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Tải Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp THPT lần 3 môn Anh trường THPT Chuyên Thái Bình năm 2020 - Đề thi tiếng Anh THPT Quốc Gia 2020 có đáp án

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<b>NĂM 2020 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part</b></i>
<i><b>differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions</b></i>

<b>Question 1: A. fills</b> <b>B. hears</b> <b>C. looks</b> <b>D. ends</b>

<b>Question 2: A. zone</b> <b>B. done</b> <b>C. tone</b> <b>D. bone</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the work that differs from the</b></i>
<i><b>other three in the posỉtion of primary stress in each of the following questions</b></i>

<b>Question 3: A. prefer</b> <b>B. enter</b> <b>C. infer</b> <b>D. refer</b>

<b>Question 4: A. difficult B. optional</b> <b>C. important</b> <b>D. beautiful</b>
<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to each of the</b></i>
<i><b>following questions</b></i>

<b>Question 5: No reports can______the unspeakable suffering that this pandemic has caused.</b>

<b>A. alleviate</b> <b>B. cause</b> <b>C. convey</b> <b>D. endure</b>

<b>Question 6: Coming into the classroom, the teacher saw a sea______warm smiles.</b>

<b>A. on</b> <b>B. in</b> <b>C. of</b> <b>D. with</b>

<b>Question 7: He has been described as the______colossus of the technology world.</b>

<b>A. create</b> <b>B. creatively</b> <b>C. creative</b> <b>D. creator</b>

<b>Question 8: It is common knowledge that cats can see in______dark.</b>

<b>A. an</b> <b>B. a</b> <b>C. the</b> <b>D.</b> <b> O </b> (no


<b>Question 9: Health workers are at higher risk from a novel corona virus______they come into</b>
contact with patients more often than the general public.

<b>A. Even though</b> <b>B. in spite of</b> <b>C. in that</b> <b>D. because of</b>

<b>Question 10: She has been always______the dream of being a vet since her dog was stolen.</b>

<b>A. harboring</b> <b>B. growing</b> <b>C. shattering</b> <b>D. making</b>

<b>Question 11: The doctor said that the patient was ______ good progress thanks to intensive and</b>
continuous treatment.

<b>A. causing</b> <b>B. making</b> <b>C. catching</b> <b>D. getting</b>

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cottages, and

hallmark movie-ready downtowns.

<b>A. pairing</b> <b>B. paired</b> <b>C. is paired</b> <b>D. is pairing</b>

<b>Question 13: He will apply for a job______</b>

<b>A. when he is graduating from university</b> <b>B. until he graduated from university</b>

<b>C. after he had graduated from university D. as soon as he graduates from university</b>

<b>Question 14: Her second venture, a software firm, is booming and will soon be ready to_more</b>

<b>A. get on</b> <b>B. depend on</b> <b>C. put on</b> <b>D. took on</b>

<b>Question 15: There are plenty of______solutions that have been tried and tested successfully in</b>
many countries.

<b>A. off the beam</b> <b>B. on the house</b> <b> C. off the peg</b> <b> D. on the</b>

<b>Question 16: I_______educational courses for business and professional men and women in</b>
New York since I moved there.

A. conducted <b>B. am conducting</b>

<b>C. have been conducting </b> <b>D. will conduct</b>

<b>Question 17: Nobody is aware of the problem,______.</b>

<b>A. are they</b> <b>B. aren't they</b> <b>C. is it</b> <b>D. isn't it</b>

<b>Question 18: We should wash our hands regularly to avoid______infected by viruses.</b>

<b>A. be</b> <b>B. to be</b> <b>C. been</b> <b>D. being</b>

<b>Question 19: If they hadn't raised our awareness of the disease, we______of it as seasonal flu.</b>

<b>A. would probably think</b> <b>B. would have probably thought</b>

<b>C. will probably think</b> <b>D. will probably be thinking</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in</b></i>
<i><b>meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.</b></i>

<b>Question 20: Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify</b>
their behavior.

