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Finding upper bounds of component instances with deallocation beyond local scope

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VNƯ Journal of Science, N atural ScicncGS and Technology 24 (2008) 82-91

Finding upper bounds of component instances

with deallocation beyond local scope

<b>Hoang A. Truong</b>

<i>College o f Technology, VNU, 144 Xuan Thuy Road, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam</i>

Received 31 O ctober 2007

A b stra c t. W e develop an abstract com ponent language and a static type system that can tells us
the m axim um resources a program m ay use. We prove that the upper resource bound is sharp and
we point out a polynom ial algorithm that can infer the sharp bound. Know ing the maximal
resources a program m ay request allows us to adjust resource usage o f the program and to prevent
it from raising exceptions or behaving unexpectedly on system s that do not have enough resources.
This work extends our previous w orks in one crucial point: the deallocation prim itive can free an
instance beyond its local scope. This sem antics m akes the language m uch closer to practical ones.

1. In tro d u c tio n

Any softw are program needs resources to

run. These resources can be physical

components such as m em ory or com m unication
ports, or they can be virtual com ponents o f the
operating system or the underlying runtime
machine such as file handles or TC P/IP sockets.
As most o f these resources are lim ited, any
computer program should be prepared for the

out-of-resource situation at runtim e.

There are several solutions to the problem ,
ranging from dynam ic checking, testing to
static analysis. Runtim e checking for failure
every time the progi'am requests for a resource
is costly. These dynamic checks increase the
program size and reduce its perform ance. On
embedded and handheld devices only a small
overhead is significant. Even w hen the dynam ic
checks are inserted, the program still stops

w orking w hen the system does not have enough
resource. Testing is always necessary, but it
does not cover all possibilities. Furtheim ore,
testing m ay not be applicable for m odem
applications w hich are extensible, com posable
from m odules o f thirdparties and these m odules
can be updated autom atically. The last method
is the best if possible. It allow s us to detect
potential problem s at com pile time, before the
program is deployed.

C om ponent softw are is built from various
com ponents, possibly developed by third-
parties [1,2]. These com ponents may in turn use
other com ponents and so on. U pon execution,
instances o f these com ponents and their sub-
com pnents are created and discarded. Since
each instance uses some resources, some

com ponents are required to have only a certain
num ber o f sim ultaneously active instances.

In this paper we explore the possibility o f a
type system [3-5], a branch o f static analysis,
E-mail: hoangta@\nu.cdu.vn

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<i>Hoang</i> /4. <i>T m o n g</i> / VNƯ <i>journal o f Science, N atural Sciences nnd Technology 24 (2008) 82-91</i> 83

<i>w hich allows one to detect statically w hether or </i>
not the num ber o f sim ultaneously active
instances o f specific com ponents exceeds the
allowed number. N ote that here we does not
directly control actual resources. Instead we
will abstract them by the num ber o f instances.
U sing types and effects systems [6,7], we can
infer every specific resource by adding
annotations to com ponents using the resource.

This work extended our previous w ork [8]
by allowing the deallocation operate beyond

local store. The simple change in the

operational sem antics requires additional in­
form ation in type expressions and some typing
rules also need changes substantially. As it is
unusual to allow deallocation go beyond a
thread, we leave out the parallel com position
for simplicity. The type system can be extended

with the similar rule in [8] if we add the parallel
com position to the language.

Table 1.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces the com ponent language and a small-
step operational sem antics. Section 3 defines
types and the typing relation. Section 4 shows
several im portant properties o f the system,
am ong them are type soundness and sharpness
o f resource bounds. Last, Section 5 concludes.

2. A c o m p o n en t la n g u ag e

<i>2.7. Syntax</i>

C om ponent program s, declarations and
expressions are defined in Table 2.1. We use
extended B ackus-N aur F om i w ith infix I for
choice and overlining for K leene closure (zero
or more iterations).



<i>ì^nHỊ</i> Proizrain

<i>D r d s</i> D eclaratio n s

/■; H xprcssiiin

1 (■ Hmptv

n e v .r In stan tiatio n

d e l . r D eallo catio n

i <i>{ E ^ E ]</i> C h o ice

<i>\</i> Scopc


1 <i>E E</i> S cq u cn cin u


<i>Com ponent nam es, ranged over by X, y, z, </i>

are collected in a set


Com ponent

<i>expressions, ranged over h y A, </i> <i>E, can be </i>
empty expressions - used for startup, or they
can be formed by tw o prim itives new and d e l
for creating and deleting an instance o f a
component, respectively, or they can be
assem bled by three com position operators:

choice, denoted by +, scope, denoted by {}, and
sequencing denoted by juxtaposition.

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84 <i>H oang A . T ruong Ị V N U journal o f Science, N atural Sciences and Technology 24 (2008) 82-91</i>

body an em pty expression <i>X ^ e . A prim itive </i>
com ponent is the one that does not depend on
any other com ponents, so it can be used to
represent som e specific resource such as a serial
com m unication port.

A com ponent program is defined by a list o f
com ponent declarations follow ed by a main
expression, w hich w ill be the startup expression
w hen the program is executed.

<i>2.2. O perational sem antics</i>

T able 2.2 defines form ally the operational
sem antics by a transition system betw een
configurations. A configuration is a stack o f
pairs o f a m ultiset and an expression. A con­
<i>figuration is term inal if it has the fo n n (A/, e). </i>
<i>W e denote a stack S T o f n elem ent by (Ml, El)</i>
<i>0 ...0 (Mn, EfJ w here (Ml, </i> <i>Eị) </i> is the bottom,
<i>(Mn, E J is the top o f the stack, and ‘o ’ is the </i>
stack separator.

Table 2. Transition rules

(o sN ew ) <i>.y < A c D i'cU </i>
T o ( . \ / . n e y . r i : ) <i>Z o { A f</i>

(o sD el) <i>J- (_ Aíị: and ,r (/ .\íị._ ị ì .... .\/,i</i>

<i>M ị: </i> <i>E'y; Ị o</i> ,, o ( / : )

- T o

(o sC h o ice ) <i>i </i> {1^1?}

{o sP u sh )

<i>^ T o { M . / : } o ( [ ] . . ! )</i>

<i>7 o [ A L E )</i>

By the rules osN ew , osDel, and osC hoice
we only rew rite the pair at the top o f the stack.
The rule osN ew first creates a new instance o f
com ponent X in th e local store. Then i f X is a
prim itive com ponent it continues to execute the
rem aining expression £ ; otherw ise, it continues
<i>to execute A before executing the rem aining </i>
<i>expression E. T he rule osDel deallocates an </i>
in sta n c e o f X in th e firs t s to re fro m th e top o f the
stack, if there exists one. If there exists no
in sta n c e o f X in th e w h o le sta c k , th e e x e c u tio n is

stuck. N ote that here we have abstracted away
the specific instance that w ill be deleted. The
rule osC hoice selects a branch to execute and
rules o sP u sh and o sP o p are for the scope

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Hơí7/i<^> v4. <i>T m o n g</i> / <i>V N U lournaỉ o f Science, N atural Sciences and Technology 24 (2008) 82-91</i> 85

G iv e n a p ro g ra m , a n a tu ra l w a y to in fe r th e
m a x im u m a m o u n t o f a re s o u rc e th at th e
p ro g ra m n e e d s is to a n n o ta te th e u s a g e o f th at
re so u rc e th at e a c h c o m p o n e n t d ire c tly u se s.
T h a i is. vvc h a v e a fu n c tio n fo r e a c h re s o u rc e
th at m ap s e v e ry c o m p o n e n t n a m e to th e a m o u n t
o f th e re so u rc e th a t th e c o m p o n e n t d ire c tly
u se s. T h e n w e c a n ru n th e p ro g ra m a n d
c a lc u la te th e to tal re s o u rc e c o n s u m p tio n o f e a c h
e x e c u tio n sta te b y ta k in g th e su m o f re s o u rc e s
o c c u p ie d b y all e x is tin g in sta n c e s . F o r e x a m p le ,
i f a p ro g ra m h a s fo u r c o m p o n e n ts <i>a, h, c, d </i>an d
c o m p o n e n ts <i>a a n d c e a c h u se s 1K B o f m e m o ry , </i>

