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Tiếng Anh 6 | Các dạng câu so sánh

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<i>I.So sánh bằng:</i>

<b>* form: S1 + V + as + adv + as + S2.</b>
<b> S1 + Be + as + adj + as + S2.</b>
<i>* eg: - She runs as quickly as her brother.</i>
<i><b> - John is as tall as Tom.</b></i>

*So sánh không bằng/ kém hơn.

* form: S1 + not + be/V + as/so + adj/adv + as + S2.
S1 + be/V + less + adj/adv + than + S2.
*eg: - He is not so good as his brother.

- I am less rich than you.

<i> So sánh hơn</i> .

*Đối với tính từ, trạng từ ngắn.
<b>*form: adv/adj + ER + than </b>

<i><b>*eg: Mr Brown is older than Mr Peter.</b></i>
<i><b> He drives runner than I (do).</b></i>
*Đối với tính từ, trạng từ dài.

* form: more + adv/adj + than

<i><b> *eg: A car is more expensive than a bicycle.</b></i>
<i><b> Ha writes more carefully than Hai. </b></i>
<i><b>III.So sánh hơn nhất.</b></i>

*Đối với tính từ, trạng từ ngắn.
<b> * form: the + adv/adj + EST</b>
<i><b> *eg: Ha is the tallest in the class.</b></i>
<i><b> Lan runs the fastest in the class.</b></i>
*Đối với tính từ, trạng từ dài

*form: the + most + adv/adj

<i><b>*eg: This is the most difficult lesson in the book</b></i>

<i><b> Huong speaks English the most fluenty in my class.</b></i>
<i> </i>

<i> IV/- So sánh kép (double comparisons)</i>

Là loại so sánh với cấu trúc: Càng… càng… Các Adj so sánh phải đứng ở đầu
câu, trước chúng phải có The. Dùng một trong hai mẫu câu sau đây để so sánh kép:

<b>The+ comparative + S + be/V…, the + comparative + S + be/V…</b>
<i>(comparative: hình thức so sánh hơn)</i>

<b>Ex: The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.</b>

<b>The sooner you take your medicince, the better you will feel.</b>
<b>The bigger they are, the faster they fall.</b>

<b> The more you study, the smarter you will become.</b>

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So sánh


So sánh hơn

Good/ well (tốt) better best
Bad/ badly (xấu) worse worst
Many/ much


more most

Little (ít) less least
Far (xa) farther/furt



<b>B.Bài tập.</b>

<i> I.Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ đúng trong ngoặc.</i>

1.Of the four dresses, I like the red one(better/best)
2. Bill is the (happier/happiest) person we know.
3. Pat’s cat is (faster/fastest) than Peter’s.

4.This poster is (colourfuler/more colourful) than the one in the hall.

5.Does Fred feel ( weller/better) today than he did yesterday?

6.This vegetable soup tastes very( good/best)
7.Jane is the ( less/least) athletic of all the women.
8. My cat is the ( prettier/ prettiest) of the two.
9.This summary is ( the better/ the best) of the pair.
10. The colder the weather gets,(sicker/the sicker) I feel.
<i>II.Dùng hình thức đúng của tính từ/ trạng từ trong ngoặc.</i>
1.Mary is (pretty) as her sister.

2. A new house is (expensive) than an old one.
3. His job is( important) than mine.

4. Of the four ties, I like the red one(well).
5. Nobody is (happy) than Miss Snow.

6.Today English is the ( international) of languages.
7.Jonh is much( strong) than I thought.

8. Benches are ( comfortable) than arm- chairs.
9. Bill is (good) than you thought.

10.Mr Bush is the (delightful) person I have ever known.
11.Dick is the ( careful) of the three workers.

12.Is the book( interesting) than the one you read last week?
13. Gold is ( precious) than iron.

14.The weather today is ( warm) than the weather yesterday.
15.This film is not (good) as the one we saw last week.

16.Holidays are( pleasant) than working days.

17.Which is ( high) mountain in your country?
18. A house is ( strong) than a dog.

19. Robert is ( fat) than his brother.

20.The Pacific is ( large) ocean in the world.
<i>III. Viết lại câu sau, bắt đầu bằng các từ cho sẵn.</i>

1.Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees.
=> It’s ……….

2.The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.

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3. We were very busy at work today. We are not as busy as that every day.
=> We………
4. Jane cooks better than her sister.

=> Jane’s sister……….
5.Tom is the best football player in this team.

=> Nobody in this team………..

I- Hãy vi t hình th c so sánh h n v nh t c a các tính t sau:ế ứ ơ à ấ ủ ừ

<b>ADJ</b> <b>Hơn</b> <b>Nhất</b> <b>ADJ</b> <b>Hơn</b> <b>Nhất</b>

1- cheap cheaper The cheapest 7- long ... ...

2- fast ... ... 8- small ... ...
3- big ... ... 9- happy ... ...
4- short ... ... 10- old ... ...
5- good ... ... 11- hard ... ...
6- noisy ... ... 12- young ... ...
II- Cho t trái ngh a c a các t sau : ừ ĩ ủ ừ

1- black ... 11- noisy ...
2- heavy ... 12- young ...
3- strong ... 13- near ...
4- expensive ... 14- front ...
5- fat ... 15- busy ...
6- long ... 16- cold ...
7- big ... 17- left ...
8- late ... 18- full ...
9- wide ... 19- easy ...
10- good ... 20- tall ...
<b>III - Dùng so sánh hơn để viết những câu sau:</b>

Ex: Hue / small / Hanoi -> Hue is smaller than Hanoi.

1- My school / big / your school...
2- Lan / young / Hoa.-> ...

3- My father / old / my mother...
4- This ruler / long / that ruler...
5- This room / large / my room...
6- The boys / strong / the girls...
7- My house / tall / your house...
8- Nam / short / his sister...

<b>V- Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi:</b>

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7- That tree is higher than this tree. -> This tree is ……….
8- My shirt is older than your shirt. -> Your shirt is ………..
<b>IV- Cho dạng so sánh đúng của tính từ trong ngoặc: </b>

1- Rivers are (big)………. than lakes.
2- The Mekong river is (long)……….. than the Red river.

3- Everest is the (high)………. mountain in the world.
4- Hoa is the (short) ………girl in our class.

5- My mother is (old) ……….than my teacher.

6- The Amazon River is the (deep)……… river in the world

7- The Summer is the (hot)………. season in a year.
8- Nga and Lan are (short)……….. than Minh.

9- My mother is (young)……… than my father.
10- Ha Noi is (small)……….than Ho Chi Minh city.

11- This boy is (tall)………..than that boy.

12- A dictionary is (thick)……….. than a notebook.
13- The Great Wall is the (long) ……….structure in the world
14-Buildings are (high)……….. than houses.