<b>A. change</b> <b>B. construct</b> <b>C. conserve</b> <b>D. beautify</b>

<b>Question 21: Skydiving is a hazardous sport as you could be killed or seriously injured doing</b>

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<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word OPPOSITE in</b></i>
<i><b>meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.</b></i>

<b>Question 22: According to one research study, rude behavior in students can even spread like a</b>
virus and lead to school violence.

<b>A. courteous</b> <b>B. aggressive</b> <b>C. unacceptable</b> <b>D. impolite</b>

<b>Question 23: After a good night's sleep, she woke up íeeling as fresh as a daisy and eager to</b>
start work again.

<b>A. optimistic</b> <b>B. energetic</b> <b>C. tragic</b> <b>D. lethargic</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes</b></i>
<i><b>each of the following exchanges.</b></i>

<b>Question 24: Everlyne and Jonathan are talking to each other about the consequence of the</b>

- Everlyne: "We have all experienced a great deal of disruption."
- Jonathan: “______. Our life and work have been adversely affected."

<b>A. I couldn't agree more</b> <b>B. You must be kidding</b>

<b>C. Sure, everything is ready</b> <b>D. I don’t think that’s a good idea</b>
<b>Question 25: A custom officer is talking to a client at the airport.</b>

Officer: "Can I have your passport, please?"
Client: “________”

<b>A. No, I'11 think it expired.</b> <b>B. Thank you for your help.</b>

<b>C. Yes, here you go.</b> <b>D. But I don't like it.</b>

<i><b>Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate</b></i>
<i><b>the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.</b></i>

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Scientists have thought that this temperature extreme occurs rarely, if ever, on Earth
<b>(29)______ globe warms, wet-bulb temperatures around 35°c could become more common</b>
toward the end of the century in certain regions, endangering hundreds of millions of people.

<b>If carbon emissions aren't (30)______ curbed in the Corning decades, these relatively rare</b>
extremes will become increasingly common. Such conditions are unbearable without
technology like air conditioning and make outdoor labor near impossible.

<i>(Adaptedfrom www.sciencenews.org )</i>

<b>Question 26: A. from</b> <b>B. on</b> <b>C. with</b> <b>D. under</b>

<b>Question 27: A. most</b> <b>B. every</b> <b>C. almost</b> <b>D. all</b>

<b>Question 28: A. where</b> <b>B. why</b> <b>C. when</b> <b>D. all</b>

<b>Question 29: A. Consequently</b> <b>B. However</b> <b>C. Otherwise</b> <b>D. Additionally</b>
<b>Question 30: A. intensively</b> <b>B. significantly</b> <b>C. overwhelmingly D. drastically</b>

<i><b>Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate</b></i>
<i><b>the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.</b></i>

While previous generations of American students have had to sit through tests, never have
the tests been given so frrequently and never have they played such a prominent role in
schooling. Exams used to be administered mostly to decide where to place kids or what kind of
help they needed; only recently have scores been published in the newspaper and used as the
primary criteria for judging children, teachers, and schools indeed, as the basis for flunking
students or denying them a diploma, deciding where money should be spent, and so on. Tests
have lately become a mechanism by which public officials can impose their will on schools, and
<b>they are doing so with a vengeance.</b>

This situation is also unusual from an intemational perspective. "Few countries today give
these formal examinations to students before that age of sixteen or so," two scholars report. In
the us, we give standardized tests to children as young as six, despite the fact that almost all
experts in early childhood education condemn this practice. And it isn't easy to find other
countries that give multiple-choice tests to students of any age.

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<i>(Adapted from "Advanced Reading" by John</i>


<b>Question 31: The passage suggests that administering standardized tests to children as young as</b>
six is ________________________.