<i>com ponents h and d cach uses 2KB. T hen at the </i>
<i>state {[b, e, (I, d], E), the program occupies 7KB </i>
o f m e m o ry .

In the above m ethod, we need to exam ine
all possible states o f the program to know the
m axim um resources that the program needs. In

general, these m ethods are not applicable to
dclcct these m axim a sincc testing all possible
runs is usually im possible due to a possible
exponential num ber o f such runs or circular
dependencies o f com ponents. T he type system
in the next section can tell us the m axim um re ­
source consum ption for a class o f program s and
it inspires a polynom ial algorithm to find such
an upper bound.

3. A ty p e system

The main purpose o f our type system is to
find out the m axim um num ber o f coexistent
instances that a program can create during the
running o f the program. W e will need the
m axim um num ber for each com ponent, so that
mean we need to find a set o f pair X , <i>n for each </i>
com ponent .V. This is exactly the notion o f
m ultiset, which is a set with multiple
occurrences o f elem ents. T herefore m ultiset is

the right data structure for storing these m axim a
in a type expression.

A nother im portant aspect o f m ost type

system s is the property so-called

com positionality. That is, type o f an expression

can be com puted from types o f its subexpres­
sions. In our language, the choice com position
is not rather straightforw ard since the m axim um
<i>if A-^B is m axim um o f two m axim a o f Ả and 5 , </i>
while the sequential com position is the m uch
more sophisticated.

<i>W hen com posing A B we need to know the </i>
<i>m axim um num ber o f instances o f A. D uring the </i>
<i>running o f B, we need to know the m axim um </i>
<i>num ber o f instances that A left after its </i>
<i>execution. So we need another m ultiset. B ut B </i>
<i>can be a deallocation such as delx, this m ultiset </i>
should also has negative elem ents. So it needs
<i>to be a sig n ed multiset. A signed m ultiset is a </i>
m ultiset but with negative occurrences o f
elem ents.

A nother point we need the type system to
be able to detect is the safety o f deallocation.
<i>W hen com posing A B and B m ay have some </i>
<i>deallocations, then we need to m ake sure that A </i>
has at least enough instances created so that
<i>deallocation in B can be executed safely. </i>
Therefore, we need another m ultiset for storing
<i>the m inim um num ber o f instances that B needs </i>
<i>and this m ultiset will allow B to be com posed </i>
<i>safely with any A that can create such m inim a.</i>

<i>Last, when an expression A is enclosed in a </i>

scope, {^} will not increase the num ber o f
<i>instances o f after the execution o f [A], but it </i>
still can delete instances in the environm ent, as
we can see the rule osDel. T he m axim um
deallocation is exactly the safety m ultiset

m entioned in previous paragraph. The

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8 6 <i>H oang A . T n w n g Ị V N U Journal o f Science, N atural Sciences and Technology 24 (2008) 82-91</i>

num ber o f deallocations. Therefore, w e need
tw o safety stores for typing scope expressions.

Types are tuples o f three m ultisets and two
signed m ultisets. W e let range over types.

