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<b>Chapter 15. Introduction</b>

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>


15.1 Understanding the Role of LINQ

15.2 A First Look at LINQ Query Expressions

15.3 LINQ and Generic Collections

15.4 LINQ and Nongeneric Collections

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

15.1 The Role of LINQ

The LINQ API is an attempt to provide a consistent,

symmetrical manner in which programmers can obtain

and manipulate “data” in the broad sense of the term

LINQ Expressions Are Strongly Typed and Extendable

The Core LINQ Assemblies

 System.Core.dll

 System.Data.Linq.dll

 System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll

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The Role of LINQ

Advantages of LINQ

 For now:

 Dynamically-created string queries

 Doesn't provide compile-time checking

 Native code and non-native code is mixed

 With LINQ

 Static typing

 Compile-time syntax checking

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15.1 Understanding the Role of LINQ

15.2 A First Look at LINQ Query Expressions

15.3 LINQ and Generic Collections

15.4 LINQ and Nongeneric Collections

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15.2 A First Look at LINQ Query


LINQ and Implicitly Typed Local Variables

 Type of the variable induced from expression

 Must include initializer
 Can’t be null. Why not?

 What happens if “var” is a class in scope?
 Works in for loops

<b>var i =</b> <b>5;</b>

<b>var s =</b> <b>"Hello";</b>

<b>var d =</b> <b>1.0;</b>

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LINQ Query Expressions

LINQ and Extension Methods

 The Problem: How to add a method to a type you don’t control

and can’t subtype?

 Example: How to add Standard Query Operators to

IEnumerable<T>, without deriving a new interface?

 Solution: Extension methods aren’t really members of the target

type, but the syntax makes them look that way

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LINQ Query Expressions

LINQ and Extension Methods

 Not for properties, events, operators

 Currently under consideration

 Equivalent to calling the static method

 Difference from actually extending the class?

 How could we use this for Polynomials?

 Disadvantages?

 Implicitness

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LINQ Query Expressions

Creating Extension Methods

 Define a Static Class

 Define a static method whose first argument is an object of type

 [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension] attribute on first

parameter tells CLR the method is an Extension

 C# binds the attribute to keyword “this”

 Create a T object, and call the method as if it were a member of
the object

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Replacing LINQ Extension Methods

 Extension Methods have lower priority of resolution than type

 So if a type has a member with same signature as a LINQ

extension method, the type’s member will be called, and there is
no ambiguity

This is how DLINQ and XLINQ replace the default LINQ

implementations of the Standard Query Operators

<b>class</b> <b>MyList :</b> <b>IEnumerable<int> {</b>

<b>public</b> <b>IEnumerable<int></b> <b>Where(</b>

<b>Func<int,bool></b> <b>filter) {</b>

<b>// LINQ queries on MyList objects will call this</b>
<b>// instead of Sequence.Where()</b>

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Lambda Expressions

 Lambda Expressions

 Generalized function syntax

  x . x + 1

 in C# 3.0, have x => x + 1

 From anonymous delegate syntax:

 delegate(int x) { return x + 1;}

 Can have implicitly typed variables

 Can have more than one variable

 Can have expression or statement body

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

 Lambda expressions

 Can be converted to delegate type

 if parameters and body match

 Participate in type inference

 If expression body, get expression trees

Lambda Expression

<b>delegate</b> <b>R Func<A,R>(A arg);</b>

<b>Func<int,int></b> <b>f1 =</b> <b>x =></b> <b>x +</b> <b>1;</b>

<b>Func<int,double></b> <b>f2 =</b> <b>x =></b> <b>x +</b> <b>1;</b>

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Lambda Expression

 Lambda expressions

 Type inference

 If call Select(customers, c => c.Name);

 T, S mapped to appropriate types

<b>public</b> <b>static</b> <b>IEnumerable<S></b> <b>Select<T,S>(</b>

<b>this</b> <b>IEnumerable<T></b> <b>source,</b>

<b>Func<T,S></b> <b>selector)</b>


<b>foreach</b> <b>(T element in</b> <b>source)</b>

<b>yield return</b> <b>selector(element);</b>

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The Role of Differed Execution

LINQ query expressions are not actually evaluated

until you iterate over their contents

Apply the same LINQ query multiple times to the

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The Role of Immediate Execution

To evaluate a LINQ expression from outside the confines

of foreach logic, you are able to call any number of

extension methods defined by the Enumerable type

Extension methods:ToArray<T>,

ToDictionary<TSource,TKey>(), and ToList<T>()

Capture a LINQ query result set in a strongly typed

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15.1 Understanding the Role of LINQ

