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Website: Studyland.edu.vn– Hotline: 0163 576 2976 <b>Grade 2 – Week05 – Worksheet 02 </b>
<b>Problem 1. </b> Which of these comes next in the pattern?
A. <i> </i> B.
C. <i> </i> D.
<b>Problem 2. </b> Which shapes above appear to be congruent?
A. 1 and 4 B. 2 and 4<i> </i>
C. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 3
<b>Problem 3. </b> Beth, Ann, and Lisa each brought a pie to their classroom for a party.
Beth cut her pie into thirds. Which is Beth's pie?
Làm bài trực tuyến để được chấm điểm tự động và theo dõi kết quả MIỄN PHÍ tại:
<i><b> /><i><b>=0&activeExercise=3434&active=1 </b></i>
<b>Đăng ký nhận bài tập tốn Tiếng VIỆT, toán Tiếng ANH cơ bản và nâng cao </b>
hàng tuần MIỄN PHÍ tại đây:
Website: Studyland.edu.vn– Hotline: 0163 576 2976 <b>Grade 2 – Week05 – Worksheet 02 </b>
A. A B. B <i> </i>
C. C D. D
<b>Problem 4. </b> Cathy has 192 blue beads to make a necklace. She buys 46 purple beads
at the store. How many beads does Cathy have in all?
A. 148 B. 238 <i> </i>
C. 248 <i> </i> D. 228
<b>Problem 5. </b> Jack's dinner will be ready at 5:10. Which of these clocks shows the time
that Jack's dinner will be ready?
A. B. <i> </i>
C. D.
Website: Studyland.edu.vn– Hotline: 0163 576 2976 <b>Grade 2 – Week05 – Worksheet 02 </b>
A. 56¢<i> </i> B. 57¢
C. 60¢<i> </i> D. 65¢
<b>Problem 7. </b> Which would be the best unit to measure the length of a crayon, pencil, or
A. inches <i> </i> B. feet
C. yards <i> </i> D. miles
<b>Problem 8. </b> Mr. Jones made a tally chart to keep track of the phone calls his family
got in one week. Looking at the chart, which of the statements below is
A. Paul got more phone calls than anyone.
B. Mr. Jones got the most calls.
C. Kathy’s calls were longer than Paul’s.<i> </i>
D. Mrs. Jones got the most calls.
<b>Problem 9. </b> Which of the following objects is shaped most like a cube?
A. a ball<i> </i> B. a die
Website: Studyland.edu.vn– Hotline: 0163 576 2976 <b>Grade 2 – Week05 – Worksheet 02 </b>
<b>Problem 10. </b> What could be the outside temperature?
A. 80oF<i> </i> B. 10oF
C. 31o<sub>F</sub><i><sub> </sub></i> <sub>D. </sub><sub> 45</sub>o<sub>F</sub>
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<i><b> /><i><b>=0&activeExercise=3434&active=1 </b></i>
<b>Đăng ký nhận bài tập toán Tiếng VIỆT, toán Tiếng ANH cơ bản và nâng cao </b>
hàng tuần MIỄN PHÍ tại đây: