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Test bank for think sociology 1st canadian edition by carl

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1. Last year, a 25 year-old man committed suicide. He had few social connections and often felt isolated
and alone. This man’s case is an example of a(n) __________________ suicide.
a. Altruistic
b. Fatalistic
c. Anomic
d. Egoistic
(answer: d; page 7; comprehension; moderate)
2. A suicide bomber killed himself along with 20 other people. He sacrificed his own life for the good of
the group. His suicide was:
a. Altruistic
b. Fatalistic
c. Egoistic
d. Anomic
(answer: a; page 7; comprehension; moderate)
3. An ex-convict committed suicide yesterday. After he was released from prison, he was unable to find
a job or a place to live. He felt that his future was bleak and that there was no way for his situation to
change. This man’s case is an example of a(n) ___________________ suicide.
a. Altruistic
b. Fatalistic
c. Egoistic
d. Anomic
(answer: b; page 8; comprehension; moderate)
4. After the market crashed, a stock broker could not deal with the chaos that ensued. She committed
suicide. This is an example of a(n) ___________________ suicide.
a. Altruistic
b. Fatalistic
c. Egoistic

d. Anomic
(answer: d; page 8; comprehension; moderate)
5. In hunting and gathering societies, the members are bonded together by shared beliefs and values
and often perform common tasks. This is an example of ____________ solidarity.
a. Mechanical
b. Manifest
c. Organic
d. Latent
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(answer: a; page 12; comprehension; moderate)
6. In Canada, there is a complex division of labour. We rely on farmers, truckers, grocers, teachers,
lawyers, physicians, and plumbers to meet our needs. This is an example of ______________
a. Manifest
b. Mechanical
c. Latent
d. Organic
(answer: d; page 12; comprehension; moderate)
7. Sociologists often gather together to exchange ideas on the theoretical frameworks through which
scientists study the world. The sociologists meet to exchanges ideas on:
a. Functions
b. Solidarity
c. Paradigms
d. Social Darwinism
(answer: c; page 9; comprehension; moderate)
8. Marie views society as an unequal system that brings about conflict and change. Marie’s beliefs are

in line with:
a. Feminist theory
b. Social Darwinism
c. Conflict theory
d. Symbolic interactionism
(answer: c; page 9; comprehension; moderate)
9. Falen believes that society is best viewed as a system of interrelated parts. Falen’s beliefs are in line
a. Social Darwinism
b. Conflict theory
c. Symbolic interactionism
d. Functionalism
(answer: d; page 9; comprehension; moderate)
10. Samir is interested in how students interact with others in their everyday lives on campus. Samir’s
interest is in line with:
a. Conflict theory
b. Feminist theory
c. Functionalism
d. Symbolic interactionism
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(answer: d; page 9; comprehension; moderate)
11. After attending a few sociology classes, Roberto can see how many things in society are controlled by
and benefit men. Roberto is looking at society from the perspective of:
a. Conflict theory
b. Functionalism
c. Symbolic interactionism

d. Feminist theory
(answer: d; page 10; comprehension; moderate)
12. Tonisha and Samantha are discussing the collapse of Mayan civilization. Tonisha says, “Only weak
societies become extinct, so the Mayans must have been weak.” Tonisha’s views are in line with:
a. Social Darwinism
b. Social laws
c. Social statics
d. Social dynamics
(answer: a; page 12; comprehension; moderate)
13. Yoshimi is writing a paper on the changes in the structural elements of society. Yoshimi’s paper
focuses on:
a. Social laws
b. Social dynamics
c. Social statics
d. Social Darwinism
(answer: b; page 10; comprehension; moderate)
14. Pamela is studying the existing structural elements of society. She is focusing on:
a. Social laws
b. Social statics
c. Social dynamics
d. Social Darwinism
(answer: b; page 10; comprehension; moderate)
15. Comte felt that sociology should strive to discover statements of fact that are unchanging under
given conditions and can be used as ground rules for any study of society. He referred to these
statements as:
a. Social laws
b. Social statics
c. Social dynamics
d. Social statistics
(answer: a; page 10; comprehension; moderate)