<b>A. helpful in determining whether a particular student should be promoted</b>
<b>B. not beneficial to the children involved</b>

<b>C. crucial to judge their academic ability</b>
<b>D. seldom done in America schools</b>

<b>Question 32: The word "discourse" in paragraph 3 mostly means _____.</b>

<b>A. warning</b> <b>B. curriculum</b> <b>C. discussion</b> <b> D. agreement</b>

<b>Question 33: According to the passage, public officials use standardized tests to_______.</b>

<b>A. impose their will on schools</b> <b>B. decide where to enroll their own</b>

<b>C. decide where to place kids</b> <b>D. humiliate failing students</b>
<b>Question 34: The word "they” in paragraph 1 refers to_______</b>

<b>A. students</b> <b>B. standardized tests C. public officials</b> <b>D. schools</b>
<b>Question 35: Which could be the best title of the passage?</b>

<b>A. Testing System and Its Victims</b> <b>B. An Unparalleled Testing System</b>
<b>C. Standardized Tests in America</b> <b>D. The Future of Tests in America</b>
<i><b>Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate</b></i>
<i><b>the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.</b></i>

Indulging oneself is a common coping strategy that proves of almost no value in helping us
deal with problems. Consider the example of Dong, whose girlfriend of 18 months has just
broken up with him. In response, Doug has dived into a number of self-indulgent habits that he
had previously held to a minimum. He is smoking at least a pack of cigarettes a day. As soon as
he is home from work, he pours himself a slug of Corona Extra - a beverage he continues to sip
through the evening until he passes out. On the weekends, he hits a nearby casino with some
fellow single friends and gambles far more than he can afford to lose.

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People who respond to stressful events by indulging themselves are attempting to
compensate for a lack of satisfaction in one area of their lives by providing themselves with an
alternate form of satisíaction Drinking, stoking, binge eating, shopping sprees, drug use, and
gambling are all forms of self-indulgence commonly used to compensate for stressful events.
Not surprisingly, this form of coping leads to its own problems, in the shape of poor physical
health, addiction, and financial problems.

A recent form of this maladaptive coping style is seen in people who respond to the stress of
daily life by spending excessive amount of time online. Some people become so immersed in
the Virtual world of online games, websites, social networking, and so on, that it seems no
<b>exaggeration to call them "Internet addicts. People who spend an inordinate amount of time on</b>
the Internet often describe themselves as feeling empty lost, depressed, and anxious when they
are not able to be online. Their real-life relationships, as well as the ability to function at work
or at school, suffer as they become more immersed in their online activities. Like other forms of
self-indulgence as coping strategy, Internet overuse can end up creating, rather than solving
problems in the subject's life.

<i>(Adaptedfrom </i>
<b>www.the-scientist.com </b><i>)</i>

<b>Question 36: The word "inordinate'’ in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to______.</b>

<b>A. unusual</b> <b>B. insignificant</b> <b>C. modest</b> <b>D. excessive</b>

<b>Question 37: Which statement is TRUE, according to the passage?</b>

<b>A. Self-indulgence as a coping strategy can create rather than solve problems in one's life.</b>
<b>B. People who respond to the stresses of daily life on a more positive way than those who do</b>

<b>C. Addiction to substances such as drugs, alcohol, and food is as troublesome as Internet</b>

<b>D. People should be encouraged to engage in self-indulgent behaviors to release stress. </b>
<b>Question 38: What is the source of Doug's stress?</b>

<b>A. the fact that he gambles far more than he can afford to lose</b>
<b>B. his breakup with his girlfriend</b>

<b>C. his excessive drinking</b>

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<b>A. Internet Addicts - A Serious Social Problem </b>
<b>B. An Altemate Form of Satisfaction</b>

<b>C. Self-indulgent Behavior in Young People</b>

<b>D. Self-indulgence - An Ineffective Coping Strategy</b>

<b>Question 40: According to the passages, smoking, drinking, and gambling</b>
<b>A. are pleasurable</b>

<b>B. are harmful when excessively practices</b>

<b>C. have an adverse impact on people’s well-being</b>
<b>D. are less harmful than being addicted to the Internet</b>

<b>Question 41: The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.</b>

<b>A. behaviors B. events C. people. D.</b>

<b>Question 42: The words “addresses” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.</b>

<b>A. resolves</b> <b>B. persuades</b> <b>C. affects</b> <b>D. considers</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs</b></i>
<i><b>correction in each of the following questions.</b></i>

<b>Question 43: Children being punished often want to regain the warmth, care and some of</b>
approving of parents as quicklỵ as possible.

