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Nội dung ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn tiếng anh lớp 12

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I. Pronunciation: the ending- ed/ s , the consonants
II. Reading: Read a passage and then choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences and read the passage then choose the best
option to fill in the blank.
III. Grammar: Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
1. The tenses (present simple tense; past simple tense; present perfect tense, past perfect)
2. The passive voice (modal verb; past simple tense, )
3. Conditional sentences (type 2, 3)
4. Relative clauses (which, who, whom, whose, that)
5. Reported speech: (statements, questions)
6. Phrasal verbs: (phrasal verbs learnt from unit 14 to unit 15)
7. Comparison: ( doulbe comparison)
8. Modal verbs (active)
IV. Writing:
1. Identifying errors
2. sentence transformation
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
(have) 9. Since they (get) ____married, they have moved the house twice.
2. A few days ago we __________to his uncle. (drive)
10. After he (graduate) ______from university, he joined the army.
3. ___________a new car? (you ever buy) 11. By the time the firemen arrived to help, we (already / put) _______
4. I _______her since last Thursday. (not, meet) out the fire.

5. When we arrived, the dinner _______(already, begin). 12. It (rain) ___ while my sister (wait) ________ for you last night
6. She ___ (cry) after he _____________(go).
13. I (have)_________ no trouble with my car since I bought it
7. They ___(not go) home until they finished their work.
14. Mrs Pike (open) __________ the door before the customers arrived.
8. I (play) _____________soccer at 4 p.m. yesterday.
15. Before he (phone) her last night, he (drink) a lot of wine.
Exercise 2: Put the following into the passive voice.
1. I need to wash my car
4. They know that the prisoner escaped from the jail. The prisoner ……
2. They have just built a new primary school in my 5. People say that the wanted man is living in New York. It ________
3. They are painting the kitchen now.
6. They didn’t allow him write a letter to his wife.
Exercise 3: Conditional sentences : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. If the earth suddenly (stop) spinning we all (fly) off it.
6.If we (have) a submarine now, we (use) it to investigate the seabed
2. If you (smoke) in a non-smoking compartment, the other 7.Were he ten years younger, he (take) part in the voyage around the world
passengers (object)
8.Had you come late, they (not let) you in
3.(your parents / not / be) proud if they could see you now? 9. He could get rid of his cough if he (not smoke) so much
4.I’m broke, but I (have) plenty of money now if I (not / 10.If we (work) all right, we (finish) in time; but we have no intention of
spend) so much yesterday.
doing it
5.If someone (give).you a boat what you (do)?
11. If she (not get) up late yesterday, she (catch) that fast train.
Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences
1. “She’s living in Paris for a few months”→She said _______
9.The little girl ate sweets the whole way. She sat next to me on the

2. “I visited my parents at the weekend” →She told me______
10.Lan is a journalist. Her tape recorder was stolen.
3. “Do you practice your English everyday?” →She ______
11.I don’t know the name of the woman. I spoke to her on the phone.
4.“What did you do last night, Bac’’→ They asked Bac_____
12. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. It’s only 30 miles
5.There are some words. They are very difficult to translate.
6.I was looking for a book this morning. I’ve found it now.
13. This is Mr. Carter. I was telling you about him.
7.Is that the car? You want to buy it.
14. That is the room. The meeting is held in that room.
8.Sandra works in advertising. You were talking to her.
Exercise 5:. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
1) Genghis Khan, _________ name means “very mighty ruler”, was a Mongol emperor in the Middle Ages.
A. whom
B. whose
C. who
D. how
2) The children _____ sang at the Mayor's parade were from the local school.A. whose B. where
C. who D. whom
3) Galileo, _____ published works proving that the Earth revolves around the Sun, continued his scientific experiments even when
he went deaf and blind. A. when B. who C. where
D. whose

4) The school programme _______ has been interrupted by revision tests requires a regular course study.
A. whose
B. who C. what
D. that

5) Credit ______ is given in this semester requires approximately three hours of classroom work.
A. which
B. what C. when
D. where
6) Two courses ______ have the same subjects are in different times. A. that
B. what C. when
D. where
7. You can __________ the new words in the dictionary.A. look for
B. look after
C. look up D. look at
8. It’s cold outside. __________ your coat. A. Put on
B. Put down
C. Put off
D. Put into
9. 15.If you want to be healthy, you should__________ your bad habits in your lifestyles.
A give up
B call off
C break down
D get over
10. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.A. do
B. let
C. delay
D. leave
11. My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother.A. looked after
B. taken after C. gone off D. got over
12. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.A. went on B. went out C. went off D. went away
13. John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.A. take part in B. take over C. take placeD. take care of
14. Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _______ his boss.A. up to B. on for
C. on well with D. in with
15. Why do they ______ talking about money all the time?A. keep on