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Chapter 1: Sociology

16. The expected outcome of the health care system is a lower rate of sickness. A lower rate of sickness
is an example of a(n) _______________ function of the health care system.
a. Manifest
b. Mechanical
c. Latent
d. Organic
(answer: a; page 13; application; challenging)
17. Because children are in school for most of the day, this makes it easier for parents to work. More
parents working is a(n) _______________ function of the public school system.
a. Mechanical
b. Manifest
c. Latent
d. Organic
(answer: c; page 13; application; challenging)
18. Sam owns a large factory that creates toys for children. According to Karl Marx, Sam is a member of
a. Bourgeoisie
b. Dramaturgy
c. Contagion
d. Proletariat
(answer: a; page 14; comprehension; moderate)
19. Marcus is a poor factory worker. According to Karl Marx, Marcus is a member of the:
a. Bourgeoisie
b. Contagion

c. Dramaturgy
d. Proletariat
(answer: d; page 14; comprehension; moderate)
20. At a recent labour union meeting, the union leader told workers that each person must understand
their position in society so that the workers could unite. This sentiment reflects:
a. False consciousness
b. Mechanical solidarity
c. Class consciousness
d. Organic solidarity
(answer: c; page 14; comprehension; moderate)
21. Millicent is a poor labourer. She works in the same industrial fish-processing plant that her mother
and grandmother worked in and retired from. Millicent believes that if she works hard at the plant,
she can become rich. She has an unrealistic belief about her place in society. Millicent’s view reflects:
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Organic solidarity
Mechanical solidarity
False consciousness
Class consciousness

(answer: c; page 14; application; challenging)
22. Tameka was asked why she chose Brad as a mate. She answered that she thought that he was

intelligent, handsome, and funny. This focus on the individual or small-scale factors of mate selection
reflects a _________ approach.
a. Macro
b. Micro
c. Latent
d. Manifest
(answer: b; page 6; comprehension; moderate)
23. The functionalist perspective studies the structural elements of society. This perspective reflects a
_______________ approach.
a. Macro
b. Micro
c. Latent
d. Manifest
(answer: a; page 6; application; moderate)
24. The conflict perspective studies how society’s structures contribute to conflict. This perspective
reflects a _______________ approach.
a. Macro
b. Micro
c. Latent
d. Manifest
(answer: a; page 6; application; moderate)
25. The symbolic interactionist perspective studies how people’s interactions with each other create the
social world in which we live. This perspective reflects a _______________ approach.
a. Macro
b. Micro
c. Latent
d. Manifest
(answer: b; page 6; application; moderate)
26. Chantal grew up in a tight-knit community where everyone knows everyone else. Chantal feels a high
level of connectedness to and integration within her environment. Chantal has a high level of:

a. Class consciousness
b. Sociological imagination
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Chapter 1: Sociology

c. Contagion
d. Solidarity
(answer: d; page 7; comprehension; moderate)
27. Sharonda is a sociology student who tutors two of her classmates. One tutee is doing very well,
while the other has showed no signs of improvement. Sharonda looks beyond each individual to
explain their success and failure, believing that the various opportunities offered by society explain
the differences. Sharonda’s thought process illustrates:
a. Sociology
b. The sociological imagination
c. Social control
d. Solidarity
(answer: b; page 6; application; challenging)
28. Veronica feels that she is always acting. Depending on the situation, sometimes she is playing the
part of a student, sometimes a store clerk, sometimes a daughter, and sometimes a girlfriend.
Veronica’s view is in line with:
a. Symbolic interactionism
b. Functionalism
c. Dramaturgy
d. Conflict theory
(answer: c; page 19; application; challenging)
29. When Patel enters an elevator, he turns around and faces the front. The mechanism regulating Bart’s
behaviour is called:
a. Sociology

b. The sociological imagination
c. Social control
d. Solidarity
(answer: c; page 7; application; challenging)
30. Through interactions with others, Vera is learning her personal identity and what makes her different
from others. Vera is in the process discovering:
a. Dramaturgy
b. Self
c. Contagion
d. Functions
(answer: b; page 19; comprehension; moderate)
31. Wu was watching a basketball game, and his school’s team was winning. Although he is normally
quiet and shy, Wu was standing up and yelling encouragement to his team. Wu’s behaviour is an
example of::
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Community learning

(answer: a; page 19; application; challenging)

