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UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY ( Read+ language focus)

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<b>UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY ( Read+ language focus)</b>

<b>+ Từ vựng:</b>

- folk /fəʊk/ (n): người

- explanation /ˌekspləˈneɪʃn/(n): lời giải thích

- bubble /ˈbʌbl/ (n): bong bóng

- valuable /ˈvỉljuəbl/ (a): quí giá

- keep on = go on = continue: tiếp tục

- minimize /ˈmɪnɪmaɪz/ (v): giảm đến tối thiểu

- look forward to: mong đợi

+ Ngữ pháp:

<b>1. Connectives: and : và, but: nhưng, because: bởi vì, or: hoặc , so: vì thế, therefore: vì </b>

thế, however: tuy nhiên.

Dùng để nối hoặc liên kết những từ, cụm từ hoặc câu với nhau.

<b>EX: My hobbies are playing soccer and listening to music.</b>

<b>EX; I want other car but I have no money.</b>

<b>EX: I failed in my exam because I didn’t study.</b>

<b>EX: Would you like tea or coffee?</b>

<b>EX: It’s raining , so I’ll stay home and read.</b>

<b>EX: I passed the test, therefore, my parents took me to the circus.</b>

<b>EX: I feel sleepy, however, I must finish the report.</b>

<b>2. Phrasal verbs: ( Cụm động từ)</b>

a. Turn off # turn on: tắt#mở

Ex: I forgot to turn off the light when I went out.

Ex: I Turn on the light! It’s dark in here.

b. Look for: tìm kiếm

Ex: What are you looking for?

c. Look after: chăm sóc

Ex: Who will look after the garden when you’re on vacation?

d. Go on: tiếp tục

Ex: If you go on doing that, you’ll be punished.

<b>3. Making suggestions: ( Đưa ra lời yêu cầu)</b>

a. Suggest + V-ing:

Ex: I suggest taking the children to the zoo.

b. Suggest + that + S + should

Ex: I suggest that you should speak English in class.

<b>I.</b> <b>Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences:</b>

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A. on B. off C. in D. for

2. What are you looking …………..? . My picture book. I've lost it.
A. on B. off C. in D. for

3. There are…………saving methods and inventions to use solar energy.
A. energetic B. energize C. energy D. energetics

4. I had to pay much money this month for the international ………
A. calls B. calling C. to call D. called

5. A new air-conditioner will be………….. this morning.
A. to install B. installed C. installing D. install

6. Scientists are looking for an………….. way to reduce energy consumption
A. effect B. effection C. effective D. effectively

7. We can………….. easily in the daylight.

A. to read B. reading C. readed D. read

8. She won't take all these suitcases………….. she likes to travel light.
A. so B. but C. because D. therefore

9. They are completely short of water now. A number of people have died because of this

A. shortage B. short C. shorten D. shortly
10. What can we do to spend less………….. lighting?

A. in B. on C. about D. of

11. She is very tired; ………….., she has to finish her homework.
A. moreover B. so C. and D. however
12. Is he an actor………….. a singer? An actor.

A. and B. or C. with D. so

13. He was tired, ………….. he took a rest before continuing the work.
A. so B. and C. but D. if

14. She forgot………….. off the gas before going out.
A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turned

15. I suggest ………….. money for the poor people in our neighborhood.
A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved

16. Who looks ………….. your children when you are away from home?
A. for B. at C. after D. to

17. Why doesn't she go………….. with her university study?

A. in B. at C. to D. on

18. After coming home, she cleaned the floor………….. cooked dinner.
A. but B. however C. moreover D. and

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20. He got wet………….. he forgot his umbrella.

A. because of B. because C. but D. and

21. He is going to the post office………….. he wants to send a letter.
A. because B. but C. and D. moreover

22. She bought potatoes………….. cabbage at the market.

A. although B. and C. however D. but
23. They learn English………….. they intend to go abroad.

A. and B. or C. so D. because
24. His hobbies are playing soccer………….. collecting stamps.

A. and B. but C. however D. although

25. I'd love to play volleyball………….. I must complete my homework.
A. since B. moreover C. but D. and

26. I wear hat………….. I don't want to be sick.

A. because B. but C. therefore D. and

27. I am going to the supermarket………….. I want to buy some food.
A. therefore B. because C. but D. however

28. Do you want to have coffee………….. tea?

A. and B. or C. although D. but
29. She studies well………….. she is busy.

A. because B. since C. although D. and
30. They went to school………….. it was raining hard.

A. however B. and C. therefore D. although

<b>II.</b> <i><b>Điiền vào ô trống các từ: AND I BUT I SO I OR I BECAUSE:</b></i>

1. I like Mary very much...I don't like her brother.

2. I'd like to live somewhere by the Mediterranean ………I love the Sun.
3. We enjoy learning English...we find it very difficult.

4. I can't go out tonight...I am short of money.

5. She went to the theatre last night...had a wonderful time.
6. They can't walk home...it is very dark.

7. Would you like to drink milk...coffee?
9. It's raining heavily,...I can't go out.
10. He did the tests well...I did, too.

<b>Write: Sử dụng từ trong ngoặc để nối 2 câu:</b>

1. He is very tired. He has to finish his homework. (but)
- He is very tired but he has to finish his homework

2. The room is very small. It's quite comfortable. (although)

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4. Our teacher didn't arrive late. The traffic was terrible. (although)

5. I like watching TV. I like going to the cinema. (and)

~ ...
6. She wears glasses. She wants to see better. (because)