<b>A. being</b> <b>B. regain</b> <b>C. approving</b> <b>D. quickly</b>

<b>Question 44: Either one of the students seem capable pf completing the test as both of them</b>
missed the final question.

<b>A. as</b> <b>B. of</b> <b>C. missed</b> <b>D. seem</b>

<b>Question 45: There was an overwhelmed interest in the story of King Kong from its first</b>
appearance in 1933 movie to the popular remake of that film in 2017.

<b>A. overwhelmed</b> <b>B. from</b> <b>C. appearance</b> <b>D. remake</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in</b></i>
<i><b>meaning to each of the following questions.</b></i>

<b>Question 46: Most people get fewer colds in the summer than in the winter.</b>
<b>A. The winter makes people have as many colds as the summer.</b>

<b>B. A person is more likely to get colds in the winter than in the summer.</b>
<b>C. People get colder and colder in the summer than in the winter.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>Question 47: It's possible that Newton has got lost.</b>

<b>A. There's possibility that Newton will get lost.</b> <b>B. Newton may well have got lost.</b>
<b>C. Newton was highly likely to get lost.</b> <b>D. Newton must have gone lost.</b>
<b>Question 48: "Stop drinking or you'll be ill," the doctor told me.</b>

<b>A. I was ordered not to drink to recover from illness.</b>

<b>B. I was wamed against drinking a lot of beer to stay healthy.</b>
<b>C. The doctor suggested drinking to treat my illness.</b>

<b>D. The doctor advised me to give up drinking to avoid illness.</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best</b></i>
<i><b>combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.</b></i>

<b>Question 49: I never came to this city. I couldn't meet him.</b>
<b>A. At no time I came to this city, I couldn't meet him.</b>
<b>B. Never do I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him.</b>

<b>C. I wished I had come to this city, I could I have met him.</b>
<b>D. If only I had come to this city I could have met him.</b>

<b>Question 50: Right after Vietnam national football team won the AFF Cup 2018, thousands of</b>
fans flocked to the streets to celebrate.

<b>A. Scarcely had Vietnam national football team won the AFF Cup 2018 when thousands of fans</b>
flocked to the streets to celebrate.

<b>B. Hardly had Vietnam national football team won the AFF Cup 2018 than thousands of fans</b>
flocked to the streets to celebrate.

<b>C. Only after thousands of fans flocked to the streets to celebrate did Vietnam national football</b>
team win the AFF Cup2018.

<b>D. No sooner had thousands of fans flocked to the streets to celebrate than Vietnam national</b>
football team won the AFF Cup 2018.

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<b>1. C</b> <b>2. B</b> <b>3. B</b> <b>4. C</b> <b>5. C</b> <b>6. C</b> <b>7. C</b> <b>8. C</b> <b>9. C</b> <b>10. A</b>

<b>11. B</b> <b>12. B</b> <b>13. D</b> <b>14. D</b> <b>15. C</b> <b>16. C</b> <b>17. A</b> <b>18. D</b> <b>19. B</b> <b>20. A</b>

<b>21. D</b> <b>22. A</b> <b>23. D</b> <b>24. A</b> <b>25. C</b> <b>26. A</b> <b>27. B</b> <b>28. D</b> <b>29. B</b> <b>30. D</b>

<b>31. B</b> <b>32. C</b> <b>33. A</b> <b>34. C</b> <b>35. C</b> <b>36. D</b> <b>37. A</b> <b>38. B</b> <b>39. D</b> <b>40. B</b>

<b>41. A</b> <b>42. A</b> <b>43. C</b> <b>44. D</b> <b>45. A</b> <b>46. B</b> <b>47. B</b> <b>48. D</b> <b>49. D</b> <b>50. A</b>