<i>D efin itio n 3.1. (T ypes). Types o f com ponent </i>
<i>expressions are tuples</i>

<i><b>X = (^x\x\x‘, x \ x ‘)</b></i>

<i>w here X ' , X ' ' , X ’ are m ultisets and </i>

<i><b>x° ,x' </b></i>

<i>are sig n ed m ultisets.</i>

M ultisets are denoted by [...], w here sets are

denoted, as usual, by <i>M{x) is the</i>

m ultiplicity o f elem ent <i><b>X </b>in the m ultiset M and </i>
<i>M {x) = 0 if X Ể M The operation u is union o f </i>

<i>m ultisets: {M u N){x) = vadx{M{x),N{x)). The </i>
operation + or 1+) is additive union o f multisets:
<i>{M + A0(-^) = Af(x) + N{x). W e w rite M + X ĩor </i>
<i>M +[x] </i>a n d w hen X <i>€ A/ we w rite M - x ĨOT M - </i>

<i>x]. D om ain o f M , also called support set, </i>
notation dom(A/), is the set o f elem ents that
<i>occur in M \ dom(A/) = {;c I M {x) 7^ 0}.</i>

<i>Sim ilarly, a signed m ultiset M , also denoted </i>
by [...], over a set 5 is a m ap from 5 to z , the
<i>set o f integers. F or exam ple, [x, -y, -y] is a </i>
signed m ultiset w here the m ultiplicity o f X is 1
<i>and the m ultiplicity o f y is -2. Signed m ultisets </i>
are also called hyb rid set [9]. The analogous
operations o f m ultisets are defined for signed
<i>multisets. M (x) is the m ultiplicity o f X (can be </i>

<b>negative); </b>


<b> = 0 </b>w hen <b>X is </b>not an elem ent <b>o f </b>

<i>M , notation X Ể M . L etM , / / b e signed multisets, </i>
<i>then we have additive union: (M + N)(x) = M(x) </i>
<i>+ N(x); subfraction: {M - N )(x) = M (x) - N{x) </i>

union: <i>{M u N){x) = max(M(;c), </i> <i>N{x))</i>

<i>intersection: {M n N )(x) = min(M(x), N{x))</i>

inclusion: M c <i>i f M {x) < N {x) for all X € M\ </i>

<i>dom ain or support set dom(Ả/) = {x </i>I <i>M (x) Ỷ 0}. </i>
<i>Last, w e define M </i> be the m ultiset received
<i>from M by rem oving all elem ents w ith positive </i>

<i>' M i x ) , </i> if M ( x ) < 0
0 ; if M ( x ) > 0
M l <i>{ X) —</i>

H aving the m eanings o f each part o f a type,
Table 3 describes all typing rules. Before
looking at that table, w e need to clarify some
<i>term inologies. A basis or typing environm ent is </i>

a list o f declarations: Xj . An

em pty basis is denoted by 0 . Let r , A range

over bases. The <i>dom ain </i> <i>o f </i> <i>a </i> <i>basis </i>


= Xj notation



<i>the set {xi,...,xn} .A typing ju d g e m e n t (or ju s t </i>
<i>ju d g em en t) is a tuple o f the form:</i>

<i>Y \ - E \ X</i>

<i>and it asserts that expression E has type X in the </i>
environm ent r . A typing ju d g em en t can be
<i>regarded as valid or invalid. V alid ones are </i>

identified by the follow ing definitions.

D efinition 3.2. (V alid typing judgem ents).
<i>Valid typing ju d g e m en ts T </i> <i>A \ X are derived </i>
<i>by applying the typing rules in Table 3 in the </i>
<i>usual inductive way.</i>

B y the term usual inductive w ay we mean a
valid judgem ent is one that can be obtained as
the root o f a tree o f judgem ents, w here each

ju d gem ent is obtained from the ones

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Table 3. Typing rules



r h .l;.v r h


,r Ể

r..r-<£? r .l:.v


i ' r . l : A ' J - 'ỊÍ domi l'}

<b>r 7 7 K ’.-r- 'nev J'T(</b>





r - -4:.v .r e dom(r)

r del7 :([.rjX']. I



r h . 4 : A ' T h ữ : r <i>Á . D ỹẺ t</i>

<i><b>Z" = X"</b></i>

I.j{r" -

<i><b>x ‘) Z’</b></i>

= X' U{r' -


<i><b>Z‘ = x> i)</b></i>

(.V''-*- V''} Z'' = A''^ ---

z' = .Y' ^ V''