15.2 A First Look at LINQ Query Expressions

15.3 LINQ and Generic Collections

15.4 LINQ and Nongeneric Collections

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15.3 LINQ and Generic Collections

LINQ query expressions can also manipulate data within

members of the System.Collections.Generic namespace,

such as the List<T> type

<b>class</b> <b>Car</b>


<b>public</b> <b>string</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>string.Empty;</b>

<b>public</b> <b>string</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>string.Empty;</b>

<b>public</b> <b>int</b> <b>Speed;</b>

<b>public</b> <b>string</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>string.Empty;</b>

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System.Collections.Generic classes

 List<ItemType>

 Dictionary<K,V>

 Stack<ItemType>

 Queue<ItemType>

System.Collections.Generic interfaces

 IList<ItemType>

 IDictionary<K,V>

 ICollection<ItemType>

 IEnumerable<ItemType>

 IEnumerator<ItemType>

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Applying a LINQ Expression

grabbing items from the List<T> where the Speed

property is greater than 55

<b>static void</b> <b>GetFastCars(List<Car></b> <b>myCars)</b>

<b>// Create a query expression.</b>

<b>var fastCars =</b> <b>from c in</b> <b>myCars where c.Speed ></b> <b>55</b> <b>select c;</b>

<b>foreach</b> <b>(var car in</b> <b>fastCars)</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("{0} is going too fast!",</b> <b>car.PetName);</b>

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15.1 Understanding the Role of LINQ

15.2 A First Look at LINQ Query Expressions

15.3 LINQ and Generic Collections

15.4 LINQ and Nongeneric Collections

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15.4 LINQ and Nongeneric Collections

It is possible to iterate over data contained within

nongeneric collections using the generic

Enumerable.OfType<T>() method

<b>// Extract the ints from the ArrayList.</b>

<b>ArrayList myStuff =</b> <b>new</b> <b>ArrayList();</b>

<b>myStuff.AddRange(new object[] {</b> <b>10,</b> <b>400,</b> <b>8,</b> <b>false,</b> <b>new</b> <b>Car(),</b>

<b>"string data"</b> <b>});</b>

<b>IEnumerable<int></b> <b>myInts =</b> <b>myStuff.OfType<int>();</b>

<b>// Prints out 10, 400, and 8.</b>

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Nongeneric Collections

Use the previously defined Car type and import the

System.Collections namespace

<b>static void</b> <b>Main(string[]</b> <b>args)</b>


<b>Console.WriteLine("***** LINQ over ArrayList *****\n");</b>

<b>// Here is a nongeneric collection of cars.</b>
<b>ArrayList myCars =</b> <b>new</b> <b>ArrayList() {</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Henry",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Silver",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>100,</b> <b>Make </b>

<b>=</b> <b>"BMW"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Daisy",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Tan",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>90,</b> <b>Make =</b>


<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Mary",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Black",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>55,</b> <b>Make =</b>


<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Clunker",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Rust",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>5,</b> <b>Make =</b>


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15.1 Understanding the Role of LINQ

15.2 A First Look at LINQ Query Expressions

15.3 LINQ and Generic Collections

15.4 LINQ and Nongeneric Collections

15.5 The Internal Representation of LINQ Query Operators

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15.5 The Internal Representation of LINQ

Query Operators

Introduced to the process of building query expressions

using various C# query operators (such as from, in,

where, orderby, and select)

C# compiler actually translates these tokens into calls on

various methods of the System.Linq.Enumerable type

Many methods require a generic delegate of type

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Query Expressions

 Adds querying to language

 Important for interaction with DB

 Built-in data structures

 Leave query planning to data structure designer

 Implemented using above functionality

 Anonymous types and variables useful

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Query Expressions

 As with collections:

 not an interface

 just need to implement the methods

 necessary for backwards compatibility

 methods may be implemented by extension

 Methods named as above

 Any class that implements pattern can be accessed via the new

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Building Query Expressions with Query


Building LINQ expressions using various query operators

(from, in, where, orderby, etc.) is the most common and

most straightforward approach

<b>static void</b> <b>QueryStringWithOperators()</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("***** Using Query Operators *****");</b>

<b>string[]</b> <b>currentVideoGames = {"Morrowind",</b> <b>"BioShock",</b>
<b>"Half Life 2: Episode 1",</b> <b>"The Darkness",</b>

<b>"Daxter",</b> <b>"System Shock 2"};</b>

<b>// Build a query expression using query operators.</b>

<b>var subset =</b> <b>from g in</b> <b>currentVideoGames</b>

<b>where g.Length ></b> <b>6</b> <b>orderby g select g;</b>

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Building Query Expressions Using the

