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Đề mẫu HK I Anh 11_3

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Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
Thời gian: 45 phút
Họ và tên:…………………………...
Câu 1: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
A. education B. eradicate C. illiterate D. minority
Câu 2: “ Go on, Susan! Apply for the job” the father said to Susan.
A. The father denied applying for the job.
B. The father encouraged Susan to apply for the job.
C. The father invited Susan to apply for the job.
D. The father wanted Susan not to apply for the job.
Câu 3: Speaking English to a native English speaker………………..
A. makes you love your country more.
B. makes you more interested in learning English.
C. teaches you a lesson and makes you study harder.
D. makes you appreciate your health more.
Câu 4: . “…………………..” Paul reminded me.
A. I would send these letters if you didn’t mind.
B. I remember to send these letters.
C. Don’t forget to send these letters
D. I am forget to send these letters.
Choose the word or phrase A,B,C,D that best fits the blank space in the following passage from 5 to 10
One of the most traditional special foods for New Year of Vietnamese people (5)……………..Banh
Chung (6)……………..sticky rice cake. Banh Chung is made of sticky rice, pork meat and green
beans(7). ………………..the ingredients are(8)………………..inside a special leaf called Dong.
Making the Banh Chung requires (9)………………and precision in every step. The rice and green
beans have to be soaked in water to make it (10)……………….The pork meat is usually soaked with
pepper for several hours. Squaring off and typing the cakes with bamboo strings require skillful hands
to make it a perfect square.

Câu 5: A. are B. were C. is D. will be
Câu 6: A. nor B. or C. but D. and
Câu 7: A. Each B. Every C. All D. Some
Câu 8: A. hugged B. wrapped C. rolled D. embraced
Câu 9: A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. care
Câu 10: A. stickier B. the stickiest C. the stickier D. more stickier
Câu 11: She expects ……………..soon, but things seem ……………wrong.
A. promoted/go B. being promoted/to go
C. promoting/ going D. to be promoted/to go
Câu 12: The students who took part in the fight …………….illiteracy considered it an honorable job to
help people in their villages.
A. against B. at C. for D. with
Câu 13: Many Americas over the age ……………..thirty don’t like to talk about their age.
A. about B. at C. in D. of
Câu 14: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
A. colored B. calendar C. special D. decorate
Câu 15: “ Are you the new manager, Daisy? Congratulation!” said Billy.
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A. Billy congratulated Daisy on being the new manager.
B. Billy looked forward to being the new manager.
C. Billy dreamed of being the new manager.
D. Billy prevented Daisy from the new manager.
Câu 16: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
A. important B. performance C. reciting D. annual
Câu 17: The boy glanced at me and turned away.
A. looked quickly B. looked attentively C. looked suspiciously D. looked carefully
Câu 18: When she retired, she did a lot of ……………..services for the Red Cross.
A. voluntary B. volunteers C. voluntarily D. volunteered
Câu 19: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
A. apples B. members C. plums D. envelopes

Câu 20: Some high school students take part in helping …………….children.
A. disadvantaging B. advantaging C. disadvantaged D. advantaged
Câu 21: The chart/ the distribution / the population/ regions
A. Although the chart indicates the distribution of the population in regions.
B. The chart indicates which the distribution of the population among regions.
C. The chart that shows the distribution of the population by regions.
D. The chart indicates the distribution of the population by regions.
Câu 22: Thank you very much for your help. Without your help, we…………………….our project.
A. would not have completed B. could not complete
C. will not complete D. cannot complete
Câu 23: When I ……………to the party, Sally and Doug………………., John ……………..drinks.
A. came/ were dancing/ was making B. have come/ are dancing/ is making
C. was coming/ had danced/made D. had come/ danced/made
Câu 24: There was a gradual …………….in the number of both males and females who were literate
in the Lowlands.
A. risen B. rise C. raise D. arise
Câu 25: . Student were asked to express their attitudes ……………..what make an effective school.
A. at B. on C. about D. towards
Câu 26: They will have some workers ……………..their house.
A. to redecorate B. redecorating C. redecorated D. redecorate
Câu 27: Gradually, she realized that he wasn’t telling her the truth.
A. Day by day B. At times C. Little by little D. From time to time
Câu 28: You’d better save some money for a rainy day. You can’t count on ……………..by your
parents every time you get into financial difficulty.
A. to be rescued B. being rescued C. rescue D. to rescue
Câu 29: . ……………….twice, he didn’t want to try again.
A. To have failed B. To fail C. Failing D. Having failed
Câu 30: She does not see her grandchildren very often so she makes …………….real fuss of them
when she does.
A. the B. a C. an D. ø

Câu 31: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
A. competitor B. contest C. question D. competition
Câu 32: . ………………anniversary is the day exactly fifty years after a marriage, often celebrated
with a party.
A. Copper B. Golden C. Diamond D. Silver
Read the passage and answer the questions ,then choose the correct answer 33 to 37
If you are invited to an American friend’s home for dinner, remember these general rules for polite
behavior. First of all, arrive approximately on time but not early. Americans expect promptness. It will
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be right to be 10 or 15 minutes late, but not 45 minutes late. When you are invited to someone’s home
for meal, it is polite to bring a small gift. Flowers and candy are always appreciate. If you have
something attractive made in your country, your host or hostess will certainly enjoy receiving that gift.
What will you do if you are served some food that you cannot eat or you do not like? Do not make a
fuss about it. Simply eat what you can and hope that no one notices it. Be sure to compliment the cook
on the food that you are enjoying. Do not leave immediately after dinner, but do not overstay your
welcome, either. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the
Câu 33: If there is some food that you cannot eat,…………………..
A. ask the host to cook you another dish. B. do not eat anything.
C. do not make a fuss about it. D. make a fuss about it.
Câu 34: If you are invited to an American’s home,………………………
A. you should be late at least 45 minutes. B. you should go late a bit.
C. punctuality is appreciated. D. politeness is not necessary.
Câu 35: Which sentence is not true?
A. You should not compliment the cook on the food.
B. You should not overstay.
C. You should not make someone notice that you do not like the food.
D. You should not leave immediately after the dinner.
Câu 36: The next day, ……………….
A. you needn’t say thank-you B. invite the host to your house

C. remember to thank the host for the dinner D. say nothing to the host
Câu 37: When you come to someone’s house for dinner,…………………..
A. bring some flowers, candy or something made in your native country.
B. bring a lot of gifts.
C. you should never offer any gifts.
D. do not care about gifts.
Câu 38: If he had tried harder, he ……………………
A. will not be sacked B. would not have been sacked
C. would not sack D. will not sack
Câu 39: Many university students felt that ……………..respect in the classroom was essential.
A. annual B. actual C. mutual D. continuous
Câu 40: A…………….for illiteracy eradication was launched by The Vietnam Society of Learning
Promotion in the summer of 2000.
A. battle B. campaign C. design D. project
Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Đáp án
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Câu 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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357 1 A
357 2 B
357 3 B
357 4 C
357 5 C
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357 7 C
357 8 B
357 9 D
357 10 A
357 11 D
357 12 A
357 13 D
357 14 C
357 15 A
357 16 D
357 17 A
357 18 A
357 19 D
357 20 C
357 21 D
357 22 A
357 23 A
357 24 B
357 25 D
357 26 D
357 27 C
357 28 B
357 29 D

357 30 B
357 31 D
357 32 B
357 33 C
357 34 C
357 35 A
357 36 C
357 37 A
357 38 B
357 39 C
357 40 B
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