“T T ^ i b Tz .. .... ....


r r .l; .v r r

<i>B : ) '</i>


= X" UV'"..V' n V\.V'LJ V''..V"ur'',.V' n


<b>r h </b>


<i><b> . B] : Z</b></i>


r - . 1 : X

<b>r h </b>

<b>A''. -V'. - A''*)</b>

These typing rules deserve som e further

explanation. T he m ost critical rule is Seq
because sequencing tw o expressions can lead to
increase in instances o f the com posed
expression. The first m ultiset o f the type o f an
expression is for the safety o f deallocations in
<i>the expression. First, we 4 still need X ' for the</i>

<i>safety o f deallocations in A. Second, since there </i>
are at least

<i><b>x ‘</b></i>

instances after the execution o f
<i>A, we need at least (y* - x ' ] for the safety o f</i>

<i>B. </i> Therefore, we need X ’ u (y* —

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8 8 <i>H oang A . T ruong</i> / <i>V N U jo urnal o f Science, N atural Sciences and Technology 24 (2008) 82-91</i>

m inim al safety o f deallocations. The third
m u ltis e t is th e m a x im u m in s ta n c e s th a t <i>A B </i>c a n
<i>reach. It can be the m axim um o f A or the </i>
m a x im a l o u tc o m e o f <i>A to g e th e r w ith the </i>

<i>m axim um o f B. T he rem aining two signed </i>

m ultisets, and are easy referring

to the sem antics o f them.

O ther typing rules are straightforw ard. The
rule Axiom is used for startup. The rule
W eakenB allow s us to extend a basis so that the
rules Seq, Choice m ay be applied. The rule

N e w accum ulates a new instance in type
expression w hile the rule Del reduces by one
instance. In the rule Del, the first tw o multisets
are for the safety o f the deallocation. The third
m ultiset in the type o f d e l X is em pty since it
has no effect to the m axim um in com position,
<i>but the last two m ultisets are both [-x] since del </i>
<i>X rem oves one X from the environm ent. The </i>
<i>ju d g em en t r \- A : X in the prem ise o f this rule </i>

only guarantees that the basis r is legal.

<i>N ow w e can define the notion o f w ell-typed </i>
<i>pro gra m with respect to our type system. </i>
B asically, a program is w ell-typed if we can
derive a type for the m ain expression o f the
program from a list o f the program declarations.
As m entioned in the Introduction Section 1, we
have an polynom ial algorithm (cf. [9]) which
can autom atically decide w hether a program is
w ell-typed or not.

D efinition 3.3. (W ell-typed programs).

<i>Program P rog = D ecls; E is w ell-typed i f there </i>
<i>exists a reordering r o f declarations in Decls </i>
<i>such that T \ - E \X .</i>

4. S o u n d n ess a n d s h a rp n e s s

W e state several im portant properties o f the
type system and left out some supporting
properties that are sim ilar as in [8'.

<i>4.1, Soundness properties</i>

O ne o f the m ost im portant properties of
static type system s is the soundness. It states
that w ell-typed program s cannot cause type
eư o rs. In our m odel, type eư o rs occur w hen the
program tries to delete an instance w hich does
not exists or w hen the program tries to
instantiate a com ponent X but there is no
declaration o f <i><b>X. </b></i> W e will prove that these two
situations will not happen. Besides, we will
prove an additional im portant property which
guarantees that a w ell-typed program will not
create m ore instances than a m axim um stated in
its type, and the m axim um is sharp.

O ur p ro o f o f the type soundness is based on
the approach o f W right and Felleisen [10]. W e
will prove two m ain lem m as: Preservation and
Progress. The first lem m a states that well-
typedness is preserved under reduction. The
latter guarantees that w ell-typed program s
cannot get stuck, that is, m ove to a nonterm inal
state, from w hich it cannot m ove to another
state. First we need to define w hat a well-typed
configuration means.