Enumerable Type and Lambdas

 Building a LINQ query expression using the methods of the

Enumerable type directly is much more verbose than making use of

the C# query operators

<b>static void</b> <b>QueryStringsWithEnumerableAndLambdas()</b>

<b>string[]</b> <b>currentVideoGames = {"Morrowind",</b> <b>"BioShock",</b>
<b>"Half Life 2: Episode 1",</b> <b>"The Darkness",</b>

<b>"Daxter",</b> <b>"System Shock 2"};</b>

<b>// Build a query expression using extension methods</b>
<b>// granted to the Array via the Enumerable type.</b>

<b>var subset =</b> <b>currentVideoGames.Where(game =></b> <b>game.Length ></b> <b>6)</b>

<b>.OrderBy(game =></b> <b>game).Select(game =></b> <b>game);</b>

<b>// Print out the results.</b>

<b>foreach</b> <b>(var game in</b> <b>subset)</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("Item: {0}",</b> <b>game);</b>

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Building Query Expressions Using the

Enumerable Type and Anonymous Methods

<b>static void</b> <b>QueryStringsWithAnonymousMethods()</b>


<b>Console.WriteLine("***** Using Anonymous Methods *****");</b>

<b>string[]</b> <b>currentVideoGames = {"Morrowind",</b> <b>"BioShock",</b>
<b>"Half Life 2: Episode 1",</b> <b>"The Darkness",</b>

<b>"Daxter",</b> <b>"System Shock 2"};</b>

<b>// Build the necessary Func<> delegates using anonymous methods.</b>

<b>Func<string,</b> <b>bool></b> <b>searchFilter =</b>

<b>delegate(string</b> <b>game) {</b> <b>return</b> <b>game.Length ></b> <b>6; };</b>

<b>Func<string,</b> <b>string></b> <b>itemToProcess =</b> <b>delegate(string</b> <b>s) {</b>

<b>return</b> <b>s; };</b>

<b>// Pass the delegates into the methods of Enumerable.</b>

<b>var subset =</b> <b>currentVideoGames.Where(searchFilter)</b>


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Building Query Expressions Using the

Enumerable Type and Raw Delegates

<b>class</b> <b>VeryComplexQueryExpression</b>


<b>public</b> <b>static void</b> <b>QueryStringsWithRawDelegates()</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("***** Using Raw Delegates *****");</b>

<b>string[]</b> <b>currentVideoGames = {"Morrowind",</b> <b>"BioShock",</b>

<b>"Half Life 2: Episode 1",</b> <b>"The Darkness",</b>

<b>"Daxter",</b> <b>"System Shock 2"};</b>

<b>// Build the necessary Func<> delegates using anonymous methods.</b>

<b>Func<string,</b> <b>bool></b> <b>searchFilter =</b> <b>new</b> <b>Func<string,</b> <b>bool>(Filter);</b>

<b>Func<string,</b> <b>string></b> <b>itemToProcess =</b> <b>new</b>

<b>// Pass the delegates into the methods of Enumerable.</b>
<b>var subset =</b> <b>currentVideoGames</b>


<b>// Print out the results.</b>

<b>foreach</b> <b>(var game in</b> <b>subset)</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("Item: {0}",</b> <b>game);</b>


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Internal Representation

Query expressions are created using various C# query


Query operators are simply shorthand notations for invoking

extension methods defined by the System.Linq.Enumerable


Many methods of Enumerable require delegates (Func<> in

particular) as parameters

Under C# 2008, any method requiring a delegate parameter

can instead be passed a lambda expression

<sub>Lambda expressions are simply anonymous methods in </sub>

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15.1 Understanding the Role of LINQ

15.2 A First Look at LINQ Query Expressions

15.3 LINQ and Generic Collections

15.4 LINQ and Nongeneric Collections

15.5 The Internal Representation of LINQ Query Operators

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15.6 Investigating the C# LINQ Query


<b>Operators</b> <b>Meaning in Life</b>

from, in

Used to define the backbone for any LINQ expression,
which allows you to extract a subset of data from a
fitting container.

where Used to define a restriction for which items to extract

from a container

select Used to select a sequence from the container

join, on, equals, into

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Building a New Test Project

Create a new Console Application named


Next, define a trivial Car type

Populate an array with the following Car objects within

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b>class</b> <b>Car</b>


<b>public</b> <b>string</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>string.Empty;</b>

<b>public</b> <b>string</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>string.Empty;</b>

<b>public</b> <b>int</b> <b>Speed;</b>

<b>public</b> <b>string</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>string.Empty;</b>