32. Today, Professor Lavoie will lecture on age and suicide in his class. The professor will explain that:
a. The highest rate of suicide is among those aged 30 to 59
b. The highest rate of suicide is among those aged 15 to 29
c. The highest rate of suicide is among those aged 60 to 79
d. The highest rate of suicide is among those aged 80 to 89
(answer: a; page 8; knowledge; moderate)
33. When asked what he was majoring in, Randy replied, “I am majoring in the science guided by the
basic understanding that our lives are affected not only by our individual characteristics but by our
place in the social world.” Randy is majoring in:
a. Sociology
b. Psychology
c. Social Work
d. Theology
(answer: a; page 5; comprehension; moderate)
34. When Gracie answered the telephone, a telemarketer asked if he could ask her a few questions
about how connected she feels to others and to her environment. The telemarketer is interested in:
a. Solidarity
b. The sociological imagination
c. Contagion
d. Dramaturgy
(answer: a; page 7; comprehension; moderate)
35. ______________________ was an African American conflict theorist.
a. Jane Addams
b. W. E. B. Dubois
c. Jane Addams
d. Karl Marx
(answer: b; page 15; knowledge; easy)
36. ___________________ contributed an understanding of manifest and latent functions to the
functionalist perspective.
a. Émile Durkheim

b. Talcott Parsons
c. Robert Merton
d. Herbert Spencer
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(answer: c; page 13; knowledge; easy)
37. The idea that people live up to the labels and expectations placed on them by others was suggested
a. Herbert Blumer
b. George Herbert Mead
c. Erving Goffman
d. Howard Becker
(answer: d; page 20; knowledge; easy)
38. ___________________ created a settlement house in Chicago and won the Nobel peace prize for a
lifetime of service and dedication to peace.
a. Harriet Martineau
b. W. E. B. Dubois
c. Jane Addams
d. Karl Marx
(answer: c; page 21; knowledge; easy)
39. ___________________ critiqued traditional sociology for adopting an “objectifying discourse”.
a. Herbert Blumer
b. Harriet Martineau
c. Karl Marx
d. Dorothy Smith
(answer: d; page 21; knowledge; easy)
40. _______________ used data to test theories and introduced the ideas of mechanical and organic

solidarity to the field.
a. Herbert Spencer
b. Émile Durkheim
c. Talcott Parsons
d. Robert Merton
(answer: b; page 12; knowledge; easy)
41. _______________ was a German theorist, social activist, and writer who suggested that capitalistic
societies would move to socialism once workers developed class consciousness and united.
a. Max Weber
b. Émile Durkheim
c. Erving Goffman
d. Karl Marx
(answer: d; page 14; knowledge; easy)
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42. The sociologist who suggested that the root of society was symbols that teach us to understand the
world was:
a. Herbert Blumer
b. George Herbert Mead
c. Erving Goffman
d. Howard Becker
(answer: b; page 18; knowledge; easy)
43. The idea of social Darwinism was introduced by:
a. Herbert Spencer
b. Émile Durkheim
c. Talcott Parsons
d. Robert Merton

(answer: a; page 11; knowledge; easy)
44. __________________ described twentieth-century society as “post-capitalist”.
a. Karl Marx
b. Erving Goffman
c. Ralf Dahrendorf
d. Max Weber
(answer: c; page 15; knowledge; easy)
45. The term sociology was coined by:
a. Charles Darwin
b. Auguste Comte
c. Karl Marx
d. Max Weber
(answer: b; page 10; knowledge; easy)
46. Which sociological perspective would look at how differences in wealth, power, and prestige create
poverty in society?
a. Functionalism
b. Conflict theory
c. Symbolic interactionism
d. Feminist theory
(answer: b; page 25; application; challenging)
47. Which sociological perspective would look at how the structure of social institutions results in more
women than men being poor?
a. Functionalism
b. Conflict theory
c. Symbolic interactionism
d. Feminist theory
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Chapter 1: Sociology

(answer: d; page 25; application; challenging)
48. Which sociological perspective would look at how the structure of social institutions creates poverty
in society?
a. Functionalism
b. Conflict theory
c. Symbolic interactionism
d. Feminist theory
(answer: a; page 25; application; challenging)
49. Which sociological perspective would look at how poverty affects the way individuals behave toward
one another?
a. Functionalism
b. Conflict theory
c. Symbolic interactionism
d. Feminist theory
(answer: c; page 25; application; challenging)
50. When individuals and groups work to identify and address issues of public concern, this is called:
a. Social dynamics
b. Social statics
c. Community learning
d. The sociological imagination
(answer: c; page 26; comprehension; moderate)
1. Explain the symbolic interactionist worldview and discuss the criticisms of symbolic interactionism.
(Analysis; pages 17-21; challenging)
2. Discuss the four types of suicides described by Émile Durkheim.
(Comprehension; pages 7-8; moderate)
3. Create a conversation in which a functionalist, a conflict theorist, a symbolic interactionist, and a
feminist theorist discuss their views on poverty.
(Synthesis; page 25; challenging)