D efinition 4.1. (W ell-typed configuration).
<i>C onfiguration T = {Mị, Eị) o ... o {Mn, E„) is</i>
<i>w ell-typed with respect to a basis r , notation </i>
<i>r N X ỉ/ fo r h = L .n there exists Z/, such that</i>

<b>r r- </b> <i>ú ỉ ì l<b>Ị ỊT|^ ! ' rGt5;;(/ỉ - I) </b></i> <b>n</b>


<i><b>rets.;i/;} = \ M ị , - ret5_’(/i - Ì ) ~ Z ' l</b></i>

N ote that we have sim plified the definition
<i>o f rets for trivial cases that vetsj{k) = 0 for </i>
<i>k > n.</i>

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Honn^ <i>A . T ru o n g</i> / <i>V N U journal o f Science, N atural Sciences and Technology/ 24 (2008) 82-91</i> 89

<i>L e m m a 4.2. (Preservation). ĩ f r ị ^ T and T </i>

<i>T \ t h e n r > T ’</i>

<i>L e m m a 4.3. (Progress). J f r \ = T , ihen either T</i>

<i>is term in a ted or there exists a co n fig u ra tio n T ’</i>
<i>such that T ^ T'.</i>

N ext, we show an invariant w hich allow s us
to infer the resource bounds o f w ell-typed

program s. The invariant is about the

m onotonicity o f the m axim um num ber o f
instances that a w e ll- ty p e d configuration T =

{Ml, £)} 0...0 (A/n, ^n) can reach. W e calculate
the m axim um num ber as follows.

<i>} I</i>

m3xins(Tl = I J m axinsịT./;)

<i>Í, </i>- 1
W here

<i>m a x ín s iT ./í} = [ 7 :i,] • A’/, • reto,;{/j - I } </i>
<i>re to .;(/0 = \}ỈI: ■ re to .;(/i - 1} - -VJ'; '</i>

<i>W here Xf, IS the type o f E/,. D uring </i>
transition, this m axim um num ber o f instances
that the configuration can generate does not
increase. Furtherm ore, w hen the m axim um is
not reach for some com ponent, there exists a
next configuration such that the m axim um is
the same. This allow s us to prove the sharpness
o f the type system.

<i>L e m m a 4.4. (Invariant o f m axins). I f Y \ = T </i>
<i>a n d T -V/-* T ’, then</i>

<i>• </i> maxins (T ) 3 m axins ( T ’)

• <i>^ rnaxins(T)(z) fo r som e z, </i>
<i>then there exists T" such that T </i> T"
<i>and m axins(T) = m axins(T")</i>

N ow we can state the type soundness
together with the upper bound o f instances that
a w elltyped program alw ays respects.

<i>T h e o re m 4.5. (Soundness). L et Prog = Decls; </i>
<i>E be well-typed, that is, r \- E :X f o r som e </i>
<i>reordering </i>


<i>o f Deals an d som e type X. Then </i>
<i>f o r any T such that ([], E) </i> <i>T we have that</i>

<i>T is not stuck a nd [T] c X .</i>

<i>4.2. Termination and sharpness</i>

Before presenting the sharpness property,
we need to show that any w elltyped program
tenninates in a finite num ber o f steps. The
com m on tool for proving the term ination o f
<i>program s (cf. [11, 5]) is to find a term ination </i>
<i>fun ctio n w hich m aps program states to a well- </i>
<i>fo u n d e d set. A w ell-founded set is a set </i>


w ith
an ordering > on elem ents o f


such that there
can be no infinite descending sequences o f
elem ents. W e choose the set o f natural num bers
N and the usual ordering > to be a w ell-founded

set (N,>). The term ination function m ts is
defined for expressions and for configurations
as follows.