<b>public override</b> <b>string</b> <b>ToString()</b>

<b>return</b> <b>string.Format("Make={0}, Color={1}, Speed={2}, PetName={3}",</b>

<b>Make,</b> <b>Color,</b> <b>Speed,</b> <b>PetName);</b>


<b>static void</b> <b>Main(string[]</b> <b>args)</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("***** Fun with Query Expressions *****\n");</b>

<b>// This array will be the basis of our testing...</b>

<b>Car[]</b> <b>myCars =</b> <b>new</b> <b>[] {</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Henry",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Silver",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>100,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"BMW"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Daisy",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Tan",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>90,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"BMW"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Mary",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Black",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>55,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"VW"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Clunker",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Rust",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>5,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"Yugo"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Hank",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Tan",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>0,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"Ford"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Sven",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"White",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>90,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"Ford"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Mary",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Black",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>55,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"VW"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Zippy",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"Yellow",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>55,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"VW"},</b>

<b>new</b> <b>Car{</b> <b>PetName =</b> <b>"Melvin",</b> <b>Color =</b> <b>"White",</b> <b>Speed =</b> <b>43,</b> <b>Make =</b> <b>"Ford"}</b>

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Basic Selection Syntax

Ordering of the operators is critical

var result = from item in container select item;

<b>static void</b> <b>BasicSelection(Car[]</b> <b>myCars)</b>

<b>// Get everything.</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("All cars:");</b>

<b>var allCars =</b> <b>from c in</b> <b>myCars select c;</b>

<b>foreach</b> <b>(var c in</b> <b>allCars)</b>


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Obtaining Subsets of Data

To obtain a specific subset from a container, use the

<i>where operator</i>

<i>var result = from item in container where Boolean</i>

<i>expression select item;</i>

<b>static void</b> <b>GetSubsets(Car[]</b> <b>myCars)</b>

<b>// Now get only the BMWs.</b>

<b>var onlyBMWs =</b> <b>from c in</b> <b>myCars where c.Make ==</b>

<b>"BMW"</b> <b>select c;</b>

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Projecting New Data Types

The compiler defines a only property and a

read-only backing field for each specified name

Project new forms of data from an existing data source

<b>var makesColors =</b> <b>from c in</b> <b>myCars select new</b> <b>{c.Make,</b>


<b>foreach</b> <b>(var o in</b> <b>makesColors)</b>

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Reversing Result Sets

Using the generic Reverse<T>() method of the

<i>Enumerable type</i>

<b>static void</b> <b>ReversedSelection(Car[]</b> <b>myCars)</b>

<b>// Get everything in reverse.</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("All cars in reverse:");</b>

<b>var subset = (from c in</b> <b>myCars select </b>

<b>foreach</b> <b>(Car c in</b> <b>subset)</b>

<b>Console.WriteLine("{0} is going {1} </b>
<b>MPH",</b> <b>c.PetName,</b> <b>c.Speed);</b>

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Sorting Expressions

 A query expression can take an orderby operator to sort items in the subset by a
specific value

 To view the results in a descending order, simply include the descending operator

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1. static void OrderedResults(Car[] myCars)

2. {

3. // Order all the cars by PetName.

4. var subset = from c in myCars orderby c.PetName select c;
5. Console.WriteLine("Ordered by PetName:");

6. foreach (Car c insubset)

7. {

8. Console.WriteLine(c.ToString());

9. }

10. // Now find the cars that are going less than 55 mph,
11. // and order by descending PetName

12. subset = from c in myCars

13. where c.Speed > 55 orderby c.PetName descending select c;

14. Console.WriteLine("\nCars going faster than 55, ordered by PetName:");
15. foreach (Car c insubset)

16. {

17. Console.WriteLine(c.ToString());

18. }

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Finding Differences

 <b>obtaining a result set that determines the differences between </b>
<i><b>two IEnumerable<T> compatible containers</b></i>

static void GetDiff()

List<string> myCars = new List<String>
{ "Yugo", "Aztec", "BMW"};

List<string> yourCars = new List<String>
{ "BMW", "Saab", "Aztec" };

var carDiff =(from c in myCars select c)

.Except(from c2 in yourCars select c2);

Console.WriteLine("Here is what you don't have, but I do:");

foreach (string s in carDiff)

Console.WriteLine(s); // Prints Yugo.

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LINQ is a set of related technologies that attempts to

provide a single, symmetrical manner to interact with

diverse forms of data

LINQ query expressions can return any number of result

sets, it is common to make use of the var keyword to

represent the underlying data type

LINQ query operators are simply shorthand notations for

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