B. give up
C. take after
D. stop by
16. My father gave up smoking two years ago. A. liked
B. continued
C. stopped
D. enjoyed
17. The government hopes to _________ its plans for introducing cable TV.A. turn out B. carry out C. carry on D. keep on
18. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _____ the gas supply to the flat.
A. cut down
B. cut out
C. cut off
D. cut up
19. Choose the underlined part need correcting:“Please turn up the radio, I can’t concentrate on my work”
20.You go on ahead and then I’ll catch _____ you.A. along with
B. forward to
C. up with
D. on to
21. I was born in Scotland but I ________ in Northern Ireland.A. grew up
B. raised
C. brought up
D. rose
22. Keep quiet. You ______ talk so loudly in here. Everybody is working.A. may
B. must C. might
D. mustn’t
23. John is not at home. He _______ go somewhere with Daisy. I am not sure.A. might B. will C. must

D. should
24. ____ I have a day off tomorrow? – Of course not. We have a lot of things to do.A. Must
B. Will C. May D. Need
25. Do you mind if I borrow a chair? - ____________. Do you only need one?
A. I’m sorry B. Yes, I do
C. Yes, I would
D. Not at all
26. ____ I be here by 6 o’clock? – No, you ______.A. Shall/mightn’t B. Must/needn’t C. Will/mayn’t D. Might/won’t
27. If I had gone white water rafting with my friends, I _______ down the Colorado River right now.
A. should have floated
B. must be floating
C. would be floating
D. would have been floating
28. You ________ touch that switch, whatever you do. A. mustn’t
B. needn’t
C. won’t
D. wouldn’t
29. Susan ______ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. can’t D. needn’t
30. You ________ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven’t got a penny to their name.
A. needn’t
B. couldn’t
C. mayn’t
D. mustn’t
31. They told me he had __________a gold medal in wushu. A. won B. scored
C. gained
D. got
32. Singapore and Vietnam had ________who were awarded the Most Outstanding Athlete titles in the Swimming and Shooting
events. A. participates
B. participations C. participants D. participated
33. The SEA Games ________every two years, with 11 countries in Southeast Asia participating.

A. comes down B. sets up
C. takes place
D. brings about
34. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. ___________ the food is, ________ he likes it.
A. The hotter / the more and more B. The hotter / the more C. The more and more hot/ the more D. The hottest / the most
35. It gets ___________ to understand what the professor has explained.
A. the more difficult
B. more difficult than
C. difficult more and more
D. more and more difficult
36. I feel ______I did yesterdayA. much more tired than B. many more tired than
C. as many tired as D. as more tired as
37. People should eat _______ and do ______ to reduce the risk of heart disease.
A. less fat/ more exercise
B. less and less fat / the more exercise
C. the less fat / the more exercise
D. fatter / more exercise
38. The Mekong Delta is _____________ deltas in Vietnam.
A. the largest of the two B. the more larger of the two
C. one of the two largest
D. one of the two larger
39. You ____slip here because the floor is very wet now. A. need
B. could
C. may
D. must
40. It is cold outside. You _____put on your coat when going out. A. need
B. could
C. may
D. must
41. I have three sisters all of which are teachers.

42. As the day went on, the weather got more bad and worse.

SỞ GD- ĐT .................................
Trường THPT .............................
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NĂM HỌC 2011 - 2012
Thời gian làm bài 45 phút ( Không kể thời gian giao đề )

Total :
40 questions x 0,25 point = 10 points
Type of questions: Multi- choice
Phonetics- The sounds
with ending – ed, s
Reading comprehension
- Choose the correct words

to fill in the blank ( 5
questions )
- Read the test and choose
one best word to asnwer for
each question ( 5
questions )
Structures- vocabulary
- The uses of tenses (3Qs)
- comparative(2Qs)
- phrasal verbs(3 Qs)
- Relative clauses(2 Qs)
- passive form (3 Qs)
- conditional sentence(2
- Reported speech (2 Qs)
- Modal verbs (2 Qs)
- identifying errors (03
questions )



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- sentences transformation
(05 Qs )

Số câu: 14

Số câu: 19

Số câu: 7


3.5 marks

4.75 marks

17.5 %

Số câu:
10 marks