4. Explain the conflict theorist’s worldview and discuss the criticisms of conflict theory.
(Analysis; pages 14-17; challenging)
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5. Discuss functions. Compare and contrast manifest and latent functions.
(Comprehension; page 13; moderate)
6. Discuss solidarity. Compare and contrast mechanical and organic solidarity.
(Comprehension; page 12; moderate)
7. Discuss the differences between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
(Comprehension; pages 14-15; moderate)
8. Explain the functionalist worldview and discuss the criticisms of functionalism.
(Analysis, pages 10-14; challenging)
9. Discuss the sociological imagination and give examples of how someone might use their sociological
(Application; page 6; challenging)
10. Explain the differences between false consciousness and class consciousness.
(Comprehension; page 15; moderate)
11. Explain the feminist theorist’s worldview and discuss the criticisms of feminist theory.
(Analysis; pages 21-22; challenging)
12. Why is Max Weber a theorist who transcends categorization?
(Evaluation, page 24; challenging)
13. Describe the ideas and influence of three sociological theorists.
(Analysis; pages 10-22;moderate)
14. Why are patriarchy and androcentric bias important sociological concepts?
(Analysis; pages 10 & 21; moderate)
15. Compare and contrast the macro and micro levels of analysis.
(Analysis; page 7; moderate)

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Chapter 1: Sociology

1. Marx suggested that false consciousness results from socialism.
(Comprehension; answer: F; page 14; easy)
2. In Canada, males are four times more likely than females to commit suicide.
(Knowledge; answer: T; page 8; easy)
3. Present-day Canadian society is an example of organic solidarity.
(Application; answer: T; page 13; moderate)
4. The micro view focuses our attention on the individual.
(Knowledge; answer: T; page 6; easy)
5. Émile Durkheim proposed that solidarity and social control influence the chance of a person taking
his or her own life.
(Knowledge; answer: T; page 7; easy)
6. Patriarchal refers to a social system that benefits the elite.
(Comprehension; answer: F; page 10; moderate)
7. Conflict theorists tend to focus on micro issues.
(Knowledge; answer: F; page 14; easy)
8. The manifest function of school is to teach students.
(Application; answer: T; page 13; moderate)
9. A person working at a restaurant for minimum wage is part of the proletariat.
(Application; answer: T; page 14; moderate)
10. Dramaturgy is a theory of interaction in which all social life is acting.
(Knowledge; answer: T; page 19; easy)
1. ______________________ suicides occur when the level of solidarity is exceptionally high and when
the individual views the group’s interests as superior to all other interests.

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(Comprehension; answer: altruistic; page 7; easy)
2. Social factors that affect people in a society are called __________________.
(Knowledge; answer: functions; page 13; easy)
3. _________________________ solidarity refers to the state of community bonding in traditional
societies in which people share beliefs and values and perform common activities.
(Comprehension; answer: mechanical; page 13; easy)
4. The theoretical framework through which scientists study the world is called a _________________.
(Knowledge; answer: paradigm; page 9; easy)
5. A theory of interaction in which all social life is like acting is called _______________________.
(Knowledge; answer: dramaturgy; page 19; easy)
6. Statements of fact that are unchanging under given conditions and can be used as ground rules for
any kind of society are called _____________________.
(Knowledge; answer: social laws; page 10; easy)
7. _______________________ occurs when individuals and groups work to identify and issues of public
(Knowledge; answer: community learning; page 26; easy)
8. The members of the poor working class are called the _______________________________.
(Knowledge; answer: proletariat; page 14; easy)
9. The science guided by the basic understanding that our lives are affected not only by our individual
characteristics but by our place in the social world is called ___________________________.
(Knowledge; answer: sociology; page 5; easy)
10. The ____________________ function of the health care system is to treat illness.
(Application; answer: manifest; page 13; moderate)
11. Rather than simply asking why a particular individual is poor, Dennis Raphael examines the structural
causes of poverty. This is an example of using the ______________________.

