendship.

<b>Question 29: The word "digital" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to .</b>

<b>A. analogue</b> <b>B. numeracy</b> <b>C. numerous</b> <b>D. online</b>

<b>Question 30: According to the passage, what percentage of teens spend actual time with</b>
their friends?

<b>A. 25%</b> <b>B. 55%</b> <b>C. 27%</b> <b>D. 23%</b>

<b>Question 31: The following sentences are true, EXCEPT .</b>

<b>A.</b>According to the survey, more than half of teens have ever made new friends online.

<b>B.</b>Teens only meet face-to-face one fifth of online friends they have made.

<b>C.</b>Most teenagers use video chat to maintain relationship with friends

<b>D.</b>New forms of communication play an important role in keeping friendships.

<b>Question 32: The word "they" in paragraph 3 refers to </b> .

<b>A. friends</b> <b>B. online garners</b> <b>C. their teammates D. online-only</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>A.</b>Boys are more likely to meet new friends than girls.

<b>B.</b>Most teens are not easy to give others their usernames when making new friends.

<b>C.</b>The majority of teenage users agree that social media has negative consequences in
their lives.

Thanks to social media, more than two thirds of teens are supported when they face with
challenges in their live

<b>Question 34: What is the synonym of the word "breakup" in the last paragraph?</b>

<b>A. termination</b> <b>B. divorce</b> <b>C. commencing</b> <b>D. popularity</b>

<b>Question 35: What does the writer mean when saying "68 percent of all teenage users</b>
<b>report experiencing "drama among their friends on social media""?</b>

<b>A.</b>Most teenagers take part in drama on social media.

<b>B.</b>Most friends on social media of teens are reported in drama.

<b>C.</b>Most teenagers use their experience in drama with their friends on social media.

<b>D.</b>Most teenagers have ever had conflicts with friends on social media.

<b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to</b>
<b>indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 43.</b>

The difference between the nuclear family and the extended family is that a nuclear
family refers to a single basic family unit of parents and their children, whereas the
extended family refers to their relatives such as grandparents, in-laws, aunts and uncles, etc.

<b>In many cultures, and particularly indigenous societies, the latter is the most common</b>
basic form of social organization.

A nuclear family is limited, according to Kristy Jackson of Colorado State
University, to one or two parents (e.g. a father and mother) and their own child, or
children, living together in a single house or other dwellings. In anthropology, they only
must be related in this fashion; there is no upper or lower limit on the number of children
in a nuclear family.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

cultural settings, but generally includes people related in age or by lineage.

Anthropologically, the term "extended family" refers to such a group living together
in a household, often with three generations living together (grandparents, parents, and
<b>children) and headed in patriarchal societies by the eldest man or by some other chosen</b>
leadership figure. However, in common parlance, the term "extended family" is often used
by people simply to refer to their cousins, aunts, uncles, and so on, even though they are
not living together in a single group.

<i>(Source: https://goaglissuPq9)</i>

<b>Question 36: What is the passage mainly about?</b>

<b>A.</b>The dominance of nuclear families over extended ones
<b>B.</b>The dominance of extended families over nuclear ones
<b>C.</b>A distinction between nuclear families and extended ones
<b>D.</b>The changes of family types over times

<b>Question 37: The word "the latter" in paragraph 1 refers to .</b>

<b>A. family unit</b> <b>B. relatives</b> <b>C. the nuclear family D. the extended</b>


<b>Question 38: The word "nebulous" in passage 3 is closest in meaning to </b> .
A. ambiguous <b>B. featured</b> <b>C.difficult</b>

<b>D.incomprehensive </b>

<b>Question 39: Historically, extended families were the most basic unit of social organization</b>
in all of the following places EXCEPT .

<b>A. The Middle East B. Asia</b> <b>C. North America</b> <b>D. Europe</b>

<b>Question 40: The word "patriarchal" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to </b> .
<b>A. ruled or controlled by men</b> <b>B. equal for both men and women</b>
<b>C. simple with no rules and laws</b> <b>D. modern with advanced facilities</b>
<b>Question 41: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?</b>

<b>A.</b> Since the 20th century, more and more American couples have lived in extended
families because of the financial burdens.