0 . i f /-: = r
<i>1. ii' E — d e l .1'</i>

<i>1 - m ts i'.l) . i r / ỉ = n e v .r . . r —cA (z D ic l^ </i>
<i>m ts (. l) - m t s ị l i } . if E = À B </i>

<i><b>'1</b> * m ts i. l). if E — (.1 </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

90 <i>H oang A . Truong</i> / <i>V N U jo urnal o f Science, N atural Sciences and Technology 24 (2008) 82-91</i>

The integers 0, 1 and 2 in the definition are
the co ư esp o n d in g steps o f the operational
sem antics. The function is defined for a stack T
<i>= (M u E]) 0 . . . 0 </i> <i>E„) as follows:</i>


Here /2 - 1 is the num ber o f osPop steps.

<i>N ote that, if E is the m ain expression o f a </i>
w e ll- ty p e d p r o g r a m , th e n


is th e
m axim um ữ an sitio n steps that the program
takes to term inate in any run, not all possible
runs o f the p ro g ram because there m ay be an
exponential n u m ber o f such runs. The following
theorem guarantees the term ination o f any well-

typed program .

T h e o ra m 4.6. (T erm ination)

<i>7. I f T N T a n d T 'N/-* T', then m ts(7) > mts </i>
( T ’)

<i>2. </i> <i>A w ell-typ ed p rog ra m alw ays term inates </i>
<i>in a fin ite num ber o f steps.</i>

Last, the sharpness o f the type system
show s that there is a run o f any w elltyped
program such that the m axim um num ber o f
instances reaches the bound expressed in p ro ­
g ram ’s type.

<i>T h e o re m 4.7 (Sharpness). L et P rog = D ecls; E </i>
<i>be welltyped, that is, Y h E : X f o r som e</i>
<i>reordering r o f D ecls a n d som e type X. Then </i>
<i>f o r any z 6 X , there exists a sequence o f</i>
<i>configurations ([],£ )= To </i> T] ... TTn
<i>such that [T](z) = Xi{z).</i>

<i>4.3. Type inference</i>

Type inference is sim ilar to those in our
previous w orks [8 , 9]. W e have a polynom ial

type inference algorithm th at can infer the type
o f a program if there is one, and it reports

failure otherw ise.

5. R e la te d w o rk s a n d c o n clu sio n

There are several other w orks on static and
analysis o f m em ory use. In [12,13] C hin et. Al.
presented a type system that can capture
m em ory bounds o f object-oriented programs.
He provided a fram ew ork in [13] for inferring
abstract size o f program s as exact as possible
(since they used Pres-burger form ulae for size
inform ation). O ur language has an explicit
deallocation prim itive and o u r com putation o f
resource bounds is exact. C rary and W eirich

14] presented decidable type system s for low
level languages w hich are capable o f specifying
and certifying that their program s will term inate
w ithin a given am ount o f tim e, but the type
system does not infer any bounds given by
program m ers. In contrast, out type systems
focus on high level languages and they can infer
the shaq) upper bounds o f resources, Hofmann

15] showed that linear type system s can ensure
that program s do not increase the size o f their
input so that exponential grow th o f immediate
results can be avoided, even with the presence
o f iterated recursion. H is languages are
functional w hile ours are im perative.

W e have presented an absừ act com ponent
language that focuses on tw o prim itives for

m anipulating resources (allocation and

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<i>H oang A . T ru o n g Ị V N U Ịo u r m l o f Science, N atural Sciences and Technology 24 (2008) 82-91</i> 91

shown in our previous works. D ue to space
lim itations, proofs are not included here. W e
plan to p ro v id e a te c h n ic a l r e p o r t th a t c o n ta in s
all proofs.

W e have left out som e features such as
loops, function calls, and recursions to sim plify
the system. A dding finite loops and function
calls w ould not be difficult and w ould not cause
substantial changes to the type systems. W e
plan to consider them in the future.

This w ork was partly supported by the
research project N o. 204006 entitled “M odern
M ethods for B uilding Intelligent System s”
granted by the N ational IT Fundam ental
Research Program o f V ietnam .

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