(Application; answer: sociological imagination; page 6; moderate)

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Chapter 1: Sociology

12. The theoretical framework that focuses on how people interact with others in their everyday lives is
called ______________________.
(Comprehension; answer: symbolic interactionism; page 9; moderate)
13. ___________________ means small scale.
(Knowledge; answer: micro; page 6; easy)
14. _____________________ suicides occur as a result of social unrest.
(Comprehension; answer: anomic; page 8; easy)
15. The theoretical framework that views society as an unequal system that brings about conflict and
change is called _________________.
(Comprehension; answer: conflict theory; page 9; moderate)
16. The level of connectedness and integration a person feels to others in the environment is called
(Knowledge; answer: solidarity; page 7; easy)
17. A person’s lack of understanding of his or her position in society is called
(Knowledge; answer: false consciousness; page 14; easy)
18. The existing structural elements of society are called ______________________________.
(Knowledge; answer: social statics; page 10; easy)
19. A _______________ function of the education system is to provide jobs for teachers.
(Application; answer: latent; page 13; moderate)
20. The social mechanisms that regulate a person’s actions are called _______________________.
(Knowledge; answer: social control; page 7; easy)
21. ____________________________ suicides result from a lack of solidarity, occurring among those

who have few social connections and feel isolated and alone.
(Comprehension; answer: egoistic; page 7; easy)
22. The theoretical framework that defines society as a system of interrelated parts is called
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(Comprehension; answer: functionalism; page 9; moderate)
23. The theoretical framework that focuses on gender inequalities which are built into the social
structure is called _____________________________.
(Comprehension; answer: feminist theory; page 10; moderate)
24. Changes in the structural elements of society are called ________________________.
(Knowledge; answer: social dynamics; page 10; easy)
25. ___________________ means large scale.
(Knowledge; answer: macro; page 6; easy)
26. The idea that strong societies survive and weak ones become extinct is called __________________.
(Knowledge; answer: social Darwinism; page 11; easy)
27. ________________________ suicides result from a lack of social control.
(Comprehension; answer: fatalistic; page 8; easy)
28. A person’s identity and what makes that person different from others is called __________.
(Knowledge; answer: self; page 19; easy)
29. A focus on men which influences sociology in terms of how research is done and which issues and
topics are studied is called __________________________.
(Comprehension; answer: androcentric bias; page 21; moderate)
30. The members of the capitalist class are called the____________________________________.
(Knowledge; answer: bourgeoisie; page 14; easy)
31. A person’s understanding of his or her position in society is called _____________________.
(Knowledge; answer: class consciousness; page 14; easy)

32. Present-day Canadian society is characterized by a diverse division of labour. This is an example of
_______________ solidarity.
(Application; answer: organic; page 13; moderate)
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Chapter 1: Sociology

1. What is the difference between macro and micro approaches to studying sociology?
Answer: Macro is large-scale and focuses on how history and social structure affect the
individual. Micro is small-scale and focuses our attention on the individual.
(Comprehension; page 6; moderate)
2. What is the difference between mechanical and organic solidarity?
Answer: Mechanical solidarity refers to the state of community bonding that occurs in traditional
societies in which people share beliefs and values and perform common activities. Organic
solidarity occurs when people live in a society with a diverse division of labour.
(Comprehension; page 12; moderate)
3. What is the difference between manifest and latent functions?
Answer: Manifest functions are functions that lead to an expected consequence or outcome.
Latent functions are functions that lead to unforeseen or unexpected consequences.
(Comprehension; page 13; moderate)
4. How does the functionalist perspective study poverty?
Answer: The functionalist perspective suggests that the structure of social institutions creates
poverty in society.
(Comprehension; page 25; moderate)
5. How does the conflict perspective study poverty?
Answer: The conflict perspective suggests that differences in wealth, power, and prestige create
poverty in society.
(Comprehension; page 25; moderate)

6. How does the symbolic interactionist perspective study poverty?
Answer: The symbolic interactionist perspective looks at how poverty affects the way individuals
behave toward one another.
(Comprehension; page 25; moderate)
7. How does the feminist perspective study poverty?

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Answer: The feminist perspective looks at how the structure of social institutions results in more
women than men being poor.
(Comprehension; page 25; moderate)

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