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<b>D.</b>Traditional nuclear families have changed a lot over times.

<b>Question 42: What can be inferred from the reading passage?</b>

<b>A.</b>Indigenous communities have been completely eradicated all over the world.

<b>B.</b>In the future, all extended families will be replaced by nuclear ones.

<b>C.</b>Anthropology is a science concerning human race and its development.

<b>D.</b>Couples with no children can't be defined as families.

<b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that</b>
<b>needs correction in each of the following questions.</b>

<b>Question. 43: Meal time is a great time for family members to talk about that is going on in</b>
their lives.

<b>A. is</b> <b>B. talk about</b> <b>C. that</b> <b>D. on in</b>

<b>Question 44: Playing games together is teachable moments to share lessons about</b>
sportsmanship, teamwork, perseverance, and to be tolerant of others.

<b>A. is</b> <b>B. about</b> <b>C. to be</b> <b>D. others</b>

<b>Question 45: The school officials are considering a comprehensive planning to alleviate the</b>
problem of overcrowding in the dormitories.

A. are B. planning <b>C. alleviate</b> <b>D. overcrowding </b>
<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in</b></i>
<i><b>meaning to each of the following questions.</b></i>

<i><b>Question 46: There won't be peace in the conflict if both sides do not really desire it</b></i>

<b>A.</b>It is only if both sides actually want the conflict to end peacefully that it will

<b>B.</b>As both sides in the conflict apparently desire peace, it is likely that there will be
peace soon.

<b>C.</b>The main problem in the conflict seems to be that neither side really desires

<b>D.</b>There has been a lot of fighting in the conflict because both sides seem to want it that

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>A.</b>If the driver would have paid attention to the road, the accident hadn't happened.

<b>B.</b>Had the driver been paid attention to the road, the accident wouldn't have

<b>C.</b>If the driver had been paying attention to the road, the accident wouldn't have

<b>D.</b>Had the accident not happened, the driver would not have had to pay attention to the

<i><b>Question 48: "Shall I help you do the dishes, Carlo?" said Robert.</b></i>

<b>A.</b>Robert suggested helping Carlo with the dishes.

<b>B.</b>Robert suggested to help Carlo do the dishes.

<b>C.</b>Robert offered Carlo to help do the dishes.

<b>D.</b>Robert offered to help Carlo do the dishes.

<b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best</b>
<b>combines each of sentences in the following questions.</b>

<i><b>Question 49: I started training to be an accountant one year ago. I had more months to go</b></i>
<i>and then I had to take exams.</i>

<b>A.</b>By the time I've taken my exam, I will have started training to be an accountant for a

<b>B.</b>By the time I take my exam, I will have been in training to be an accountant for a

<b>C.</b>By the time I took my exam, I had been trained to be an accountant for a year.

<b>D.</b>By the time I've taken my exam, I will be training for a year.

<i><b>Question 50: I didn't know that you were at home. I didn't drop in.</b></i>

<b>A.</b>Not knowing that you were at home, but I still dropped in,

<b>B.</b>I didn't know you were at home although I didn't drop in.

<b>C.</b>Not knowing that you were at home, I didn't drop in.

<b>D.</b>If I knew that you were at home, I would drop in.

<b>ĐÁP ÁN</b>

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11 - B 12 - B 13 - C 14 - B 15 - B 16 - C 17 - A 18 - B 19 - C 20 - D
21 - B 22 - D 23 - C 24 - D 25 - B 26 - A 27 - C 28 - B 29 - D 30 - A
31 - C 32 - B 33 - D 34 - A 35 - D 36 - C 37 - D 38 - A 39 - C 40 - A
41 - D 42 - C 43 - C 44 - C 45 - B 46 - A 47 - C 48 - D 49 - C 50 - C


